Cornea - ARVO

Cornea - ARVO

Cornea - ARVO


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<strong>ARVO</strong> 2013 Annual Meeting Abstracts by Scientific Section/Group - <strong>Cornea</strong>immunobead assay at 10 days. The concentrations of HEL and 4-HNE were measured with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays inconjunctiva tissue.Results: Although all parameters were lower in the 0.02% FAmixture and HA-treated groups compared with the EDE group, theeffect was not statistically significant. However, mice treated with0.2% omega-3 FA mixture showed a significant improvement incorneal irregularity and corneal fluorescein staining compared withEDE and HA-treated mice. A significant decrease in the levels of IL-1β, IL-17, and IP-10 were observed in the 0.2% FA mixture-treatedgroup, compared with the other groups. In the 0.2% FA mixturetreatedgroups, the concentrations of HEL and 4-HNE were alsolower than the other groups.Conclusions: Topical omega-3 FA mixture eye drops can improvecorneal irregularity and corneal epithelial barrier disruption, anddecrease inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress markers on theocular surface. These results suggest that mixture of 0.2% Omega-3FA and HA can be useful for treatment of dry eye treatment.Commercial Relationships: Zhengri Li, None; Jung-Han Choi,None; Hyo Seok Lee, None; Ji-Suk Choi, None; Han Jin Oh,None; Kyung Chul Yoon, NoneProgram Number: 902 Poster Board Number: B0207Presentation Time: 1:00 PM - 2:45 PMEvaluation of a Topical Cis-urocanic acid in a Murine CAEModel of Dry Eye DiseaseAndy Whitlock 1 , Laura Belen 1 , Jennifer Brackett 1 , Burkhard Blank 2 .1 Ora, Inc., Andover, MA; 2 Laurantis Pharma, Turku, Finland.Purpose: The goal of this study was to test the potential of Cisurocanicacid (Cis-UCA) in a topical formulation as a treatment fordry eye.Methods: The study employed a murine model of dry eye diseasethat combines of environmental and pharmacologic induction ofpathologic signs of disease. Cis-UCA was provided by the sponsor asa clear solution at concentrations of 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.5%.Restasis®, dry eye treatment (scopolamine and chamber only), andnaive (room air) controls were included in the study as well. Micewere dosed topically three times a day in both eyes for a total of 22days. Animals received 3 days of prophylactic topical treatment (noscopolamine or chamber) and 14 days of dry eye treatment (withscopolamine and chamber).Fluorescein staining evaluations wereperformed using Ora’s novel Micron III imaging system at varioustime points throughout the study. <strong>Cornea</strong>l images were evaluatedusing Ora’s proprietary clinical scale as well as a custom imageanalysis algorithm.Results: 1.0%Cis-UCA was most effective in reducing cornealfluorescein staining as compared to vehicle and the dry eye treatmentcontrols. Throughout the study duration, the average staining of allthe eyes in the group was maintained at about 8 units, whereas thevehicle and dry eye treatment groups steadily increased to amaximum average staining of approximately 12 units by Day 17. Theaverage corneal staining for mice in the 1.0%Cis-UCA treatmentgroup was statistically lower than both the vehicle and the dry eyetreatment group (p

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