Inside Cover - YMCA of Edmonton, AB - YMCA Canada

Inside Cover - YMCA of Edmonton, AB - YMCA Canada

Inside Cover - YMCA of Edmonton, AB - YMCA Canada


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Welcome to <strong>YMCA</strong> Child Care!PARENT HANDBOOKThe <strong>YMCA</strong> is pleased to welcome you and your child to ourChild Care program. We are the largest and most trusted providers <strong>of</strong> high qualityChild Care services in the Province <strong>of</strong> Alberta. Our Child Care programs deliverstimulating learning experiences in a safe environment that will enhance yourchild’s social, intellectual, physical and emotional development.We stimulate children’s natural curiosity and encourage personal expressionso that they develop into confident, caring, happy individuals.Children need role models. They model themselves after their parents first, theirpeers second, and their teachers third. Your child needs to know that you haveconfidence in us so that we will also have their confidence.This handbook will provide you with program information and regulationsregarding Child Care services. If you require further informationplease feel free to contact your Centre Director.Thank you for becoming part <strong>of</strong> our <strong>YMCA</strong> family!Contents<strong>YMCA</strong> Child Care Introduction ………. 2Registration ……………………………. 3Fees ……………………………………. 5Getting to Know Us ………….………… 5Programming …………………………... 7The Daily Routine ……………………… 8Policies ……………………………...….. 10Feedback ……………………………...... 13Resources ………………………………. 137/27/2010 1

<strong>YMCA</strong> Child Care Introduction<strong>YMCA</strong> Mission StatementThe <strong>YMCA</strong>, a volunteer-based, charitable, caring organization, fosters the growth <strong>of</strong> all peoplein spirit, mind and body, delivering our values through programs in and services to thecommunity.<strong>YMCA</strong> Child Care Objectives• to provide a warm caring environment which will develop your child’s potential creative,intellectual, emotional, social and physical skills• to provide a safe environment that is a natural progression from home to school• to ensure that your child is cared for and is supervised at all times• to hire educators that are experienced and well trained to provide the best care andenrichment for your child• to provide a communication system that ensures parent to educators contact throughout theprogram year• to set fees that allow the Centre to operate at a full cost recovery basis<strong>YMCA</strong> Child Care Values• <strong>YMCA</strong> Child Care is available to everyone regardless <strong>of</strong> race, sex, religion or economiccircumstances• Parents have the right to pursue work or education with peace <strong>of</strong> mind, and children have theright to a secure, safe and developmentally appropriate program.• <strong>YMCA</strong> Child Care families can access additional programs and services that the <strong>YMCA</strong>provides to support them• Parent participation is important to <strong>YMCA</strong> Child Care<strong>YMCA</strong> Quality StatementParent evaluations, current research, and over 20 years <strong>of</strong> experience in delivering child careprograms have helped us to define our Quality Checklist:Children are happy and involvedEducators have a caring attitudeCentre, equipment and toys are accessible, clean & safeChildren participate in small groups in stimulating activities with teachersFood is nutritionally balancedParent-teacher communication is promoted and parents feel welcome in the centreSufficient play materials are availableOutdoor play activities are taking place in well maintained play areasEducators are good role models and have appropriate trainingParents have regular feedback about their child7/27/2010 2

LicensingEvery child care centre in Alberta is regulated by the Provincial Licensing Standards. Centresare required to meet the mandatory regulations, and are visited regularly by a Licensing Officerto ensure they are in compliance. Reports from these visits are posted in your centre, and areavailable for parents to view. Any recommendations from these reports are used as anopportunity to improve the centre.AccreditationThe purpose <strong>of</strong> Accreditation in Alberta is to raise the standard <strong>of</strong> Child Care in the Province andimprove best practices in Early Learning and Child Care Services. Accreditation is a voluntaryprocess, and involves great dedication on the part <strong>of</strong> the educators and the centre.The benefits <strong>of</strong> an accredited centre:• Attracts families who are looking for a high quality centre• Attracts educators whoa re looking to work in a quality centre• The centre receives Quality Support Grants• The educators receive support fundingAll <strong>of</strong> our centres participate in the Accreditation process. Preschool Accreditation was implemented in2004, and School-Age Accreditation was launched in 2009. Our centres are at varying stages in theprocess. Please ask your Director for more information.RegistrationAll <strong>YMCA</strong> Early Learning Centres which <strong>of</strong>fer preschool care are licensed for children ages 19months to less than 7 years <strong>of</strong> age. Certain centres may <strong>of</strong>fer infant care (care for children under19 months), ask your Director for details.<strong>YMCA</strong> Out-<strong>of</strong>-School Care Programs are licensed for children ages 5 – 12 years. Children mustbe school attendees to participate in a school age program.Children can make the transition from preschool care to Out-<strong>of</strong>-School Care upon enteringKindergarten in September. Unless your centre <strong>of</strong>fers morning and afternoon programs, we askthat all children enroll in their school’s AM Kindergarten class. In order for us to adhere toprovincial licensing standards, children will remain in our Kindercare program until they enterGrade 1 the following September.Part time care is available on a very limited basis, and is vulnerable as the Centre reachescapacity. To ensure financial viability, the Centre’s part-time registrants may be given thechoice <strong>of</strong> taking full time care or forfeiting their space, when a demand for full time care isexperienced. Part time care is not available at our Early Learning facilities.Parents are requested to arrange an appointment for an initial visit and interview at the Centre.During the visit, parents will receive a personal orientation and registration package. All formsmust be returned before your child’s first day. It is absolutely essential that all information becompleted, including Health Care number, immunization record and an emergency contactperson to ensure the safety and security <strong>of</strong> your child. The first month’s fees, as well as theregistration deposit must also be paid prior to your child’s first day.7/27/2010 3

FeesFees are charged on a monthly basis and payment must be made on the first day <strong>of</strong> the month,the 15 th day <strong>of</strong> the month, or split equally between the two. Your child is not <strong>of</strong>ficially registeredfor that month until payment is scheduled. NSF payments are subject to a $25 administrationcharge.Full fees will be charged for weeks with statutory holidays and for children who miss any part <strong>of</strong>the week due to illness or vacation time.In order to keep your registration current we require families use a pre-authorized payment plan.The <strong>YMCA</strong> is able to accept payment by Visa, Master Card or Automatic Bank withdrawal.Consistent default on payment <strong>of</strong> fees will result in termination <strong>of</strong> care.To retain a Child Care space during a prolonged absence, you may be required to pay full orpartial fees, or leave a deposit. Please speak to your Director prior to making arrangements.Financial AssistanceIf you require a fee subsidy please talk to your Director for information and application forms.Tax ReceiptsChild Care fees are tax deductible. An <strong>of</strong>ficial tax receipt will be given annually prior to Federaltax deadlines. Please retain this receipt for your records, as if you require a new one it willissued with a $25 administration fee.Late FeesA late charge <strong>of</strong> $1.00 a minute will be charged for pick-ups after 6:00 pm. If there is anemergency and you are going to be late, we ask that you call the Centre to notify us. Three ormore consecutive late pick-ups may result in increased late fees and may lead to termination <strong>of</strong>your child care services.Getting to Know UsCaring, Qualified EducatorsOur dedicated educators are carefully chosen and have the appropriateeducational background to ensure quality care. They have personal qualities<strong>of</strong> friendliness, warmth, and the ability to relate openly to children and adults.Continuous evaluation <strong>of</strong> educators and programming ensures the ongoinghigh quality care for your children.Parent Participation and CommunicationAt the <strong>YMCA</strong> we believe strongly that Child Care must be a sharedresponsibility between parents and Child Care educators A variety <strong>of</strong>opportunities will be provided to ensure effective communication between youand our teachers.7/27/2010 5

Family EventsYou are encouraged to visit and participate in our program whenever possible. This could be assimple as staying to read a story, or as exciting as joining us on a fieldtrip. We encourageparticipation at a level that you feel comfortable with.Families are encouraged to participate in special events throughout the year. Many <strong>of</strong> the centreshost seasonal events, which include food and entertainment for the whole family. Ask yourDirector about upcoming celebrations.Parent-Educator Sharing<strong>YMCA</strong> Child Care educators have a commitment to provide an environment that fosters yourchild’s growth and learning. If you feel that your child’s needs are not being met, we encourageyou to express your concerns to your Child Care Director.Group CareWhile we strive to ensure that all children who attend <strong>YMCA</strong> programs are happy andcomfortable in their surroundings, it is important to recognize that group care is not for everyone.We are committed to working with families to provide the <strong>of</strong>fer the most appropriate care foryour child and are happy to make recommendations and referrals.NewsletterEach centre distributes a monthly newsletter containing information <strong>of</strong> interest to families. Thismay include special events, monthly birthdays, program planning, requests or other interestingtidbits. Your suggestions and comments are always welcome. If you would like to receive thenewsletter by e-mail please speak with your program Director.Parent EvaluationEach year, parent evaluations are provided to all our families. These evaluations help usdiscover what you value in a Child Care program, and ask you to rate and comment on severalareas. Your input and comments are important to us. Evaluations can be returned anonymously.Results and comments will be posted, and used to improve our programs.Parent Focus Group meetingsEach Centre will hold a minimum <strong>of</strong> 2 Parent Focus Meetings annually to discuss issues <strong>of</strong>importance pertaining to Child Care. The meeting will also provide parents with the opportunityto <strong>of</strong>fer feedback regarding the operation <strong>of</strong> the program. An agenda will be distributed t<strong>of</strong>amilies prior to the meeting.Strong KidsThe <strong>YMCA</strong> mobilizes people to build better communities by giving something back throughphilanthropy- the giving <strong>of</strong> time, talent, treasure and trust. The <strong>YMCA</strong> strives to make programs,services and facilities available to all. Individuals and families from all areas <strong>of</strong> our communitybenefit from programs that help them grow in spirit, mind and body.Our goal is that no one will be denied membership or program participation because they areunable to pay the full fee.The Strong Kids Campaign raises money for our Opportunity Fund, which is then used to makeour programs and facilities accessible to everyone in the community. Donations to the StrongKids Campaign help over 15 000 people access <strong>YMCA</strong> facilities and programs each year.7/27/2010 6

Families can participate in the annual Strong Kids Fundraising campaign at their Child CareCentres. Your Program Director will be happy to explain how you can get involved and make areal difference to your community.ProgrammingOur program at the <strong>YMCA</strong> Child Care Centre concentrates on active learning on the part <strong>of</strong> thechild, both physically and mentally. Our curriculum is based on children’s self-directedexploration and discovery. Through play, real work and building relationships children gain asense <strong>of</strong> self as powerful and competent. Our educators provide a child-responsive curriculumwhich emerges out <strong>of</strong> experiences in the lives <strong>of</strong> children, families, and educators in ourprogram.Children have ample opportunity to explore and experiment at their own level <strong>of</strong> knowledge.Their activities are both interesting and satisfying to them, and educators are aware <strong>of</strong> their needfor challenge and success, and for room to grow. Full involvement in, and satisfaction fromone’s work is <strong>of</strong> prime importance for social and emotional growth.<strong>YMCA</strong> Character ValuesWe build strong kids, strong families and strong communities through programs that teach thevalues <strong>of</strong> caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility. These four values are interwoven with all<strong>of</strong> the programs occurring within the Centre and are <strong>of</strong>ten highlighted in specific activities. Weencourage all <strong>of</strong> our staff and participants to use the four value words as they relate to theiractivities and relationships they participate in.<strong>YMCA</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> Learning to Play CurriculumThe <strong>YMCA</strong> Playing to Learn Curriculum provides our educators with an in-depth understanding<strong>of</strong> how play provides the foundation for learning literacy skills, mathematics, science andtechnology. Our Child Care educators strive to <strong>of</strong>fer your child valuable learning experiencesthrough meaningful and structured play activities and other social interactionsChild GuidanceThe goal <strong>of</strong> <strong>YMCA</strong> Child Care is to develop partnerships with families while providingconsistent quality child care. We want children in our care to understand and acceptresponsibility for their actions. Children must be able to recognize behavior which conflicts withthe <strong>YMCA</strong> Character Values <strong>of</strong> respect, responsibility, caring and honesty. Children will beencouraged to make appropriate choices. For those occasions when children make choices thatare not acceptable, a guidance process has been developed, and a behavior contract is enteredinto with all <strong>of</strong> our families.Methods for Behavior Management:• Redirection: guiding a child into acceptable options when engaged in an unacceptableactivity• Logical and Natural Consequences: staff will ensure children are aware <strong>of</strong> the results <strong>of</strong> theiractions or choices• Limit Setting: boundaries are developed by the teacher for the children as a group and forindividual children according to each situation• Modeling: demonstration <strong>of</strong> appropriate ways <strong>of</strong> interacting7/27/2010 7

• Providing Choices: appropriate choices are outlined and children are encouraged to makedecisions for themselves• Anticipating Trouble: planning and preparing the environment• Emphasizing positive behavior: giving inappropriate behavior less attention• Positive Reinforcement: use <strong>of</strong> encouragementContinuous inappropriate behavior can lead to the child being removed from the Centre.AssessmentAt the <strong>YMCA</strong>, we are committed to providing quality care for all our families. While we striveto provide a happy and comfortable environment for each child, we recognize that group caremay not be suitable for everyone.If our educators notice your child having difficulties in our programs we will work closely withyou to determine the most appropriate course <strong>of</strong> action. We will keep an on-going record <strong>of</strong> yourchild’s behaviour, meet with you regularly to discuss appropriate behavior managementstrategies and, if necessary, <strong>of</strong>fer a referral to a community organization that could provide themost appropriate means <strong>of</strong> support.The Daily RoutineYou are invited and encouraged to bring your child for a visit during the week prior to their firstday. This gives him/her an opportunity to become familiar with the Centre, our staff and to meetthe other children in the program. During the initial period <strong>of</strong> adjustment, tears are a very naturaloccurrence for out younger children. Our educators have specialized skills to help your childover a difficult time. Our educators can assist you both as you say good-bye.A routine that is consistent from day to day gives children a specific way to understand time.Once your child has participated in the sequence <strong>of</strong> the daily routine a number <strong>of</strong> times, he/shewill begin to understand time as a predictable sequence <strong>of</strong> events without depending upon anadult to tell what happens next. Our daily routine includes active and quiet times, time withfriends and time to play alone. Many opportunities are given for your child to interactindividually or as part <strong>of</strong> a group. Arts and crafts, music, science, language activities, dramaticand outdoor play ensure a well balanced day that combines learning with fun. Outdoor play is amandatory part <strong>of</strong> our daily programming. Please ensure that your child comes with appropriateoutdoor wear each day.Open Door PolicyThe <strong>YMCA</strong> has an open door policy for parents but it is important that parental presence doesnot interrupt the daily routine. While we appreciate that you want to spend time interacting withyour child in the child care environment, too many adults in a room can <strong>of</strong>ten be distressing forchildren. We suggest that you take 5-10 minutes and settle your child into an activity, say goodbyeand then leave.If you would like to spend more time with your child while at the center, you can discuss thepossibility <strong>of</strong> an extended visit with your child’s educator. However, if your child’s educatorfeels the daily routine is interrupted, you may be asked to shorten your visit.7/27/2010 8

Arrivals and DeparturesTo ensure the safety and security <strong>of</strong> your child while attending <strong>YMCA</strong> Child Care we requirethat:• Parents escort their child to an educator on duty and sign him/her in and out. Ourresponsibility begins when you inform us that your child has arrived.• Parents must notify the Centre if someone other than themselves will be picking up the child.A child will not be released to anyone without your authorization. That person will be askedfor picture identification and must be 14 years <strong>of</strong> age or older.• In the best interest <strong>of</strong> the child, <strong>YMCA</strong> Child Care educators are reluctant to release a childto anyone who appears to be under the influence <strong>of</strong> drugs or alcohol. In this situation theDirector will:• advise the person that the child should not be released and <strong>of</strong>fer assistance to the person• call the child’s emergency contact to arrange pick-up• notify the police if the child or their family are at risk <strong>of</strong> personal injury or harm.Clothing and PossessionsChildren should be dressed in casual, comfortable clothing that allows them to explore and playwithout fear <strong>of</strong> getting dirty. Clothing that is appropriate for the weather should be kept at theCentre.Accidents can happen, so we request that you keep an extra set <strong>of</strong> clothing at the Centre. To helpkeep everything organized and to minimize losses, please label all <strong>of</strong> your child’s possessions.We also require that all children have a pair <strong>of</strong> appropriate indoor shoes to leave at the Centre.Due to health and safety requirements, we ask that you do not send your child with flip-flops orbackless shoes.NutritionAll <strong>of</strong> our centres provide a morning and afternoon snack. All snacks follow <strong>Canada</strong>’s FoodGuide, and are monitored by government standards. We encourage children to try each type <strong>of</strong>food. Our goal is to help children develop a taste for a variety <strong>of</strong> foods. When families doprovide food and drink, we encourage them to follow the recommendations <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Canada</strong> FoodGuide. As we are committed to healthy eating, please do not send candy or other sugary foods tothe Centre. Children will not be allowed to substitute those snacks for the ones provide by theCenter. If a child’s snack from home does not meet recommended standards, the Center willsupplement the snack with food from the <strong>Canada</strong> Good Guide.In the event that there are severe allergies in your child’s centre, restrictions to food will apply.For this reason, certain centres are nut aware-please check to see whether this applies to yourCentre.Rest PeriodIt is our requirement that all children attending a <strong>YMCA</strong> preschool child care program have arest period each day. It is not necessary for your child to sleep, but he/she will be encouraged torest quietly on his/her mat or participate in a quiet activity during this time. A child-sizedblanket from home, labeled with your child’s name may be left at the centre.FieldtripsThroughout the year we take trips to special places <strong>of</strong> interest. A permission form will beavailable in advance <strong>of</strong> the excursion informing you <strong>of</strong> the destination, time and date, andrequiring your signature. The permission form must be completed to ensure your child’s7/27/2010 9

participation. The <strong>YMCA</strong> covers all fieldtrips and entrance fees, but from time to timeadditional fees may be asked for special treats or lunches. These items would be optional ratherthan mandatory. You are always welcome to join us at these times. Children should be dressedappropriately for these occasions. Should we find that our number <strong>of</strong> volunteers, staff andchildren is above our transportation capacity, you may be required to make your own way to thefieldtrip location and to contribute any entrance fee.Each child must be at the centre 15 minutes before the scheduled departure time to ensureparticipation.We encourage parent volunteers on all field trips. All parent volunteers will have to provide aPolice Security Clearance prior to working with the children.PoliciesHealth & IllnessTo ensure a good standard <strong>of</strong> health in the Centre, we maintain constant awareness <strong>of</strong> thechildren’s health requirements. If a child’s illness prevents him/her from participating or beingcomfortable in normal program activities, or if staff cannot provide the care required, the childwill be considered too ill to attend Child Care. Should your child become ill during the day, youwill be contacted immediately to pick up your child.As a guideline, your child should be kept at home or removed from theCentre if he/she:• has a temperature over 38C• is vomiting or has diarrhea• has an undiagnosed skin rash or discoloration <strong>of</strong> the eyes• has persistent pain• is not well enough to attend school• has a communicable diseaseAll children play outside each day. If your child is not well enoughto go out, please keep him/her at home.If your child has been diagnosed with an illness, we ask that you provide your centre with fullinformation regarding the condition. Failure to disclose an illness may result in your child beingasked to leave our care until a doctor’s note supporting a clean bill <strong>of</strong> health is provided.Note: if your child is suspected to have a communicable disease, the public health nurse will becalled and you will be notified. If a communicable disease is confirmed, quarantine regulationsset by the Local Board <strong>of</strong> Health will be observed. These regulations are available at each<strong>YMCA</strong> Child Care Centre.Medication PolicyOur educators with Child Care First Aid certification will administer medication when requested.A “Medical Authorization Form” must be filled out and signed by the parent indicating date,name <strong>of</strong> child, prescribing doctor, name <strong>of</strong> medicine, dosage, and exact time(s) to be given. Forsafety reasons, all medication must be in its original container with the prescription markedindicating date, name <strong>of</strong> child, prescribing doctor, name <strong>of</strong> medicine, dosage, and exact time(s)7/27/2010 10

to be given. Non-prescribed medication can be administered as long as the same “MedicalAuthorization Form” is filled out. Medication given must be in its original container and specifythat it is suitable for the age <strong>of</strong> the child it is being given to. Educators will administer themedication as long as the parent’s request does not exceed the recommended dosage as indicatedon the bottle by either time or amount. Parents must also supply the necessary measuringequipment, such as a medical measuring spoon or syringe. Educators will be unable to administerany medication unless appropriate equipment is provided.Parents are to provide information in writing to educators about when medications and herbalremedies were given to the child prior to arriving at centre.Non-emergency medication will be stored in a locked container out <strong>of</strong> the children’s reach andrefrigerated when necessary.All emergency medications will be stored out <strong>of</strong> reach <strong>of</strong> the children; but in an unlockedcontainer for easy accessibility. Medication will be in a first aid kit which accompanies the childwhen activities take place outside the class room. Parents are responsible to provide the centrewith medication which must remain on site. Parents are also responsible for replacing expiredmedication.If your child falls ill during the morning before the school day begins, please ensure that youpick them up from school as we will be unable to provide care between 9AM and 11AMShould your child require ongoing medical supports, we will work with the family to ensure thatthe primary educator is trained in the proper method <strong>of</strong> administering the health care required.Distal Supervision Policy for School Age ChildrenDistal Supervision is defined as intermittent, direct supervision by an educator when there is aplanned, location specific, time-limited program activity.For example, a child may have permission to do their homework in a given location. The childwould be checked on every 15 minutes.An individual agreement will be drawn up between the Program Director, Parent/Guardian, andthe child. Distal Supervision is for older school-aged children, whose parents and the <strong>YMCA</strong>educators are comfortable with this type <strong>of</strong> arrangement. Any failure to abide by the terms <strong>of</strong> theagreement will result in a loss <strong>of</strong> this privilege.Fire drills and Emergency EvacuationsFire drills are held once per month, minimum, to prepare children in the event <strong>of</strong> fire or for anyother emergency evacuation. The children are guided out <strong>of</strong> the nearest, safest exit and thesenior educators will check washrooms and corners to ensure all children are evacuated.Attendance boards, child emergency information and first aid kits are brought along.In the case <strong>of</strong> a fire drill or practice, the children will meet at the designated location. Attendancewill be taken and amount <strong>of</strong> time taken to evacuate will be noted and recorded before thechildren are guided back inside the building.In case <strong>of</strong> an area evacuation (i.e. flood, tornado, gas leak), all children would be transferred tothe nearest Reception Centre as designated by the city. If this occurs, please tune into your localradio station for information as to the locations <strong>of</strong> the Reception Centres,then proceed to that location to reunite with your children.7/27/2010 11

Building Evacuation LocationsEach centre has a designated site for both site evacuation, and area evacuation. Please visit yourcentres page on the website for the address and contact information for these locations.Daily Transportation Policy:KindergartenKindergarten children will be escorted to their classroom by a<strong>YMCA</strong> educator. Once the ECS teacher is present and hasacknowledged the children, the <strong>YMCA</strong> educator will then leave toreturn to the <strong>YMCA</strong> program. At dismissal time, <strong>YMCA</strong> educatorwill meet the kindergarten children and escort them back to the<strong>YMCA</strong> program.Out-<strong>of</strong>-School CareChildren will be released from the <strong>YMCA</strong> program space to line-upwith their class at first bell. Any children wishing accompaniment to theirclassroom will individually be walked to class. After school, children will proceed from class tothe <strong>YMCA</strong> program on their own after the bell. <strong>YMCA</strong> educators will greet the children andmark attendance upon their entry.For <strong>YMCA</strong> programs not located in schools, educators will accompany children to and from theprogram, and wait with them until the school bell rings.Bussed ChildrenThe <strong>YMCA</strong> does not provide transportation from our centres to schools in the area. Please meetwith your school to see if they <strong>of</strong>fer a bussing service to the <strong>YMCA</strong>.The ability to accommodate bussing is individual to each location, please speak with yourDirector prior to registration.If we are able to accommodate bussing, our educators will accompany your child to the bus inthe mornings and meet them at the drop <strong>of</strong>f point after school. Please ensure that you informyour Program Director and the bus company should there be a day when your child does notneed their regular bussing. A current Transportation agreement must be completed for theCentre, to ensure we have the most up to date information on your child’s bussing arrangements.Unexpected AbsencesPre-school children: For your child’s safety, please ensure that you contact the centre by 8:45amto notify us <strong>of</strong> your child’s absence.School-Age children: it is crucial that parents advise us their child’s absence by 8:15 am.At the end <strong>of</strong> the school day, if a child does not arrive at the program within 5 to 7 minutes <strong>of</strong> thefinal school bell, and there has been no call from a parent/guardian indicating alternatearrangements, a <strong>YMCA</strong> educator will check with the school <strong>of</strong>fice to confirm the child’sattendance. If the child was in attendance, the school staff will be asked to use the intercom toask the child to go to their out-<strong>of</strong>-school care program or meeting place. If the child does notshow up, the <strong>YMCA</strong> educator will immediately contact the Director to notify them <strong>of</strong> thesituation. (Emergency procedures are in place—Parents will be contacted immediately).7/27/2010 12

Feedback ProcessIn the event that you have a congratulation, concern or complaint, we encourage you to let usknow by using the following process:1. Contact the Director <strong>of</strong> the Centre your child attends. The Director will respondimmediately, and/or talk to the Child Care General Manager to discuss the situation.2. If you feel your feedback was not sufficiently heard, you may then contact Child CareGeneral Manager personally, 780 429-9622.3. Any further feedback can be directed to the <strong>Edmonton</strong> <strong>YMCA</strong> President and Chief ExecutiveOfficer at 780 423-9622.4. Any feedback pertaining to licensing concerns thathave not adequately been dealt with by the <strong>YMCA</strong>,can be passed along to the following :Region 6 Child and Family Services7 th Floor9942-108 Street<strong>Edmonton</strong>, <strong>AB</strong> T5K 2J5(780)427-0444www.child.gov.ab.caWhen a complaint is made to Child and Family Services, please be aware:• the identity <strong>of</strong> the complaint will not be divulged to the license holder• the complaint will be investigated by a Licensing Officer• complaints will be followed up by phone. Written confirmation will be received only if aninvestigation was conductedResourcesGovernment <strong>of</strong> Alberta– Children and Youth Services7 th Floor9942-108 Street<strong>Edmonton</strong>, <strong>AB</strong> T5K 2J5(780) 427-0444www.child.alberta.caSubsidy Information and Application Forms7 th Floor9942-108 Street<strong>Edmonton</strong>, <strong>AB</strong> T5K 2J5(780) 427-0444www.child.alberta.ca/home/1153.cfmCASA – Mental Health Services#406, Peace Hills Trust Tower10011 - 109 Street, <strong>Edmonton</strong>, <strong>AB</strong>, T5J 3S8www.casaservices.org(780) 438-00117/27/2010 13

Capital Health Linkwww.capitalhealth.ca(780) 408-LINKInclusive Child Care Program (formerly Community Options and Family Support ForChildren with Disabilities)(780) 644-7276The Family CenterFamily Support Services#20, 9912-106 Street<strong>Edmonton</strong>, Alberta, T5K 1C5(780) 423-2831(780) 427-0445<strong>YMCA</strong> On-Linewww.edmonton.ymca.caWe build strong kids, strong families, strong communities.7/27/2010 14

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