Science Graphic Organizers

Science Graphic Organizers Science Graphic Organizers
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Teacher Workbooks<strong>Graphic</strong> Organizer Series<strong>Science</strong> <strong>Organizers</strong>Vol. 1© Copyright 2003Teachnology Publishing CompanyA Division of Teachnology, Inc.For additional information, visit us at

Table of ContentsComparisonsThree Circle Venn Diagram 1Venn Diagram 2Comparing Concepts 3Likenesses & Differences 4Relationships 5Comparing Scientists 6Comparison Chart 7Project PlanningControlled Experiment Organizer 8Division of Labor 9Sightseeing Organizer 10Sorting Organizer 11Rock Hunting 12<strong>Science</strong> Project Organizer 13Planning Chart 14Group Plan 15Cycles and ChainsCause & Effect 16Factors in the Cause 17Four Stage Cycle 18Six Stage Chain 19Nine Stage Chain 20Energy Pyramid 21<strong>Science</strong> Vocabulary<strong>Science</strong> Vocabulary Builder 22New Word 23Meeting a New Word 24<strong>Science</strong> Vocabulary Awareness 25<strong>Science</strong> Related Word Matching Jigsaw Puzzle 26Basic <strong>Science</strong> <strong>Organizers</strong>Layer Organizer 27Overview 28Taxonomy Organizer 29This Week’s Weather 30Multiple Intelligence Lesson Plan 31Scientists Biography 32SQ3R Chart 33iii

Name ______________________Date ________________Three Circle Venn DiagramDirections: Pick three topics to compare and list the individual characteristics for each topic in thecircles that correspond with the topic. Show where the topics share common characteristics inthe overlap sections.Comparing: A. __________________________________________B. ___________________________________________C.___________________________________________A A&B BOverlapA, B, & COverlapA & C OverlapB & C OverlapC1

Name ______________________Date ________________Venn DiagramDirections: For each element related to the main topic, write the individual characteristics thatdescribe the element in each circle with characteristics that are similar in the overlap section.Main Topic: ______________________________________________________A. Element or characteristic: B. Element or characteristic:_________________________________________________ABSimilarities/Overlap2

Name ______________________Date ________________Comparing ConceptsDirections: Use this compare/contrast organizer to explore analogous as well as non-analogouscharacteristics of two concepts related to a given topic.Topic: _______________________________________Concept 1: Concept 2:How arethey alike?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How are theydifferent?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3

Name ______________________Date ________________Likenesses & DifferencesDirections: Use this organizer to show the relationship between two concepts.Concept 1: Concept 2:DifferentSameDifferent4

Name ______________________Date ________________RelationshipsDirections: For each concept, write how they are related.Concept 1: Concept 2:5

Name ______________________Date ________________Comparing ScientistsDirections: Pick up to three but no less than two scientists to study. Complete each section.Names Scientist 1 Scientist 2 Scientist 3Time period:Best known for:Where did they study?History/background:Major achievements:Other pertinentinformation:6

Name ______________________Date ________________Comparison ChartDirections: Make a list of concepts. List various characteristics across the top that can apply toany of the concepts you picked. Check the boxes that apply to each concept.← Characteristics →Concepts7

Name ______________________Date ________________Title:Controlled Experiment OrganizerDirections: Use this organizer as a guide to conduct a controlled experiment.Problem:Hypothesis:Procedure(s):DependentVariable:IndependentVariable:Control:Observation:Data:Conclusion:8

Name ______________________Date ________________Division of Labor ChartDirection: Use this chart to keep assignments organized.Student Role Due Date(s) Responsibilities9

Name ______________________Date ________________Sightseeing OrganizerDirections: Take a sightseeing walk and list all of the significant landforms, animals, plants, andforms of pollution you see on your trip.Landforms Animals Plants Pollution10

Name ______________________Date ________________Sorting OrganizerDirections: Use this organizer to keep track of sorting.Total number of: __________________Total number of: __________________Total number of: __________________Total number of: __________________Total number of: __________________Total number of: __________________Total number of: __________________Total number of: __________________Total number of: __________________Total number of: __________________Total number of: __________________Total number of: __________________Total number of: __________________Total number of: __________________11

Name ______________________Date ________________Rock HuntingIgneous Rock – This type of rock is formed by molten mixtures of minerals and gases foundwithin the Earth’s surface called magma. As the magma cools, igneous rock is formed.Metamorphic Rock – This type of rock is igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic rock that hasbeen changed by heat, pressure, or permeation by other substances.Sedimentary Rock – This type of rock is formed by materials that have been deposited by theaction of gravity, water, and/or wind. Over time, the materials conform and harden.Directions: Go on a rock hunt and collect as many different types of rocks as you can find inyour area and classify the types of rock below.Igneous Metamorphic Sedimentary12

Name ______________________Date ________________<strong>Science</strong> Project OrganizerDirections: Use this organizer to keep track of a science project.Project ideas:Names of possiblepartners:Start date:Complete date:What will I need to complete project?Possible problems I might encounter:What must my project achieve?13

Name ______________________Date ________________Planning ChartDirections: Use this organizer to show a sequence of events that result from a specific action thatis planned. For each possible result, describe specific results that can occur.Possible ResultsDescribe specific results.Planned Action14

Name ______________________Date ________________Group PlanDirections: Use this chart to help organize a cooperative learning activity.Materials needed:Goal(s):Group members and roles:Plan:Evaluation and due dates:15

Name ______________________Date ________________Cause & EffectDirections: Pick an event to explore or investigate and describe the effects of that event in theappropriate boxes.Cause Cause CauseEvent:Effect Effect Effect16

Name ______________________Date ________________Factors in the CauseDirections: Choose an event and describe the factors that caused the event in the appropriateboxes.Factor #1 Factor #2Factor #6 Factor #3EventFactor #5 Factor #417

Name ______________________Date ________________Four Stage CycleDirections: Use this sequential organizer to illustrate a step by progression that results in a fullcycle.

Name ______________________Date ________________Six Stage Causal ChainDirections: Use this organizer to illustrate a causal chain resulting in a final outcome.

Name ______________________Date ________________Nine Stage ChainDirections: Use this organizer to show a chain of events leading to an end result.1. 2. 3.4. 5. 6.7. 8. 9.20

Name ______________________Date ________________Energy PyramidDirections: Use this organizer to illustrate a hierarchal representation of a topic.21

Name ______________________Date ________________<strong>Science</strong> Vocabulary BuilderDirections: Pick a scientific phenomenon. Describe it and write a word(s) that is best associatedwith it. Describe characteristics and give real life examples.Describe a scientific phenomenon.What is it like?(Characteristics)DesWord(s) associated with the phenomenon:Real-life Example(s)22

Name ______________________Date ________________New WordDirections: Pick a vocabulary word and “guess what it means.” Find the actual definition andshow relationships to other words in boxes 3-6.1. Guess what it means:3. Relatesto:2. Actual definition:4. Relatesto:5. Relates to:6. Relates to:23

Name ______________________Date ________________Meeting a New WordDirections: Pick a new vocabulary word or concept that you want to learn. Follow instructions ineach box.1. Define word/concept in your own words. 2. Describe the key characteristics.New Word/Concept:4. Give examples. 5. Describe how it is used in everyday life.24

Name ______________________Date ________________<strong>Science</strong> Vocabulary AwarenessDirections: Use this organizer to assist in building science vocabulary.Word Can I define it? What’s it related to? Definition25

Name ______________________Date ________________<strong>Science</strong> Related Word Matching Jigsaw PuzzleDirections: Write science vocabulary words in the small boxes and see where they match.26

Name ______________________Date ________________Layer OrganizerDirections: Use this concentric model to illustrate characteristics that a topic possesses.

Name ______________________Date ________________OverviewDirections: Pick a topic to explore and list the main ideas in each box. List or describe specificdetails related to each main idea.Topic: _________________________________Main IdeasSpecific Details1. ______________________________2.______________________________3. ______________________________1. ______________________________2.______________________________3. ______________________________1. ______________________________2.______________________________3. ______________________________28

Name ______________________Date ________________Taxonomy OrganizerDirections: Use this chart to classify organisms according to different categories.KINGDOMOrganism #1 Organism #2 Organism #3 Organism #4 Organism #5PHYLUMCLASSORDERFAMILYGENUSSPECIES29

Name ______________________Date ________________This Week’s WeatherDirections: Use this chart to collect data and keep track of weather conditions for a five-dayperiod.Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridayDateTime of ObservationTemperatureTypes of CloudsObservedPercentage of CloudCoverWind SpeedWind DirectionTime of SunriseTime of SunsetHours of LightPrecipitationHumidityForecast for Tomorrow30

Name ______________________Date ________________Multiple Intelligence Lesson PlanDirections: Use this chart to plan lessons that delineate Howard Gardiner’s Eight Intelligences.Logical /MathematicalComponentSpatial / VisualComponentLinguistic /VerbalComponentBody /KinestheticComponentMusicalComponentInterpersonalComponentIntrapersonalComponentNaturalistic31

Name ______________________Date ________________Scientist's BiographyDirections: Use this pyramid graphic to illustrate notable characteristics/features related to ascientist that you wish to learn more about.Name: ___________________Dates: ___________________Field of science:Scientist who did related work:Experiences:Accomplishments:Notes:32

Name ______________________Date ________________SQ3R ChartDirections: This chart is helpful when reading a passage. Use one chart for each major section.SurveyWrite the mostimportant titles.QuestionWrite a who,what, when,where, and whyquestion.ReadRead allinformation toanswerquestions.ReciteOrally answerquestions.ReviewCreatesummaries andmain ideas fromthe passage.33

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