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<strong>THE</strong> <strong>CLUB</strong> <strong>AT</strong> <strong>SONTERRA</strong><strong>BOARD</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>GOVERNORS</strong><strong>MINUTES</strong>Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2007Mickey Gayler, ChairmanArthur Abelman, STAMichael Adzija, Chairman EmeritusMarian Dyer, SWGALori Goforth, Vice-ChairpersonRosalie Hallenberger, HistorianCathy Lay, SWASteve McKim, MGAStephanie & Randy Park, Ambassador CouncilMEMBERS <strong>AT</strong>-LARGEMike CooneyMilt KingGrant MorrisGary NedwedBecky SpearsAbsent: Arthur AbelmanClub Representatives: Ross Thornbrugh, Kathryn Comfort, Jeff Hunter, Barry Carter, Michelle Dodier andGeorge Rojas.Chairman Gayler called the meeting to order. He reminded the Board that we are now ratifying the minutes viaemail and the October Minutes have been approved and distributed to the members.COMMITTEE REPORTS:MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE/AMBASSADOR COUNCIL: Stephanie Park informed the Board that we arestill full with a wait list at 1,100 full golf members, 438 tennis and 579 social. She thanked Kathryn Comfort,Jackie Walton and Gail Campbell for all their hard work at maintaining our full with a wait list status whileStacey Semtner, Membership Director, has been on medical leave. Mrs. Park also thanked the AmbassadorCouncil for their help in calling all the new members for 2007 to ensure that they have gotten connected in theClub and are enjoying Sonterra. Ms. Comfort also thanked the Council for taking turns in giving tours formembership since Mrs. Semtner has been out. Mrs. Park stated that a new chair for the Council will beannounced next month for 2008. Our final New Member Reception for 2007 is scheduled on Friday, November30 and we have invited all those new members who have not already attended a New Member Reception. Ms.Comfort stated that we will be hosting a cocktail party in January to thank all of our member sponsors for 2007.Mr. Thornbrugh wanted to thank Ms. Comfort for all of her hard work during this time while we have had nomembership director. Ms. Comfort has done an incredible job filling in and helping both Jackie Walton,Membership Assistant, and Gail Campbell in our membership efforts.HOUSE COMMITTEE: (Sub-Committee reports below.)FOOD & BEVERAGE: Marian Dyer (see report for details). Ms. Dyer reports that a new appetizer menu forthe Main Lounge is in the works. Mr. Fanelli and Mr. Rojas are working with different vintners to makearrangements to showcase an assortment of wines monthly. The Chef’s Featured Selections on the weekends iscontinuing to do very well, but the Early Bird Dining remains slow. Mr. Rojas informed the Committee that weare committed to doing the Early Bird Menu until the end of 2007 and we will reevaluate its possibilities in2008. Catering is offering a special Thanksgiving “To-Go” menu, which offers all the sides for Thanksgiving,all you have to do is make the turkey, which is doing very well. Ms. Dyer explained that she has beenapproached by a couple of members questioning whether golf shirts are proper attire during Sunday Brunch,especially when you see the Club’s pianist in a tuxedo during brunch. Mr. McKim commented that shorts are1 of 6

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>CLUB</strong> <strong>AT</strong> <strong>SONTERRA</strong><strong>BOARD</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>GOVERNORS</strong><strong>MINUTES</strong>Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2007definitely not allowed, but he believed collared golf shirts have always been permitted. Mr. Morris asked if weshould change the language for the dress code. Mr. McKim suggested that we consider having an informal andformal dining room, so people can make a choice. The Board agreed to table this issue and have the PolicyCommittee review it to determine the best course of action. Lastly, Ms. Dyer stated that the 19 th Hole MixedGrill has returned to their winter hours of operation and will now be closing at 5:00 PM.<strong>CLUB</strong> MAINTENANCE: Becky Spears (see report for details). Mrs. Spears stated that the Committee metinformally in the tennis area and reviewed what needs to be done in that area. Some of the issues have alreadybeen addressed and some, such as landscaping, will be addressed after the court lighting project has beencompleted. Gary Tupa has all the fall plants out around the Club grounds and it looks wonderful. Thedecorating group met on November 5 and they did a walk through to get ideas together on how best to rearrangethe décor to give the Club a fresh new look. They will meet again on November 26. There have beencontinuous problems with the restrooms on the South Course. Mrs. Spears and Ms. Dyer met with Mr.Thornbrugh on Monday to discuss this issue further. A solution must soon be found for these restrooms. Inaddition, Mr. Steger is looking into solutions for the tile/grout problem in the Ladies’ Fitness Locker Rooms.Ms. Dodier stated that our maintenance staff was power washing the tennis bathrooms today. Half of the tennisbenches have been completely repainted and the other half is being worked on, plus more things will beaccomplished once the tennis lights have been completed.GOLF & GREENS COMMITTEE: Co-Chairs Marian Dyer and Steve McKim (see report for details). Ms.Dyer stated that the Committee had a long, in-depth meeting and there is a great deal of information in theCommittee Report. Only the highlights were covered. A discussion regarding pace of play was held regarding2-somes and 5-somes on the weekends, because lately it had been taking up to 5 hours to complete a round onthe North Course. After much discussion, the Committee decided to table any further decisions in favor ofmore stringent marshalling and reminders of pace of play being implemented. The pro staff will placeinformation in the carts & other places informing the membership of the pace of play they are expected to keepregardless of the size of the playing group. In addition, groups falling behind the North Course’s 4 hour and 15minute pace of play will be asked to pick up their balls and move to the next hole(s). Repeated violators will beasked to leave the golf course during busy hours. If this enforcement process does not improve the pace of play,the Committee will revisit eliminating 5-somes and possibly 2-somes.The Committee also discussed the South Course amenities package, as well as returning the name to the “SouthCourse” from “Canyon Creek Course”. The Committee has heard many negative comments from themembership regarding the current look of the red and white amenities package, and feels that this amenitypackage does not meet the standard of excellence we are trying to achieve at Sonterra. The Committee believesit would give the course a much better look to return to the brass amenities package that matches what we haveon the North Course. In addition, they also agree that the name Canyon Creek Course has not been readilyaccepted by the membership, and it makes better sense to have a “South” Course when we already have a“North” Course. Ms. Dyer felt it was intended as a good idea in conjunction with the 20 th Anniversary of theClub, but the Committee believes the name “South Course” is ingrained in the Club’s culture and in fact themajority of the membership continues to call it South rather than Canyon Creek. After discussion by the Board,Mr. Cooney made a motion that the Canyon Creek Course be renamed the South Course and the brass amenitiespackage be reinstituted on the course. The Board passed the motion unanimously.2 of 6

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>CLUB</strong> <strong>AT</strong> <strong>SONTERRA</strong><strong>BOARD</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>GOVERNORS</strong><strong>MINUTES</strong>Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2007Mr. McKim stated that the MGA’s Sonterra Cup was a great success. All is quiet with the MGA, since we areat the end of the year.Barry Carter reported that they have been doing a great deal of irrigation repairs. In the past months they havereplaced over 200 clogged sprinkler heads. Mr. Carter explained that this occurs when you have a great deal ofrain, as we have had this year, and the silt blocks the lines.Mr. Morris remarked that Mr. Carter gave the most prepared and well delivered reported the Committee hadever received.BUDGET/CAPITAL FUND COMMITTEE: Co-Chairs Steve McKim and Mike Cooney. Mr. Cooneyexplained that the Committee is meeting with Mr. Story on Tuesday, November 20 to work out the last of thedetails for the tennis court lightening project. Mr. Thornbrugh explained that once these final details arecompleted we will be moving forward with the lights.TENNIS COMMITTEE: Arthur Abelman (see report for details). Mr. Abelman was unable to attend, soMichelle Dodier reported to the Board. Ms. Dodier stated that Sneakers and Cleats was a great success with 66players. Their annual Toys from Tennis program had over 100 ladies participate and over 100 toys donated toSt. Joseph’s Children’s Home. This coming Friday, November 16 is the annual Tennis Appreciation Party andwe expect over 200 attendees. The Tennis Pro Shop Holiday Sale and Wine & Cheese Party is coming up onDecember 4. Ms. Dodier has been announcing at each event the approval for the new tennis lights and peopleare getting excited. Once the project begins, she will set-up special events center around the project.<strong>SONTERRA</strong> WOMEN’S ASSOCI<strong>AT</strong>ION: Cathy Lay reported that they are up to 104 members. The newWomen’s Association webpages are live on the Sonterra website (www.clubatsonterra.com). She thankedJeannette for her help with the web project. Their annual Holiday Bazaar is coming up this Friday, November16.HISTORIAN: Rosalie Hallenberger announced that the new Theatre Club had 20 people signed up for theNuncracker production.POLICY COMMITTEE: Co-Chairs Grant Morris and Milt King (see report for details). Mr. King explainedthat they did not have a formal meeting this month.CANYON CREEK MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE: Mr. Thornbrugh stated that he and Mr. Morris arefinishing up the letter that outlines what dollars have already been spent on the South Course and where we areat this point. Once finished we will distribute to the membership. We are working on the necessary citypermitting for the tree work that needs to be accomplished. We cannot move forward until this permit has beenreceived. We have had 2 irrigation companies out within the past 10 days to review what needs to be done andprovide us with estimates for all the work. Mr. Carter explained that the current irrigation pipes appear to bemostly the original pipes for the course, so there is quite a bit of work that needs to be done with the irrigationsystem.3 of 6

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>CLUB</strong> <strong>AT</strong> <strong>SONTERRA</strong><strong>BOARD</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>GOVERNORS</strong><strong>MINUTES</strong>Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2007NEW BUSINESS:PREPAID DUES PROGRAM: Ross Thornbrugh explained that we have looked at the current dues rates, andwhat we have planned for next year and you will see a dues increase of approximately 4% included in theprepaid dues program. This dues increase would begin as of March 1, 2008. Ms. Dyer and Mrs. Spears wantedit clarified that all membership types are receiving a dues increase of 4%. Mr. Thornbrugh explained that in afew membership categories we actually went higher than 4%, but overall the average increase is 4%.DISTRIBUTION <strong>OF</strong> HOLIDAY BONUS TO CO-WORKERS: Ross Thornbrugh explained that all fundscollected for the bonus are distributed to the employees, minus any taxes. They are distributed by tenure andnumber of hours work. There is no delineation between salaried and hourly co-workers, or front or back of thehouse co-workers. Everyone is put into the pool of funds and it is based purely on tenure and hours worked.There is a maximum amount that any employee can receive, which is $1,000.BYLAWS DISCUSSION REGARDING VICE CHAIR & CHAIR: Chairman Gayler stated that there are 3 issuesfor the Board to discuss, 2 relating to elections and 1 relating to the Ambassador Council Chair. He began withdiscussions regarding the Ambassador Chair by explaining to the Board that management at the Club hasalways selected the chair for the Ambassador Council due to the nature of the position and how much time theyhave to dedicate to the Club, as well as the amount of time they have to work hand in hand with the membershipdirector. In reviewing the current Board Bylaws they do not reflect the fact that the Ambassador Council Chairis appointed by Club Management. Mr. Morris asked if this appointment is clarified anywhere, since it is not inthe Board Bylaws? Ms. Comfort explained that is in the Ambassador Council Bylaws. Ms. Dyer asked howlong they remain chair for the Council? Ms. Comfort stated that it is for 1 year. Ms. Dyer asked if this positionon the Board should have voting rights, as well as the ability to run for Chairman or Vice Chairman of theBoard since they are a club management appointed post? Chairman Gayler stated that currently they wouldhave the ability to run for Vice Chair or Chair for the Board. The Board decided that the best solution wouldbe to amend the language of the Board Bylaws to state that Ambassador Council Chairperson is to be appointedby Club Management the Ambassador Council Chair is not eligible hold the Vice Chair or Chair position. Inaddition the Policy Committee will discuss the voting abilities of the Ambassador Council Chair as part of theBoard. This unanimously passed.Chairman Gayler brought up for discussion line 6B from the Board Bylaws stating “To be eligible fornomination, this person must have completed his/her position on the current BOG for a minimum of one year.”He explained that previously the Chair and Vice Chair were voted on in January, but prior Boards felt verystrongly that to keep the continuity of the Board, those eligible to run for Vice Chair and Chair must havecompleted a minimum of one year, the problem is that should a new Vice Chair or Chair position be voted on inOctober or December several Board Members would not be eligible to run for the position. Chairman Gaylerand Ms. Goforth suggested that the verbiage be amended to state “To be eligible this person must havecompleted his/her position on the current BOG for a minimum of one year prior to assuming the position ofVice Chair.” This was seconded by Mr. Adzija and unanimously passed. There was also discussion on whenvoting should occur for the Vice position, so that if an At-Large member is elected as Vice we know how manynominations to accept for Board positions. Chairman Gayler explained that there will be overlap years wherethe Board may have 14 or 13 total people depending on whether an At-Large member is holding the position ofVice Chair. After discussion by the Board, it was determined that it would be best if the election for the Vice4 of 6

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>CLUB</strong> <strong>AT</strong> <strong>SONTERRA</strong><strong>BOARD</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>GOVERNORS</strong><strong>MINUTES</strong>Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2007Chair position should be held on October, so that it would be known how many At-Large positions will beavailable on the Board for the following year. This was unanimously passed by the Board.The final issue was in the situation where an At-Large member resigns midway through the term on the Board.After reviewing the current Board Bylaws it was determined that the Board has the ability to fill vacant positionat its discretion.Ms. Dyer had a few concerns regarding the language in the Bylaws specifically pertaining to At-Large positionsand Committee Presidents and the wait period required between the conclusion of one Board position andrunning again. The current bylaws require At-Large members wait a year before running again, but they do notrequire a year’s wait for Committee Presidents before running again. Mr. Morris suggested tabling thatdiscussion for the next Policy Committee Meeting when they can look at in more detail.ELECTION <strong>OF</strong> 2008 VICE CHAIR AND CHAIR: Chairman Gayler opened the floor for nominations for the2008 Chair position. Grant Morris was nominated, as well as Mickey Gayler for a second term as Chair.Chairman Gayler declined the nomination and explained that even though he has really enjoyed the position asChair, he feels very strongly that the position should change from year to year to keep new ideas flowingthroughout the Board. Mr. Morris was elected 2008 Chairman by acclamation. The Board unanimouslythanked Chairman Gayler for a fantastic job as Chair in 2007.Chairman Gayler then opened the floor for nominations for the 2008 Vice Chair position. Milt King and MikeCooney were both nominated. Mr. Cooney chose to decline the nomination. Mr. King was elected 2008 ViceChair by acclamation. Mrs. Spears stated that it was an honor to be on the Board with Mr. Cooney and theBoard agreed.DECEMBER <strong>BOARD</strong> MEETING: Chairman Gayler reminded the Board that the last meeting for 2007 wouldbe held on Tuesday, December 11, and will be an end of year wrap-up party where spouses are invited. Therewill be an extremely brief meeting prior to dinner for emergency items only. Please RSVP with Jeannette forthis meeting.OLD BUSINESS:2008 BALLOTS FOR <strong>AT</strong> LARGE <strong>BOARD</strong> POSITIONS: Chairman Gayler stated that the ballots for the 2008At-Large Board positions have been approved and should be received by the members this week for their votes.There are 9 candidates for the 3 available At-Large positions. The deadline for the ballots is on December 8.Chairman Gayler thanked Mrs. Goforth and Mr. King for their assistance putting the ballots together. TheNominations Committee (Mr. Gayler, Mrs. Goforth, Mr. King and Ms. Dyer) will be meeting on Monday,December 10 to tally the votes and call all the candidates to give them the results of the vote.“RETURNING HEROES HOME” UPD<strong>AT</strong>E: Ross Thornbrugh explained that $9,000 has been raised for thisgroup. We had originally planned to do something to raise additional funds during Thanksgiving weekend, butsince so many soldiers will be going home for the holidays, things have not worked out. We will still see ifsomething can be done on an individual basis.5 of 6

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>CLUB</strong> <strong>AT</strong> <strong>SONTERRA</strong><strong>BOARD</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>GOVERNORS</strong><strong>MINUTES</strong>Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2007TENNIS COURT LIGHTING UPD<strong>AT</strong>E: Chairman Gayler stated that they will be meeting with Ken Story nextweek to finalize the plans for the lights.TRAFFIC LIGHTS <strong>AT</strong> MAIN ENTRANCE: Ms. Dyer mentioned that she has received complaints frommembers of the Club who are not Sonterra residents regarding the traffic lights at our entrance. There are issuesfrom members regarding entering and exiting, as well as the people making “U” turns at the light on Sonterraand Stone Oak and nearly causing collisions at the our main gate. She asked if management would be able todo anything about the light timing and “U” turns? Mr. Thornbrugh stated that he would be meeting withProperty Owners Association on Thursday for the monthly meeting and would mention the concerns at thattime.With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:53 PM.Mickey GaylerChairman, Board of GovernorsMinutes Approved By Email Ratification on December 12, 2007.Minutes Compiled by: Jeannette H. Walker, Administrative Assistant6 of 6

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