43-101 2009 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...

43-101 2009 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...

43-101 2009 Technical Report On The San Antonio Project, Baja ...

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PEDIMENT GOLD CORP.generation of IP surveys, 1994 through 1997. More detailed dipole-dipole and pole-dipolearray IP surveys were carried out in 2007.“A RIP (reconnaissance induced polarization) survey was done in mid-2006 as notedabove to determine if anomalous zones [identified during the late 1990’s by Echo BayMexico (EBX)] continue northward beyond the known areas of mineralization. Results ofthe RIP survey ([stations are randomly spaced yet cover the aerial extend of the projectarea]) showed two large polarization anomalous areas which extended off the CIRIOconcession north and east. <strong>The</strong> central RIP anomaly was concluded to probably connect tothe Las Colinas deposit area, while the eastern chargeable anomaly was located out east ofthe concession in the 602,000 east UTM coordinate” (this anomaly remains unexplained.)<strong>The</strong> airborne magnetic data is part of the EBX data package acquired during the mid-1990s.<strong>The</strong> output from the EBX helicopter DIGHEM combined magnetic, electromagnetic,radiometric and VLF-EM data are available through a data access agreement with EBX’successor, Kinross Gold. [<strong>The</strong>se airborne data were subsequently reprocessed by Mr. ChrisLudwig, an independent geophysical consultant in Denver, Colorado and by JohnReynolds.Two of the data plots delivered by Ludwig, were “Total Field Magnetics” and “Radiometric- Anomalous Potassium Component”]“A geophysical IP dipole-dipole [with limited pole-dipole array data] survey conducted byDurango Geophysics currently totals 16 east west lines, with 100 m dipoles, 3-5 km longlines. Total line distance completed is more than 80 line kilometers. Prior data acquiredfrom the EBX data base is 12 lines with 50 m [and 100] dipoles and about 3 km long IPlines or about 36 line kilometers of lines. <strong>The</strong>re is some overlap of the data, but most ofEBX IP was in the Colinas deposit area.” “<strong>The</strong>se data sets are defining the gold zonescontinuation north beneath pediment cover, and providing some verification to match soilgeochemical which can be tested by drill targeting later”. <strong>The</strong> 2007 IP program dataexpands on the EBX’ coverage of the Las Colinas and Los Planes zones and this dataextends the area of anomalous response significantly. In the Los Planes area, EBX IPcoverage was limited to 50 meter dipoles on lines 200 meters apart. <strong>The</strong> effective depth ofexploration using 50 meter dipoles is probably not greater than 150 meters. <strong>The</strong> PedimentExploration 2007 IP program consisted of 100 meter dipole-dipole and a limited amount of100 meter pole-dipole data on the northern extension of the Los Planes ore deposit. <strong>The</strong>effective depth of exploration for 100 meter dipole-dipole data possibly exceeds 300 meterswhile the depth of exploration for the pole-dipole array may reach a depth 400 meters to500 meters. See the technical report of Thompson (2008) for illustrations of IP lines andlayout.Pediment Exploration 2007 100 meter dipole-dipole data along approximately the same linelocation UTM NAD 27 – Line 2639800N) shows very similar data patterns but theanomalous responses obviously have a greater depth extent than is displayed in the earlierEBX 50 meter data set. <strong>The</strong> shallowest response seen in the Pediment Exploration data iscentered under 5987+00E which corresponds with the EBX zone located at 989+00E. Inthe Pediment 100m data, the zone is seen at the N=2 level, or about 100+ meters. What isobvious is the greater depth penetration of the 100 m dipoles and there are two separatedeeper zones apparent in the Pediment data that were never seen in the EBX data using the

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