Transportation Skills Assessment Tool: Test Protocol for ... - CAIT

Transportation Skills Assessment Tool: Test Protocol for ... - CAIT

Transportation Skills Assessment Tool: Test Protocol for ... - CAIT


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<strong>Transportation</strong> <strong>Skills</strong><strong>Assessment</strong> <strong>Tool</strong>:<strong>Test</strong> <strong>Protocol</strong> <strong>for</strong>Understanding and UsingParatransit Services

<strong>Transportation</strong> <strong>Skills</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> <strong>Tool</strong>TSATGuidelines <strong>for</strong> Production,Administration and ScoringDr. Patrick SzaryCecilia FeeleyDr. Elizabeth MatheisKen LeeLouis HoffmanRutgers University Center <strong>for</strong> Advanced Infrastructure and <strong>Transportation</strong>Christopher ManenteRutgers University Douglass Developmental Disabilities CenterNew Brunswick, NJ2012This material was developed through a grant from the Organization <strong>for</strong> Autism Research.

IntroductionThe <strong>Transportation</strong> <strong>Skills</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> <strong>Tool</strong> is developed as a component <strong>for</strong>determining the skills required <strong>for</strong> various types of paratransit services. It is designed<strong>for</strong> individuals who may have difficulty in utilizing available paratransit services. TSATis an assessment designed to evaluate the component skills needed <strong>for</strong> using ADAcomplementary paratransit, curb-to-curb paratransit, door-to-door paratransit, doorthrough-doorparatransit and hand-to-hand paratransit. The research team receivedinput and assistance from travel trainers Melody Bundy and Larry Lindstrom from NJTIP, Inc. Travel Instructors, John McGill from Passaic County Para Transit Programs,Steve Fittante and Jeff Gasiewski from Middlesex County Department of <strong>Transportation</strong>,Susan Olsson and Lydia Peterson from St. Paul Public Schools, Margaret Groce fromNYC Dept. of Education District 75, and Traci Resler from The Kennedy Center, Inc.The discrete tasks were reviewed by members of the Association of Travel Instructionand members of New Jersey’s Council on Special <strong>Transportation</strong>. The experts whoprovided feedback were Toli Anastassiou – Executive Director of Quest Autism (AdultDay Program in Northern New Jersey), Ed Hoff - ADA Services and Eligibility Managerof NJ Transit, Leslie Long - Director of Housing and Adult Services at Autism Speaks,Judy Shanley – Director of Student Engagement and Mobility Management EasterSeals Project ACTION, and Robert Titus – Director of Public Policy at Autism NJ.The TSAT takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes to complete. It is designed to beadministered by psychologists, educators, transition coordinators, day program serviceproviders, travel trainers, transit service providers, and parents or guardians. TheTSAT is only designed to be one part of the paratransit assessment. The test shouldbe tailored to requirements <strong>for</strong> independent travel <strong>for</strong> local and regional systemsavailable <strong>for</strong> the individual to utilize. Other factors that need to be considered <strong>for</strong>individual travel would include behaviors that may preclude independent travel. Issuesconcerning the variables of the paratransit system should also be taken into account –this may mean different drivers, different routes, different passengers, etc.The TSAT is designed to represent the communicative and cognitive skills an applicantneeds to take various types of paratransit services. The structure of the assessment isbased on the skills needed to take actual paratransit services. The TSAT is structured<strong>for</strong> the individual to test from hand-to-hand paratransit services to door-to-door anddoor-through-door and finish with curb-to-curb including ADA complementaryparatransit services. The test also isolates and identifies that the skill componentsneeded <strong>for</strong> hand-to-hand travel on a public paratransit bus where the individual will bemet by caregivers on both ends of the trip but will travel independently with a driver whomay not have training <strong>for</strong> dealing with a disability.

Definitions Used in the <strong>Transportation</strong> <strong>Skills</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> <strong>Tool</strong> <strong>for</strong> Type of TravelParatransit: A blanket term <strong>for</strong> many types of shared transportation utilized bytransportation disadvantaged populations (people with disabilities, older adults, lowincomeindividuals, etc.) that are not fixed-route public transportation and are notpersonal vehicles. These services fall in three general categories curb-to-curb, door-todoorand door-through-door.Curb-to-Curb Service: A paratransit service where passenger is picked up at the curbin front of an origin and dropped off at the curb in front of a destination. The driver isusually only required to assist the individual on and off the bus. Paratransit providersmay include extra features but the ADA only requires that complementary paratransitservice be curb-to-curb service. Most of this type of service is public transportation inthat the driver goes from stop to stop picking people up and dropping them off.ADA Complementary Paratransit: This is a service that shadows or compliments thefixed route service. It provides additional service to make the regular transit systemaccessible to all people with different needs required by the Americans with DisabilitiesAct. This type of service can be scheduled during the times and places that the regularfixed route bus travels. Complementary service is often available on-demand <strong>for</strong>individuals who are not able to use fixed route buses, train or light rail. The ADAcomplementary service is usually curb-to-curb service.Door-to-Door Service: Door-to-door services add help to the front door of a home.Drivers have more responsibility <strong>for</strong> the rider getting to the correct place. It is a higherlevel of service than curb-to-curb. This is often provided in municipal & countytransportation.Door-through-Door Service: Door-through-door builds on curb-to-curb and door-todoorparatransit service by helping customers through their door and into thedestination. This may include carrying bags and belongings and even with help puttingthose belongings away as well as communication or contact with parents, guardians orother care providers. This is often provided in human services transportation, dayprogram transportation and municipal trips <strong>for</strong> nutrition and food shopping.Hand-to-Hand Service: Hand-to-Hand builds on door-through-door paratransit serviceby helping customers into the destination and carrying bags and belongings and evenwith help putting those belongings away. This requires contact with parents, guardiansor other care providers at both the pick-up and the destination <strong>for</strong> the individual beingtransported.

General <strong>Test</strong> MaterialsThe test materials used <strong>for</strong> the TSAT are:• Script <strong>for</strong> assessment found in the TSAT <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Protocol</strong>• A bus pass, ticket or money• A digital clock with large numbers• Post it notes <strong>for</strong> the clock• Minute timer with bell or alarm• A blank ID card to be completed <strong>for</strong> the applicant• Seat Belt• Table and at least 2 Chairs• Phone• List of place and phone numbers (recommendations include Doctors,restaurants, movie theaters, stores, etc.)• If applicable, computer with icon to reservation or application <strong>for</strong>m• Personal items such as jacket, phone, wallet• 40 color photos used to test and teach specific skillsThe photos used in the TSAT are available online however it is recommended thatpictures of the specific regional systems and familiar areas be utilized. Guidelines areprovided <strong>for</strong> customizing each specific item under the list of training and testingmaterials.

<strong>Test</strong>ing GuidelinesIt is important to help the individual feel com<strong>for</strong>table throughout the assessment. All ofthe test material should be ready and available prior to the actual assessment so as notto be disruptive to the individual. The tester should also be familiar with the TSATscript and test materials prior to an assessment.The assessment should be conducted in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere without toomuch visual or auditory stimulus that may affect the individual’s ability to process thetest materials.Encouragement and rein<strong>for</strong>cements can be offered throughout the test to help theindividual stay interested and vested in the materials. Redirection may be necessary ifthe individual becomes distracted or restless. This behavior and other behaviorsexhibited during the test should be noted since they may affect the individual’s ability touse paratransit services.The tester should record the applicant responses and behaviors at the end of each task.Accurate recording of the individual’s responses and behaviors during the assessmentare essential <strong>for</strong> accurate scoring.The TSAT is separated into 4 sections:Section 1. Basic <strong>Skills</strong> Required <strong>for</strong> All Paratransit Services: The first section is <strong>for</strong>the basic skills required <strong>for</strong> all paratransit services and passing the section indicates theability to use hand-to-hand services with a caregiver providing support <strong>for</strong> tasks on bothends of the trip.Section 2. Intermediate <strong>Skills</strong> Required <strong>for</strong> Some Paratransit Services: The secondpart is <strong>for</strong> the basic skills required <strong>for</strong> independent travel where the individual will notconsistently require caregiver support on one or both ends of the trip. The paratransitsystems recommended after mastering these skills will be door-through-door and doorto-door.These paratransit services indicate that the individuals travelling will be notifiedby the driver either at their door or in entering the premises that the vehicle is available.It also tests the emergencies that may arise in this type of travel.Section 3. Advanced <strong>Skills</strong> Required <strong>for</strong> Some Paratransit Services: The third partis skills needed <strong>for</strong> the most independent travel where the individual will be left off at acurb to their destination and navigate independently. The recommended systems <strong>for</strong>these are curb-to-curb transit and ADA complementary paratransit. These systemsrequire the individual to watch <strong>for</strong> and identify the correct vehicle, independentlynavigate and board the vehicle, and respond appropriately to emergencies that mayarise in this type of travel.

Section 4. Trip Planning and Trip Scheduling <strong>Skills</strong>: The fourth section of the TSATis the trip planning and scheduling skills. These skills can be done by a caretaker.These tasks also may not be necessary when the trips are subscription or routine trips.

<strong>Transportation</strong> <strong>Skills</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> <strong>Tool</strong>TSAT<strong>Test</strong> and <strong>Protocol</strong>

Section 1:Basic <strong>Skills</strong> Required <strong>for</strong>All Paratransit Services

Task 1:Responds to GreetingsPurposeTo assess general level of responsiveness and social competence.MaterialsNone.ProceduresMeet applicant in waiting room, a slight distance away from testing room. Greet theapplicant (see script) and wait <strong>for</strong> a response if necessary. Greeting can be repeated once ifno response is given.Scoring- Score 1 point <strong>for</strong> any reasonable response, verbal or nonverbal, in which the applicantacknowledges the greeting.Examples of appropriate verbal responses:"Fine, thank you, how are you?", "Hi". "OK".Examples of appropriate nonverbal responses:Looking at examiner and nodding or smiling at examinerWaving extending a hand to shake- Score 0 points <strong>for</strong> inappropriate responses, verbal or nonverbal, or no responseExamples of inappropriate responses:Saying, "This place stinks. I hate coming here."Saying, "Leave me alone."Turning away and hiding head in handsRocking and flapping hands.Task 1: Responds to GreetingWhat the assessor does:Meet client in waiting room. Wait briefly <strong>for</strong>response to greeting if necessary.What the assessor says:Hello, I’m ______________. How are you?I will be working with you today to learn aboutsome of your skills <strong>for</strong> using the paratransit bus.

Task 2:Follows InstructionsPurposeA paratransit trip provided by a public transit service provider may require the rider to followinstructions. If the rider asks the driver <strong>for</strong> help or there is an issue on the vehicle, he/sheshould be able to follow simple verbal directions. This item is designed to assess theindividual's ability to follow instructions through simple verbal directions in context.MaterialsThe meeting area should be different from the where the test will be conducted so theapplicant can be tested on following simple directions and instructions. A testing table withone chair <strong>for</strong> the applicant and one <strong>for</strong> the examiner, both facing the slide screen on thetable.ProceduresGive verbal and gestural cues <strong>for</strong> individual to follow you out of the waiting room.Give verbal and gestural cues <strong>for</strong> individual to follow arrows from waiting room to test room.Give verbal and gestural cues <strong>for</strong> individual to sit in the applicant's chair.Scoring- Score 2 points if applicant follows a direction independently after one verbal request withgestural cue.- Score 1 point if applicant follows direction after repeated requests or redirection.- Score 0 points if applicant requires physical prompts to follow direction.Task 2: Follow InstructionsWhat the assessor does:Stand up and gesture <strong>for</strong> applicant toaccompany you.CUEIf applicant does not respond have him/herpause and redirect his/her attention. Pointto indicate the way to go.IN TESTING ROOMPoint to seatWhat the assessor says:Let’s go to the testing room and we’ll comeback here when we are done. It should takeabout half an hour. Please come with me.We need to go to the testing room. Can youfollow me?Please sit down there

Task 3:Sits AppropriatelyPurposeTo evaluate the applicant's ability to sit appropriately on the bus.Materials2 ChairsProcedureThe script is used to introduce the item and to provide cues as needed.Scoring- Score 2 points if the applicant spontaneously sits appropriately in the chair.- Score 1 point if the applicant sits appropriately in the chair after prompts.- Score 0 points if the applicant is unable to sit appropriately in the chair.Task 3: Sitting AppropriatelyWhat the assessor does:When requesting to sit down does the applicantmodel correct sitting position with feet on thefloor in front of them and hands on the lap or onthe sides.PROMPTAfter prompt and modeling of correct sittingposture with feet on the floor in front of themand hands on the lap or on their sides.RETESTHave the student stand up and ask theapplicant to sit down againWhat the assessor says:Can you please sit down in the chair <strong>for</strong> me?When I sit in the chair I have my feet in front ofme on the floor and I keep my hands in my lap.This is sitting nicely. Can you sit like I am?Let’s try again, Can you please sit down nicelyin the chair <strong>for</strong> me?

Task 4:Identify Self or be Able to Provide ProperIdentificationPurposeTo assess applicant's ability to provide identifying and emergency contact in<strong>for</strong>mation,verbally or nonverbally. This is an essential skill <strong>for</strong> anyone who would be travelingindependently in the community. Having an ID card (including hand written) providesnonverbal applicants with a means of identifying themselves during the simulation (maybe used <strong>for</strong> later items) and in the community. To determine the applicant’s ability toidentify self to bus driver, police officers and other emergency responders. This test hastwo parts. The first has to do with providing and/or knowing identification. The second partis identifying self to bus drivers, police and other emergency responders.MaterialsA blank identification card, including name, address, phone number of the individual andname and phone number of an emergency contact. A collateral source of the in<strong>for</strong>mation isalso needed, such as a companion accompanying them to the testing facility or a completedapplication <strong>for</strong>m in case the applicant is unable to provide it independently.ProceduresAs described in the script, ask applicant to give as much identifying in<strong>for</strong>mation as possible.If applicant cannot provide complete in<strong>for</strong>mation verbally, even with cueing, ask to see anyID card he or she carries. If in<strong>for</strong>mation cannot be obtained this way, check with companionor application.Review completed ID card with applicant, item by item, and explain that he/she will be giventhe card to use later if needed.ScoringThe items scored are:Name Contact NameAddress Contact NumberPhone Number- Score 2 points <strong>for</strong> item when applicant provides complete in<strong>for</strong>mation intelligibly, withoutcueing. In<strong>for</strong>mation can be provided verbally, or nonverbally, by writing or producing an IDcard.- Score 1 point <strong>for</strong> item when only partial in<strong>for</strong>mation is given, such as first name only,partially correct phone number, street name but not address.- Score 0 points <strong>for</strong> item if in<strong>for</strong>mation had to be obtained from another source.

Task 4: Provides IdentificationWhat the assessor does:Fill in identification card.CUEIf responses are incorrect or unintelligibleask:What the assessor says:I’d like to fill out an identification card <strong>for</strong>you. Try to tell me as much as you can.A. Can you tell me your name, please?B. Where do you live?C. Can you tell me your phone number?D. Can you tell me the name of someoneyou would call if you were away from homeand needed help?E. Can you tell me that person’s phonenumber?Obtain correct in<strong>for</strong>mation and complete thecard.Do you have an identification card that youcan show me? Or anything that will tell meyour name and address?If not, let’s see if we can get the in<strong>for</strong>mationfrom the person who came with you.Present card and teach:Point and say name:Point and say address:Point and say phone numberHere is an ID card <strong>for</strong> you to keep and use ifyou need it.Here is your name.Here is your address.Here is your phone number.

Task 5:Providing Identification to Bus Driver, PoliceOfficer or Other First ResponderPurposeTo determine the applicants ability to provide correct identification to bus driver, policeofficers and other first responders.Training MaterialsNone. This item evaluates existing skills.<strong>Test</strong>ing Materials5A. A picture of a uni<strong>for</strong>med police officer standing beside a police car.5B. A photo of a bus driver in front of or on a bus.ProcedureThe item is introduced according to the script, and the cues were written to replicate whatan officer might ask <strong>for</strong> in successive attempts to determine how to help the applicant if heor she were in need. The probes are only administered until the applicant can provide thebus driver and police officers with vital in<strong>for</strong>mation. This point is illustrated in the discussionof scoring, below.Scoring- Score 2 points if the applicant spontaneously communicates the in<strong>for</strong>mation that both apolice officer and a bus driver would need to assist the applicant or if the applicant canprovide any of the above or gives a similar response correctly to either the bus driver and/orthe police officer only after general probes such as "Can I help you?" or "What's theproblem?"- Score 1 point if the applicant can provide such a meaningful response after a specificprobe such as "Can you tell me your name and address?" or "Can you show me somethingwith your name and address on it?"- Score 0 points if after all of the probes, the applicant still cannot provide meaningfulin<strong>for</strong>mation.

Task 5: Providing IdentificationWhat the assessor does:5APresent photo of Police Officer.What the assessor says:If you are lost and you see this police officer.What would you do?Provide CUES <strong>for</strong> police officer:5BPresent photo of Bus Driver:Provide CUES <strong>for</strong> bus driver:What if the police officer said “What’s theproblem?”Now let’s try the bus driver. Let’s say thebus arrives and the driver wants to pick youup the driver will ask your name. What doyou say?What if the bus driver said “What is yourname?”If answer is incomplete or unclear, probe.For example:If still unclear probe:Can you show me your name and address?Can you show me something with yourname and address on it?

Task 6:Knows and Exhibits Appropriate Bus BehaviorPurposeTo evaluate an applicant's knowledge of behavior that is appropriate, safe, effective andconsiderate towards other riders on the bus.Training MaterialsNone. These items examine the applicant's existing knowledge and skills. If the applicantfails the first item and does not seem to understand what is expected, point to the correctpicture and explain. Do not cue <strong>for</strong> later items.<strong>Test</strong>ing Materials Four pairs of color photos, each pair on a separate page:6A. 1) An individual sitting up and looking out the bus window.2) The same individual or sitting with feet up across the aisle.6B. 1) An individual standing up in the front of the bus, blocking the driver's view.2) The same individual sitting quietly behind the driver.6C. 1) An individual smoking, with the "No Smoking" sign clearly visible.2) The same individual looking out the window, not smoking.6D. 1) An individual eating on the bus with a “No eating or drinking” sign clearly visible.2) The same individual sitting nicely on the bus not eating.To customize, use photos of the same mode of transit (bus, train, etc.) as in the remainderof the test. If has signed the tests can be customized according to those signs. Replicatethe situations described <strong>for</strong> each item above. Note that the "correct" photo is staggered inposition, sometimes on top, and sometimes on the bottom.ProceduresIntroduce the items according to the script. Provide a cue only if the first item is failed. Thisitem can then be used <strong>for</strong> training but no points are scored.Scoring- Score 2 point if the correct photo is chosen <strong>for</strong> every picture set without any cues.- Score 1 point if the correct photo is chosen <strong>for</strong> every picture with cues.- Score 0 points if the wrong photo is chosen, or if no response is given.

Task 6: Know and exhibit appropriate bus behaviorWhat the assessor does:What the assessor says:When people are on the bus, it is important<strong>for</strong> them to do the right kind of sitting.They should not bother the driver unlessthey need help. They should look <strong>for</strong> thesigns showing what a person is notsupposed to do while riding a bus.And they should be careful not to botheranyone else on the bus, or to let anyoneelse on the bus bother them.Item 6APresent photos:Sitting/Stretched out in the aisleCUEIf no response, or incorrect response, pointto photo of person in the aisle.Item 6BPresent photos:Standing/SittingCUEIf no response, or incorrect response, pointto photo of person in the aisleItem 6CPresent photos:Smoking/ No SmokingCUEIf no response, or incorrect response, pointto photo of person in the aisleItem 6DPresent photos:Sleeping/SleepingCUEIf no response, or incorrect response, pointto photo of person in the aisleLet's look at these pictures and tell me whois sitting correctly?This person is sitting correctly.Who is doing the right kind of sitting here?This person is sitting in his seat and this is aperson who is not sitting.Who is doing the right kind of sitting in thesepictures?This person is sitting in his seat and notsmoking.Who is doing the right kind of sitting here?This person is sitting in his seat and nottaking up a second seat.

Review Minimum Scores <strong>for</strong>Part 1 Be<strong>for</strong>e Proceeding.If Any Tasks Fall Below Minimum ScoreTrain Skill and Retest.

Section 2:Intermediate <strong>Skills</strong>Required <strong>for</strong> SomeParatransit Services

Task 7:Prepare to Depart in Time Window with ItemsPurposeTo independently take fixed transit, the ability to track time is helpful to assist in planningtrips and knowing how long it is reasonable to wait. This item is designed to assess whetherthe individual can monitor time given some structure and cues.MaterialsA digital clock with a large (approximately 2 inches high) display of minutes and hours. Ayellow "Post-It".ProceduresThe applicant is told that the test should take approximately 10 minutes. They are shownthe time on the clock, and a "target" time 10 minutes later is written on the "Post It" note (indigital terms, <strong>for</strong> example, 11:20) and placed beside the clock. The applicant is asked to tellthe examiner when the clock reaches the posted time. If the applicant does notspontaneously initiate reporting the time, two probes are given at the end of theassessment. See script <strong>for</strong> exact wording and cues.Scoring- Score 2 points if the applicant spontaneously reports when the posted time is reached.- Score 1 point if the applicant spontaneously monitors the time, and is within than 3minutes of reached time or does not spontaneously monitor time, but responds to bothprobes correctly.- Score 0 points if the applicant does not spontaneously monitor and misses either probe.

Task 7: Prepare to depart in time window with itemsWhat the assessor does:What the assessor says:Show time on digital clock. State time indigital terms, e.g. 2:45, NOT "quarter to This clock says that it is now _______three". Write the estimated finish time on"Post It".In 10 minutes it will be _____.(State time itState time in digital terms:will be after ten minutes, again in digitalterms)Place "Post It" note with finish time on clockand place both in applicant's view.When applicant gives reminder, rein<strong>for</strong>cewith:I will leave this little clock here so you cansee the time. When this clock says ______(target time), I want you to let me know. I'llput the time here by the clock to remind you.Thanks <strong>for</strong> reminding me. Let's do these lastfew things to finish up.If applicant then checks clock and givesappropriate answers to both probes, scoreas cued.Look at the clock and the note we put on it.Are we late?

Task 8:Dress Appropriately <strong>for</strong> Weather and TripPurposeTo determine the applicant's ability to choose clothes that are appropriate <strong>for</strong> the weather,which would contribute to his or her safety.Training MaterialsNone. This item assesses existing skills, not those taught during the test.<strong>Test</strong>ing Materials - Sets of photos, four in each set. Clothes and accessories needed <strong>for</strong>various seasons (no people in pictures)a) Winter: Heavy coat, gloves and a hat.b) Summer: T-Shirt and shorts.c) Rain: A rain coat and umbrella.ProcedureThe item is introduced by explaining that in order to wait <strong>for</strong> the bus, it is important to wearthe right kind of clothes <strong>for</strong> the weather. Then the applicant is asked <strong>for</strong> each set, to showwhat the person in the photo should wear if he or she were waiting <strong>for</strong> the bus today.Scoring- Score 2 points if the applicant chooses the BEST clothing <strong>for</strong> the weather (e.g. winterclothing when it is below freezing, shorts when it is 95 degrees) <strong>for</strong> all the weatherconditions.- Score 1 point if the applicant chooses ADEQUATE clothing <strong>for</strong> the weather (e.g. a lightweightjacket on a mild rainy day, or a raincoat when it is dry and 50 degrees) <strong>for</strong> a majorityof weather conditions.- Score 0 points if the applicant does not respond or chooses the LEAST APPROPRIATEclothing <strong>for</strong> the weather conditions (e.g. a sleeveless dress when it is 10 degrees).

Task 8: Dressed CorrectlyWhat the assessor does:Present photosWeather condition 1Weather condition 2Weather condition 3What the assessor says:If you ride the bus you will be going outside,so it is important to wear the right kind ofclothes.What do you wear if it is raining?What do you wear when it is very cold?What do you wear if it is very hot?

Task 9:Be Ready, Wait Appropriately and PayAttention to your EnvironmentPurposeTo determine the applicant’s ability to wait appropriately, this will be needed <strong>for</strong> waiting <strong>for</strong>the bus, riding the bus or in picking up other passengers. It will also determine if theapplicant is able to observe activities that are occurring in the individual’s immediateenvironment. It will also demonstrate the applicants response to a vehicles and/or driversarrival by either a horn or a doorbell or other method requested to alert vehicles arrival.MaterialsMinute timer with alarm.ProceduresAs described in the script the applicant will be required to wait <strong>for</strong> a duration ofapproximately 1 minute while the tester does something else (recommended activities couldinclude organizing or reviewing the test) and responds to the alarm after 1 minute. Thetester will avoid interaction with the applicant but will be able to see and/or hear theindividual if waiting becomes a problem.Scoring- Score 2 points if applicant is able to independently wait <strong>for</strong> approximately 1 minute andspontaneously responds to alarm.- Score 1 point if applicant needs several cues or prompts to wait <strong>for</strong> alarm.- Score 0 points if applicant does not wait or does not respond to alarm.Item 9: Waiting Appropriately and Paying Attention to EnvironmentWhat the assessor does:What the assessor says:Show the timer to the individual and illustrate I have to take care of a few things and wethat you will be working on something else will continue when the alarm sounds.until the alarm rings.Please let me know when it rings.CUE <strong>for</strong> alarmPrompt <strong>for</strong> the alarmWe have to wait and continue when alarmrings.Here is the timer. We need to wait until itrings and then we can continue. When youhear it ring please let me know.

Task 10:Get out of Door on Time with All RequiredItemsPurposeTo determine if the applicant can gather necessary belongings needed <strong>for</strong> trip withoutexcessive prompting. The needed items <strong>for</strong> the trip may include fare <strong>for</strong> all trips,identification (i.e. ID card), charged cell phone and/or other communication device.Training MaterialsPersonal items applicant brought with them <strong>for</strong> test, including fare ticket left on table.<strong>Test</strong>ing MaterialsSmall fare ticket with trip info printed on the slip. (Real fare ticket is preferred it if isavailable.) Should have name of local service provider that the applicant will be using.ProceduresProbes are provided if the applicant has not spontaneously and accurately initiated areminder about the elapsed time. One of the probes will require a positive response and theother a negative response, "Did we finish on time?" and "Are we late?” If the applicant canrespond to both correctly, it is likely that he or she is not just guessing.Score- Score 2 points if the applicant is able to collect items <strong>for</strong> trip including fare spontaneously.- Score 1 point if the applicant is able to collect items <strong>for</strong> trip including fare after retraining.- Score 0 points if the applicant does not spontaneously collect items <strong>for</strong> trips including fareafter retraining or has no response to request.

Task 10: Get out of door with personal itemsWhat the assessor does:What the assessor says:If applicant spontaneously collects the item OK Let’s practice getting ready to take the<strong>for</strong> trip including fare. (The applicant can bus.prepare a trip list if needed.)RETRAINShow the applicant you gathering your itemsand making sure you have everythingincluding your fare.RETESTRemove photo. Present slides as above.Rein<strong>for</strong>ce <strong>for</strong> correct response.Now I will get ready to go and wait <strong>for</strong> thebus. Let me take everything I need <strong>for</strong> mytrip.Now it is your turn get ready and wait <strong>for</strong> thebus. Do you have all the things you need?

Task 11:Board Vehicle, Show Driver a Bus Pass orDeposit the Correct Fare or Provide Ticket, ifrequiredPurposeTo determine if applicant can learn to manage the simplest way to pay a fare by presentinga pass to the driver. The task requires initiation of a response with minimal cues.Training MaterialsBus pass in a holder, bus ticket or money.(To customize, use a transit pass and holder from the system.)<strong>Test</strong>ing MaterialColor picture of a bus driver with the local service providers’ uni<strong>for</strong>m.ProcedureTeach the applicant to recognize the transit driver and to present the bus pass when he/shesees the photo of the driver. See script <strong>for</strong> details on wording. <strong>Test</strong> by presenting slides todetermine if applicant can pick out driver and present pass only to driver. Reteach andretest according to script if necessary. Since this is a two part task, specifically reteach onlythe segment that is missed. If retest is failed, give final training.Scoring- Score 2 points if the applicant shows pass only to bus driver slide on first trial.- Score 1 point if applicant shows pass only to bus driver slide after retraining.- Score 0 points if applicant still cannot show pass only to bus driver slide even afterretraining.

Task 11: Show driver bus pass, give ticket or pay fareWhat the assessor does:What the assessor says:Use phrase “Show – Pass” or “Give -Ticket” and “Pay – Fare” as appropriate<strong>for</strong> local systemTRAINShow photo of bus driver in uni<strong>for</strong>m.Model getting out bus pass. Pantomimeshowing to bus driver in photo. Assistapplicant to do so. Remove bus driver photo.TESTPresent pictures as be<strong>for</strong>e.Rein<strong>for</strong>ce correct response.RETRAINIf applicant shows bus driver, but does notpresent pass, provide cue:If applicant does not show bus pass afterfirst cue, or does not pick out bus driver,retrain.When we get on the bus, we need to ____our ______ to the driver.When you see the bus driver’s picture, Iwant you to get your_____ out like this.When the bus driver asks, I want you to getout your _____ and provide it to the driver.That's right. That's how you would ____ your_____ to the driver.

Task 12:ONLY IF APPLICABLE - Communicate anySpecial Needs to DriverPurpose:To determine the applicant’s ability to convey special travel needs to driver, such asrequiring specialized assistance with boarding or deboarding, assistance with sitting, seatbelt, or other personalized request. If this is Not Applicable <strong>for</strong> the applicant and it shouldbe skipped.MaterialsMay be personalized to individuals needs if task is applicable.ProceduresProbes are provided if the applicant is able to communicate special needs to driver that mayinvolve a medical condition, specialized assistance with boarding due to mobility issues, orother unique situation.Score- Score NA if Not Applicable <strong>for</strong> Applicant.- Score 2 points if the applicant is able to spontaneously communicate special needs todriver.- Score 1 point if applicant is able to communicate special needs to driver after retrainwithout or with probe.- Score 0 points if the applicant does not provide special needs to driver or no response.Task 12: Communicate any Special Needs to DriverWhat the assessor does:What the assessor says:If applicant spontaneously answersWhen you are boarding the bus you must letquestions about the trip.the driver know he needs to assist you with_________.Initial QuestioningRETRAINAfter retraining with ProbeWhat does the driver need to help you with?When you are boarding the bus you must letthe driver know that you will need assistancewith __________.What does the driver need to help you with?What do you need to tell the driver?

Task 13:Select a SeatPurposeTo determine the applicants ability to select a seat, or if necessary assist or allow driver orcaretaker to help with seat selection.<strong>Test</strong>ing MaterialsA series of four photos, each on its own page, illustrating progressively more difficult seatingdecisions:A. An empty set of bus seats.B. A set of seats with one passenger.To customize, take photos of the mode of transportation in your system that is being used<strong>for</strong> the test (subway, train, trolley, etc.). Match the circumstances in the items above. Fillthe seats as needed with typical passengers who would be likely to commute on yoursystem.ProcedureFollow the script to explain to the applicant that the next several items examine some of theother skills needed to take the bus. Present items 1 and 2 according to script, providingcues if needed.Scoring- Score 2 point if applicant responds correctly and independently to empty rows in bothpicture sets.- Score 1 point if applicant chooses the empty row on the empty bus and to empty seatnext to another passenger rather than the empty row.- Score 0 points if cueing is required or applicant chose to seat occupied with passenger.Task 13: Select a seatWhat the assessor does:Item 13 APresent photo of empty seatsItem 13 BPresent photo with passengerWhat the assessor says:When you get on the bus you have to find aplace to sit. Where could you sit in thispicture?Where could you sit in this picture?

Task 14:Secure Seatbelt or Allow Driver or Caretaker toSecurePurposeTo have applicant independently fasten seatbelt when instructed or have the bus driver orcaretaker secure seatbelt, if it is available.MaterialsSeatbelt or belt that has a fastener with a clip.ProceduresPrior to starting the test attach seatbelt or belt with fastener to the applicant’s chair. Followthe script to explain to the applicant that they will now need to fasten their seatbelt. If it isknown the applicant is unable to fasten the seatbelt independently test to see if they allowassistance with securing the seatbelt. Provide cues if needed.Score- Score 2 points if the applicant spontaneously secures seatbelt independently, or allowssecure <strong>for</strong> it to be secured by the tester.- Score 1 points if the applicant needs prompts to secure seatbelt independently or needsretraining <strong>for</strong> allowing seatbelt to be secured.- Score 0 points if the applicant cannot secure seatbelt and does not allow seatbelt to besecured after retraining.

Task 14: Secure SeatbeltWhat the assessor does:If applicant spontaneously fastens seatbeltwhen in sitting in chair nothing else isrequired.OrIf the applicant needs physical assistancethey allow tester to fasten belt <strong>for</strong> them.CUEIf the applicant sits in the chair with theseatbelt but does not spontaneously fastenthe best themselves, they are provided witha reminder probe to secure the belt. .What the assessor says:I will help you in fastening your seatbelt.Let’s make sure it is com<strong>for</strong>table andsecure.Please put on your seat belt.OrThe applicant is provided with a reminderprobe that the tester will fasten the belt <strong>for</strong>them, thus allowing the bus driver orattendant to secure the seatbelt.We need to wear the seatbelt when riding onthe bus. I will help you to fasten yourseatbelt. Let’s make sure it is com<strong>for</strong>tableand secure.

Task 15:Deboarding: Recognize when Near Destinationand Exit the Bus AppropriatelyPurposeTo evaluate applicant's ability to learn to recognize a landmark <strong>for</strong> deboarding and whenarrival at destination is imminent (Can direct driver to correct spot if necessary)Training MaterialsTwo color photos of a distinctive landmark that indicate the stop <strong>for</strong> deboarding. One photoshows the landmark from street level, the other photo shows the landmark as it appearsfrom the bus window as the bus approaches. The target landmark chosen <strong>for</strong> the pilot was adrug store.<strong>Test</strong>ing Materials - Color slides of landmarks that might be seen from the bus window, ofvarying degrees of similarity to the target:1. A car wash2. An electric power plant3. A gas station4. The destination drug store, as seen from the bus window(To customize, take slides of one site that is somewhat similar to the destination, threelandmarks that are dissimilar, and the target landmark. All slides should be taken from thebus window.)ProceduresTeach the applicant to recognize the target photo that shows where to get off the bus. Seescript <strong>for</strong> details on wording and demonstrations. <strong>Test</strong> by presenting slides to see ifapplicant can pick out target slide. Reteach and retest the skill according to script ifnecessary.Score• Score 2 points if applicant picks destination pictures spontaneously or allows driver to helpwith disembarking on first trial.• Score 1 point if applicant picks destination picture when prompted or allows driver to helpwith disembarking after retraining.• Score 0 points if applicant does not respond to driver prompt, responds inappropriately orprevents driver to assist with disembarking after retraining.

Task 15: Recognize when arrival at destination is imminent and exit the busWhat the assessor does:What the assessor says:Show photo of both views of drugstore. When we see the drugstore we have to getDemonstrate and have applicant prepare to ready to leave the bus. The bus driver willdepart initiating departure (include gathering know you want to get off here.up belongings and exiting).TESTPresent slides as usual.Rein<strong>for</strong>ce if applicant stands or initiatesdeparture at correct slide.You were right. You showed me that thedrugstore is where you want to get off.When the bus stops what do you do?

Task 16*:Respond to Emergency - Know what to do ifVehicle Does Not Arrive in Pick-up WindowPurposeTo determine if the applicant has the ability to alert the transit provider that their ride did notshow up within the required time period.<strong>Test</strong>ing MaterialsClockPhoneProcedures<strong>Test</strong> by questioning when the vehicle will arrive, how to tell if the vehicle is late and what todo if the vehicle does arrive 20 minutes after it was scheduled to come.Score- Score 2 points if the applicant is able to use phone or computer to alert paratransit serviceprovider that vehicle did not arrive 20 minutes after pick-up time.- Score 1 point if the applicant is able to communicate to caretaker or responsible adult thatvehicle did not arrive 20 minutes after pick-up communicate vehicle not arriving to caretakeror responsible adult who can contact the paratransit service provider.- Score 0 points if the applicant is unable to communicate that vehicle did not arrive or noresponse.

Task 16: Know what to do if vehicle does not arrive in pick-up windowWhat the assessor does:What the assessor says:If applicant is tested to see the pick-up If the vehicle is late who do you call?window time <strong>for</strong> the vehicle andindependently aware that the vehicle is morethan 20 minutes later than scheduled.For probes to have the applicant request aresponsible adult to contact the serviceprovider about a late vehicle?Where is the number to call?What will you tell the person who answersthe phone?How do you know if the vehicle is late?Who can you tell that will call the______transit company about the vehiclebeing late?

Review Minimum Scores ForPart 2 Be<strong>for</strong>e Proceeding.If Any Tasks Fall Below Minimum ScoreTrain Skill and Retest.

Section 3:Advanced <strong>Skills</strong> Required<strong>for</strong> Some Type ofParatransit Services

Task 17:Identify Correct Pick-up SpotPurposeTo determine applicant's ability to learn to recognize the correct pick-up spot.Training MaterialsPicture of building where the individual will frequently be picked up from.<strong>Test</strong>ing Materials - Close up, clear color slides of:1. Front of building where the applicant will be picked up or similar type of building2. Other buildings or storefronts that the applicant will not be departing from3. Abandoned lot4. Middle of the parking lotProcedureTeach the applicant to recognize the target sign according to the script. Modify script tomatch new target sign if used. <strong>Test</strong> by seeing if applicant can identify target from amongslides. Reteach and retest if needed, according to script. If needed, give final training.Scoring- Score 2 points if the applicant selects only target pick-up spot (no false positives) on firsttrial.- Score 1 point if applicant selects only target pick-up spot after retraining.- Score 0 points if applicant does not select target pick-up spot only, even after retraining.

Item 17: Recognizes Pick up spotWhat the assessor does:Show photo of pick-up spot. Display <strong>for</strong> fiveseconds and then remove.Present slides <strong>for</strong> five seconds each or untila definite response is given. Move on to thenext slide after the response.If correct slide is chosen, say:Continue to show all five slides.RETRAINIf the wrong slide is chosen, or more thanone slide, say:What the assessor says:Let's look at some pictures. Show me thepick-up spot.That's right.Let's look at the picture again. This is thepick-up spot.Show pick-up spot photo. Display <strong>for</strong> fiveseconds and remove.RETESTPresent slides as above.Look at these slides and show me the pickupspot.

Task 18:Identify and Safely Navigate to the CorrectPick-up Spot (Parking Lot/Sidewalk Safety)PurposeTo evaluate the applicant's judgment on when it is safe to cross the street, given varioustypes of intersections and traffic patterns.Training MaterialsNone. This item evaluates the applicant's existing knowledge of parking lots, sidewalks andother environments.If the applicant fails the first item, or does not respond, appearing to be confused by thetask, demonstrate which is the correct picture and explain the rationale. No additionaltraining is provided.<strong>Test</strong>ing Materials –Six sets of photos, two pairs in each set. In each pair, the position of the correct picture isstaggered from left to right or top to bottom. Pairs of photos are as follows:A) Uncontrolled intersection, no traffic light or stop sign.1. Pedestrian waiting to cross, no car in sight.2. Pedestrian waiting to cross, a car approaching the crosswalk.B) Crosswalk in parking lot1. Crosswalk with no cars2. Crosswalk with car approachingC) Crossing parking lot1. Crossing unmarked parking lot without cars approaching.2. Crossing unmarked parking lot with cars approachingD) Parking lot with cars parked and moving in and out of spaces1. Parking lot with all cars parked and not moving2. Parking lot with car in reverse and visibly backing up.To customize, select intersections in your community with the same or similar conditions tothe above. In laying out pictures, be sure to alternate the location of the correct photo.

ProcedureThe item is introduced according to the script, and the applicant is asked to point to thepicture in each pair that shows the "safe time to cross".Scoring- Score 1 point if the applicant selects the correct picture in every scenario.- Score 0 points if the applicant selects the wrong picture even ONCE in any picture set ordo not respond.Task 18: Safely Navigate to the correct pick-up spotWhat the assessor does:What the assessor says:One of the most important things aboutlearning to ride the bus is to be sure you aresafe when walking through the parking lot.Item 18 APresent photo:No traffic /pedestrianTraffic/pedestrianCUEIf applicant does not respond, or chooses thewrong item, point to the correct picture andexplain:Item 18 BPresent photo:Crosswalk no carsCrosswalk with vehicleItem 18 CPresent photo:Parking lot no cars movingParking lot with cars movingItem 18 DPresent photo:Parking lot with cars parkedParking lot with moving car and visibly inreverseLook at these pictures. Which shows thesafe time to walk in the parking lot?No cars are coming in this picture. Thiswould be a safe time to cross. But in theother picture, a car is very close, so it wouldnot be a safe time to cross the parking lot.Look at these pictures. When is the safetime to walk?Which shows the safe time to walk?Which shows the safe time to walk inparking lot?

Task 19:Stand at Pick-up Spot or in a Visible andAppropriate PlacePurposeTo determine the applicant’s ability to identify an appropriate pick-up spot and wait in avisibly, suitable place (including knowing how to deal with inclement weather) to be readyand waiting. It will also evaluate the applicant's ability to judge the proper place to wait inrelation to designated pick-up pace.Training MaterialsNone. Item assesses applicant's existing problem solving skills.<strong>Test</strong>ing Materials - Three photos showing an individual:1) At the address and door scheduled <strong>for</strong> pick-up2) Watching TV or using computer3) Asleep on the benchTo customize, take photos of an individual at relative distances from both the correct signand a distracter sign. Use the typical transit stop signs from your system and any distractersign that is a similar shape and is placed in a similar position to the transit signs. Theconditions to match are: too far from the correct sign; next to the wrong sign; and next to theright sign.ProcedureThe item is introduced according to the script and the applicant is asked to select the picturethat shows the person waiting in the right place.Scoring- Score 1 point if the applicant selects the correct picture.- Score 0 points if the applicant selects an incorrect picture, or does not respond.Task 19: Stand at pick-up spot or in a visible appropriate placeWhat the assessor does:What the assessor says:Present photos of person waiting <strong>for</strong> vehicle When you wait <strong>for</strong> the bus you need to be ina safe place where you can see the bus. Itis important to be paying attention <strong>for</strong> yourbus to arrive. Look at these pictures. Whichperson is waiting in the right place andwaiting in the right way?

Task 20:Identify Correct VehiclePurposeTo determine applicant's ability to learn to identify a specific bus given appropriate supports.Training Materials:-Cue card: business card to index card size with name of the bus company and/or agencyprinted. Card should match letters and numbers on bus as closely as possible, <strong>for</strong> example,all capital letters, or using the same abbreviations, to minimize confusion.<strong>Test</strong>ing MaterialsClose up, color slides of distracters and target buses, full front view, name signs clearlyvisible. If train is used as teaching photo, all slides should be trains.1. Motorcycle2. Garbage Truck3. Correct Paratransit Vehicle4. Delivery TruckProcedureTeach the applicant to recognize the target bus/train according to the script. Modify script tomatch new target if used. <strong>Test</strong> by seeing if applicant can identify target from amongpictures. Reteach and retest if needed, give final training.Scoring- Score 2 points if the applicant picks out only target picture (no false positives) on first trial.- Score 1 point if applicant picks out only target picture after retraining.- Score 0 points if applicant does not pick out target picture only, even after retraining.

Task 20: Identify Correct VehicleWhat the assessor does:TRAINPresent card with bus name printed on it.Present photos of Correct Paratransit vehicle.TESTShow first bus slides. Leave each slide <strong>for</strong> fiveseconds, or until applicant gives a definiteresponse, whichever happens first.If applicant indicates the correct agency say:RETRAINIf item is failed, show photos of the bus again.Display <strong>for</strong> five seconds and remove.RETESTPresent slides, leaving each on <strong>for</strong> fiveseconds.What the assessor says:If you wanted to take a take the local bus youneed to know what they look like. Here aresome pictures of the bus. Do you see thisname and what the bus looks like? That is thebus we will look <strong>for</strong>. I'll give you a few secondsto look at it and try to remember it.Let's look at some picture to see if you knowyour bus.That's right. That's the _____.Let's look at a picture of the ____ again.That is the bus we will look <strong>for</strong>.I would like you to pick out the bus this time.

Task 21:Respond to Emergency – Interaction withStrangersPurposeTo evaluate the applicant's ability to recognize potential danger in what appears to be anon-threatening situation.Training MaterialsThis item depends entirely on the applicant's existing skills. No training is provided.<strong>Test</strong>ing MaterialsA photo of an attractive, pleasant looking young woman, sitting behind the bus driver withher hands folded. To customize, take a photo of a person who is likely to be perceived byapplicants as very non-threatening and attractive.ProcedureThe script is used to introduce the item and to provide cues as needed.NOTE: The word "stranger" is never used in introducing the item or providing cues.The applicant must demonstrate the knowledge that someone he or she does not know is,in fact, a "stranger", no matter how pleasant he or she appears. Using the word stranger willconvey a sense of danger, and must be omitted.Scoring- Score 2 points if the applicant clearly indicates on the first trial, that he or she would notget off the bus with the woman in the photo.- Score 1 point if the applicant indicates, after the cue, that he or she would not get off thebus with the woman in the photo.- Score 0 points if the applicant gives an unclear response, no response, or indicates thathe or she would get off the bus, even after cueing.

Task 21: Respond to an Emergency – Interaction with StrangersWhat the assessor does:What the assessor says:Present photo of woman sitting in bus seat. Suppose this person sat next to you on thebus and was nice. She asked you to get offthe bus with her so she could buy you asoda. What would you do?CUEIf applicant's response is ambiguous andyou are not sure if he or she would or wouldnot leave with a stranger, provide probe.You don't know this lady, but she was verynice to you. Would you go with her?

Task 22:Respond to Emergency - Lost on the Bus,Driver at Wrong Drop-off SpotPurpose• To evaluate the applicant's ability to recognize that a drop off place is unfamiliar or thewrong location.• To evaluate the applicant's ability to recognize the bus as a safe place and the bus driveras a source of assistance.MaterialsA photo taken through the front of the bus window, as seen by an individual standing by thedriver getting ready to deboard. The photo shows an unfamiliar, uninviting empty lot throughthe window. A side view of the driver is clearly visible in the <strong>for</strong>eground.ProceduresThe item is introduced according to the script. The applicant is shown the photo, and is toldthat this is what he or she sees when expecting to get off the bus at the church (the originaldeboarding landmark in the test). The applicant is asked what he or she would do. The bestanswer is one that indicates the applicant would stay on the bus, because this is not thecorrect stop, and would ask the driver <strong>for</strong> assistance. If necessary, cueing is provided tohelp the applicant understand that if he or she gets off at the wrong stop, or stays on thebus indefinitely, he or she may become lost. In this case, the probes provide a means ofdetermining if the applicant could identify the bus driver as a source of assistance if he orshe did become lost or confused.ScoringThis item is scored in two parts.- Score 2 points if the individual spontaneous identifies the driver as a source of help andcommunicates something similar to the following answers to 22B:Shaking his/ her head and pointing to the driver.Saying "This is not where I am going”Saying “I don't know. I don't know where that is."Saying “I'd tell the driver that I want to get off at the store."Saying "I'd ask the driver to call the office since this is not the right store."- Score 1 point if the individual is able to indicate that the driver, after a cue, as a source <strong>for</strong>help and does not leave the vehicle and communicates that they are not where they aresupposed to be.- Score 0 points if there is no meaningful response, the response cannot be interpretedmeaningfully.

Item 22: Lost on the BusWhat the assessor does:Item 22 AIdentifies driver as source of immediateassistance.CUEItem 22 BPresent photo of bus driver/unfamiliar stop.If applicant’s answer includes or implies someunderstanding of being lost or unfamiliar withthe stop and an indication that he or she wouldask the bus driver <strong>for</strong> help, item is complete.What the assessor says:If you are at the wrong place and the bus drivercalls your name <strong>for</strong> you to get off the bus whoshould you ask <strong>for</strong> help?When you look out the window by the driver,you see that you don't know where you are. Ifyou get off here, you will be lost. What shouldyou do?

Task 23:Respond to Emergency - Lost Off the BusPurposeTo evaluate the applicant's safe judgment in choosing a proper action including a place toseek assistance or a police officer to help them.Training MaterialsNone. This item evaluates existing self-advocacy skills. Photo of unfamiliar place that isoutside and publicly accessible.ProcedureThe item is introduced according to the script. The applicant is shown the photo, and is toldthat this is what he or she sees when off the bus and does not know where he or she is.The applicant is asked what he or she would do. The best answers are one that indicatesthe applicant would call a responsible caregiver or locate a police officer. Acceptableanswers would be identifying safe places to seek help.ScoringThis score reflects the applicant’s ability to identify an immediate source of assistance.- Score 2 point (full credit) responses, either be<strong>for</strong>e or after the probe might include:“I would call ____ on my cell phone.”“I would go into the closest store.”“I would look <strong>for</strong> a police officer.”- Score 0 points if there is no response, or the response cannot be interpreted meaningfully.Task 23: Respond to Emergency – Lost off the BusWhat the assessor does:What the assessor says:Recognizes being lost and has identified If you are already off the bus and not suremethods to find assistance and return to where you are and how to get where youdestination.want to be going. What do you do?PROBE

Task 37 1 :Identify and Navigate to Return Pick-up SpotPurposeTo evaluate further the applicant's general route finding skills, in a more real life task.Training MaterialsNone. The training would have been incidental when the applicant attempted to follow thedirectional arrows from the waiting room to the test area in Item 3.<strong>Test</strong>ing MaterialsNo special materials are used <strong>for</strong> testing this item.A bus pass holder and the ID card are a small thank you which may be provided toapplicants who participated in the evaluation.ProceduresFollow the script to thank the applicant and explain that the assessment is over. Ask theapplicant to show you the way back to the waiting room, assuring him or her that you willfollow and provide help if needed. Provide cues only if the applicant becomes disorientedand cannot find his or her way independently. Count the number of cues necessary if any,and use this count to score the item.Score- Score 2 points if applicant is independent in returning to waiting room.- Score 1 point if applicant requires only one cue.- Score 0 points if applicant requires more than one prompt.Task 37: Identify and Navigate to the Return Pick-up SpotWhat the assessor does:What the assessor says:Follow applicant back to waiting room.Provide direction only if necessary.Count the number of cues the applicantneeded, if any to return to the waiting room.Thank you very much <strong>for</strong> all your hard work.We are all done. Let's go back to thewaiting room now.Do you think you can show me how to getback to the waiting room? You lead the wayand I'll follow you.1 Final step in <strong>Test</strong>

Section 4:Trip Planning and TripScheduling

Task 24*:Ability to Use PhonePurpose:To evaluate the applicant's ability to use a phone reservation system <strong>for</strong> scheduling trips.Training MaterialsTelephone or cellphoneSheet with list of numbers such as newspaper, theaters, doctors, restaurants, etc.ProceduresTelephone ReservationThe applicant will be required to select a number from a sheet of paper, dial the number,make a local call to request or give in<strong>for</strong>mation. The applicant will be given a list of numbersand is requested to call <strong>for</strong> specific in<strong>for</strong>mation.Score- Score 2 points if the applicant is able to select a number from the list, make local call, andrequest or give in<strong>for</strong>mation no prompt.- Score 1 point if the applicant is able to select a number from a list, make local call, andrequest or give in<strong>for</strong>mation with prompts and training.- Score 0 points if the applicant is unable to select a number from a list, unable to makelocal call, unable to provide request with prompts and retraining.Task 24: Ability to Use phone or computer systemWhat the assessor does:What the assessor says:Telephone:Applicant is provided a phone and a phonelist and asked to call to inquire about amovie, restaurant hours, stores address orother appropriate question. The applicantcan be probed and retrained to see if theyare able to conduct the require phonesequence.Can you call the ______ (place) listed on thissheet of paper and find out what time the_________________ __________?

Task 24*:Ability to Use Computer System (Alternate)Purpose:To evaluate the applicant's safe ability to use a phone or computer reservation system <strong>for</strong>scheduling trips.Training MaterialsComputerComputer screen with icon having them fill out a <strong>for</strong>m. (It is recommended the <strong>for</strong>m issaved on the computer and no personal in<strong>for</strong>mation is transferred.)ProceduresComputer Reservation – if availableThe applicant will be required to select a specialized icon that brings the individual to anonline reservation screen. The applicant will be required to input the appropriatein<strong>for</strong>mation at the correct prompts and navigate through the online reservations.Score- Score 2 points if the applicant is able to access website and make trip reservationunprompted.- Score 1 point if the applicant is able to access website and make trip reservation withprompts and training.- Score 0 points if the applicant is to access website or make reservation with prompts andretraining.Task 24 Alternate B: Ability to Use computer systemWhat the assessor does:What the assessor says:ComputerApplicant is provided a computer and showna special icon which brings them to areservation screen that is saved in the harddrive. The applicant will be requested to fillout the in<strong>for</strong>mation on the computer screen.The in<strong>for</strong>mation does not need to betransferred to the website.Can you click on this icon and fill out thein<strong>for</strong>mation required by the website?

Task 25*-34*:Communicating Trip Scheduling InfoPurpose:To evaluate and determine if the applicant knows and is able to communicate required tripinfo as well as specialized in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> a trip including return trip info, special instructions<strong>for</strong> the driver, cell phone in<strong>for</strong>mation, if a guest (including PCA, PSAP or other serviceprovider) will be accompanying applicant.Training MaterialsNoneProceduresThe item is introduced according to the script, and the cues were written to replicateprompts that occur in natural situational settings.ScoreCommunicate identification in<strong>for</strong>mation- Score 1 point if the applicant is able to communicate correct identification and/or IDnumber if required.- Score 0 points if the applicant is unable to communicate correct identification and/or IDnumber or no response.Communicate pick-up address- Score 1 point if the applicant is able to communicate pick-up address and town.- Score 0 points if the applicant is unable to communicate pick-up address or no response.Communicate destination address- Score 1 point if the applicant is able to communicate destination address and town.- Score 0 points if the applicant is unable to communicate destination address or noresponse.Communicate destination phone number- Score 1 point if the applicant is able to communicate destination phone number.- Score 0 points if the applicant is unable to communicate destination phone number or noresponse.Communicate date and day of trip- Score 1 point if the applicant is able to communicate date and day of trip.

- Score 0 points if the applicant is does unable to communicate date and day of trip or noresponse.Communicate departure and arrival times- Score 1 point if the applicant is able to communicate departure and arrival times.- Score 0 points if the applicant is unable to communicate departure and arrival or noresponse.Communicate return trip in<strong>for</strong>mation, if applicable- Score 1 point if the applicant is able to communicate return trip in<strong>for</strong>mation.- Score 0 points if the applicant is unable to communicate return trip in<strong>for</strong>mation or noresponse.Communicate special instructions <strong>for</strong> reservation (may include specific travel needs such asan accessible vehicle, announcing presence)- Score 1 point if the applicant is able to communicate special instructions.- Score 0 points if the applicant is unable to communicate special instructions or noresponse.Communicate destination cell phone number, if applicable- Score 1 point if the applicant is able to communicate cell phone number.- Score 0 points if the applicant is unable to communicate cell phone number or noresponse.Communicate travelling companion in<strong>for</strong>mation, if applicable- Score 1 point if the applicant is able to communicate travelling companion in<strong>for</strong>mation.- Score 0 points if the applicant is does unable to communicate travelling companionin<strong>for</strong>mation or no response.

Task 26-35: Provide Required In<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> Trip SchedulingWhat the assessor does:What the assessor says:If applicant is able to correctly communicate Thank you <strong>for</strong> calling _______(verbally or through typing preferred)questions regarding the trip planningprocess:25Identification InfoAnd Only if local service has ID26Pick-up Location27Destination Location28Destination Phone Number, use destinationfrom previous response29Day and Date of Trip, use destination fromprevious response30Departure and/or Arrival Time31Return Trip info32Special Travel InstructionWhat is your name?What is your identification number <strong>for</strong>_______Where is would like to be picked up? Whatis the address and town?Where are you planning to go? What is theaddress and town?Is there a phone number <strong>for</strong> ______? Whatis the phone number <strong>for</strong> _____?What day of the week did you want to go to__________? Do you know the date?What time do you need to arrive? What timewould you like to leave?Will you need a return trip?What time will you be leaving?Will you be needing anything else <strong>for</strong> thetrip?33Cell Phone Number34Travelling companionIs there a way we can contact you?What is that number?Will anyone be traveling with you on yourtrip?

Task 35*:Advise Responsible Adult or Caregiver/ServiceProvider Trip InfoPurpose:To determine the applicants ability to convey important travel in<strong>for</strong>mation to a caregiver orresponsible adult <strong>for</strong> safety and <strong>for</strong> a responsible party to have the knowledge of when andwhere the applicant is going and when they will be returning.Training MaterialsNoneProceduresProbes are provided if the applicant is able to communicate trip in<strong>for</strong>mation to a caretaker orother responsible adult.ScoreIf the applicant does not initiate the reminder and requires probes, the maximum score willbe 2 points:- Score 2 points if the applicant is able to spontaneously communicate trip in<strong>for</strong>mation tocaregiver or adult after initial questioning.- Score 1 point if applicant is able to communicate trip in<strong>for</strong>mation to caregiver orresponsible adult without or with probe.- Score 0 points if the applicant does not provide trip in<strong>for</strong>mation to caregiver or noresponse.Task 35: Advise responsible adult or caregiver/Service provider of Trip InfoWhat the assessor does:What the assessor says:Initial questions to see if applicant can So you are planning to go on a trip. Isspontaneously provide details about the trip. there anyone you should tell? What wouldyou tell them?With PROBE:Who do you think you should tell you aregoing to the ________? What will you tellthem about your trip?

Task 36*:Cancel Trip if Necessary (Prior to requiredoperator policy to prevent “No Show” status)Purpose:To determine if the applicant has the ability to cancel the reservation with enough notice soas not have a “no show” and potentially lose the services.<strong>Test</strong>ing MaterialsPhoneClockProceduresProvide the applicant sheet with local cancellation policy and phone number and requestthat they practice using theirScore- Score 2 points if the applicant is able to use phone or computer to communicate tripcancellation to service provider.- Score 1 point if the applicant is able to communicate trip cancellation to caretaker orresponsible adult 90 minutes prior to trip.- Score 0 points if the applicant is unable to communicate trip cancellation or no response.

Task 36: Cancel Trip if necessaryWhat the assessor does:If applicant is aware of the time and knowsat least 90 minutes prior to the trip that ismust be cancelled.What the assessor says:Please state your name and the time of thedate of the trip you are cancelling.OK, we have you scheduled <strong>for</strong> a trip at_________________ (ex. 8 am on January12) would you like to cancel that trip.OK, it is canceled; thank you <strong>for</strong> calling________. Is there anything else I can do <strong>for</strong>you today?Thank you.Goodbye.Provide applicant with probes aboutcancelling a trip and who they would callWho can you tell that will call _________(transit provider) and let them know you needto cancel today’s trip.

<strong>Transportation</strong> <strong>Skills</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> <strong>Tool</strong>TSATScoring Results

For individuals who only pass Section 1: Basic <strong>Skills</strong> <strong>for</strong> All Paratransit Servicesthe determined type of paratransit that should be utilized is a Hand-to-Handservice. (Reminder: Passing is a score of 1 or 2 on all tasks in the Section.)This service can be combined with additional supports including assisting with the predepartureand post-arrival tasks.It is recommended that the individual practice the Hand-to-Hand Trip Sequence listedbelow prior to independent travel. The tasks are listed sequentially <strong>for</strong> practicingchaining and multiple step task analysis. It is recommended and designed <strong>for</strong> practicingtrip sequence prior to independent travel.Hand-to-Hand Required Tasks SequentiallySequence Task # Trip Traveling Tasks: Score:1 * 7 Prepare to depart time window with items - include fare <strong>for</strong> all trips ifrequired2 * 8 Dress appropriately <strong>for</strong> weather and trip3 * 9 Be ready on time, wait appropriately and pay attention to yourenvironment4 * 10 Get out of Door on time with items; include fare <strong>for</strong> all trips,identification, and cell phone charged or other communication device5 5 Providing identification to bus driver, police officer or other firstresponders6 * 11 Board vehicle, show driver a bus pass or deposit the correct fare orprovide ticket, if required7 * 12 ONLY IF APPLICABLE - Communicate any special needs to thedriver8 * 13 Select a seat, if necessary assist or allow driver or caretaker to helpwith seat selection9 * 14 Secure Seatbelt or allow driver or caretaker to secure10 3 Sit appropriately11 6 Knows and Exhibits Appropriate Bus Behavior12 * 15 Deboarding: Recognize when near destination and exit the busappropriately (deals with physical changes at destination i.e.construction/snow cover), If necessary assist or allow driver to helpdisembarkation13 * 16 Respond to Emergency - Know what to do if the vehicle does notarrive in pick-up window* Indicates tasks that could be completed by a caretaker – i.e. not the rider or the transit provider.

For individuals who pass Section 1 and Section 2: Intermediate <strong>Skills</strong> <strong>for</strong> SomeParatransit Services the determined type of paratransit that should be utilized is aDoor-through-Door or Door-to-Door service. (Reminder: Passing is a score of 1or 2 on all tasks in the Section.)This service can be combined with additional supports including assisting with the predepartureand post-arrival tasks.It is recommended that the individual practice the Door-through-door or Door-to-DoorTrip Sequence listed below prior to independent travel. The tasks are listed sequentially<strong>for</strong> practicing chaining and multiple step task analysis. It is recommended and designed<strong>for</strong> practicing trip sequence prior to independent travel.Door-to-Door and Door-Through-Door Required Tasks SequentiallySequence Task # Trip Traveling Tasks: Score:1 7 Prepare to depart time window with items - include fare <strong>for</strong> all trips ifrequired2 8 Dress appropriately <strong>for</strong> weather and trip3 9 Be Ready, wait appropriately and pay attention to your environment4 10 Get out of door on time with items; include fare <strong>for</strong> all trips,identification and cell phone charged or other communication device5 5 Providing identification to bus driver, police officer or other firstresponders6 11 Board vehicle, show driver a bus pass or deposit the correct fare orprovide ticket, if required7 12 ONLY IF APPLICABLE - Communicate any special needs to thedriver8 13 Select a seat, if necessary assist or allow driver or caretaker to helpwith seat selection9 14 Secure seatbelt or allow driver or caretaker to secure10 3 Sits appropriately11 6 Knows and exhibits appropriate bus behavior12 15 Deboarding: Recognize when near destination and exit the busappropriately (deals with physical changes at destination i.e.construction/snow cover), If necessary assist or allow driver to helpdisembarkation13 * 16 Respond to Emergency - Know what to do if the vehicle does notarrive in pick-up window* Indicates tasks that could be completed by a caretaker – i.e. not the rider or the transit provider.

For individuals who pass Section 1, Section 2 and Section 3: Advanced <strong>Skills</strong> <strong>for</strong>Some Paratransit Services the determined type of paratransit that should beutilized is Curb-to-Curb and ADA Complementary service. (Reminder: Passing isa score of 1 or 2 on all tasks in the Section.)This service can be combined with additional supports including assisting with the predepartureand post-arrival tasks.It is recommended that the individual practice the Curb-to-Curb and ADAComplementary Trip Sequence listed below prior to independent travel. The tasks arelisted sequentially <strong>for</strong> practicing chaining and multiple step task analysis. It isrecommended and designed <strong>for</strong> practicing trip sequence prior to independent travel.Curb-to-Curb and ADA Complementary Paratransit Required Tasks SequentiallySequenc Task # Trip Traveling Tasks: Score:e #1 7 Prepare to depart time window with items - include fare <strong>for</strong> all trips ifrequired2 8 Dress appropriately <strong>for</strong> weather and trip3 10 Get out of door on time with items; include fare <strong>for</strong> all trips,identification and cell phone charged or other communication device4 17 Identify correct pick-up spot5 ‡ 18 Identify and safely navigate to the correct pick-up spot (ParkingLot/Sidewalk Safety)6 19 Stand at pick-up spot or in a visible appropriate place (know how todeal with inclement weather)7 9 Be ready, wait appropriately and pay attention to your environment8 20 Identify correct vehicle9 5 Providing identification to bus driver, police officer or other firstresponders10 11 Board vehicle, show driver a bus pass or deposit the correct fare orprovide ticket, if required11 12 ONLY IF APPLICABLE - Communicate any special needs to thedriver12 13 Select a seat, if necessary assist or allow driver or caretaker to helpwith seat selection13 14 Secure seatbelt or allow driver or caretaker to secure14 3 Sits appropriately15 6 Knows and exhibits appropriate bus behavior16 15 Deboarding: Recognize when near destination and exit the busappropriately (deals with physical changes at destination i.e.construction/snow cover), If necessary assist or allow driver to helpdisembarkation17 ‡ 18 Travel to destination through the safest and the most direct route(Street/Parking Lot Safety)

18 37 Identify and navigate to return pick-up spot19 * 16 Respond to Emergency - Know what to do if the vehicle does notarrive in pick-up window20 21 Respond to Emergency – Interaction with strangers21 22 Respond to Emergency - Lost on the bus, driver at wrong drop-offspot22 23 Respond to Emergency - Lost off the bus* Indicates tasks that could be completed by a caretaker – i.e. not the rider or the transit provider.‡ Indicates same task is required <strong>for</strong> pre-vehicle and post-vehicle boarding.

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