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global environmental legislation guide - National Marine ...

global environmental legislation guide - National Marine ...


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Directives 2000/76/EC Incineration of waste; 78/176/EC Waste from the titanium dioxideindustry (plus 2 other related directives); 2001/80/EC Large combustion plant directiverepealed with effect as of 1 January 2016.These directives will have not a direct effect or impact on neither the recreational marineindustry nor the superyacht industry.2. Review and implementation of Paints Directive/Product Directive (PD)2004/42/CEThe purpose of the directive (PD-2004/42/CE) is to limit emissions of Volatile OrganicCompounds (VOCs) due to the use of organic solvents in certain paints, varnishes and vehiclerefinishing products. The aim is to control the VOC content of certain paints, varnishes andvehicle refinishing products on the market. All products covered by the regulations must belabelled to indicate its volatile organic compound content. In summary, the directive isfocused on product based limitations of VOCs for the purpose of offsite activities.The review of the PD aims to complement national measures in order to ensure compliancewith the VOC emission ceilings as set out in Directive 2001/81/EC on national emissionceilings for certain atmospheric pollutants (“NEC Directive").The products covered by the Paints Directive are paints and varnishes applied to buildings,their trim, fittings and associated structures for decorative, functional and protectivereasons as well as products for vehicle refinishing.The Paints Directive requires that products placed on the market after 1 January 2007 andfalling under its scope does not exceed the VOC content limit values set out in Annex II. Forpaints and varnishes, stricter VOC limit values have been applied in a second phase since 1January 2010.Issues for the recreational marine and superyacht industries:ICOMIA was concerned that including the European recreational marine and superyachtindustries in the PD would prevent EU yards from maintaining their quality of finishedarticles.Thanks to the ICOMIA EURMIG lobbying in 2008/2009, the recreational marine andsuperyacht industries are excluded from the PD. The only remaining issue is wood coating,which is important for interior and furniture producers.Further actions• Transferring the marine related wood coating processes of the PD to the SED/IPPC• New thresholds expected for wood coating within SED/IPPC3. EU Directive on <strong>National</strong> Emission Ceilings (NEC) 2001/81/ECThe NEC Directive sets upper limits for each member state for the total emissions in 2010 ofthe four pollutants responsible for acidification, eutrophication and ground-level ozone11

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