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Prime Research on Biotechnology (PRB)ISSN: 2315-5299. Vol. 2(4), pp. 53-56, December 18 th ,© Prime JournalsFull Length ResearchHypoglycemic activity of aqueous extract of the bark ofBridelia ferruginea in normal and alloxan-induceddiabetic ratsAdewale OB and Oloyede OI1 Department of Chemical Sciences (Biochemistry unit), College of Sciences, Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti, EkitiState, Nigeria.2 Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria.Accepted 18 th October, 2012The hypoglycemic activity of the aqueous extract from stem bark of Bridelia ferruginea was investigated in both normaland alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Rats were made diabetic by the administration of alloxan (150mg/kg body weight)intraperitoneally. Fasting blood glucose level greater than 300mg/dl indicates diabetes mellitus. Diabetic rats weretreated with 100mg/kg of the extract. The extract significantly reduced the blood glucose level of normal rats at thetested dose 24 hours after oral administration (p< 0.05) from 45.00 + 2.65 to 32.67 + 1.53 mg/dl and also reduced theblood glucose level of alloxan-induced diabetic rats from 547.50 + 74.25 to 450.00 + 14.14 mg/dl. Glucose tolerance innormal rats was enhanced which shows that there is marked improvement in glucose utilization after administration ofthis extract. The result obtained in this study revealed the mechanism of hypoglycemic activity of Bridelia ferruginea torepair the β-cells that has been destroyed by the alloxan monohydrate within few hours. This implies that the aqueousextract from this plant stimulates the reduction of the blood glucose by acting directly as insulin or enhancing the releaseof insulin.Keywords: Hypoglycemic activity, Bridelia ferruginea, alloxan, glucose tolerance, insulin.INTRODUCTIONDiabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disordercharacterize by degeneration of carbohydrates, proteinand fat metabolism (O’Brien and Granner, 1996).Diabetes being a major degenerative disease is found inall parts of the world and it is becoming the third mostlethal disease of mankind and rapidly increasing(Ogbonnia et al., 2008). Hyperglycemia (high bloodsugar) is a condition in which an excessive amount ofglucose circulates in the blood plasma. This is generally aglucose level higher than 180 mg/dl. Hyperglycemiacauses many of the health problem associated withdiabetes such as heart disease, kidney and nervedamage. However, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) ismost common among people with diabetes, as too muchinsulin can cause blood sugar levels to fall. However,hypoglycemia is a condition in which there is anabnormally low level of glucose (sugar) in blood. If leftuntreated, hypoglycemia can cause permanentneurological damage and death (Dailey, 2007; Bergqvistet al., 2008). Hypoglycemic agents have been used in themanagement of diabetes mellitus (DM).Insulin and oralhypoglycemic agents like sulphonylureas and biguanidesare still the major players in the management of thedisease. Due to lack of insulin, hyperglycemia andglycosuria almost invariably occur. The search for acurative agent against this disease resulted in theintroduction of several hypoglycemic agents. Some ofwhich are used therapeutically. However, various harmfulside effects and weak effectiveness of them made theiruse limited and the search to find more effective agentscontinues. Medicinal plants are increasingly being used inmost parts of the world as hypoglycemic agents (Farswanet al., 2009; Lee et al., 2009). Several plants and isolatedcompounds have been demonstrated to have antidiabeticpotentials (Li et al., 2004; Grover et al., 2000;Rahman and Zaman, 1989). One of them is taken forinvestigation in this study.Bridelia ferruginea is a tree belonging to the family

Adewale and Oloyede 54Euphorbiaceae. The genius Bridelia is made up of about60species scattered throughout Asia, Africa and Australia(Rashid et al, 2000). Bridelia ferruginea is commonlycalled “ira” and the bark “eepo ira” in Nigeria among theYorubas. It is used in some communities in Cameroon inthe traditional treatment of illness referring to the clinicaldiabetes condition (Njamen et al, 2003). Nutritionally,various parts of this tree are used in the treatment ofillnesses e.g. roots and branches has antibacterialproperties, roots to treat skin diseases, the leaves andthe decoction of the stem bark in the treatment ofdiabetes, diarrhea, dysentery, gastrointestinal disordersand rheumatic pains (Cimanga et al, 1999, Addae-Mensah and Achenback, 1985). B. ferruginea has beenfound to contain rutin (Rashid et al, 2000), which hasbeen shown to exhibit hypoglycemic activity (Onunkwo etal, 1996). The leaf extract was shown to contain naturallyoccurring secondary metabolites endowed with antidiabeticproperties (Njamen et al, 2003, Onunkwo et al,1996). The objective of this study was to examine thehypoglycemic effect of the bark of Bridelia ferruginea.MATERIALS AND METHODPlant materialsThe stem bark of Bridelia ferruginea tree was obtainedfrom Eniju farmland at Ijurin-Ekiti in Ijero LocalGovernment of Ekiti State, Nigeria. It was air-dried fortwenty-eight days, ground after removing the outermostlayer. The powdered material was then stored in sealedbottle at room temperature (37 0 C).ExtractionAqueous extract of stem bark of Bridelia ferruginea (5g)was extracted with 100 ml distilled water and stored inthe refrigerator at 10 0 C for 12hrs. The resulting filtratewas administered orally to the animals using an intubatorbased on the body weight and the dose (100mg/kg bodyweight).Chemicals usedAlloxan monohydrate and α-d-glucose (anhydrous) fromSigma Chemical Company, St. Louis, Mo, U.S.A. Distilledwater, methylated spirit, and one touch glucose strips.Each glucose strip contains the following reactiveingredients in the approximate concentrations: Glucoseoxidase -----14IU, Peroxidase -----11IU, 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone hydrochloride ---0.06mg, 3-dimethylaminobenzoic acid------ 0.12mg.Laboratory animalsFemale albino rats weighing between 100-140g wereused for the study. The animals were obtained from theanimal house of the Department of Biochemistry,University of Ilorin, Nigeria. The animals were housed atthe Department of Biochemistry, Ekiti State University,Ado-Ekiti, and were acclimatized for a period of 7dayswith free access to pelleted feed and clean water. Therats were then grouped randomly into four with fouranimals in each. Alloxan monohydrate (150mg/kg bodyweight) was dissolved as 5% solution in distilled waterand injected intraperitoneally in previously overnightfasted rats to induce diabetes. After one hour animalswere allowed food and water ad libitum. After 72hoursBlood glucose levels were estimated by the glucoseoxidase method and animals having blood glucose levelsof more than 150mg/dl were selected for study.Sixteen female albino rats divided into four groups(n=4) designated: Group I normal control received onlydistilled water, group II received only aqueous extract ofthe bark of Bridelia ferruginea (100mg/kg body weight),groups III and IV were made diabetic by theintraperitoneal administration of alloxan monohydrate(150mg/kg body weight). Group III animals were treatedwith aqueous extract of B. ferruginea (100mg/kg bodyweight) and alloxan diabetic rats of group IV were kept asdiabetic control (untreated). Determination of fastingblood glucose Fasting blood glucose levels in bothnormal and alloxan-induced diabetic rats weredetermined routinely by the glucose oxidase method(using the digital one-touch glucometer). Blood sampleswere collected two hours after administration of theextract by cutting the tip of the tail of each rat. Rats withblood glucose level above 200mg/dl were considered tobe diabetic and were used in the study.Oral glucose tolerance testThe oral glucose tolerance test was carried out on normaland alloxan-induced diabetic untreated group at the sametime. The rats were administered orally with the aqueousextract of the bark of B. ferruginea at a dose of 100mg/kgbody weight after an overnight fast. Two hours later,glucose solution (2g/kg body weight) was administeredorally. Blood samples were collected prior to theadministration of the glucose load. Blood glucose valueswere determined at 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes later. Theblood samples were taken by cutting the tip of the tail ofeach rat and the blood glucose levels were determinedroutinely by the glucose oxidase method.Statistical analysisAll data were expressed as means ± SD. Student’s t-testwas used to compare the mean values of test groups andcontrol. Differences in mean values were consideredsignificant at p < 0.05.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe mean blood glucose levels of control and treated ratsat various time intervals after oral administration ofaqueous extract of the bark of Bridelia ferruginea areshown in table 1. These levels were compared with thevalues in control rats administered distilled water only.Theglucose levels of normal rats administered B.ferrugineaaltered blood glucose glucose were found to besignificantly (P

<strong>Prime</strong> Research on Biotechnology (PRB)ISSN: 2315-5299. Vol. 2(4), pp. 53-56, December 18 th ,© <strong>Prime</strong> <strong>Journals</strong><strong>Full</strong> Length ResearchHypoglycemic activity of aqueous extract of the bark ofBridelia ferruginea in normal and alloxan-induceddiabetic ratsAdewale OB and Oloyede OI1 Department of Chemical Sciences (Biochemistry unit), College of Sciences, Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti, EkitiState, Nigeria.2 Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria.Accepted 18 th October, 2012The hypoglycemic activity of the aqueous extract from stem bark of Bridelia ferruginea was investigated in both normaland alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Rats were made diabetic by the administration of alloxan (150mg/kg body weight)intraperitoneally. Fasting blood glucose level greater than 300mg/dl indicates diabetes mellitus. Diabetic rats weretreated with 100mg/kg of the extract. The extract significantly reduced the blood glucose level of normal rats at thetested dose 24 hours after oral administration (p< 0.05) from 45.00 + 2.65 to 32.67 + 1.53 mg/dl and also reduced theblood glucose level of alloxan-induced diabetic rats from 547.50 + 74.25 to 450.00 + 14.14 mg/dl. Glucose tolerance innormal rats was enhanced which shows that there is marked improvement in glucose utilization after administration ofthis extract. The result obtained in this study revealed the mechanism of hypoglycemic activity of Bridelia ferruginea torepair the β-cells that has been destroyed by the alloxan monohydrate within few hours. This implies that the aqueousextract from this plant stimulates the reduction of the blood glucose by acting directly as insulin or enhancing the releaseof insulin.Keywords: Hypoglycemic activity, Bridelia ferruginea, alloxan, glucose tolerance, insulin.INTRODUCTIONDiabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disordercharacterize by degeneration of carbohydrates, proteinand fat metabolism (O’Brien and Granner, 1996).Diabetes being a major degenerative disease is found inall parts of the world and it is becoming the third mostlethal disease of mankind and rapidly increasing(Ogbonnia et al., 2008). Hyperglycemia (high bloodsugar) is a condition in which an excessive amount ofglucose circulates in the blood plasma. This is generally aglucose level higher than 180 mg/dl. Hyperglycemiacauses many of the health problem associated withdiabetes such as heart disease, kidney and nervedamage. However, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) ismost common among people with diabetes, as too muchinsulin can cause blood sugar levels to fall. However,hypoglycemia is a condition in which there is anabnormally low level of glucose (sugar) in blood. If leftuntreated, hypoglycemia can cause permanentneurological damage and death (Dailey, 2007; Bergqvistet al., 2008). Hypoglycemic agents have been used in themanagement of diabetes mellitus (DM).Insulin and oralhypoglycemic agents like sulphonylureas and biguanidesare still the major players in the management of thedisease. Due to lack of insulin, hyperglycemia andglycosuria almost invariably occur. The search for acurative agent against this disease resulted in theintroduction of several hypoglycemic agents. Some ofwhich are used therapeutically. However, various harmfulside effects and weak effectiveness of them made theiruse limited and the search to find more effective agentscontinues. Medicinal plants are increasingly being used inmost parts of the world as hypoglycemic agents (Farswanet al., 2009; Lee et al., 2009). Several plants and isolatedcompounds have been demonstrated to have antidiabeticpotentials (Li et al., 2004; Grover et al., 2000;Rahman and Zaman, 1989). One of them is taken forinvestigation in this study.Bridelia ferruginea is a tree belonging to the family

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