Cornea - ARVO

Cornea - ARVO

Cornea - ARVO


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<strong>ARVO</strong> 2013 Annual Meeting Abstracts by Scientific Section/Group - <strong>Cornea</strong>Commercial Relationships: Aaron Yeung, None; AndrewHopkinson, None; Harminder S. Dua, NoneProgram Number: 991 Poster Board Number: B0296Presentation Time: 1:00 PM - 2:45 PMCharacterization of Biomaterial free Cell Sheets Cultured fromHuman Oral Mucosal Epithelial CellsMee Kum Kim 1, 2 , Joo Hee Lee 3 , Ja Young Lee 1, 2 , Ah Young Koh 2 ,Yun Hee Kim 3 , Won Ryang Wee 1, 2 , Saewha Jeon 3 . 1 Ophthalmology,Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Republic of Korea;2 Laboraory of <strong>Cornea</strong>l Regenerative Medicine and OcularImmunology, Seoul Artificial Eye Center, Seoul, Republic of Korea;3 Cutigen Research Institute, Tego Science Inc., Seoul, Republic ofKorea.Purpose: To investigate the characteristics of biomaterial free cellsheets cultured from oral mucosal epithelial cells both in vitro and ina limbal deficient animal model.Methods: Both human oral mucosal epithelial cells and limbalepithelial cells were cultured to form cell sheets with or withoutfibrin glue for 2 weeks. The resulting sheets were detached using abuffer containing 1% dispase and transplanted to limbal deficientrabbits which had been chemically injured with lamellar limbectomy.The adhesion stability of these biomaterial-free cell sheets wereevaluated three days after transplantation. In parallel, ColonyForming Efficiency(CFE) as well as the immunohistochemistry usingantibodies specific to proliferation and differentiation of epithelialcells were performed to characterize the cell sheets.Results: CFE in Human oral mucosal epithelial cells and limbalepithelial cells were measured to be 57.5% and 14%, respectively.K1, K3, and K4 were expressed in mucosal epithelial sheets while K3and K12 were in limbal epithelial sheets. The cell sheets werecomposed of three to six layers of stratified, well differentiatedmucosal epithelial cells with 87.5% viable cells present. The in vivoadhesion stability of biomaterial-free cell sheets of oral mucosalepithelial cells was comparable to that of fibrin-based counterpart.Conclusions: Our results suggest that biomaterial free cell sheets oforal mucosal epithelial cells can be a good candidate in the treatmentof limbal deficient diseases.Commercial Relationships: Mee Kum Kim, None; Joo Hee Lee,None; Ja Young Lee, None; Ah Young Koh, None; Yun Hee Kim,None; Won Ryang Wee, None; Saewha Jeon, Tego Science Inc. (E)Program Number: 992 Poster Board Number: B0297Presentation Time: 1:00 PM - 2:45 PMHuman adipose-derived stem cells promote wound healing ofcorneal epithelial cells in vitroLadan Espandar 1 , Tomas Blanco 1 , Rose Mathew 1 , Natalie A.Afshari 2 , Bruce Bunnell 3 , Daniel R. Saban 1 . 1 Ophthalmology, DukeUniversity, Durham, NC; 2 University of California San Diego, SanDiego, CA; 3 Tulane University, New Orleans, LA.Purpose: Human adipose-derived stem cells (hASCs) have beenshown to promote wound healing in the skin, and may thus havepotential application for ocular surface regenerative therapy andwound healing. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectof hASCs on corneal epithelial cells (CECs) using an in vitro woundhealing model.Methods: An established in vitro epithelial wound-healing modelwas utilized in which a 0.5 mm scratch was made on a monolayer ofconfluent human corneal epithelial cells (hCECs). hASCs seeded on atranswell membrane was added to determine their effect on epithelialwound healing. Controls included scratched CECs without theaddition of hASCs, or mitomycin-C-treated scratched hCECs. Woundclosure was evaluated by time-lapse inverted microscopy for aminimum of 24 hours. The average wound width and migration speedat seven random areas were assessed and quantified digitally usingMetaMorph® software.Results: Wound closure in the condition containing CECs alone tookas long as 18 hours, whereas the addition of hASCs decreased thistime significantly to 13 hours. Likewise, without hASCs the averagewound width (166.6 µm) was significantly higher than with hASCs(138.7 µm, p

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