Cornea - ARVO

Cornea - ARVO

Cornea - ARVO


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<strong>ARVO</strong> 2013 Annual Meeting Abstracts by Scientific Section/Group - <strong>Cornea</strong>lenses and development of strabism.Results: The toleration of rigid contact lenses was extremely well.After a short training period most parents didn’t have any difficultiesin manipulating the lens. The visual outcome was dependent onmonolateral or bilateral cases, the age at the time of surgery andadditional pathologies. Infants with aphakia on both sides (Group I)achieved visual acuities up to 1.0, whereas in monolateral casesdevelopment of amblyopia was frequent. The functional results werebetter with early cataract surgery (Group II) than with late surgery(Group III). In Group IV the prognosis was very limited due tofurther pathologies. As hyperopia decreases during infancy the powerof rigid contact lenses had to be adjusted frequently.Conclusions: To our knowledge, at this time this is the largest groupof patients analysed. Rigid gas-permeable contact lenses are veryefficient in improving visual outcome of aphakic children. Provided agood compliance and collaboration with the parents, rigid gaspermeable contact lenses represent a preferential alternative tointraocular lens implantation after extraction of congenital cataract.Commercial Relationships: Anja K. Gruenert, None; MichaelKlueppel, None; Juergen Hausser, None; Thomas Reinhard,None; Rainer Sundmacher, None; Tanja Guthoff, None; ThomasA. Fuchsluger, None; Gerd Geerling, Alcon (C), Allergan (C), TheaPharma (C), Novagali (C), Bausch & Lomb (C), Tearlab Inc. (C)Program Number: 5475 Poster Board Number: A0174Presentation Time: 8:30 AM - 10:15 AMThe evaluation of Lid Wiper Epitheliopathy in contact lenswearers in a Controlled Low Humidity Environmental ExposureChamberLyndon W. Jones 1 , Jalaiah P. Varikooty 1 , Nancy J. Keir 1 , FionaSoong 2 , Piyush Patel 2 . 1 CCLR-School of Optometry, University ofWaterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada; 2 Inflamax Research, Mississauga,ON, Canada.Purpose: To measure the clinical grades of lid wiper epitheliopathy(LWE) in contact lens (CL) wearers before and after exposure toconditions of temperature, low humidity and air flow in a controlledlow humidity environmental exposure chamber (LH-EEC).Methods: In this double-masked, feasibility study, 10 symptomaticCL wearers were randomized to contralateral lens wear withnarafilcon A and etafilcon A lenses. CL wear was discontinued 48 hprior to assessments and Refresh Plus® artificial tears (ATs) wereinstilled t.i.d. in both eyes. For LWE measures, the upper (UL) andlower lid (LL) margins were stained with sodium fluorescein andlissamine green dyes using an optimized technique to detect LWE.LWE was graded on a 0-3 scale (Korb et al. Eye Contact Lens, 2005)at Baseline, prior to CL insertion and entry into the LH-EEC. In theLH-EEC, subjects were exposed to controlled temperature of22±3°C, relative humidity of 10±3% and an air velocity of approx.5ft/sec for 180 min. Upon exit, CLs were removed and ATs wereinstilled every 15 min for 120 min. LWE was evaluated after postchamberexposure (PC), PC+30min, PC+90min and PC+120min.Analyses were undertaken using Statistica.Results: After 180 min in the LH-EEC, mean LWE grades in theupper lid increased from Baseline to PC and were 1.25 to 2.23 fornarafilcon A and 1.18 to 1.93 for etafilcon A. In the lower lid, itchanged from 1.00 to 2.48 for narafilcon A and 0.90 to 2.03 foretafilcon A (Wilcoxon matched pairs, all p

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