43-101 2009 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...

43-101 2009 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...

43-101 2009 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...

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PEDIMENT GOLD CORP.1. Executive SummaryMelvin A Herdrick, Vice President of Exploration and a geologist employed by PedimentGold Corp. is the author and “Qualified Person” responsible for this <strong>Technical</strong> <strong>Report</strong>. Thisreport has been written to accompany a recent independent Resource calculation for the <strong>San</strong><strong>Antonio</strong> project by independent consultant Gary Giroux of Giroux Consultants that isdescribed in section 18 of this report (Current Mineral Resource Estimates). This <strong>Technical</strong><strong>Report</strong> was prepared using the guidelines for disclosure and reporting requirements of theNational Instrument <strong>43</strong>-<strong>101</strong> reporting standards of the <strong>On</strong>tario Securities Commission(OSC), the British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC), and the Canadian SecuritiesAdministrators (CSA). Further assistance in preparing the report was provided by AlbertoOrozco M.Sc. Geology, Univ. of Sonora, Mexico, a Geologist employed by Pediment GoldCorp. <strong>The</strong> author has been on site numerous times for periods of up to four days each timeover the past six years and in particular over the past two years. Site visits have continuedthrough <strong>2009</strong>. This report is complete with data through Nov. 1, <strong>2009</strong>.This report includes review of reporting on earlier work in the <strong>Project</strong> Area, prepared byboth independent consultants and by employees of prior project operators. Specificallycited are NI <strong>43</strong>-<strong>101</strong> compliant reports completed at the request of Pediment Gold Corp byWallis (2005) and by Thompson (2008).<strong>The</strong> <strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong> <strong>Project</strong> is located approximately 40 km by road from the city of La Pazwhich has been the principle staging point for project work. La Paz is the capital city of<strong>Baja</strong> California Sur, Mexico, with a population of approximately 300,000 inhabitants.North of the city in the La Paz bay is the deep water shipping port through which most ofthe goods and necessities enter the area. Regional electrical power generation sites locatednear the port area also provides electric power to the region through a grid coveringsouthern <strong>Baja</strong> California Sur that traverses the project area.Drilling in 2007 by Pediment Gold Corp. Ltd. in the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong> project located a newgold mineral deposit named Los Planes which is being evaluated for its potential for openpit mining to heap leach and other gold extraction methods. <strong>The</strong> gold mineral deposit ishosted in a large shear zone which within Cretaceous aged crystalline rocks. Drill testingcontinued through mid-2008. A total of 37 diamond core holes and 168 RC drill holes witha combined total of 35,557.5 meters of drilling have been completed by Pediment GoldCorp to outline the Los Planes discovery and other nearby bodies, and to test other targets.<strong>The</strong> gold resource summarized in the following table has been calculated by independentconsultant G. Giroux as released in a previous news report (Aug. 25, <strong>2009</strong>).

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