Cornea - ARVO

Cornea - ARVO

Cornea - ARVO


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<strong>ARVO</strong> 2013 Annual Meeting Abstracts by Scientific Section/Group - <strong>Cornea</strong>studies will be required to elucidate the effectiveness of this noninvasivetechnique.Commercial Relationships: Raksha Urs, None; Harriet Lloyd,None; Ronald H. Silverman, NoneSupport: AIUM EER; NIH Grant EY021529; Research to PreventBlindnessProgram Number: 1617 Poster Board Number: D0252Presentation Time: 8:30 AM - 10:15 AMLong Term Follow-Up of <strong>Cornea</strong>l Topographic Indices FollowingCollagen Crosslinking In Eyes with KeratoconusErick Hernández-Bogantes, Lihteh Wu, David Flikier. Instituto deCirugía Ocular, San José, Costa Rica.Purpose: To compare the pre-treatment and 5 year post-treatmentvisual acuity and corneal topographic indices in eyes withkeratoconus that were treated with corneal collagen crosslinking.Methods: An observational, uncontrolled, retrospective study of 7patients (12 eyes) with keratoconus that were treated with epitheliumoffcorneal collagen crosslinking between March and December of2007 was conducted. Pre-treatment and 5 year post-treatment anteriorcorneal surface (keratoconus index, index of vertical asymmetry,index of surface variance, central keratoconus index, minimum radiusof curvature, index of height asymmetry, index of heightdecentration) and normalized Belin-Ambrosio indices (frontelevation, back elevation, pachymetric progression, corneal thinnestpoint and the total analysis) were obtained by the Pentacamtopographer, Oculus Inc. (Wetzlar, Germany). The uncorrected visualacuity and best corrected visual acuity were also compared.Results: The 5 year follow-up showed that both central keratoconusindex (P= 0.0452) and best corrected visual acuity (P= 0.0313)improved following corneal collagen crosslinking. At 5 years offollow-up, there were no statistically significant differences betweenthe pre-operative and post-operative values of either the otheranterior surface variables or the normalized Berlin-Ambrosio indices.Conclusions: Even though the surface of the cornea does not appearto be dramatically altered after five years of corneal collagencrosslinking, improvement in visual acuity is obtained and remainsconstant.Commercial Relationships: Erick Hernández-Bogantes, None;Lihteh Wu, Heidelberg Engineering (R); David Flikier, NoneProgram Number: 1618 Poster Board Number: D0253Presentation Time: 8:30 AM - 10:15 AMComparison of corneal changes between standard andtransepithelial riboflavin-UVA crosslinking method usingmultiphoton microscopy and second harmonic imagingPraveena Gupta 1 , Best Anyama 2 , Kevin M. Wells 2 , MassoudMotamedi 3, 1 , Bernard F. Godley 1 , Gracie Vargas 3 . 1 Ophthalmology& Visual Sciences, Univ of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX;2 School of Medicine, University of Texas medical Branch,Galveston, TX; 3 Center for Biomedical Engineering, Univ of TexasMedical Branch, Galveston, TX.Purpose: <strong>Cornea</strong>l crosslinking procedures are offered as a treatmentfor keratoconus and corneal ectasic disorders. This study wasundertaken to investigate the comparative stromal changes after theUVA-crosslinking on a riboflavin-debrided and a riboflavintransepithelialtreated porcine cornea using multiphoton microscopyand second harmonic generation signals.Methods: Fifteen fresh pig eyes were treated using either thestandard method of riboflavin-UVA crosslinking or thetransepithelial method (riboflavin TRIS-EDTA) for 30 min atirradiance of 3mW/cm2. All corneas were then stained with a celldeath marker and processed for non-invasive multiphotonmicroscopy and second harmonic signal imaging. Data collectedwere analyzed using image J.Results: Standard CXL treatment resulted in severe loss of theclassic interwoven collagen architecture all the way up to 300 uMdepths, whereas, similar changes were noted only up to 150 uM depthin the TE method of CXL. Significantly higher numbers of deadkeratocytes were counted at all the depths in the standard CXLexposed eyes in contrast to fewer keratocyte deaths that were morepronounced only in the anterior stroma in the TE-CXL treatedcorneas (p

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