A beel thicky infested with water hyacinth

A beel thicky infested with water hyacinth

A beel thicky infested with water hyacinth


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OF BEELS<br />

IN ASSAM<br />

Central Inland Captun, Fisheries Research Instituta Barrackpore

Ecology and Fisheries of Beels<br />

in Assam<br />

Bull. No.104 November 2000<br />

Central Inland Capture Fisheries Research Institute<br />

(Indian council of Agricultural Research)<br />

Barrackpore-743 101 West Bengal

Ecology and fisheries of <strong>beel</strong>s in Assam<br />

hdufrr.rol conrornrd rrr lhr, 8ull~~rrrr mrrv nor hr repro(l~r~rri m any form<br />

H I ~ ~ O N(he I pcrmrJ.\rov (!f rhc puhlr.\hrr<br />

( 'omp~ned at The Project Monitoring &<br />

Documentation Sectlon<br />

CIFRI. Barrackpore<br />

Ars~rtatr~c Scfall B~swas<br />

( o\rr dcs~gn P 1)asgupla<br />

Photographs V t Sugunan<br />

Publ~.ihcd<br />

by The Dlreclor, CIFRI, Barrackpore<br />

Prrnted st M'S Topans Prlvatc Ltd<br />

8 1 Dr B~rrsh Guha Smet<br />


Fore word<br />

The State of hsam is endowed <strong>with</strong> copious aquatlc wealth tn the form of beek.<br />

swamos. ~onds and nv-. which bear rich DOtWIhal for Inland fish wodcllon Nevertheless. the<br />

Stale'sllll has a defctt of fish productm io the tune of 1 5 lakh t per year The floodplatn<br />

wetlands (beeis]. extending over one lakh ha, mstltute me most Important flshery resource of<br />

the State The tnvestlaatlons camed out bv the Central Inland Caolure Ftsherles Research<br />

lnstltute (CIFRI) have &ved mat the beefs &n produce much more fish than what they do at<br />

present Lack of technical adv~ce on utilization of this resource for fishery development has been<br />

one of the reasons for low vHtlds ClFRl has been investiaatlna the ecoloa~cal characlertst~cs<br />

of me beets of Assam tor me last two -es wtm a vlew I; develop guldelties for lhew Itsher).<br />

management Based on these extensive lnvestlgatlons some new Isghls nave beer) thrown on<br />

he ecology and fishery polenttal of the <strong>beel</strong>s of Assam<br />

The lnstrtule has also been able to develop some broad gutdellnes for the management<br />

of culture-based and caDture fisherms of me beeh, whlch have been Dresented In th~s bulletln<br />

~b~t~re-baseo fssnery isc~~nates subslantsal tncrease In fish y.ela and productton wtltl rn nmtr<br />

monetary gnputs and environmental damage Development of heel fnsher es on the bass of<br />

culture-based fisheries IS also s~gnlfcant from a soclo-econom~c potnt of vtew Most of them are<br />

common properly resources managed under mperallve fold Thus beneftts accrued from the<br />

$"creased productlvlty 8s equttably d~strlbuted among the f~shers<br />

Thts bellettn IS the first ever anempt to provlde sc~entiflc advlce on ftshery management<br />

of flwdplatn wetlands of Assam, based on sc~enttfic prlnctples Even though tt 15 not posslble<br />

to develoD tectmoloQv -. packages for f~shery manaaemenl of <strong>beel</strong>s due to many reasons Ihe<br />

formalwe gundelmes presenlW In thls commun#catlon are adequate lo aclr,eve sdbstantfdt<br />

Increase In ytead an0 product~on from beets Tne team of CtFR, sclentlsts under tne leadel Sntp<br />

of Dr V V Sugunan has done a commendable job In collecttng data from the <strong>beel</strong>s of Assam<br />

under vanous wnstralnts and analyzlog them to develop some very useful guldeltnes I trust lhls<br />

builet~n apart from bang a very useful reference materlal for the beet managers, wlll go a long<br />

way In lncreastng the lnland fish productton In the Slate of Assam<br />

M. Sinha<br />


Project participants<br />

V-V, Sugunan 8;Z<br />

B.K. Bhattachama


Importance of <strong>beel</strong>s<br />


Floodpla~ns<br />

Wetlands<br />


Geornorphology<br />

Or~gln of floodplain wetlands<br />

Class~ficatlon of floodplain wetlandsl<strong>beel</strong>s<br />



Morphometry and hydrodynam~cs<br />

Physico-chemical properties<br />

B~ologlcal characterlsttcs<br />


So11 qual~ty<br />

Water quallly<br />

BIO~IC cornrnunlttes<br />


Prrmary productlvlty<br />

Frsh yteld potentla1<br />


F~sh fauna<br />

Flshery status of the floodplain wetlands of Assarn<br />

FIS~ yteld<br />

Flsh~ng act~vlttes In dfferent types of <strong>beel</strong>s<br />

Flsh speces cornposltlon<br />



Culture-based Rsherles and enhancement<br />

Community rnetabollsrn<br />

Culture-based fishertes of the closed <strong>beel</strong>s<br />

Capture hsherles of the open <strong>beel</strong>s<br />

Culture and capture systems<br />

F tshery 0p:ions


lndia has extensive floodplain wetlands, defined as low-lying areas bordcnng<br />

large nvers, which are seasonally inundated by the overspill from the main rlvcr<br />

channel. These wetlands are an integral component of the Ganga and the Hrahmaputra<br />

river basins, covering an area of 0.2 million hectares. They also ex~st in Manipur and<br />

Tripura as well as in the foothills of Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya They can he<br />

typical ox-bow lakes (I. e cut off portions of river meander bends), slouylis. mcandcr<br />

scroll depressions, back swamps, residual channels or tectonic dcprcsslons, thougll it IS<br />

often difiicult to establish their ldentity due to natural and man-made n~od~fications to<br />

the environment. These <strong>water</strong> bodies are locally known as heels (Assani. Wcst Rcngal.<br />

Arunachal Pradesh. Meghalaya and Tr~pura) mrrun, chrrtrrs and (lhrrr.~ (Rihar). /,or\<br />

(Manipur), chorhu~ and boars (northern and south-eastern West Rengal respect~vcly)<br />

Floodplain wetlands form an Important fishery resource in these statcs and thousands of<br />

poor fishermen are dependent on these <strong>water</strong> bodies for their livelihood. The niagn~tudc<br />

of their distribution and potentlal as a fishery resource in different states can he sccn<br />

from Table 1<br />

Table 1. Distribution of floodplain wetlands in lndia<br />

I State / Dlrtrlbutlon I Rlvcr Barln<br />

I<br />

! Arunachirl<br />

i Pradcsh<br />

I Assan?<br />

I<br />

R~har<br />

I Manlpur<br />

I Mcghdulaya<br />

Trlplra<br />

West Eagd<br />

1<br />

I<br />

1 Total<br />

(disrrM-wlu)<br />

tar1 kameng. Loucr Subanr~ri.<br />

tur Snng, Dtbang \alley. I.oh(l.<br />

Chdnglanp & Tvap<br />

Brahmvpulra & Barsk valley<br />

dtslr!Cts<br />

Saran. Champaran. Saharra.<br />

Uu,rffarpur. Dsrbhmga,<br />

Monghyr & Porncn<br />

Irnphal, Thoubal & B~rhnuplr<br />

Wnl Khw htlls and Wca Ciaro<br />

hlllr<br />

Nonh. South & Wcn Trtpura<br />

diar~crs<br />

24-Parganu North k South.<br />

Hooghly, hadla. Murrhdabad,<br />

Maldnh, C wh Bchu. Uurdwm.<br />

\onh & South Dmsjporc and<br />

W~dnapre<br />

- -<br />

Kammg. Submrtr~. Dobang,<br />

I.oh>i. L>nhtng & I'lrap<br />

Rrahmnputra & Rarak<br />

(~rndak & Kuv<br />

Iral. Imphal & lhaubal<br />

Someshuarl & Jln,~rrm<br />

Cum11<br />

Hmghly. Ichhamat~.<br />

Bhay~rath~. ('hurni. Ksl!ndl.<br />

Dharub, Dhiuala. Pagla.<br />

Islany, Rchula. Torrr and<br />

llecl<br />

Reel<br />

-<br />

Mdun (.hau,<br />

& l lhar<br />

Pal<br />

Uccl<br />

Reel<br />

Bccl Charha<br />

& f3aor<br />

Ih8)<br />

2.500<br />

I Ill) OlUl<br />

- 4lnllul<br />

--<br />

Ib.5lHI<br />

211<br />

5iH)<br />


In Irld~a. the State of Assam has the maximum number and <strong>water</strong> area under<br />

Ilot~tlpla~~i uctlands, malnly assoc~ated wlth the nvers Brahmaputra and Barak. Locally<br />

~IIOWII 'IS heels, they arc n~ostly oxbow lakes, backswamps or tectonlc depressions The<br />

prudonliruancc of lloodplaln wetlands In Brahmaputra basin 1s attributed to the oftcll,lng~ng<br />

course of rivers and thelr tr~butar~es In the upper stretches. The Fiver<br />

14r.1l~1nirp~1lra passes through 'ones of acute seismic actlvlly. Frequent earthquakes due<br />

to crustal lnstahility Induce local and sudden shifts in basement levels Th~s coupled<br />

u~th Iicavy dlschargc of <strong>water</strong> trlggers the process of meander cutoffs leading to<br />

formitt~on of oxhow lakes Tecton~c depress~ons are also formed due to eanhquakes.<br />

S~clrilarly, thc Brahmaputra is prone to frequent and heavy floods, which break the<br />

Ic\ccs Ic;ldlt~g to fbrmation of back swamps and sloughs. Assam has 1.392 <strong>beel</strong>s spread<br />

ovcr niorc than 100.000 ha. Th~s lncludes 322 on the river Barak In the d~str~cts of<br />

Ila~ldkand~. Kar~mganj and Cachar <strong>with</strong> a uater spread of 8,000 ha. Total area of <strong>beel</strong>s<br />

;~~sociatcd wlth tlic river Brahmaputra and its tributaries in Assani is estimated at 0Z.OOO<br />

ha<br />

Assall1 occup~cs an area of 78.338 km', the two important physlcal reglons of<br />

the S~i~tc Jrc tlic Oarilk \alley (6.062 kn" dr~d tile Brahmaputra \alley \50.349 krn') 7'hc<br />

:.orlo kni 1011g rI\cr Wralilnaputra entcrs tllc statc through the riorthcas!cnl distric! of<br />

l~~ilii~k~;~<br />

;it iiti cIe\at~on of' Inore than hOO ni ahovc MSI- and passes Iongltud~nall)<br />

tl~~oi~gli IIIC \allc? ( 150 In ahovc MSl.) hcfore enrerlng Banglsdcsh through Dhuhr~<br />

tl~str~st lllc \bllolc northcrn pan of the State is bordered by t11rnala)an h~lls. ranging III<br />

hc~ght hct\\ccn 150 and 600 m above MSL. (aid sometlmcs between 600 and 1350 m<br />

MSI ) 'l'ticsc li~lls give nse to nuny fast flowing rivulets flowing downwards and<br />

~ilt~tiii~icly lncctlng Brahmaputra. Mik~r and Rengma hills. located centrally at the<br />

clcviition of 150 to 1350 m are the ongln of many streams. North Cachar hills and Boral<br />

rallgc (at .I relatively low elevat~on of 150 to 600 m above MSL) IS the source of Barak<br />

Ilvcr system l'hcsc two river systems form a network of as 111any as 33 major<br />

trlhut.lrlcs. Altogether, there arc 121 streams including distributaries (Fig. 1 )<br />

'fhc State rccetves one of the h~yhest rainfall in the world ranging between 178<br />

.rnJ 705 ern. In some places exceeding 400 cm. Soil character~st~cs of the regton IS<br />

clo~n~r~atctl h! old alluvial types, however, areas along the bank of nver Brahn~aputra<br />

p;~rt~r~~l;~rly 111 the lower reaches the soil is recent alluvial. Areas adjacent to Mik~r h~lls.<br />

Kariglnd Iillls illid North Cachar are character~zed by either red loam or laterite soil.<br />

Forcst co\cr of the State esttmated to be approximately 26%. most of which are<br />

e\crgrccn fcircs1s. wet grass lands and dry grass lands.

Importance of <strong>beel</strong>s<br />

If managed along sc~ent~fic lrnes. fish product~on rn heels can he Increased<br />

s~jin~licantl) 13es1des. man) of the closed <strong>beel</strong>s (which are cut-off froni the rller<br />

cc~ursc) arc III a translent phase of thc~r evolution Into marshlands. Such <strong>water</strong> bodies.<br />

aparl Srorn iittract~ng n~~yratory and resident watcrfowls. support a r~ch faunist~c<br />

d~vcrsity In rhc ti~rnl of plankton. macrophytes, henth~c organisms. Insects and other<br />

macrophytc assoelated buna as well as a rich varlety ofa~r-hreath~ng and small s~/ed<br />

fishcs. sor11c of uhich arc thrcatcrlctl ones. Thus, conservat~on of these dynamic and<br />

pruJiict~\c hdhllata has hccomc nec:csriary for rn rrru consematton of threatened aquatlc<br />

spcctcs~rt~cluil~i~p fishes and uatcrfowls In add~tlon. the beds also regulate thc uater<br />

rcglrnc arid rliltrlcrlt c~charigc and act as natural filters liowever, a comh~nat~on of tlic<br />

prow"c\ 01' river hctl crolut~on irnd the cfl'ects of. cxtensi\e flood control drrd<br />

irri~;i~tor~ works Iiabe rctlucei1 thr fish prcldtrct~on of many heels through silt;111on.<br />

11a011~11 destru~t~ot~. illacrophytc ~nfestat~on and ~solat~orl from the seasonal 1lot)ds<br />

rcatrrctlng cntr? of rlvcrlnc fish stocks. .fhc floodplains <strong>with</strong> lhe~r assoc~atetl IC~IIL,<br />

iv,ltcr hotl~es ,ire cssent~ally ;I contlnuurn of the rlkers, ind~scr~ni~nate kill~ng Oi hr-ood<br />

;ind ~tt\i'n~lc ti\llcs of comnitrctal species durmg the hrcedlng and recrultmcnt se;isons<br />

II,I~~! I~dnlpcr\ 111~. prolluct~on 111 the lake as \+ell ;IS In t h ri\ers ~ Thus. there I\ a11<br />

II~~CIII IICC~ lo Iorir~~ili~~c sour111 17iariagcnient norms for strstairlahlc de\el~lpnlcirr ar~d<br />

O~NIIII.~~ ~t111i/.tt1011 111 ~hc heels Lccprng In \ic\r the conscr\atron of the produc~~> c alld<br />

~!.II.III~IC CCO~~\ICIII H h~lc incrcasii~g their fish productton to opttmal le\cls<br />

Floodplains<br />

1'11~. lI(~t)dj)l;iit~s iire c~tllcr pcnnancnt or terilporary uater bodies assoc~atcd H it11<br />

rl\crs ttlirt constantly shill thc~r hds especially in thc po~arnon rcplmes. The frequency<br />

uitll \\IIIc~ a rI\.cr changes ~ts course depends on a number of var~ables l~kc flow<br />

\elocrty, ~cd~nlc~lt transporratlon rate. slope, channel pattern, <strong>water</strong> and sedrment y~cld.<br />

amour11 and durat~on of prec~p~tation ovcr the catchment area, texture and lithology of<br />

so11. IC~IOIIIC SIQ~LIS. and so on.

Accordlng to Leopold er a1 (1964). a typical floodplain will include thc following:<br />

1) The nver channel<br />

rr) Or-bows or ox-bow lakes ~hci, rrprc.sc.nr rhc, cur-qffporrrorr ri/ rrrc*irtit/t~r<br />

rr1,r.r T11z.v~. urz, ustctrlh. .rt~rpc~ttrrtrc or horse-shr~c. shrlpc~tl<br />

hctli/\ t// (1<br />

:rr/ Point hars 7h~t.7~2 urc locr of tle/~osrrrntt on /he corn,t>~ .rrtlc of ccrr?,c*.\ 111 rlrc. e~lrtrr~rrt.l<br />

11, Mca~ider scrolls I)rprt~s.~iorr.t trnd rrses 011 rlcc c-orrrrcp.i srrlc~s I!/ Ac.~rel.r fi~vt?~~.tl II.\ rhc~<br />

c.htrirrrc~/ mrgrirfcs lorcrctll~. tlontl \~rlllc:\, 151, rhc rrosron o/ fhc, c.iiri ~/~e,/lociilplurt~ .sur/trt~c, ctrlltrc~r~r~t ro rlrt,<br />

I hirrrttcl. ir.srr~rlI1~ t.ot~/trrrr~tig c.otrrso. mtr/c~rrul.\ cicposc~rcl<br />

o/ tire, [,hLrrrrre/ htrriks Tlrc>se trrc rnosrJrcqrcc~rr~l~~/u~~~~~I<br />

cr/ //I

6) The standing <strong>water</strong> (Ientic component): Receding floods leave permanent or semi-<br />

permanent standing <strong>water</strong>s in the form of sloughs, meander scroll depression. back<br />

swamps or the residual channel (ox-bow lakes). These <strong>water</strong> bodies expand or<br />

contract in area according to annual flood cycle and tend to merge into a continuous<br />

sheet or <strong>water</strong> covering the whole plain during the highest floods.<br />

Wetlands<br />

Thc Ramsar convention ( 197 I) defined wetlands as Areus of rntr~sh, jejr, pc~t<br />

Iund or et~rro, whi,lhcr tro~urc~l or crrriljciul, pcrmunenl or rcmporury, wrrh wurer whrch<br />

is srurrc. or flowrng. frcsh, hruckrsh or sulr ~r~clrrdrng urcus of morrne wurer.7, the clcprh<br />

q/' wl~rclt LII low ildt docs nor acecd nitte merres. Thus, wetland embraccs a board<br />

category of <strong>water</strong> bod~cs. wh~ch lncludes riverine floodplains, swamps. marshcs.<br />

estuaries. back<strong>water</strong>s. lagoons. and so on.<br />

The heels, or floodpla~n wetlands usually represent the lent~c component of<br />

floodpla~ns vr; . ox-bow lakes, sloughs, meander scroll depressions, residual channels<br />

and the back swamps and excludes the lotic component (the maln river channels. the<br />

levee reglon and the flats). In addition, tectonic depress~ons located In river hastns arc<br />

also included under heels. Thus, all the wetland formations located at the floodplains<br />

can he tcrn~cd as bcels. l'hcy are either shallou depressions or dead riverbeds generally<br />

connected tir the pr~nc~pal rlvers andor receive backflow <strong>water</strong> from the rivers dur~ns<br />

floods or fronr the huge catchnicnt area followir~g monsoon ram.<br />


Ceomorphology<br />

The floodplain wctlands are an integral component of the Ganga and the<br />

Brahmaputra basins. The Indo-Gangetic Plains are situated between the southern<br />

peninsula (oldest land mass in the Indian sub-continent) and the extra peninsular<br />

Himalayas in the north. The Himalayan mountains are comparatively of recent (tertiary)<br />

origin and are disturbed by earth movement, as evident from the rocks being folded.<br />

faulted. ova thrust and even carried over some distance as thrust sheets. The plains<br />

occupy the depression in the earth's crust between these two elevated regions. Here, the

sediments are of recent origin and largely consist of silt which can he easily emded.<br />

The Indo-Gangetic alluvial tracts, especially in the northeast, are also geologically<br />

unstable and experience ehquakes of varying intensities from time to time. 'Two<br />

devastating earthquakes occumed in the northeast during 1897 and 1950.<br />

Origin of floodplain wetlands<br />

The lithololgy, yeological structure. tectonic status. seasonal variation In rlvcr<br />

discharge and flow characteristics, largely deterniinc thc formation of the Iluodpla~n<br />

wetlands. The heels of the country owe their orig~n eithcr to the ofic~~ changing course<br />

of rivers in the potamonic stretches or lo tectonic adjustment.<br />

In the northern pan of Bihar and Wcst Bengal its also In Assam. tlic rl\crs<br />

cmcrglng from the central and easten) Htmalayas suddcrtly debouch into tlic plains .~ntl<br />

ultimately flou down as the river Ganga, Brahmaputra and Barak. Tliesc rl\ crs c;~r.l-\<br />

heavy loads of silt and dctritus from the Himalayas and ovcrflo~ dur~ng the sotrtt~ucsl<br />

monsoon season submerging huge tracts of lands every ycar. Ihesc rl\crs changc 111~1r<br />

course vcry oncn creatlng numerous floodpla~n lakes ;ind bralded channels. nia~til! 111<br />

the forni ol'ox-ho\*. lakes. In delta~c Wcst Bengal. due to low gradielit and h~gli rl\crltlc<br />

d~scharge dur~ng Ihc monsoon season. rccha~incl~sat~on of rivers occurs at tlic sl~glltcsi<br />

ob~t~ctlon to flow. resulting in creation of heels of varicd typcs. In thc n~rthc~~sl<br />

(Assam. f~iotli~lls of Arunaclial Pradesh arid Meghalaya), frequent cartltquahcs cuuplcd<br />

w~th heavy ramfall and cuttlng actlon of rlver meanders havc rcsultcd 111 thc Ibnlii~t~O~l<br />

of typical ox-bow lakes, lake-like becis or true tccto~tlc deprcsslons. 'Shc Ilnrs 01<br />

Van~pur owe thetr orlgin mainly to the cutting actlon of the stream nlcandcrs.<br />

Classification of floodplain wetlands/<strong>beel</strong>s<br />

S~nce the floodpla~n wetlands ~n~lude low lying udter bodlcs ul d~versc orlglrt<br />

SIL~, shape. depth, ~nundat~on pattern, ecologtcal charilc~enst~cs, err many dttcmpts<br />

havc been made to classify them according to these cr~terld Somc of thew<br />

class~ficat~ons are glren below

I) Ox-bow lakes : These are cut of portion of river meanders. The basins are<br />

relatively narrow, long, deep and have either bmt or straight shapes. They<br />

derive the name from their shape, which is usually horse-shoe shaped, cmcent<br />

shaped or serpentine. They receive wata from the parent river through the old<br />

channel or neighbouring catchment areas .<br />

11) Lake-like wetland: These are wide and shallow <strong>with</strong> irregular contours. They<br />

may be connected to the river through channels or receive wata from it during<br />

floods. During the mown season, the entire neighboring area gets flooded.<br />

turning the <strong>beel</strong> into a vast sheet of <strong>water</strong> whenas during non-monsoon seasons<br />

the <strong>water</strong> spread area shrinks to the basin proper.<br />

rlr) True tectonic dcpress~ons : 'These are created by tectonic act~vit~es l~ke<br />

canhquakes and usually resemble natural lakes <strong>with</strong> regular contours. Normally.<br />

they are not connected to riven through connecting channels but may recelve<br />

<strong>water</strong> from the latter during floods. Such tectonic wetlands are common in thc<br />

northeastern region (e. g. Chanddubi <strong>beel</strong> in Assarn)<br />

119 Meteorite lake: These are created by the impact of fall of a meteorite on earth.<br />

Such heels have regular, nearly oval shape and abnormally high banks on all<br />

sides, which, according to geologists, can be created when the left over portion<br />

of a large meteorite h~ts the earth. The morphometric features of the brcls are<br />

similar to those of volcanic lakes. except for the fact that they are located in the<br />

plains and are very shallow.<br />

Clussiljcurton based on woler rerenrrvm<br />

I) Seasonal <strong>beel</strong>s: These are shallow floodplain wetlands, which periodically pet<br />

inundated by monsoon rains and floods but completely dry up during summer<br />

months.<br />

ir) Perennial <strong>beel</strong>s: Deeper and permanent <strong>beel</strong>s, which retain <strong>water</strong> round the year.

Clossrjicafion based on depth<br />

i) Shallow <strong>beel</strong>s: Beels having maximum depth up to 5 metres.<br />

il) Medium deep <strong>beel</strong>s : Bcels. which have maximum <strong>water</strong> in the range of 5 to 10<br />

metres.<br />

I~I) Deep <strong>beel</strong>s : Beels having maximum depth of over 10 metres<br />

I) Small <strong>beel</strong>s : Efl'ect~ve area less than 100 hectares<br />

i ~ ) Medium <strong>beel</strong>s : Effective area I00 to 500 hectares<br />

11i) Largc heel . Effective area more than 500 hectares<br />

Ox-bou shaped. crescenr shaped. serpentine, oval, irregular braided channels. ctc<br />

In\estlyat~ons on floodplain wetlands of West Rengal carrted out hq ClFKl for<br />

the Idst decade and A half tndlcate that <strong>water</strong> res~dence and renewal ttme as well as the<br />

extent of nlacrophvtc lntestation are the two most Imponant factors affecting thew<br />

ecology and fisheries In <strong>beel</strong>s that retarn rlvenne connecttons, the continuous <strong>water</strong><br />

exchange affects the nutnent ~npur-output ratlo While this adversely affects the<br />

btologteal productlv~ty of the ecosystem, rt helps rn delaytng eutrophtcatlon process<br />

Raptd <strong>water</strong> rtmewal also helps In breaktng the thermal stratrficalton. rf any, In deep<br />

heel. whtch IS benelicral for nutrlent recycling and gaseous exchange At the same tlme.<br />

continuous Hater flow does not allow the plankton speclcs to stahtltze. resulting in<br />

lower plankton dens~ty and pnmary productton rates tn such heels S~m~larly, aquattc<br />

macrophytes use up large chunks of plant nutrients, thus maklng them unava~lahle for<br />

the growth of phytoplankton (Phytoplankton IS a better prlmary producer than<br />

macrophytes tn heels for efficient conversion of energy) The aquallc weeds also render

operatton of fishing gear difficult. Thus, the following hvo ecological class~fications<br />

using these two characteristics are much more relevant from the ecological and fisheries<br />

point of view than the previously discussed ones and will be largely followed in this<br />

treatise.<br />

Clclrsrjiration based on rrvertne connection<br />

i) Opcn bcels : These bcels retain continuity <strong>with</strong> the parent riven either for the whole<br />

year or at least dunng the rainy season. Such btels have continuous exchange of <strong>water</strong><br />

as well as fish fauna <strong>with</strong> the parent river.<br />

ii) Closed btels : These bcels are completely cut-off from the nearby rivers and receive<br />

<strong>water</strong> mostly from their catchment areas following monsoon rains or dwing high flood.<br />

In recent years, nverine embankments constructed to prevent floods have converted<br />

many open <strong>beel</strong>s into closed ones by blocking the rivcrine connections.<br />

C'lusstfificufion bused on fhe exienr of rnacroph,vte infestiuiron.<br />

I)<br />

ii)<br />

Weed choked bcels: A <strong>beel</strong> can be considered as weed choked when more than<br />

50% of the total <strong>water</strong> spread area is covered by aquatic macrophytes.<br />

Moderately weed <strong>infested</strong> <strong>beel</strong>s: A bcel can be considered as moderately weed<br />

<strong>infested</strong> when less than 50% of the total <strong>water</strong> spread area is covered by aquatic<br />

macrophytes.<br />


The State has extensive fresh<strong>water</strong> resource wilh huge potential for fisheries<br />

devcloprnmt (Table 2). The floodplain lakes arc a conspicuous feature of both the<br />

Brahmaputra and the Barak valleys in Assam. Thm are about 1392 enlisted <strong>beel</strong>s in<br />

Assam (Table 3) of which 423 are registered and the remaining 969 are un-registered<br />

and under the control of both government (505) and private ownership (464). Together.<br />

these <strong>beel</strong>s occupy M area of 1,00,000 ha constituting approximately 61% of the total<br />

lentic <strong>water</strong> bodies of the State. if properly managed in scientific lines, these <strong>water</strong><br />

bodies can play a pivotal role in boosting nual economy in addition to ground <strong>water</strong><br />

recharge and flood control.

Tabk 2 Fishery resources of Assam<br />

1 Resource Area ]<br />

Rivcrine (km)<br />

I<br />

5500<br />

Ponds (ha) I 51000<br />

Reservotr (ha) I 1500<br />

Swarn~s and low lvtnn , areas (ha) I .d . , ,<br />

Total (ha) 1<br />

10000<br />

368500<br />

Table 3. Beel fisheries resource under different categories in Assam<br />

' Catwow I Number I Area (ha) I Condition<br />

-<br />

1 Good I .Semi-derelirr I D(~rt1ic.r<br />

Ree~stered 1 423 1 40.000 110.000 1 15.000 1 35,000<br />

, Unreg~stered 1 969 1 60,000 1 Ntl I 10.000 1 30.000<br />

' Total ] 1,392 [ 100,000 1 10,000 1 25.000 1 65.000<br />

Three types of <strong>beel</strong>s are found in Assam I~I;., 0.r-bow lake gpr, ltrkc !,pee and<br />

(rue rcctonrc dcprcss~ons. Ox-bow <strong>beel</strong>s are cut-off portions of river nleanders or dcad<br />

rivulet courses. Many of them are connected <strong>with</strong> the main rivers through channels.<br />

Ox-bo~ becis are relatively narrow, long and either bent or serpentine in shape. Lakclike<br />

<strong>beel</strong>s arc wtde. shallow and Irregular in contour. Thcy are also cannectcd to rivcrs<br />

through channels and receive <strong>water</strong> from them.<br />

The <strong>beel</strong>s In Brahrnaputra basin are situated along the floodplains of rlvcrs<br />

D~bru. Bundih~ng, Dtshang, Dikhow. Jhanji, Kakodonga, Dhansiri, Sonat. Kapili.<br />

Kallong and Kulsi on the South bank and Dlhang. Mora, Jiadhal, Subansiri. Kantcny.<br />

Dhansiri. Ponternari, Pagladia. Manas. Aai, Champabatt and Saralbhanga on the North<br />

bank. In Barak valley, the <strong>beel</strong>s are s~tuated along the rivers Barak, Sonai. Sushma,<br />

Dhaleswan and Longai. In Brhaputra valley. 342 <strong>beel</strong>s are located tn Central Assam<br />

covering an area of 31,080 ha (approx.) followed by lower Assarn (352) and upper<br />

Assam (376) <strong>with</strong> <strong>water</strong> spread of approximately 29.0(m ha and 23,000 ha (approx.)<br />

respectively. On the other hand there are about 322 heels <strong>with</strong> <strong>water</strong> cover of 8000 ha in<br />

three districts of Barak valley (Table 4).

Tabk 4. DhMbuUon of bcclr la tbe river valleys of h m<br />

lheuDbMLt( I Rlvu B.dlll I No. d &cb I Am.(br)<br />

Uppr An8m<br />

T1nrukt4c) I Lohtl, Dtbru, Dbla, Dtngnn, Bundrhoag. DumduM 1 17<br />

mbrusuh(a) ] Bundthong. Dtbru, Snur 1 21<br />

Stbwgar(~) I Dtmow, Dahng, Dkhow. Jhanjl, Dsnlu. T& TIU. 1 54<br />

JohNr)<br />

(;olrgh.r(r)<br />

Nundaq<br />

I~MJI. Ted. Dlshot. Kakodonga<br />

Kakodonga, Dbnshtn. Dtflu.<br />

1<br />

1<br />

63<br />

68<br />

(iollpar.(S)<br />

Nolburc(N)<br />

Barpch(N)<br />

Shibang<br />

Knshna~ Balbsla. Ihdhna~<br />

Pugladla. Tthu, DPmha<br />

Monmmru~. Ksmkhowa, Kaladlya. Bhelengt.<br />

23.000<br />

ClFRl has conducted a swey of <strong>beel</strong>s in Assam during 1994 to 1998. During<br />

this period, 58 <strong>beel</strong>s representing Upper Assam ( 25 ). Central Assam ( 12 ), Lower<br />

Assarn (1 1) and Barak valley (I0 ) were c ovd under the study (Table 5, Fig. 2).<br />

45<br />

48<br />

75<br />


Tabk 5. Beeb Surveyed by ClFRl

Table S ronfd. ... . ....<br />

/an& M~trirls Rlvtr Barlns Name of &Is I Arcr(hr.)<br />

I I I<br />

Lowt,r 4 rmm I<br />

-<br />

(,oripara(S)<br />

\alhurl( N)<br />

-<br />

Ruq'ctalh')<br />

lhtr(~A .S~~~/vtr~<br />

Kr~shna~, Balhaln. Dudhnr~<br />

Psgladu.l~hu. Haral~n. Cihograond<br />

Murmuna~ Karokhoud Kaiad~ya Llheleng~<br />

('haulkhoun<br />

Sclrclo<br />

Tamranga<br />

Ghognjan<br />

Sorhajan<br />

Morswulkhowa<br />

Kapla<br />

Chutkapla<br />

Tahha<br />

Alpajan<br />

Cucbar Ildrak. S~II~I. Hukni~ Kaptanpur<br />

Bawkand~<br />

Kar~rnyanj<br />

Dholcswar~<br />

I ongal<br />


Botka<br />

Sonc<br />

Sakr~ty<br />

Howdcr<br />

30<br />

?50<br />

Bcel is a highly productive ecosystem which can effectively convert the solar<br />

ericrgy into or~anic carbon in the presence of rich nutrients available from natural<br />

sources. Investigations carried out by CIFRl have brought to light exceptionally high<br />

rate of primary productivity through macrophyte and plankton phases from floodplain<br />

wetlands which arc many time higher than those reported from other inland open <strong>water</strong><br />

ecosystems. By manipulating the biotic communities present in the system. the high rate<br />

of organic productivity a! the primary producer level can be channeled to higher trophic<br />

levels to achieve protein harvest in the form of fish flesh. Thus, growing fish in beck is<br />

130<br />

1<br />

'300 I<br />

IS<br />

10 I<br />

I7<br />

3458<br />

I5<br />


an effective way of using natural resources for the beamnmt of man. However, the<br />

ecosystem processes in open wata bodies me usually vay complex due to the<br />

interaction of an array of physical, chanical and biological processes. Since the<br />

synergistic effect of these factors influence the dynamics of biotic communities living in<br />

these <strong>water</strong> bodies and govern the rate of output of harvestable biological material, it is<br />

oRen dlficult to link their fish production potential <strong>with</strong> any particular ecological<br />

parameters. The <strong>beel</strong> ecosystem is extraordinarily complex <strong>with</strong> wide temporal and<br />

spat~al variations of many key pmeters. Among the various factors that influence the<br />

wetland ecosystem arc depth, nature of catchment area or river basin, precipitation and<br />

duration of connection to river etc.<br />

Ecosystem processes in a <strong>beel</strong> is determined by a number of factors which can be<br />

brought under three broad heads<br />

Morphometry and hydrodynamics<br />

8 Physico-chemical properties, and<br />

b~ological characteristics<br />

Morphometry and hydrodynamics<br />

The main morphometric features that influence the productivity of <strong>beel</strong><br />

ecosystem are shoreline. area, dcpth and slope. These, in turn, are closely linked <strong>with</strong><br />

the hydrodynamics of wetlands. Water renewal pattern is often modified by a number of<br />

natural and man-made processes. The important morphometric and hydrodynamic<br />

characteristics of different <strong>beel</strong>s scattered over Brahmaputra and Barak valley, studied<br />

by CIFRI over the last few years, are described below:<br />

Therc are thm main sources of <strong>water</strong> input into the <strong>beel</strong> ecosystem vr:. owrsp~ll<br />

from [he river channel, sut$ace/low and regeneration. Since the state of Assam receives<br />

one of the highest rainfalls in the world, the former two arc responsible for <strong>water</strong><br />

renewal in the <strong>beel</strong>s in this State. Rainfall directly fills the lake or rain on the riverine<br />

catchment feeds the parent river. Surface w-off and incnsse in river height due to<br />

inflow of rain <strong>water</strong> from the upper stretch, cause inundation of the floodplains. often<br />

causing resumption of connection between <strong>beel</strong>s and parent rivers. The <strong>water</strong> gain or<br />

exchange of wata in Assam takes plnce during southwest monsoon when the

floodplains an flooded. Lakelike <strong>beel</strong>s, through their connecting channels, exchange<br />

<strong>water</strong> throughout the year. Water flow into the lake md draining of excess <strong>water</strong> from<br />

the lake take place through the same channel. Permanently closed bctls receive ufater<br />

through rainfall and surface run-off. Thus, flood is the main source of these <strong>water</strong> for<br />

the <strong>beel</strong>s.<br />

After recession of flood, <strong>water</strong> level in the river decreases snapping the <strong>beel</strong>'s<br />

connection <strong>with</strong> the river. The <strong>beel</strong> gets dried up through evapo-transpiration and<br />

seepage. In some places, people practise robi crop on the banks by extracting <strong>water</strong><br />

from the <strong>beel</strong>. The wata loss by various means causes shrinkage of the effective <strong>water</strong><br />

area and lowering of depth in the lake. Consequently, the fluviatile nature of the system<br />

is transformed into a lentic and stagnant <strong>water</strong> body till next flood~ng. Th~s seasonal<br />

change from a lotic condition to lentic and vice versa bestows the <strong>beel</strong>s ~ts unlque<br />

character.<br />

Pbysico-cbemical properties<br />

Water flow plays a vital role in nutrient dynamics and aquatlc product~v~ty<br />

through transport of nutrients to the organisms and removal of waste Sim~larly.<br />

temperature. wh~ch effects all life processes, includ~ng growth rates. Ilk cyclcs and<br />

overall productivity of the entire system 1s a key physical variable. The flood <strong>water</strong> and<br />

surface run-off carry huge load of silt and allochthonous organic matter which render<br />

<strong>water</strong> turbid, preventing light penetration. After the monsoons, when the system<br />

becomes lent~c and stagnant, the silt starts settling making the <strong>water</strong> more transparent to<br />

facilitate light penetration. This Increases effective photosynthetic zone mak~ng the<br />

system more productive. Man-made changes in the lake morphometry in the form of<br />

<strong>water</strong> abstract~on. embankments and nver train~ng have created rad~cal changes ~n<br />

hydrodynamics <strong>with</strong> far reaching implications on organic productivity.<br />

The crystdization process which influences the chemical composition of <strong>beel</strong><br />

<strong>water</strong> depends on a variety of complex factors. However, three basic mechanisms that<br />

control <strong>water</strong> chemistry of <strong>beel</strong>s can be discerned viz.. prec~pitation, evaporation and<br />

nature ofrhe bacin. The ionic composition of wafer is chiefly determined by the rain<br />

and the substrata ova which the parent river flows. Secondary influences on the ionic<br />

composition are exertad by rnacrophytes and phytoplankton. In rccent years, human<br />

factors related industrial, agricultural and urban activitiee started playing an increasingly

Important rolc in determining the chemical quality of <strong>water</strong>. The chemical and physical<br />

load brought tn by rain <strong>water</strong> or surface runsff gets concentrated by evaporation and<br />

altcred by chemical and biological interaction <strong>with</strong>in the system. causing seasonal<br />

variat~ons of various parameters.<br />

Biological characteristics<br />

The ltvtng parl of the ecosystem or the biotic communities in <strong>water</strong> is governed<br />

by thc vanations of physical and chemical features of the wata body and trophic<br />

interactions associated <strong>with</strong> it. Biottc communities of the ecosystem can be categorized<br />

broadly as ( I) aurorrophs and (2) hererorrophs. The autotrophs include photosynthetic<br />

ptgmenl bring microscopic plants, plankton and macrophytes. Heterotrophs categov<br />

tncludcs consumers and decomposers The pr~mary organic productivity and the fish<br />

ylcld polcntlal of a <strong>water</strong> body thus dcpnds largely on the relat~ve abundance of<br />

various communit~cs and the~r associations. Beels are generally cons~dered as h~ghly<br />

cutroph~catcd system <strong>with</strong> h~gh rate of primary product~vity. The energy produced at the<br />

prlnlary stagc r e.. phytoplankton and macrophytes are transformcd into h~ghcr troph~c<br />

levels through food chams. It IS the eficiency at which this energy 1s transfomrrtd Into<br />

fish lcvcl that detcrmtnes the effccttveness of management In <strong>beel</strong>s. tao maln<br />

path\vays.~,r:. the grci:tng choir1 and the cit7rrrrw clrrrin are found. In the grarlng chaln.<br />

prlmaq productlv~ty IS done by phytoplankton whlch IS grazed by zooplankton. 111 case<br />

of dctr~tus cham, the macrophytes produce the pnrnary energy. In the absence ot' fish<br />

feeding on tnacrophytes, these plants die and settle at the bottom adding to detrltus In<br />

such cases, detritivorous fish flourish and contribute to fishery.<br />


Soil quality<br />

Soil is vital in maintaining the productivity of any <strong>water</strong> body. It is one of the<br />

main interfaces through which nummt is released to the <strong>water</strong> medium. Apart from<br />

helping mineralization of the organic deposits at the bonom, soil provides shelter and<br />

food to the benthic fauna and flora, which play a significant role in maintaining the<br />

nutnent status of overlying <strong>water</strong>. Dishibution of soil types in Assam is illustrated in<br />

Fig. 3. Soils of the floodplain wetlands receive additional input in terms of organic<br />

matter. inorganic minerals. silt and clay. Since most of the floodplain wetlands are

heavily <strong>infested</strong> <strong>with</strong> aquatic vegetation, thm is a heavy accumulation of dead plant<br />

materials at the bottom that undcrgots decomposition. Consequently, the nature and<br />

propaties of bottom soils of floodplain wetlands changes h m year to year. Therefore.<br />

it is essential to study the soil of such <strong>water</strong> at fkquent intervals in order to assess their<br />

role in actual productivity. Important physico-chemical parameters of soil of <strong>beel</strong>s of<br />

Assam arc presented in Table 6 .<br />

Table 6 Soil characteristics of beets in Assam<br />

pH 0rg.C Av. P Av.-N CaCO, Texture I%)<br />

gkg mg/kg mgkg g/kg Sand Silt Clay<br />

CIchar<br />

Kaptanpur 6.1 7.0 9.6 172<br />

Banskandi 5.6 4.8 7.4 155<br />

Algapur 5.2 6.4 10.5 167<br />

Rarnnagar 5.0 10.2 8.2 197<br />

~allak'ndl<br />

Barchurnati 4.7 11.4 6.6 205<br />

Boiya 4.9 6.9 8.4 171<br />


Table 6. contd. . . . . . pH 0rg.C Av. P Av.-N CPCO, Tuttun(%)<br />

g/kg mg/lrg fig Sand Silt Clay<br />

UJQml!<br />

Hollodunga<br />

Somrajan(S)<br />

Somrajan(N)<br />

Phutukabari<br />

Keshukhana<br />

Puwasaikia<br />

Tlnrukla<br />

Motapang<br />

Mota<strong>beel</strong><br />

Udaipur<br />

Rampur<br />

Dlbruciarh<br />

Lomghor~<br />

Mer<br />

Dih~ngerasuti<br />

gibraear<br />

Boka<br />

Borboka<br />

Dikhowmornai<br />

&c!l@<br />

Gorormaj<br />

Borchala<br />

Golnanrt<br />

Sankar<br />

Na<strong>beel</strong> 4.8 12.0 6.8 208 5.5 81 16 3<br />

Goruchara 5.2 13.2 9.2 220 10.5 75 21 4<br />

Gala<strong>beel</strong> 5.8 5.5 12.4 162 10.5 86 10 4<br />

Moridisoi 7.4 6.0 5.0 174 5.5 90 6 4<br />

DInncl<br />

Bodhisicha 5.0 29.1 16.5 340 13.5 73 20 7<br />

Mailhata 5.0 12.7 21.4 234 18.0 91 5 4<br />

Gathaia 5.3 11.4 15.7 210 15.3 90 5 5 -

Table 6. contd. . . ...<br />

pH &g.C Av. P Av. N CaCO, Texture<br />

fig mgkg mgkg gkg Sand Silt Clay<br />

Sonitaur<br />

Dighali 5.3 36.6 9.2 397 20,5 87 11 2<br />

Kharoi 6.0 5.7 17.6 165 27.0 87 12 1<br />

Kaloi<br />

Naaaon<br />

Samaguri<br />

Bameta<br />

Kapla<br />

Chotokapla<br />

Tabha<br />

Alpajan<br />

Nalbari<br />

Ghograjan<br />

Morasulkhowa<br />

6.0 7.6 17.6 180 31.3 90 7 3<br />

Soil of all the <strong>beel</strong>s except that of Moridisoi (Colaghat) and Motapang<br />

(T~nsukla) were acidic in nature which 1s considered unfavourablc fbr good lish<br />

product~on as well as for microbial activity. Brahmaputra valley showed s11ghtIy h~ghcr<br />

mean so11 pH (5.3) than heels of three Barak valley districts (5.0). Reels of llpper<br />

Assam districts had the lowest mean soil pH followed by Central Assam and I.oucr<br />

Assam . It was observed that <strong>beel</strong>s in the north bank of the Brahmaputra had hlgticr so11<br />

reactton in comparison to <strong>beel</strong>s in the South bank.<br />

\h ~de<br />

range of banatlon (3 4 39 0 gkg) was observed In the organlc crrhorl<br />

content ol 5011 This varlatlon IS marnly depemded on thc qurntlty of macrophytes<br />

present in the <strong>beel</strong>s and their magn~tude of decomposit~on The mean vdlucs of sot1<br />

organlc carbon lndlcated that beeis of the Brahmaputra valley were more product~vc<br />

than hose of the Bar& valley In respect of so11 organlc matter Beels In thc south bdnk<br />

of the Brahmaputra valley showed comparat~vcly h~gh mcrn value of so11 orgdnlc<br />

carbon than the lakes In the north bank Central Assam had h~yher averagc values<br />

followed by Upper Assam and Lower Assam

Available soil nitrogen squs represents the easily oxidisahle form of total<br />

nitrogen in the soil and its level is influend largely by the organic matter content of<br />

the soil. Available nitrogen followed the trend of organic carbon and its values ranged<br />

from 145 to 410 mg/l. It was ratha low in the bxls of both the Brahmaputra valley and<br />

the Barak valley from a fisheries point of view The low available nibogen of soils is<br />

mainly due to reduced microbial activities rn d slow rate of decomposition of soil<br />

organic matter on account of the prevailing atidic reaction of the soil. Beels of the<br />

Brahmaputra valley had higher mean value of a\ ailable nitrogen compared to the Barak<br />

valley. Beels of Central Assarn showed high. st mean value of available nitrogen.<br />

followed by Lower and Upper Assam.<br />

Ava~lable soil phosphorus, important in nfluencing the aquatlc product~\,ity.<br />

\*.as rather poor in most of the heels and the valu: -an@ between 0.8 and 27.0 mg kg:l<br />

Such lo& level of available so11 phosphoru is attributable to the prcscnrc of<br />

macrophytes, especially the rooted ones wh~ch ,pidly use up most of the ava~lahle<br />

phosphorus. Becls of the Brahmaputra valley ha h~gher level of available phosphorus<br />

(14.5 mg ;kg) compared to the Barak valley (8.: rng/kg). Beels of Central Assam had<br />

the highest mean value of ava~lable-P followed I y Lower and Upper Assam Calc~um<br />

carbonate content ranged from 4.5 to 67.0 gkg u !h the mean value of 23.0 gkg. Hcels<br />

of Barak \alley had sl~ghtly h~gher mean value I f CaCO, than <strong>beel</strong>s of Rrahnlaputra<br />

valley uhilc same mean value was recorded in 111. beck of Lower. Central and llppcr<br />

Assani.<br />

Loamy soil contain~ng all the three fracl,.lns almost in equal proponions IS<br />

cons~dered to be conduccve to product~vity. Houever, most of the <strong>beel</strong>s studled by<br />

CIFRl had poor soil texture. Beels of Karimgwj t,~strict of Barak valley and Sihsagar<br />

d~str~ct of Upper Assarn had better soil texture coml ared to other districts. It 1s ohserved<br />

that thc soil of the heels of Brahmaputra valley arc more productive than that of Barak<br />

valley <strong>beel</strong>s. Among the distncts of Brahmaputra isalley, <strong>beel</strong>s of Central Assani arc<br />

more conduc~ve to biological productiv~ty In resp .ct of organlc carbon and nutnent<br />

status of the so~l. Soil qual~ty in <strong>beel</strong>s of d~ffere~: regions of Assam is depicted In<br />

Table 7.

Watcr Quality<br />

In floodplain wetlands. Hater quality is ~nfluenccd. to a great extent, by Inflow<br />

of <strong>water</strong> from the connecting rivers, local catchment area and by the metabolic<br />

processes of plants and animals livlng <strong>with</strong>in the <strong>water</strong> body (particularly the aquatic<br />

vegetation). Water quality profile of the <strong>beel</strong>s of Assam is given in Table 8.Water<br />

temperature of the <strong>beel</strong>s ranged fronl4 to 26 "C. Udaipur bwl of Tinsukia d~strict of<br />

Upper Assam recorded thc lowest <strong>water</strong> temperature (14 "C) whilc Alpapur heel of<br />

Cachar district recorded the maximum (26'C). Sccchi disc visibility \ar~cd hctaccn I I<br />

and 103 cm and In eighteen <strong>beel</strong>s light penetrated up to the bottom. Watcr of all the<br />

<strong>beel</strong>s of Dibrugarh district of upper Assam uas turbid whilc most of tlic hecls of loucr<br />

Assam had favourable range of transparency. It was ohservcd that uccd-choked heels<br />

had the lowest turbidity. In general, turbidity in heel <strong>water</strong> was ~naiiily duc to silt and<br />

organic debris carried by the run-off <strong>water</strong>s.<br />

The pH of <strong>water</strong> which ranged from 6.0 to 8.2 (mean valuc of' 7.1) \$;IS<br />

~nfucnced rnalnl) hy basin so11 and by aquatic vegetatlon. It folloucd niorc 01. lcss<br />

s~mllar trend of vanatlon of soil pH. Most of the bcels of Ihc Barah v;illcy h;ld .icldlc<br />

uater. In thc Brahniaputra \.alley. heels of l.'pper Assam recorded the low atcragc v;lluc<br />

of <strong>water</strong> pll (7 0) compared lo Lower and (.'entral Assanl recorded equal mcari v;iluc ol<br />

7 (1 The J~ssolved oxygen lcvcls of <strong>water</strong> of most of the heels were fa~rlv h~gh ;inti<br />

\r~thin the optimal mnge for the growth of fishes. The values ranged bctwcen 4 0 and<br />

0.5 nig'l in the bcels of thc Barak valley and between 4.0 and 13.0 mg!l In the hccls 01'<br />

the Brahmaputra valley, the mean values being 7.8 and 7.9 mgll rcspcct~cclq firce<br />

carbon dioxide levels were low In most ofthc <strong>beel</strong>s which ranged hetu~ccii I .(I arid 10 (I<br />

mgll w~th a rnean value of 4.0 nlg:l. The variations In the conccntratlons of d~ssol\cd<br />

oxygen and free carbon d~ox~de wcre mainly due to the rate of photosynthetic acllvlty<br />

by aquatic vegetatlon and variat~on In the organlc mattcr content In the hasin soil.<br />

The levels of total alkalinity, hardness and spcc~fic conductiv~ty of <strong>water</strong> caricd<br />

widely and the values ranged from 16.0 to 227.0 mgi'l. 10.0 to 109.0 ~ngil. and 18.0 to<br />

354.0 pmhoucm respectively. It was observed that the mean values of' total alkalinity.<br />

hardness and specific conductivity in the <strong>beel</strong>s situated at the Brahmaputra vallcy were<br />

twice that of Rarak valley. In the Brahmaputra valley, <strong>beel</strong>s of the North bank districts<br />

worded higher mean values of total alkalinity, hardness and specific conductivity than<br />

those of the South bank districts.

D~ssolved organic carbon content of all the baels wen relatively high, the values<br />

ranging between 0.8 and 5.0 mg/l. The concentration of calcium and magnesium<br />

exhib~ted wide variations; it was relatively more in the bcels of the Brahmaputra valley<br />

The values of Ca and Mg ranged from 2.0 to 34.5 and 1.2 to 20.6 mgil respectively<br />

Concentrations of iron, silicate and chloride in <strong>water</strong> varied <strong>with</strong>in 0.02 to 2.1, 0 8 to 9 4<br />

and IS to 44 mdl respectively. Variations in the concentrations of these nutrients are<br />

mainly due to thc variations in their uptake or release by macrophytes as also due to<br />

allochthonous inputs during monsoon months.<br />

Table 8 Phyrico-cbemical charwteri~tics of <strong>water</strong><br />

Temp Transp PH IX) C0: TA Hardness Sp Cond<br />

"C' (cm) mp'l mgtl mg!l mp:l prnhos crn<br />

m!w<br />

Ka~tanpur 20 B.V. 7.2 5.2 3.8 73 86 174<br />

Banska'ndi<br />

Algapur<br />

Ramnagar<br />

Hailakandi<br />

Barchumati<br />

Boiya<br />

Karlmaanj<br />

Sone<br />

Sakaity<br />

Howder<br />

Anganai<br />

Lllkhlmaur<br />

Bilmukh<br />

Morichamwra<br />

B.V.<br />

28<br />

B.V.<br />

B.V.<br />

DhemRii<br />

Holladunga 18 54 6.5 6.2 1.9 16 10 18<br />

Somrajan(S) 19 63 7.0 7.5 2.8 16 10 18<br />

Somraian(N) 17 B.V. 7.0 5.0 3.8 42 59 93<br />

~utukabah ' 18 B.V. 7.4 9.8 1.9 66 89 133<br />

Keshukhana 19 35 7.6 6.4 4.7 120 25 218<br />

Puasaikia 18 B.V. 6.7 7.0 5.7 18 30 139

Temp. Trmrp. PH DO CQ, TA Hudnear Sp.Cond.<br />

(ant W W W mpn ~mhoslcm<br />

Tinsukia<br />

Motapang 17 64 7.3 8.4 3.8 64 54 120<br />

Mota<strong>beel</strong> 18 B.V. 7.0 10.4 4.7 44 50 92<br />

Udaipur 14 B.V. 6.5 6.4 9.5 36 45 84<br />

Rampur 21 B.V. 7.4 11 2.8 135 124 248<br />

Dibruaerh<br />

Langhari 18 18 6.6 5.4 3.8 36 43 6 1<br />

Mer 17 18 6.0 0.7 12.3 46 43 72<br />

Dihingerasuti 17.5 17 7.4 6.6 3.8 89 62 229<br />

a!B.aQw<br />

Boka 19 46 7.1 6.4 2,8 20 22 24<br />

Borboka 20 19 6.6 7.5 3.8 15 19 15<br />

Dikhowmomai 21 24 6.2 1.6 19.6 55 48 89<br />

J m<br />

Gorormaj<br />

Barchala<br />

Goiaahat<br />

Sankar<br />

Na<strong>beel</strong><br />

Garuchara<br />

Gela<strong>beel</strong><br />

Moridesoi<br />

20 B.V. 7.4 8.8 2.9 58 69 131<br />

19 B.V. 7.6 12.6 3.0 49 69 123<br />

20 B.V. 7.6 13.6 3.0 37 50 103<br />

17 42 7.6 8.8 3.8 84 69 191<br />

16 46 8.0 7.8 1.9 164 149 335<br />

Darana<br />

Bodhisicha 19 39 7.0 6.8 1.9 53 78 100<br />

Mailhata 20 42 6.9 7.2 2.4 64 58 128<br />

Gathia 22 B.V. 7.2 6.9 2.4 58 79 128<br />

Sonitpur<br />

Dighali 20 B.V 6.5 5.6 11.4 38 35 47<br />

Kharoi 21 28 7.5 7.6 2.7 80 100 159<br />

Kaloi 22.5 11 7.5 8.2 3.8 86 67 169<br />

Naaaon<br />

Samaguri 18.5 B.V 8.1 8.7 1.6 59 43 112<br />

Mer 20 B.V. 7.8 8.4 1.9 44 29 8 1<br />

Sibasthan 22 103 7.2 5.6 5.1 71 58 141

Table 8. contd.<br />

Charan<br />

Mori<strong>beel</strong><br />

w.Ra<br />

Kapla<br />

Chotokapla<br />

Tabha<br />

Alpajan<br />

Nllkrl<br />

Ghograjan<br />

Sothajan<br />

Temp Tnrnp. PH W CO, TA HPdneu Sp Coad<br />

(cm) -4 lBgn u@ mp'l pmhodcm<br />

Klmntp<br />

Mandira 25 70 6.8 5.5 2.4 18 23 31<br />

Dora 19 30 8.2 11.7 1.0 70 57 123<br />

Selsella 20 36 7.4 6.6 7.4 25 29 41<br />

GoalPara<br />

Tamranga 21 98 8.2 10.5 1.0 16 19 30<br />

'mS Chlortdc SIO, Ca Mg Fc PO, NO, DlsOrg C<br />

I mgll mgll mgll mu mgll mgll mgll mp.4<br />

iuliK<br />

Kaptanpur 85 25 7.0 7.0 15 0.08 0.01 0.08 1.3<br />

Banskandi 28 30 5.5 7.5 7.0 0.02 0.01 0.07 0.8<br />

Algapur 44 25 6.3 6.8 8.6 0.35 0.01 0.05 2.2<br />

Ramnagar 20 27 3.5 4.8 6.3 0.50 Tr. 0.04 2.3<br />

~allakandi<br />

Barchumati 38 29 1.6 5.8 5.8 0.16 Tr. 0.04 1.6<br />

Boiva 28 23 4.0 3.8 5.8 1.2 Tr. 0.04 2.9

TDS ahride SiO, CI Mg Fc PO, NO, Dlt.0rg.C<br />

m%i m%l W'l n%l rnd m%l m%l<br />

Karfmarni<br />

Sone 34 30 4.8 7.2 5.5 11 Tr. 0.03 2.0<br />

Sakalty 45 32 3.0 4.0 4.7 1.2 Tr 0.03 2.2<br />

Howder 22 32 2.8 5.8 6.5 1.4 Tr. 0.03 2.7<br />

Anganai 22 29 2.0 5.8 5.8 0.16 Tr. 0.02 2.0<br />

Lakhimpur<br />

Bilmukh 125<br />

Morichampora 178<br />

Dhemaii<br />

Holladunga 3.8<br />

Somrajan(S) 4.7<br />

Somrajan(N) 47.0<br />

Putukabari 67.5<br />

Keshukhana 110<br />

Puasaikia 70<br />

28 4.4 16 13 0.15 Tr. 0.03 2.5<br />

34 1.8 34 1.2 0.18 Tr. 0.04 1.6<br />

Tinsukia<br />

Motapang 61 20 7.0 8.0 8.5 0.4 0.01 Tr. 2.2<br />

Mota<strong>beel</strong> 46 25 6.0 4.0 9.6 0.4 0.01 Tr. 4.9<br />

Udaipur 43 29 1.2 6.0 7.2 0.2 0.01 Tr. 2.2<br />

Rampur 124 29 1.0 26 14.5 0.2 0.01 Tr. 2.2<br />

Dibruaarh<br />

Langhari 31 25 3.4 3.8 8.2. 0.8 0.01 0.02 2.2<br />

Mer 30 34 4.4 3.8 8.2 1.0 Tr. 0.02 1.4<br />

Dihingerasuti 115 44 4.4 5.8 10.5 0.31 0.01 0.02 2.2<br />

Sibsaaar<br />

Boka 12 32 1.5 5.8 1.8 0.23 0.01 0.02 1.6<br />

Borboka 7.4 25 2.0 3.8 2.3 0.80 Tr. 0.02 1.8<br />

Dikhowmomai 31 2.1 5.1 8.6 0.90 Tr. 0.02 1.8 -

Table 8. contd.<br />

&cba<br />

m j<br />

Barchala<br />

QQku<br />

Sankar<br />

Na<strong>beel</strong><br />

Garuchara<br />

Gela<strong>beel</strong><br />

Moridesoi<br />

smml<br />

Bddhisicha<br />

Mailhata<br />

Gathia<br />

s!mlmr<br />

Dighali<br />

Kharoi<br />

KBloi<br />

Nwlon<br />

Samaguri<br />

Mer<br />

Sibasthan<br />

r$ilmm<br />

Charan<br />

Mori<strong>beel</strong><br />

BBrR4IQ<br />

Kapla<br />

Chotokapla<br />

Tabha<br />

Alpajan<br />

TDS Chbridc SiO, C. Mg Fe PO, NO, Dir.0rg.C<br />

mollmJImoomsnmoomsnmonmsn<br />

0.2 Tr.<br />

0.2 0.01<br />

0.16 0.01<br />

0.18 0.01<br />

0.16 0.01<br />

1.2 0.01<br />

0.2 0.01<br />

2.1 0.04<br />

0.24 Tr<br />

1.0 0.01<br />

0.7 0.02<br />

1.5 0.01<br />

0.18 0.01<br />

0.15 Tr<br />

0.10 Tr<br />

0.08. Tr<br />

0.03 Tr<br />

0.03 Tr<br />

0.48 Tr<br />

0.7 Tr<br />

0.2 0.03<br />

0.3 0.01<br />

0.02 1.1<br />

0.03 1.8<br />

0.02 1.7<br />

0.03 1.6<br />

0.01 1.8<br />

0.01 1.6<br />

Tr. 2.0<br />

0.03 3.3<br />

0.03 2.2<br />

0.05 3.4<br />

0.02 2.0<br />

0.02 2.1<br />

0.02 2.1<br />

0.01 2.1<br />

0.02 1.1<br />

0.03 1.8<br />

0.05 1.5<br />

0.08 2.9<br />

0.01 3.5<br />

0.01 1.6<br />

0.02 1.9<br />

0.02 2.7

Table 8. contd.<br />

TDS Chloride SiO, Ca Ma Fe PO, NO, Dis.Org C<br />

men mBn rngn mBn msn lrisn men w1 -me/l..-<br />

b!w!<br />

Ghograjan 102 34 2.0 21 6 1.2 Tr 0.03 2.2<br />

Sothajan 129 34 2.0 23 12 1.0 Tr 0.02 2.2<br />

Morawlkhowa 136 25 6.0 19 19 1.2 0.01 0.02 2.4<br />

Kllmnrr,<br />

Mandira 15 27 4.0 5 3 0.2 0.01 0.08 1.9<br />

Dora 62 39 4.8 15 5 0.04 Tr 0.03 5.0<br />

Selsella 20 20 6.0 15 2 0.4 Tr 0.05 2.9<br />

Goalrren<br />

Tamranga 15 25 5.6 3.8 2.3 0.18 Tr 0.01 2.1<br />

All the <strong>beel</strong>s under scrutiny were poor in both the major nutrients viz., nitrogen<br />

and phosphorus. The concentrations of NO,-N ranged from traces to 0.08 mgll and that<br />

of P,O, from traces to 0.08 mgll. Such low values of nitrogen and phosphate is common<br />

in <strong>water</strong> bodies where these nutrients are rapidly absorbed by the rich plant<br />

communities. In <strong>beel</strong>s, the quick turnover of these nutrients takes place due to heavy<br />

~nfestatron of macrophytes<br />

An evaluation of physiw-chemical properties of <strong>water</strong> and soil indicates that In<br />

spite of some adverse conditions such as acidic nature of soil and <strong>water</strong>, <strong>beel</strong>s in<br />

general are conducive for developing culture-based and capture fisheries. The <strong>water</strong><br />

quality of the <strong>beel</strong>s of the Brahrnaputra valley was found to be more conducive to<br />

biological production than that of k ls of the Bar& valley. Among the various districts<br />

of the Brahmaputra valley, <strong>beel</strong>s of north bank districts w m relatively more productive.<br />

Variations in <strong>water</strong> quality of &Is in different regions of Assam are given in Table 9.

Table 9 Water quality parameters of beeh of h am

Biotic communities<br />

The abundance and succession of biotic communities occupying the <strong>beel</strong>s arc<br />

influenced mainly by the unique <strong>water</strong> renewal pattan of the ecosystem. The high<br />

fluctuations in <strong>water</strong> level and the alternating seasonal riverine copections arc the<br />

inherent characters of the <strong>beel</strong> ecosystem. Thus, the organisms inhabiting this system<br />

comprise a complex mix of lotic and lmtic communities. The dynamic ecological<br />

character brought in by the cyclic changes in the Ile morphometry, wata chemisby<br />

and sediment characteristics leads to some unique faunal and floral associations. Biot~c<br />

communities of <strong>beel</strong>s, thus adapt themselves to spatial and temporal fluctuation leading<br />

to a high degree of floral and faunal diversity. The major biotic communities in <strong>beel</strong>s<br />

that have a bearing on fish productivity are plankton, benthos, macrophytes and fishes.<br />

Plankton comprises microscopic organisms (both plants and animals) <strong>with</strong> very<br />

l~mited or no power of locomotion. They move about and drift in <strong>water</strong> purely at the<br />

mercy of <strong>water</strong> movements. Phytoplankton bearing photosynthetic pigments make use<br />

or the r~ch inorganic nutrients available in the <strong>beel</strong> ecosystem and synthesize organic<br />

matter (autotrophs). Thus, they form the base of ecological pyramid. Zooplankton, on<br />

the other hand live on the huge reserve of organic matter of plants or animal origin, both<br />

in live and dead form (detritus). Thus, zoolplankton is the secondary producer linking<br />

the phytoplankton <strong>with</strong> the communities occupying higher trophic levels. Zooplankton<br />

in <strong>beel</strong>s play a vital role in making efficient use of dead and living organic matter. Both<br />

zoo and phytoplankton form direct food and thenby sustain a substantial portion of<br />

planktiphagus fishery of <strong>beel</strong> resources.<br />

Most of the <strong>beel</strong>s studied wm found to be <strong>infested</strong> <strong>with</strong> weed at varying levels,<br />

some of them being wmplaely choked. Floating weeds have deleterious impact on the<br />

abundance of the plankton. As a result, avaage numerical abundance of the<br />

phytoplankton is found to be low except in Bagheavari <strong>beel</strong> in Mandira complex of<br />

Kamny, dismct. Out of three zones viz. upper, central and lower Assam in Brahmeputra<br />

valley, <strong>beel</strong>s in the later two mms exhibited better abundance of plankton as compared

to upper zone. Density of plankton in the <strong>beel</strong> of uppa zone varied bctwem nil to 84<br />

dl. PhytoplPnkton pup WM genaally nprescnted by Chlorophyeae,<br />

Baclllariophyceae and Myxophyceae.<br />

Zooplanliters were rcpwmtad by Osrracoda, Copepoda, Cladocera and<br />

Rorrjcra. Generic repmentation under various gmq~ also found to be very poor. The<br />

Omracode were found only in Mota <strong>beel</strong> under Tinsukia district as a unique occurrence.<br />

Domination of one group over the other cannot be generalised, however, in many cases<br />

phytoplankton dominated over zooplankton. In some stray cases, poor representation of<br />

phytoplankton community was observed indicating low productivity. The possible<br />

reasons are low temperature causing poor nutrient load as indicated by poor<br />

conductivity and nitrate nitrogen and phosphate in <strong>water</strong> phase.<br />

Beels in the central Assam zone showed higher plankton count. Phytoplankton<br />

density in this zone varied between nil to 948 dl. Phytoplankton groups were well<br />

represented by good number of genera under Chloroph.vceae. Bacillarioph~~ceue,<br />

M!:rophvceoe, Dlnoph,vceae and Euglenophyceae. The striking feature of this zone IS<br />

the appearance of Euglenophyceae which was not found in the <strong>beel</strong>s of upper Assam<br />

7me. Zoo plankters were represented by Rotifera. Copepoda. Cladocera and Prorozocr.<br />

In the central zone phytoplankters dominated over zooplankters as general trend.<br />

Plankton density was relatively richer in the beds of lower Assam zone too, the density<br />

ranging between nil to 8180 dl. Generic representation was found to be similar to that<br />

of central Assam <strong>beel</strong>s. Beels in the Barak valley, <strong>with</strong> low productive <strong>water</strong> and soil<br />

quallty, had plankton in moderate numben, ranging between 9 and 406 uil.<br />

In general, productivity in terns of phytoplankton density was poor in all the <strong>beel</strong>s<br />

of Assam. Although low pH, transparency and conductivity are attributable to th~s, low<br />

plankton concentration. the predominant factor is the competition <strong>with</strong> macrophytes In<br />

garnering sunlight and nutrients. Moderate to high level of infestation of various<br />

categories (emergent, submerged, floating, ere.) of macrovegetation were always<br />

associated <strong>with</strong> low plankton count. The relatively high plankton count in Central and<br />

lower Assam bcels is attributable to the low altitude <strong>with</strong> sloppy gradient of the<br />

Brahmaputra. In these regions, riverine flow slows down leading to the settling of<br />

nutrients. Relatively high temperature also favoured production of plankton.<br />

Distribution of plankton in diffmt beds of Assam is presented in Table 10.

Dbhlct<br />

Tabk 10 Planktom In different <strong>beel</strong>a of Asam<br />

I Plankton I Wytophnkton I Zooplankton group I<br />

Beel<br />

density<br />

(0<br />

DmPP<br />

Crcbar<br />

Ramnagar<br />

233<br />

Chlorapby~crc:<br />

Anhtrodesmur, Mougeotra,<br />

Closter~um<br />

Brcillrriopbyceae: Nltzschra,<br />

Plnnulana Meloslra. Navrcula<br />

Copepoda; Nauplii<br />

'<br />

'<br />

Kaptanpur<br />

20 NII<br />

Rotifera: F~l~nla<br />

Banskandl<br />

76 Chlorophyceae: Botryococcus Copepoda; Naupll~<br />

Algapur<br />

Hailakandi<br />

Barchumati<br />

I<br />

1<br />

126 Bacillariophyceae: Meloslra.<br />

1 Surirella<br />

44 1 Bacillariophyccae: - -<br />

( Pinnulana, Surirella<br />

Rotifera: Brachronus<br />

I Conenoda: Mesoor.lons<br />

Nil<br />

1<br />

Boiva<br />

' Karimganj<br />

I 27 1 Mvxo~hvcere :Nosroc Nil<br />

Sone<br />

163 Myxophycene: Nosroc Copepodr: Mrsocvclops<br />

Chlorophyceae: Spirog~ra<br />

I ~aci~la~o~h~ceah: sukellu I<br />

83 1 Bacillariopbyccae: Dlaptoma I Copepoda: haupl~l.<br />

---<br />

Cb1orophyceae:Micrasterium Mesocsclops<br />

9 Bacillariuphycere: Pinularia Nil<br />

406 Chlorophyceae: Microsporu, Copepoda: Naupll~.<br />

Pleodorrna. Cbsmnrium Neodraptomus<br />

Dinophsceae: Ceratl um Clndocerr: Cerrodrrphnru<br />

Rotiferr: Tnchorrru<br />

I Darrane I I I I<br />

Mailhata<br />

Ciathia<br />

Nil I Nil<br />

35 1 Chloropbyceae: Microspora<br />

1 Nil<br />

I Copepoda: Nauplii<br />

L<br />

Bodischia<br />

538<br />

Baclllariopbycere: Synedro<br />

Chlorophyceae: Microspora, Copepodr: Nauplii<br />

Eudorina, Pieodorina, Voivox, Ciadocera: Eurycerus<br />

Zygnema. Pandorina.<br />

Rotiferr: Keratella<br />

I<br />


Tabk 10. m d<br />

Dlbniprll<br />

Lanhori<br />

Mer<br />

Dihing era-<br />

suti<br />

Brrpcta<br />

Kapla<br />

Chotkapla<br />

Tabha<br />

Alpajan<br />

Nalbsri<br />

Sothajan<br />

Morasaul-<br />

khowa<br />

Ghograjan<br />

49<br />

18<br />

26<br />

10<br />

20<br />

1 18<br />

24<br />

Nil<br />

11<br />

Nil<br />

Badllrrbpbycue: Cydo(e1la<br />

Nil<br />

Nil<br />

Chlorophyerre: Spirogyra<br />

Cblorophyalle: Mougcotia.<br />

Spirogyra<br />

Baclllrriophycere: Nitzschia<br />

Myxophycerc:Anabaena<br />

Myxophycere:Anabaena<br />

Nil<br />

Cblorophyceae: Pandorina<br />

Nil<br />

Capepoda:<br />

Neodiqromur<br />

Cladoccrr: Moina<br />

Copepadr: Eucyclops<br />

Rotiferr: Euclinis<br />

Copepodr:<br />

Mesocyclops<br />

Nil<br />

Nil<br />

Copepoda:Nauplii,<br />

Neodiapfomus<br />

Nil<br />

Nil<br />

Nil<br />


l rabh 10, conki<br />

eorc.rr.os<br />

T ~ W<br />

Dhema]l<br />

Hollodunga<br />

Somrajan(s)<br />

SomrajanOJ)<br />

Phutukabari<br />

Keshukhana<br />

Puwasaikia<br />

Golaghrt<br />

Sankar<br />

Na bee1<br />

Goruchara<br />

Gala<strong>beel</strong><br />

Moridisoi<br />

332<br />

84<br />

22<br />

12<br />

28<br />

Nil<br />

Nil<br />

42<br />

10<br />

36<br />

11<br />

22<br />

CbloropLyart: Mougtotia.<br />

TripIocer(u,Staur~~tnun,<br />

Eudorina,Clattm'um,<br />

Ankictrodesmw<br />

B.efUmrbpbycae:<br />

Fragillarin,<br />

Pinnulorin, Tabelaria,<br />

Surirella,Synedra,<br />

Asterionella<br />

Dinophyccac:<br />

Ceratium.Glenodinium<br />

BrcfUsriophycue:<br />

Stephanodiscus<br />

Cbloropbyceme:<br />

Pach,ycladon<br />

Myxopbyceae: Oscillatoria<br />

Myxophycere: Nodularia<br />

Nil<br />

Brcillrriophyceae: Melosira<br />

Nil<br />

Nil<br />

Myxophycue: Oscillatoria<br />

Cblorophycere: Mougeofia<br />

BrciUariopbyceae:<br />

Fragillaria<br />

Baclllulophynre: Melosira<br />

Chloropbynre: Mougeotia<br />

Chlorophycnc P e d<br />

Chlorophycere: Ulothrix<br />

C o w : Nauplii,<br />

Cyclops<br />

RotKen: Polyar~hra.<br />

Kennella<br />

Cladoec~r: Bosmina<br />

Clrdocerr: Bosmina<br />

Copepoda: Nauplii<br />

Cladocera:Moina<br />

Nil<br />

Nil<br />

Nil<br />

Nil<br />

Nil<br />

Copepod.: Nauplii<br />

Nil<br />

Clrdocera: Bosmina<br />


I<br />

I<br />

Table 10 contd<br />

Tiusrkia<br />

MotWn8<br />

Mota<br />

Uhpur<br />

Rampur<br />

Nagaon<br />

Mer<br />

Sibasthan<br />

I Samagun<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Nil<br />

13<br />

20<br />

I I<br />

35<br />

948<br />

103<br />

Nil<br />

Nil<br />

Chlorophyeere: Spirogyra.<br />

Cosmarium<br />

Nil<br />

Diaophyceae: Ceratium<br />

Bacillariopbyceae:<br />

Melosira, Navicula.Synedra<br />

Dinophycere: Cerariurn<br />

Ch~orophyceae:Staurast~rn,<br />

Ankistrodesmus, Pediastmm<br />

Myxopbycere: Anabaena,<br />

Microcystis. Gloeotrichia.<br />

Rivularia<br />

Chlorophycere: Spirogyra,<br />

Uronema, Eudorina. Volvox.<br />

Clostarium, Actinaslrurn<br />

Bacillariopbyceae:<br />

Melosira, Pinularra,<br />

Tabelarza. Navicula.<br />

S~jnedra, Cjiclotella<br />

Euglenophytr: Euglena.<br />

Phacus<br />

Dinophyceae: Ceratium<br />

Nil<br />

Ostracoda: Cvcloqpris<br />

Nil<br />

Copepoda: Mesoc~rlopslops<br />

Rotifera: Keratella.<br />

Brachionus<br />

Copepoda: Nauplii<br />

Rotifera: Kerarellu<br />

Copepoda: Nauplii<br />

I Protozoa: Ccnrropyrts<br />

Copepod~l: C),rlops,<br />

Naupli~<br />

Rotifera: Hruchronrrs, ,<br />

Asplunchu<br />


Tnhle 10 cod<br />

Morlgaoa<br />

Mon<br />

Kamrup<br />

Dm<br />

Salsala<br />

Bagheswan<br />

(Mandira<br />

complex)<br />

17<br />

354<br />

639<br />

8 180<br />

- -<br />

B.clllrrlophyenc:<br />

As~monella, Melosrra,<br />

Tabelam, Syncdro<br />

Dinopbyctae: Pendinrum.<br />

Eoglenophyta: Euglena,<br />

Trachelomonas. Phacus<br />

Chryrophyccae: Dlnobryon<br />

Chlorophyceae: Xanthrdrum.<br />

Pedmfnun. Krrchnerrella<br />

Eugkoophyta: Euglena.<br />

Phacus<br />

Chlorophyceae:<br />

Bolryococm, Mrcrospora,<br />

Pedrartrum. Coelastrum,<br />

Krrchnenella, Pandorrna<br />

Clostenum<br />

Myxophyceae: Mrcrocystu<br />

Mrcrospora. Pleodorrna.<br />

Anks~rodesrnllr,S~a~~astr~rn,<br />

Tetraedron, Krrchnerrella<br />

Myxophyctre: Mrcrocystrr<br />

Baelllariophyceae: Melosrra<br />

Chrysophyceae: Drnobryon<br />

Rotifen: Frlrnra<br />

Rotllerr:Polyarthra<br />

Copepodr: Naupll~<br />

Rotifera: Polyarthro<br />

Kerafella<br />

Copepoda:<br />

Naup111,Cyclops<br />

Clrdocera:Bosmina<br />

Rotifera:Brachronus<br />

Trrchocera, Frlrnra. Lerune<br />

Copepoda: Naupl~~,<br />

Mesocyclops<br />

Cladocera: Bosrnrnn<br />

Chlorophyccac is a dominant component of phytoplankton in the <strong>beel</strong>s of<br />

Assam. A total of 24 species of Chlorophyceae, 14 species of Bacillariophvceae. 9<br />

species of Myxoph>ceae. 3 species each of Dinophyceae and Euglenophyceae and I<br />

species of Chtysophyceae r epmt the phytoplankton community. In <strong>beel</strong>s of upper<br />

Assam zone phytoplankters represent 4 classes in the order of Chlorophyceae ><br />

Bacillarioph.vceae > Myxophyceae > Dinophyceae. In the beds of the central Assam<br />

zone, phytoplankters werc repnsented by 5 classes including Euglenophyceae. The<br />

class Dinophyceae, which was present only in upper Assam zone, occupied second most<br />

I<br />

I<br />


dominant position aAa Chlmuphywe in the cc~lhrl Auram zom. The order of<br />

domination of various cltsaes of phytoplrnktas in central Assun ame is M follows :<br />

Chlorophyceae > Dinophyme > BaciIlariophycene > Myrophymre ><br />

Euglenophyceae.<br />

Phytoplankton diversity in the Iowa Aasam zone of the Brahmaputre valley was<br />

richer. A total of 6 classes represent the phytoplankton group including Chrysophyceae.<br />

AAa Chlorophyceae, Myxophyceae was tbc most dominant group in the lower Assam<br />

zone. Low altitude, higher tcrnpmture and gradual slop provided conducive<br />

conditions for richer plankton growth. Greater amount of nutrient availability favoured<br />

the blooming of the blue green algae (Myxophyceae). The order of domination of<br />

phytoplankton in lower Assam becls was as follows: Chlorophycrae > Myxophyceae ><br />

Dinophyceae > Euglenophyceae > Bacillanophyceae > Chrysophyceae. Another<br />

notable feature in the becls in lower Assam was the high rate abundance of<br />

Euglenophyceae.<br />

Phytoplanktem in the &Is of Barak valley represented by the same four classes<br />

as was observed in the upper Assam <strong>beel</strong>s. The order of domination was Chlorophyceae<br />

> Bac~llanophyceae 1 Myxophyceae> Dinophyceae.<br />

Five groups of zooplankters were present in the <strong>beel</strong>s of Assam viz. Rorifera.<br />

Copepoda. Cladocera, Osfracoda and Protozw. There were 8 genera of Rotifera. 4<br />

genera of Copepoda, 3 genera of Cladocera and 1 each of Osrracoda and Proiozou.<br />

Generally, Copepoda dominated the zooplankton communities in the &Is surveyed,<br />

followed by either Cladocera or Rotifera. Members of Ostracoda were recorded only<br />

from the <strong>beel</strong>s of upper Assam.<br />

Benthos<br />

Benthic communities varied widely in the <strong>beel</strong>s in the range of 0 to 1763<br />

organisms/ml (Table 11). Of the three <strong>beel</strong>s of Tinsukia district, Mota and Rampur<br />

bals arc devoid of any benthic community. Mobpang in the same district has a thin<br />

population of 32 units/m2. Most of the <strong>beel</strong>s of Barak valley districts were poor in<br />

bmthic community while <strong>beel</strong>s of Marigaon and Kamrup districts were rich in bottom<br />

macrofauna. Beels of Golaghat, Nagaon, Darrang and Sonitpur had moderate population<br />

of benthos. The becle of Tinsukia, Dibrugrih and Sibaagnr hod scanty or nq population<br />

of benthos. (hbqods dominated the benUu$ orgnnim followad by bivalves,

oligochactea and insccto. Thc bee18 of Golaghat district arc uniformly rich in bottom<br />

macrofauna (128-864 oqmimndml). La DhaMJi. except kshukhana <strong>with</strong> pn<br />

exceptionally high density (960 orgsnirmdm2), all others have scanty or nil population<br />

of benthos. Gastropob dominated the benthic organisms followed by bivalves,<br />

oligochaacs and insects.

A unique feature of the floodplain wetlands of Brahmaputra basin is the rich<br />

growth of marginal and submerged vegetation due to the allochthonous and<br />

autochthonous nutrient loading. These macrophytes often tend to replace the plankton<br />

community. Progicssive replacement of plankton community <strong>with</strong> macwphytes as the<br />

main primary producer hastens the pace of eutrophication. This also leads to higher rate<br />

of evapo-~ranspiration and swampification of the lake. However this process can be<br />

reversed through effective management.<br />

Opm <strong>beel</strong>e, which generally harboured less rnacrophytes, wen favourably<br />

disposed for energy transformation through phytoplankton. Closed <strong>beel</strong>s were mostly<br />

choked <strong>with</strong> floating (<strong>water</strong> <strong>hyacinth</strong>), submerged (Najas, Vallisneria, Hydn'lla and<br />

c'knra) and marginal (Typhn) vegetation affecting productivity. This was confirmed by<br />

!he low rate of net primary productivity ( 0 to 281 mgC/m'/day) recorded in beds like<br />

Dikhowmomai and Rmnagar in Districts of Sibsagar and Cachar respectively. Dense<br />

mat formation by rndnal and floating mmphytes was observed in a fm <strong>beel</strong>s like<br />

Mota<strong>beel</strong> (TinsSia). Udaipur <strong>beel</strong> in the same district is choked <strong>with</strong> <strong>water</strong> <strong>hyacinth</strong>.<br />

Open <strong>beel</strong>s like Gdk<strong>beel</strong> (Golaghat district) wen almost fne from weed' infestation.

However, Samrajan north in the district of Dhcmaji has a good standing crop of<br />

rnacrophytes despite being an open <strong>beel</strong>. Weed infes&on rateby districts ii given in<br />

Table 12.<br />

Tabk 12. Infestation rate and dominant macropbytea h b&b bydlrtrict<br />

District<br />

Golaghat<br />

Infestation of mcrophyter (?A)<br />

20-70 H. Cp, Wh<br />

Jorhat 70-80 H, If3<br />

I Sibsagar 60-90 Wh, V<br />

T~nsuk~a<br />

D~hrugarh<br />

70-90 1 Wh<br />

50-80 N, V<br />

Dhemaj~ Cl-90 Wh, H, Nj<br />

CI- clear, Wh- Eicchornia crassipes, V- Vallisneria, T- Typha. H- Hvdrilla, N-<br />

,yvmphaeu, C- Chara Nj- Najas<br />

By virtue of their high nutrient status, wanner <strong>water</strong> regime and the nch<br />

sunshine, <strong>beel</strong>s of Assam are considered to be highly productive ecosystem. In fact.<br />

many of them are passing through transient phases of europhication leading to weed<br />

choking. These <strong>water</strong> bodies are extremely rich in nutrients as reflected by rich organic<br />

carbon and high levels of available nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil. But, generally,<br />

the nutrients are locked up in the form of large aquatic plants, especially <strong>water</strong> <strong>hyacinth</strong>.<br />

which are not readily available as food for fishes. Decaying weeds are the main source<br />

of organic detritus at the bottom which normally support a good bottom macrofauna.<br />

comprising mainly molluscs. However, sometimes, excessive deposition of organic<br />

matter leads to anaerobic conditions. Similarly, due to the acidic nature of the so~l-<strong>water</strong><br />

Interface, release of nutrients from the soil to <strong>water</strong> is hampered.<br />


Primary productivity<br />

Solar energy is fixed by both plankton and macrophyte community in <strong>beel</strong>s. In case of<br />

Assarn <strong>beel</strong>s, carbon fixation takes place predominantly through the macrphytic chain.<br />

In the Upper Assam, net primary productivity through rnacrophytes rang@ from 742<br />

mg C/m'/day (in Gala <strong>beel</strong>) to 4,618 mg C/m2/day as against 250 mg C/m2/day to<br />


1,750 mg Clmzlday through the plrytpopltnkton route. Rate of act cabon w o n in<br />

Central Assam wan higher in the range of 667 mg Clmzlday to 3377 mg C/rnl/day<br />

through macrophytes and 110 mg Clm'lday to 2,062 mg Clm'lday through<br />

phytoplankton. In Lower Asaam, macrophytes fixed carbon at the rate of 1,824 mg<br />

C/m2/day to 4.61 3 rng C/m2/day through macrophyter and 2 12 mg Clm'lday to 1,209<br />

mg C/m21day through phytoplankton. Thne beds surveyed in Bad valley recorded<br />

net primary production through macrophytes as 1,700 mg Clm'lday to 3,011 mg<br />

CIrn1/day while primary production through phytoplankton in this region was 584 mg<br />

Clm'iday to 988 mg C/m21day (Table 13).<br />

'Table 13. Prlmrry production (mg Clm'ldry) ofpbyloplmkton<br />

and merophylcr In ~l&led bnlr of Asram<br />

Namr *f M a NnMu~MrcrcN<br />

Mu+* I HFW*Un<br />


Ilpprr Awm Mompun(<br />

Rokv<br />

1<br />

I<br />

10804<br />

2521<br />

UIIY<br />

[<br />

I<br />

250 0<br />


A <strong>beel</strong> <strong>thicky</strong> <strong>infested</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>water</strong> <strong>hyacinth</strong><br />

Since weeds regrow after clearance, it is necessary<br />

to continue <strong>with</strong> clearance operations every year<br />


Gill net is a common fishing gear in <strong>beel</strong><br />

Marginal areas of <strong>beel</strong>s are converted into paddy<br />

fields causing conflicts of interests among agriculturists

Fish yield potential<br />

Fish yield potential is estimated as a function of the rate of primary productlvlty.<br />

The phenomenal rate of energy fixation recorded from the beds clearly suggests the<br />

high fish yield potential. The total quantum of carbon produced by macmphyies and<br />

phytoplankton in the <strong>beel</strong>s of Assarn is enormous. Even at a very modest rate of I"," 01'<br />

primary carbon, this can account for a huge fish yield of 981 to 1.31 3 kgha In Barak<br />

valley, 817 to 1,889 kg/ha in Lower Assam , 791 to 1,399 kglha in Central Assac11 and<br />

476 to 2324 kglha in Upper Assam (Table 14).<br />

Beels of Upper Assam had the highest average yield potcntial (1245 kg/hi~,ycar)<br />

followed by the Lower (1 22 1 kglhaiyear)and Central Assam (1 060 kg!hrtlycar) RaraL<br />

valley <strong>beel</strong>s <strong>with</strong> yield potential of 1093 kgha was poor compared to uppcr and loucr<br />

Assam areas of Brahmaputra valley. Phytoplankton chain contrihutcd to thc y~cld<br />

potential to a substantial extent (35%) in the central Assam. In all tllc olhcr rcy~o~ls.<br />

macrophytes accounted for 71 to 86 % of the fish yield potential.

Table 14. Estfnutlon of prodocdon potrstl.1 of some <strong>beel</strong> of Auam<br />

Barak valley<br />

Ramnngcrr<br />

Bo~ya<br />

Sonc<br />

Avenge<br />

-- --<br />

closed<br />

closed<br />

open<br />

70<br />

40<br />

55<br />

620<br />

625<br />

1099<br />

782<br />

361<br />

358<br />

214<br />

311 -<br />

98 1<br />

983<br />

1313<br />



Fish fauna<br />

Many of the <strong>beel</strong>s were managed on capture fishery norms by exploiting the<br />

natural fish stock. In the absence of any species management, these <strong>beel</strong>s were<br />

dominated by small fishes (Puntius spp., Colrsa spp.. ('handa spp.. M,atus vitrorus.<br />

Ambassrs sp., ,4nthIvpha1yngodon mola, Nandus nanduc, Mastacembelus panrulus.<br />

small prawns. Borru sp.,), carnivorous catfishes (Wullugo urr14. Ailla corla. Ompok<br />

hrrnurularus) and air breathers IH. fossrlis, Chanrru punrturw. A. trsrudinc~trs and h'<br />

notopterus) and others (Table 15<br />

Fishery status of the floodplain wetlands of Assam<br />

Most of the <strong>beel</strong>s were managed on capture fishery norms by explolttng thc<br />

natural fish stock, lead~ng to low yield rates in the range of 66 67 to 638 kghalvear In<br />

the absence of any sound specles management, .these <strong>beel</strong>s are dom~nated hy small<br />

fishes, cdrnlvorous catfishes, and atr and others (Table IS) Boiya (kialldkdndt distrtct)<br />

and Kapla (Barpeta dlstnct) <strong>beel</strong>s were the only excepttons where culture-based<br />

fishery was followed

Tabk IS. Fbh and fbheria o ltk be& rmweycd L. haam<br />

Dirtrkt Area Depth Domhut fbb FtrLhg methods<br />

Cachar<br />

(ha)<br />

18-30<br />

(m)<br />

1.0-4.0 fmllw w.,<br />

Mysw UiMhu. Ambassu<br />

rp., A mla. N nandw. M pancalw.<br />

unnll prmh &la cp.. Wallago auu.<br />

Arlla colla. Ompht bidanis. H<br />

fomlu. Chma ,numanu. A<br />

resiudt~~ md N nokynem.<br />

Gudwta chapra, IMC.<br />

L calh. Tenwlosu rluha<br />

Lbq net Sumundlng mc.<br />

Trap (dorr), Karal<br />

Hallakaadl 17 0.5-2.5 Punrru~ 'pp.. Mww vicraw, Amhsls<br />

rp , A molu. N nondw, M pancalus.<br />

small prawns, fI /ossrl~s. C puncratus.<br />

G chapru, Cullurcd npecles (IMO.<br />

Dng nn. Surround~ng net.<br />

Casl net<br />

Wullugo arru<br />

Karlm~anj 9-28 15 0.5-5.0 hnlrus lpp.. Mvsrus vtlrarus, Ambassrr<br />

np . A molu, N nandus. M punrolu~<br />

small pawns. Aorra sp . M cavastur.<br />

(I RlurrJ, H joss~lls. ('hnnno<br />

puncrarus. A restudmeu and h<br />

norqrerus, Clup~romo gnrua IMC, (8<br />

rhupra<br />

Surround~ng nn ~(rltorurl<br />

~ I I rrdpi .<br />

Darran~( 20-80 0-4.0 Punlrus spp.. (bloa spp. Borra sp . M Dc<strong>water</strong>~ng. Gill net Lon3<br />

ponrulur. ff /orr#lrs (' punrrorur f llnc ('as! net<br />

srrrurus. ('larrus burrurhu.~. N<br />

Sonltpur 18-60 0.5-4.5<br />

noloptrrur. Hirllugn orlu<br />

Punrru) spp. 1)unto spp. (.ol~so spp<br />

Burro sp . M punrulus. H fossrlr~. (<br />

puncmrur. C srr!alw.C aarulru.~;<br />

Clurrus harrurhur. N noroprerur.<br />

Wullugo uau<br />

Cast nct. I)r~g nn<br />

Jtzr~y horl~l<br />

L.akhlmpur 20-450 0.5-7.0 Punltvr app. Dunru spp. ('olrsu spp. CIII net. Cast nn<br />

Bortu sp M panrulus. L baru. L<br />

gonrus.C rrbu. IMC . 0 pobdu. N<br />

noroprcnts. N chtrula. Hhll~o orru<br />

Surround~ny nrt. DIP nct.<br />

Drag net 1f3or ,ull<br />

Jorhat 30-89 0.9-4.5 Punrrur spp hnro spp . Colrsu spp Gill net. Cast net 1<br />

Borru sp , M poncalu. Chando spp . Surrounding nut .1

Barpeta<br />

Area Deptb Dominant fbb<br />

(ha)<br />

30-70<br />

(m)<br />

1.5-7.0 ~'UA~~ILI ~pp . h m spp , Colrsa spp .<br />

2eQ5 1.0-6.0<br />

Bath sp . M. pancalus. Chanda spp .<br />

L. 8oniur.L. dh. Wallgo arru. A<br />

nda mull pnvns<br />

haw ipp. DMIO ~PP.. Cdua spp .<br />

h i a rp.. M pu11m1~1. M vi~rm,<br />

Smll prawns. Channa puncrolus. If<br />

fasilrs. A teshdm~, L gonrw.<br />

Ccula mrla, Wallgo arru<br />

10-50 1.0-5.0 hn11ur spp . hmro spp . (blrsa spp<br />

hra rp , M pclrralur. M vrtrarus.<br />

small prawns, L gonrur, W orru<br />

7- 0.3-4.0 Punrrw 'pp., Cd'sa spp , Borra ,sp , M<br />

pncalur. H fossrhs, C puncrarul ('<br />

rtrfarw. Chrras barrachm. N<br />

noroptern. Walla#o arru. M<br />

rrenghala<br />

10. 0.3-5.0 Punl~us spp . Crbllsa spp . Rorru spp<br />

Nanduq nandur, M panralus. H<br />

lossr/rs. C puncraru. (' ,tnurus.<br />

('lurras barrarhus. N no~r>prsrur. A<br />

rerrudrncus. Wnllap arru, IMC,<br />

Common carp<br />

IMC - (blla calla. (~rrhrnu, nlrryulu I ahro mhrra<br />

Fish yield<br />

Fisbing methods<br />

1 '<br />

GIII mt. sunound~np ncl.<br />

Dm8 net. Traps<br />

drag ne! y~ll ne!.<br />

surround~ng nct, cut net<br />

Long Ilnu. Surround~nl: ncl<br />

(&r /el). Traps (Norw and<br />

I)r~rynr,). .Awp<br />

The floodplain wetlands (<strong>beel</strong>s) associated <strong>with</strong> the Brahmaputra and Barak<br />

river systems contribute to the major chunk of fishery resources of Assam Becls of<br />

Assam generally posseses high potential for in srtu fish production. A numher of' them<br />

also provide a "collection sink' for fish produced in the surround~ng flooded<br />

catchments. Estimation of fish yield from <strong>beel</strong>s of Assam is very difficult task due to<br />

the unorganized marketing activities and dissipation of catch. On the basis of enquiries<br />

made at the <strong>beel</strong> sites an effort was made by ClFRl to assess the yield. But the rcsults<br />

are far from accurate. Fish yield of the <strong>beel</strong>s surveyed are in the range of 14 - 488<br />

kg/ha/year. Average fish yield of 17 <strong>beel</strong>s in the Brahmaputra valley was estimated at<br />

134 kgiha, compared to 285 kgh for 6 btcls in Bar& valley. The average yield of<br />

Assam on the basis of enquiries made in 23 <strong>beel</strong>s in the State was 173 kgba (Table 16).

Table 16 Firb productbn from different bceh of Auam .<br />

Fishing activities in different types of <strong>beel</strong>s<br />

Open heels<br />

In open <strong>beel</strong>s, new recruits come to the fishery mainly from the adjoining rivers.<br />

They provide breeding grounds and /nursery pastures for commercially important fishes<br />

during southwest monsoon months. Migration (spawningtfeeding) of Indian major carps<br />

(mainly (I curla. L. rohrta, L, calbasu and L. gonius is significant from the point of

view of recmitmcnUautostocking in these <strong>beel</strong>s. Fishes like E. wcha and G. chapm<br />

mipte in large numbas during monsoon and form a considerable post-monsoon<br />

fishery. In addition, occurrence of juveniles (32-80 mm) and adults (up to 534 mm) of<br />

Hilsa has been observed in Dhir, Dora and Sona (dl open) bccls. Most recruits enter the<br />

fishable stock in their I* year (6-8 months). Eventhough the stocks are continuously<br />

exploited, stock is replenished through fnsh recruitment the next year. However, small<br />

mesh size of fishing nets used and intense fishing in winter/sumrner may deplete the<br />

stocks below the minimum reproducibk stocks needed to renew the stocks. In addition.<br />

in many open <strong>beel</strong>s. the connecting channel <strong>with</strong> the adjoining river is blocked <strong>with</strong><br />

split bamboo screens (bana) to prevent back migration of fishes into the feeder river.<br />

Since the open floodplain wetlands are a continuum of the parent river, such<br />

hindrancelin free to-and-fro migration is likely to affect the fishery of the river and<br />

thereby that of the <strong>beel</strong> itself in subsequent years.<br />

D~verse fish populations present in the beds support a multi-species fishery,<br />

which is more complex to understand but is more resilient. However, though most open<br />

<strong>beel</strong>s have multi-species fishery, only a few species predominate the landings.<br />

Closed heels<br />

A majority of <strong>beel</strong>s remain cut-off from the rivers due to natural causes or<br />

construction of nvenne embankments. In the absence of significant recruitments from<br />

rivers, these are inhabited by fishes that can spawn in stagnant <strong>water</strong>s like murrels. U'<br />

orru, N noroprerus, barbs, rasboras, loaches, err. Indian major and medium carps, large<br />

riverine catfishes (Bagarirus hagarius. Pungasius pangasius), N. chitala, Ompok spp..<br />

Aspidoparia morar, etc. are likely to be absent there. In general, the natural fishery of<br />

closed <strong>beel</strong>s is overwhelmingly (50 to 90%) dominated by miscellaneous fishcs<br />

(Punrlus spp., Rasbora spp., Colisa spp.. Mystus spp., N. noroptem, etc.). Wecd-<br />

choked <strong>beel</strong>s are dominated by insectivorous and air-breathers like Channu spp.,<br />

Anahas sp., N. noroprerus, C, batrachus, H fossilis, etc. Stocking of IMC seed is done<br />

in some closed and seasonally open <strong>beel</strong>s like Samaguri and Kapla bcel.<br />

Fish species composition<br />

About 54 species belonging to 18 families wen recorded from Dighali <strong>beel</strong><br />

(Kamrup district).

The common pies contributing to commacia1 landings belong to eight<br />

groups a6 follows:<br />

i) Carps (Indian major and medium carps like L, barn, C. reba)<br />

ii) Catfishes (A. seenghala, W. am, A, aor)<br />

iii) Mumls (Channo spp.)<br />

iv) Featherbacks (N. chirala, N. notopterus)<br />

V) Air-breathing fishes (Colisa spp., C. borrachur. H. fossilis)<br />

vi) Hilsa (T ilisho)<br />

vii) Prawns (Macrobrochium spp.)<br />

viii) Miscellaneous fishes (Puntius spp., G. chapra, Rasboro spp., Mstm spp.)<br />

Percent contribution of the major fishes is reported to have declined from SOu%<br />

to about 25% in most <strong>beel</strong>s during recent years. The share of miscellaneous mi no^)<br />

fishes increased by 15 to more than 50% over the years. This is an unhealthy trend<br />

indicating reduced autostocking from rivers, siltation, macrophyte infestation and,or<br />

select~ve overexploitation of stocks. Many exotic fishes such as common carp, s~l~er<br />

carp, grass carp and the African catfish (C. garreplnus) have been recorded from <strong>beel</strong>s<br />

They are either washed down from culture ponds by flood or stocked deliberately. In<br />

either case, their presence in <strong>beel</strong>s may have far-reaching negative implications on our<br />

indigenous ichthyofauna.<br />

A wide variety of fishing methods is employed in the <strong>beel</strong>s of Assam. FI\.c main<br />

groups of fishing methods used are:<br />

i) Passive gear: Set barrier (banas), dip nets and traps. They capture fish as they<br />

migrate to or return from the <strong>beel</strong>s.<br />

ii) Active gear: Drag nets, seine nets, gill nets, frame nets. trawls and scoop nets<br />

These are used mainly during the dry season (October to April).<br />

~ii)<br />

Fish aggregating devices (FADS) Koralbeng fishing. This is an indigenous method<br />

of erecting circular patches of weeds to attract fish. Kotals are erected during August-<br />

September and harvested from December onwards. While harvesting, the koral area IS<br />

encircled by banadnets. After gradually reducing the encircled area, fishes are caught<br />

by using cast and drag nets.

I1<br />

Fishing operations in <strong>beel</strong>

iv)Fllling geu (Polo, cast net), hook & line, wounding and grappling, catching <strong>with</strong><br />

hands, etc. are of minor impoltantnnce.<br />

v) De<strong>water</strong>ing, which is a destructive fishing practice, has also become an imponant<br />

method in many small, closed beds &g., Mailhata, Sotha jan, etc.) in recent years.<br />


A series of pen culture experiments were carried out by CIFRI at different<br />

locations in Assam. The experiments were conducted in Peekathi (1990-91, 1991-92).<br />

Bageswari (1996-97, 1997-98) and Samaguri (1998-99) <strong>beel</strong>s. Split bamboo screen<br />

<strong>with</strong> inner lining by nylon net was used as pen material. Water area covered by pen<br />

enclosure under different experiments varied from 0.005 to 0.1 ha. After the erection of<br />

pen enclosure macrovegetation were removed manually and the area was cleared off<br />

undesirable fishes by repeated netting. The pH of soil and <strong>water</strong> in <strong>beel</strong>s are acidic.<br />

Lime was applied to correct the pH <strong>with</strong>in enclosed area.<br />

In most of the experiments, fingerlings/ advanced fingerlings of lnd~an major<br />

carps were used as stocking material. Stocking densities varying from 6000 to 60000iha<br />

were tried. In some cases like in Samaguri <strong>beel</strong> during 1998-99, only silvcr carp was<br />

stocked and in Peetkati, Puntius javanicus was stocked along <strong>with</strong> Indian major carp<br />

Duration of experiments varied between 90- 180 days. Fishes were fed, in all cases, <strong>with</strong><br />

a conventional mixture of rice bran and mustard oil cake (]:I) at the rate of 2 - 5% of<br />

the body weight per day over the period of experiments.<br />

In all the experiments growth rate of catla observed to be faster compared to<br />

other two carp species followed by rohu and mrigal. The h~ghest growth (2325%) of<br />

Catla was recorded in Peetkati <strong>beel</strong> over a rearing period of 180 days. In the same<br />

experiment, growth rate of rohu and mrigal recorded to be 1085% and 800Uiu,<br />

respectively (Table 17). Improved growth performance was associated <strong>with</strong> longer<br />

period of rearing and low stocking density. Higher stocking density and shorter<br />

duration did not favour encouraging growth rate. These experiments were conducted<br />

during October - December months aafter the recession of flood <strong>water</strong>, when temperature<br />

of the region starts falling. This has affected the growth. From the pen culture<br />

experiments conducted so far no technologies were developed. However, the following<br />

conclusions could be drawn:

1. Liming in split dosea It regular intervals u needed to corm3 the low pH. Rock lime<br />

which dissolva slowly is very w hl for prolonging the effscts of liming.<br />

2. Intermittmtly, phosphate fertilizer may be wd to favour plankton growth as PO,'<br />

concentration in Amam wrta is vay low.<br />

3. Detritivomus fishes like Labeo cnlbasu L. dm. Puntius samna and exotic species<br />

like silver carp and Cyprinus carpio can be stocked in largr numbers to get better<br />

growth rate.<br />

4. To obtain faster growth in shorter duration one year old stunted (hatchery stunt)<br />

fingerling can be used for stocking.<br />

5. To avoid slow growth due to low temperature, fishes can be stocked in the middle of<br />

January and rear them till end of April.<br />

6. Feed should be done by using hanging bag.<br />

Table 17 Detrlls of the pen culture experimenb conducted by CIFRI in Assrm<br />

Namc of Year Area Flsk Stocking Wdght DuraHon Management<br />

Bccl<br />

esrlorcd stocked delulty gain of<br />

Meaturn<br />

(ha.)<br />

(ndha.) (%) tacking<br />

(days) Limlng<br />

(4Jhm.)<br />

Feeding<br />

Pcetkrt~ 1990-9 I 0.1 Cltla 2000 2325 180<br />

Rlce<br />

Rohu 2000 1085<br />

bran:Mustard<br />

Mngal 2000 800<br />

oil cake(1: I)<br />

Pcctkat~<br />

Bagheswan<br />

Baghcswu~<br />

Smguri<br />

1991.92<br />

1996-97<br />

1997-98<br />

1998-99<br />

0 1<br />

0.1<br />

0 1<br />

0.005<br />

Catlr<br />

Rohu<br />

Mngal<br />

P, jrvanlcu<br />

Cotla<br />

Rohu<br />

Mrigrl<br />

Cada<br />

Rohu<br />

Mngal<br />

Silver<br />

cy,<br />

7030<br />

6160<br />

3370<br />

500<br />

4550<br />

4550<br />

3900<br />

3300<br />

3850<br />

3850<br />

60000<br />

620<br />

800<br />

.<br />

430<br />

280<br />

I55<br />

150<br />

75<br />

55<br />

36<br />

120<br />

90<br />

130<br />

Linung<br />

done<br />

200<br />

40 100 iOOO<br />

Rlccbran:<br />

Musurd orl<br />

cake(] ])(I 1<br />

5%bw '<br />

Ricebran<br />

Mustard 011<br />

cakc(1 I)@<br />

2% b.w.<br />

Riccbnn<br />

Munud 011


Biological productivity of a <strong>water</strong> body depards primarily on the capacity of the<br />

system to trap solar arergy and ston thm'in the form of chemical energy. The energy<br />

conversion efficiency at trophic levels of consumers differs considerably from one <strong>water</strong><br />

body to another, depending on the qualitative and quantitative variations in the biotic<br />

communities. Any conversion rate above 1% can be considend as good. The studies<br />

conducted in Assam has proved beyond doubt that bcels in this State can yield fish at<br />

substantially higher levels compared to other states and other inland aquatic ecosystems.<br />

In an ideal situation, the commercial species share the ecological niches in such<br />

a way that trophic resources are utilized to the optimum. At the same time, the fishes<br />

should belong to short food chain in order to allow maximum efliciency in converting<br />

the primary food resources into harvestable materials. Thus, the basic parameters that<br />

abet primary productivity (soil and <strong>water</strong> quality) and affect composition of comn~unity<br />

and therr efficiency to transfer energy from one trophic level to the other arc the primary<br />

considerations in selecting management option. These factors are again dependent on<br />

the <strong>water</strong> renewal cycle and the species spectrum of the parent rivers and the heels.<br />

Ecosystem-oriented management implies increasing productivity by utilizing the natural<br />

ecosystem processes to the maximum extent. This will be more cost effective and to do<br />

minlmum damage to ecosystem and biod~venity.<br />

There is an ~ncreasing trend of dichotomy between intensive aquaculture and the<br />

more eco-friendly option such as fishery enhancement. While the protagonists of<br />

intensive aquaculture advocate for high input culture systems to produce maximum<br />

biomass from a unit area of <strong>water</strong>, there is an equally strong view point in favour of<br />

settling for environment friendly sustainable system of production, even if it means a<br />

lower yield rate. This debate throws open the whole gamut of options available in<br />

managing our aquatic ecosystems.<br />

One of the useful criteria for demarcating the culture and capture fisheries is the<br />

extent of human intervention in the management process. In a typical capture fishery,<br />

the wild untended stock of organisms is harvested <strong>with</strong> little ~ntervention on either<br />

habitat variables or the biotic communities. On the other hand in a culture fishery, the

whole operation is baaed on captive stock <strong>with</strong> a high degree of effective human control<br />

over the pbysicochanical wata quality, and other Mitat variables. The marine<br />

fiMw is the example of capture fihihnies and the intensive aquaculture of fish and<br />

prawn in small ponds is the typical culture fishery.<br />

Fishq management purely on capture fishcly lines, as understood in case of<br />

marine fisheries seldom operates in the inland <strong>water</strong>s of India, <strong>with</strong> the possible<br />

exception of rivers and estuaries. Catch h m rivers are ectually falling drastically in the<br />

world over, due to negative impact of human activities on the aquatic environment.<br />

Most of the open watcrs which contribute substantially to fish production such as<br />

reservoirs, boels, boars, chaum, etc, are managed on the basis of culture-based fishery or<br />

vanous forms of enhancement, which are intermediate to culture and capture fishery<br />

norms. However, these norms lacks conceptual clarity due to absence of clear cut<br />

definitions. Since semantic confusion regarding definition of <strong>water</strong> bodies and<br />

management norms are very much evident in the literature, an attempt is made here to<br />

define and explain some of them<br />

Culture based fisheries and enhancement<br />

When the fish harvest in an open <strong>water</strong> system depend solely or ma~nly on<br />

artificial recruitment (stocking), it is refmed to as a culture-based fishery. Many of the<br />

small reservoirs, closed <strong>beel</strong>s, and number community <strong>water</strong> bodies in India fall under<br />

this system. The main focus of management here is stocking and recapture. The size at<br />

stocking, grow out period, and the size at capture are the important criteria in culture-<br />

based fishery management.<br />

Fisheries enhancement is the process by which qualitative and quantitative<br />

improvement is achieved from <strong>water</strong> bodies through exercising specific management<br />

options. This can be in the form of improving stock, changing the exploitation norm.<br />

changing craft and gear, introducing new forms of access and so on. Apart from<br />

improving the productio~l of absolute biomass from <strong>water</strong> bodies, it can also be in the<br />

form of interventions on access to the fishery or improvement in their monetary and<br />

aesthetic value. The common norms of enhancement which are relevant to inland <strong>water</strong><br />

bodies of India are :

Stock rnhrerrr (increasing tbc stock) : augmenting the stock of fish<br />

has been the most common maruganent measure followed in the becls.<br />

Augmentation of the stock is mcarsuy to pment unwanted fish to<br />

utilize available food niches and flourish at the cost of cconomicaliy<br />

important species. Stocking of floodplain wetlaads <strong>with</strong> fingerlings of<br />

economically important fast growing species to colonize all the divene<br />

niches of the biotope is one of the necessary pnrcquisites in<br />

management. The main aspects of stock enhancement are the selection of<br />

species for stocking, determination of stocking rate and the size at<br />

stocking.<br />

Species enhancement : is planting of economically important, fast<br />

growing fish from outside <strong>with</strong> a view to colonizing all the divene<br />

niches of the biotope for harvesting maximum sustainable crop from<br />

them. It can be just stocking of new species or new introduct~on.<br />

Environmentd enkuncement : is improvement of nutrient status ol'<br />

<strong>water</strong> by the selective input of fertilizers. Although this is common<br />

management option adopted in intensive aquaculture. a careful<br />

consideration of the possible impact on the environment is needed before<br />

this option is resorted to in the floodplain wetlands.<br />

7 here are other forms of enhancements such as management enhanccmcnt when<br />

new mdndgenicnt optlons are exercised For example a <strong>water</strong> body can be thrown ope11<br />

for sport fish~ng to attrdct fishers or a community management approach c.in be<br />

ddopted The ne\r culture systems such as cage and pen culture can be resoncc1 lo lo<br />

augment y~cld and Increase revenue<br />

The <strong>beel</strong>s of Assam are heterogeneous groups of fresh <strong>water</strong> wetlands whlch arc<br />

d~rerse In ongin, <strong>water</strong> renewal pattern, soil and <strong>water</strong> qualities and biotic communltles.<br />

Since management options to be adopted for obtaining higher yields depend upon an<br />

number of b~otic and abiotic parameters, it is impossible to suggest a uniform set of<br />

guidelines for all types of <strong>beel</strong>s. Thus it is imperative to give stress on ecosystem<br />

oriented management.

Community metabolism<br />

Community metabolism or the tmmfc? of a ~lgy firom one trophic level to the<br />

other can be the major criterion for wlecting managmeat options especially the species<br />

selection in culture-bastd fiherics. In an ccosystm, the biological output or the<br />

production of harvestable organisms can be at variotu trophic levels. Under a grazing<br />

chain, a phytoplankton > zooplankion > minnows > carfirhes system or a<br />

phytoplankton > zooplankton > firh system prevails. Since no grazing chain of<br />

macrophyteS>jsh exists in bcel, macrophytes an invariably channeled through detritus<br />

chain. There are different detritus chains such as macrophytec >detritus> derrirrvore<br />

system, phyroplankron > detritus > benthos > bottom feeders system and macrophyres<br />

> associated fauna > uir hreothingjsh system.<br />

Two typical systems generally found in the closed and open <strong>beel</strong>s of Assam are<br />

depicted in Fig 4 and 5. In both the cases, the birds are at the apex of the food chain. In<br />

an open <strong>beel</strong>, most of the energy are transferred through phytoplankfon > zwplankro~t<br />

> planktophagus > predatory fish chain. This is more or less the case <strong>with</strong> most of the<br />

open <strong>beel</strong>s. In sharp contrast, closed bee1 has a macrophytes base food chain <strong>with</strong><br />

dominance of fish feeding on weed associated fauna or detritus. The management norms<br />

in both cases should aimed at comcting the fish species spectrum <strong>with</strong> the above food<br />

chain in view<br />

Since it is very difficult to prescribe management norms for all possible<br />

situations, a few management options are described below.<br />

Culture-based fisheries of the closed <strong>beel</strong>s<br />

Management of completely closed <strong>beel</strong>s or those <strong>with</strong> a very brief period of'<br />

connection <strong>with</strong> the river is more like mall reservoirs. The basic strategy here will be<br />

stocking and recapture. Beels are the ideal <strong>water</strong> bodies for practising culture-based<br />

fisheries for many reasons. Firstly, they are very rich in nutrients and fish food<br />

organisms which enable the stocked fishes to grow faster to support a fishery. Thus, the<br />

growth is achieved at a faster rate compared to reservoirs. Secondly, the <strong>beel</strong>s allow<br />

higher stocking density by virtue of their better growth performance and the per hectare<br />

yield is quite high. Thirdly, there are no irrigation canals and spillways as in the case of

Fig. 4. Pathways of energy flow In (Macmphyte~Wtus chain)<br />

K*'<br />

Inucts. Worms 6

Fig. 5. Path- of enorgy flow Jn (Orrdng chrin)<br />

LzEzz-l<br />

WIU birds &

small reservoirs which caw the stock loss and the lack of effect~ve nvcr connection<br />

prevents enby of unwanted stock. The beets also allow stocking of dehitivores as the<br />

energy transfer takes place through the debitus chain.<br />

In a culturebased fishery, the growth is dependent on stocking density and<br />

survival is dependent on size of the stocked fish. The growth varies from one <strong>water</strong><br />

body to another depending on the <strong>water</strong> quality and food availability. The right spec~es<br />

stocked in right number, in right size and their recapture at right size are the determining<br />

factors. These have to be decided as a part of ecosystem-oriented management. The<br />

basic management strategies can be summarized as :<br />

i) Size or stockrng<br />

11) Stocking densrtv<br />

itr) Stze ur cuprure/ Selecrion ofjshing gear<br />

11) Species munagemenl<br />

1) Selecrron species<br />

The following arc the major aspects of culture-based fishery In closed <strong>beel</strong>s:<br />

Erudicarton/conrrol ojpredaron and pest $shes<br />

In <strong>beel</strong>s. which are undrainable duc to large volume of <strong>water</strong>, eradication of<br />

predatory and pest fishes is not possible. In <strong>beel</strong>s of considerable size (more than 10 ha).<br />

application of p~scicides like mahua oil cake is likely to be uneconomic. In such cases.<br />

the aim should be to minimize the population of unwanted fish species, hy the way of<br />

repeated netllng as well as selective fishing for predatory fishes like W utru.<br />

Stocking dertsrt,<br />

The State of Assam, <strong>with</strong> too many <strong>water</strong> bodies to slock, has inadequate state<br />

machinery to meet the stocking requirements of all its <strong>beel</strong>s. This has resulted in understocking<br />

of the <strong>beel</strong>s. Stocking densities need to be fixed for individual watcr bod~cs or<br />

a group of them sharing common characteristics such as size, presence of natural fish<br />

populations, predat~on pressure, fishing effort, minimum marketable size, amenab~l~ty to<br />

fertil~zing and multiplicity of wata use. The main considerations tn determining the

stocLtagmtc~egmwthrmteof~speckrsttt&d,tbcwntlllityrd~,aiorrt<br />

rtoJrinp aad tbc growing time. ?be following f o d an k d for c d c u ~<br />

stocking density in beck<br />

S<br />

P-<br />

Number of fish to be stocked (in numberha)<br />

Annual potential yield of the <strong>water</strong> body<br />

q The proportion of the yield that can come from the species in question<br />

W Mean weight at capture<br />

k Age at caphue<br />

t, Age at stocking<br />

-2 Total mortality rate<br />

It is important to estimate the values of P. In an ideal situation it can be<br />

calculated through primary productivity estimations. In a culture-based fishery. the<br />

growth of stocked fish (W) will vary from <strong>beel</strong> to <strong>beel</strong>. Thus, the assumed growth rate<br />

can not be uniform. However, a growth rate of 500 g per year is easily attained in case<br />

of Indian major carps in the <strong>beel</strong>s of Assam. A more scientific approach to stock<br />

enhancement of the bccls is needed since the larger share of additional fish production is<br />

expected to come from this management measure alone.<br />

The range of mortality rates can be found out from the estimated survival rate.<br />

Table 18 illustrates calculation of stocking rates using the formula given above, when P<br />

= 200 kgh, q = 1, W = 0.5 kg and t-k, is I. While putting values for [he unnuul<br />

potenrial yield oftho <strong>water</strong> body (P) in the formula, it must be clearly understood that it<br />

should cover only a part of the yield that comes through stocked fish. For example, if a<br />

<strong>beel</strong> is expected to give a total yield of 500 kgha in which 100 kg/ha is accountable to<br />

natural populations, then 400 should be the P value.

The model assumes insignificant breeding by stocked population and therefore<br />

applies mainly to total cropping situations i.e.. those in which fish are caught below<br />

their minimum size for maturity, those whose natural reproduction does not take place<br />

and those where <strong>water</strong> body is not permanent. It shows that stocking density, which<br />

depends on the natural conditions of productivity, growth and morlality, are very<br />

sensitive to Z. Because of the very large numbers of fry needed, this fonnula may have<br />

very limited utility in large reservoirs.<br />

Tabk 18. Calculated stockiag denrity at different h ela of mortality (adopted<br />

from Wdcommc, 1976)<br />

Annaul per ccnr Estinuted number of fish<br />

rurv~val to be stocked (number'ha)<br />

1.081<br />

1.792<br />

2.0 2.955<br />

Despite the lack of any policy and sound scientific advice, the stocking efforts made<br />

in Assam <strong>beel</strong>s have been very effective in improving the yield. This is because of the<br />

fact that success in management of <strong>beel</strong>s depends more on recapturing the stocked fish<br />

rather than on their building up a b ding population. The smaller <strong>water</strong> bodies have<br />

the advantage of easy recapture and stock monitoring. The smaller the reservoirs, the<br />

better are the chances of success in the stock and recapture process, Instances where<br />

stocking of Indian niajor carps became ineffective in bccls are very rare. The basic<br />

tenets of stocking policy arc:<br />

Selection of the right species, depending on the fish food resources available in the<br />

system.<br />

Detmination of a stocking density on the basis of production potential, pwth and<br />

mortality rates.

Proper stocking and harvesting sckdule including staggered stodung and<br />

harvesting, allowing maximum grow out periad, talung into account the critical<br />

<strong>water</strong> Icvels.<br />

In case of small irrigation reservoirs <strong>with</strong> open sluices the season of ovdo\c and<br />

[he possib~lities of wata level falling too low or completely drying up, are also to be<br />

taken into consideration.<br />

Stockrng srze<br />

Since mortality of fish is size-dependent, it is vital to stock fish at a proper size<br />

to ensure a good survival1 recovery of stocked fingerlings. In the undrainable beds<br />

hav~ng large carnivorous population like W.arru, C. marulius. N, chrtalu etc. ( more than<br />

10% of catch) the nlinimum size of the stocking should be at least 10 cm in length. In<br />

<strong>beel</strong>s having moderate (less than equal to 5 % of total fish catch) carnivore populat~on .<br />

th~s mtntmum stocking size may be reduced to 8 cm. At present, it will be difficult. ~f<br />

not ~mpossible, to get a steady supply of large sized fingerlings in adequate number and<br />

at the nght tlrne to stock the becls. It is also diflicult lask to transport large number of<br />

advanced fingerlings (,I0 cm In size) to the <strong>beel</strong> sites, which have remote locat~on and<br />

poor road connections. Buylng the seed for stocking will be an expensive and difficult<br />

proposrtlon, whlch In all likelihood will not be complied <strong>with</strong>. It may be noted that<br />

contrary to the claims, it is the lapse in stocking (in the right size, in adequate number<br />

and in tlme) that is mainly responsible for low yield obtained from culture-based<br />

fisher~es in reservoirs and <strong>beel</strong>s of India. Cons~rucrron of rearlng ponds or pen<br />

enclosurc~s should he prov~ded rn each beeifor in situ rearing of curpflngerlrngs.<br />

S~ock~ng combrnarron and ratlo<br />

The combination of three Indian major carps and three exotic carps is expected<br />

to give much higher yield than IMC alone. However, in merit yean, fish farmers are<br />

gradually shifting from 6 species composite carp culture to polyculture of 3 species<br />

IMC. because the exotic q s have less consumer preference, low shelf life and the<br />

nsultant lower price. Since the kls have very high detritus energy, one is tempted to<br />

suggest a higher proportion (30 rohu:30 catla:40 mrigal) but experience <strong>with</strong> pen culture<br />

experiment have shown that mrigal either does not thrive well in <strong>beel</strong> bottom due to<br />

anoxic condition or arc difftcult to harvest.

Size at harvest<br />

Size at harvest of stocked fish should be at leaat 500g (in case of staggered<br />

stocking and multiple harvesting) to 750 g (in case of single stocking and terminal<br />

harvesting). This may vary depending upon the period of <strong>water</strong> retention (8.10 months)<br />

in the closed <strong>beel</strong>s. in case of stagged stocking, it is important to allow the stocked<br />

fish to grow for an adequate period so as to achieve optimum growth. Thus, the stocking<br />

and harvesting schedule need to be worked out for each betl, depending on its <strong>water</strong><br />

nnewal pattern. In case staggered stocking is adopted, parameters like stocking interval.<br />

minimum size at capture are to be detmnined and spelt out.<br />

Macrophyte control<br />

Keeping the macrophytes under control is the most important measure to be<br />

followed in the closed <strong>beel</strong>s. As explained in earlier chapters, clearance of macrophytes<br />

creates congenial atmosphere for rich plankton growth. Since plankton is easilyldirectly<br />

converted into terminal (fish) production, yield rates of <strong>beel</strong>s will go up significantly<br />

from macrophyte control alone. Normally, stocking of exotic fish is not encouraged due<br />

to the possibility of these fishes entering natural <strong>water</strong>s through flooding. However, in<br />

totally closed <strong>beel</strong>s <strong>with</strong> little chance of getting flooded, grass carp fingerlings @! 10%<br />

of the total stocking density may be released to <strong>beel</strong> to control submerged macrophytes<br />

like Hydrrlla. Nujas err.<br />

Since the <strong>beel</strong>s are plagued by the condition of low pH of soil and <strong>water</strong>, liming<br />

is expected to augment release of essential plant nutrients from the soil phase and there-<br />

by increasing fish production. Liming during post-monsoon or winter season will also<br />

help prevent occwence of Epimtic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS), a common cause of<br />

loss of fish stocks and associated monetary loss in many <strong>beel</strong>s of the state. However,<br />

this measure may not be cost effective in beds larger than 20 ha.

Ferrlisarion / Borrom raking<br />

Since the <strong>beel</strong>s raceive a lot of allochthonous inputs from their catchment areas,<br />

and usually have larger organic matter resern, extema) fertilisation is unwarranted.<br />

Further, external fertilization is not sustainable ecologically since it is likely to hasten<br />

the natural eutrophication process of the <strong>beel</strong>. Instead of external fertili7ation.<br />

macrophyte clearance and bottom raking resulted in rich plankton growth and the<br />

highest ever production.<br />

Capture fisheries of the open <strong>beel</strong>s<br />

Some bcels retain their rivcrine connection for a reasonably long time, which are<br />

relatively free from weed infestations. These <strong>beel</strong>s are typical continuum of nvers whcre<br />

the management stratcgy is essent~ally aktn to riverine fisheries. Thus. basic approach IS<br />

to kllow recruitment by conserving and protecting the brooders and juveniles. These<br />

measures have the dual advantage of conserving the natural habitat of the <strong>beel</strong>s alons<br />

<strong>with</strong> extcnding the benefits of conservation to the lotic ecosystem of the parent stream<br />

In capture fishery management, the natural fish stock is managed. Therefore, a thorough<br />

insight of population dynamics including recruitment, growth and mortality is ver),<br />

much essential. In order to ensure recruitment, the following parameters are taken into<br />

consideration.<br />

I) Irk.r~rrJictrrron tmdprotection of hreecling grounds<br />

11) ,4110~ /rc3i, mrgrotlorl of brooders undjuvenlles from bee1 lo river and vice wrsu<br />

111) Prorecrron (dbrood slock arrdluvenrles h, conservarlon measures<br />

The growth over-fishing is prevented by taking appropriate measures for gear<br />

selectton. Adjustments in quality and quantity of fishing gear is an essential<br />

component of capture fishery management. Common strategies followed are<br />

sunimari7cd as:<br />

i) increase rhe minimum mesh size.<br />

ri) Increuse or decrease rhefihing effori.<br />

iii) Ohsenv rhe closed season lo protect the brooders

iv) Strict adherence of the restriction on the minimum size ar capture.<br />

9 Diversity ofthe gear.<br />

VI) Selective augmentation ofstock, onlv if unavoidable.<br />

Culture and capture systems<br />

There are systems which combine the norms of capturt and culture fisheries.<br />

The marginal areas of <strong>beel</strong>s an cordoned off for culture systems either as ponds or as<br />

pens and the central portion is lefl for capture fisheries (Fig. 6). This has been tried in<br />

many places of the country <strong>with</strong> certaln degree of success.<br />

Fishery options<br />

I)<br />

Frshen based on Itrtitr~n mulor curps<br />

The becl, especially the closed ones can he developed as b~g ponds has the~r<br />

fishery solell dcpends on stocklng <strong>with</strong> IMC. Although not donc in a scientific way thc<br />

heels arc hung stocked regularly. In the absence of natural rcc~itmcnt, stocktng u~th<br />

economically lniportant species form thc best management optlon.<br />

In many of the <strong>beel</strong>s indigenous fish forms a substantial share of the catch<br />

uhlch fetch good prlce also In the local market. It IS not necessary to develop all becls<br />

as carp hascd fisheries Anrh/!ph(~nngodon mokr. Pun~r~rs soplrore. (ittclrt.sl(i c,htil~~.ir<br />

and a number of alr breathing fishes etc. can also sustain economic fishery. I,o\r ylcld<br />

rates can be compensatcd <strong>with</strong> the high price those fishes fetch. 'This practlcc w~ll<br />

prcbcnt the compartmcntalizat~on of heels and their conversion into ponds.<br />

rrr) Fishcn based on pen and cage culture<br />

Many of the <strong>beel</strong>s are no1 productive and it is not practical to fertilize the uholc<br />

open <strong>water</strong> area. Therefore a manageable part of the <strong>water</strong> body can be cordoned off to<br />

stock choice species. Pen and cage culture practices are the perfect management optlon<br />

for the weed choked and unproductive <strong>beel</strong>s. Thls solves the problem created by gear<br />

restriction and catchability.

Flg. 8. Dlrgnmmatlc npnwnbSion of cuttun md upkrre fkherhs<br />

developmet In Au8m<br />

. - --<br />

~ CULTURE<br />


I<br />




Beels also can be pPrt of an integrated system including navigation. bird<br />

sanctuary, post harvest, aquaculture and open <strong>water</strong> fisheries. A scheme for an <strong>beel</strong> (Fig.<br />

7) has been shown as an example. This plan is a part of holistic development of the<br />

wetland, which can benefit the local people and help retaining the biodiversity of the<br />

<strong>beel</strong> and its environment. It is proposed that the deep northern part of the lake can be<br />

retained in its natural state to conserve aquatic communities and fish population. Th~s<br />

will act as i reservoir for irrigation and capture fisheries. The periphery of the swampy<br />

southern sector of the <strong>beel</strong> could be converted into aquaculture pondsipens leaving the<br />

middle portion ofthis sector as bird sanctuary.

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