Cornea - ARVO

Cornea - ARVO

Cornea - ARVO


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<strong>ARVO</strong> 2013 Annual Meeting Abstracts by Scientific Section/Group - <strong>Cornea</strong>produced the following behavior: 20% Dextran (B) and distilledwater (D) containing formulations led to approximately 60% and30% corneal thinning, respectively; HPMC containing solutions (A,E) resulted in less than 10% corneal thinning; hypotonic salinesolution resulted in 10% corneal swelling.Conclusions: Various applications of CXL require management ofcorneal hydration. The removal or disturbance of corneal epitheliumalters the fluid balance of the cornea, typically causing swelling.Composition and formulation of CXL solutions can predictablymanage corneal hydration.Commercial Relationships: Evan A. Sherr, Avedro, Inc. (E); PavelKamaev, Avedro (E); Sara Rood-Ojalvo, Avedro Inc. (E); Marc D.Friedman, Avedro Inc (E); David Muller, Avedro Inc (E)Program Number: 5275 Poster Board Number: C0194Presentation Time: 2:45 PM - 4:30 PMAssessment the long term effect of corneal cross-linking therapyon corneal ectasia in progressive keratoconusIlles Kovacs, Kinga Kranitz, Andrea Gyenes, Gábor László L.Sándor, Eva Juhasz, Lorant Dienes, Janos Nemeth, Zoltan Z. Nagy.Department of Ophthalmology, Semmelweis University, Budapest,Hungary.Purpose: To evaluate stabilizing effect of cross-linking (CXL)therapy on corneal ectasia in progressive keratoconus withScheimpflug imaging.Methods: In this prospective study corneal CXL was performed in22 progressive keratoconus eyes (CXL group) and 28 clinically nonprogressivekeratoconus eyes served as controls (control group).Anterior keratometry readings at the steepest meridian (Ks), thinnestcorneal thickness (ThCT) and posterior elevation values at thethinnest point of the cornea (PE) were measured using Scheimpflugcameraat baseline and 12-25 months after enrolment. Coxproportional regression model was used to evaluate long term effectof CXL on keratoconus progression taken into account the withinsubjectfluctuations of measurements.Results: At baseline, higher Ks (CXL: 49.87±3.62 D vs. control:46.76±3.25 D; p=0.002), higher PE (CXL: 27.05±17.13 µm vs.control: 14.36±12.54 µm; p=.006) and lower ThCT values (CXL:461.52±24.43 µm vs. control: 497.64±31.68 µm; p0.05) and only 2 of 22 cases showed progressionin keratometry values beyond within-subject fluctuation. In thecontrol group marginally significant increase was measured in meankeratometry (46.90 ± 3.33 D; p=0.06) and keratometry valuesincreased beyond within-subject fluctuation in 11 of 28 cases. TheCox model showed, that after CXL treatment the ratio of furtherkeratometry progression was 0.09 (95% CL: 0.02 - 0.57; p=0.01)compared to controls after adjustment for initial ThCT.Conclusions: CXL decreased the incidence of progression inadvanced keratoconus by 91% after a long term follow-upindependently from initial corneal pachymetry. Steep keratometry isa sensitive parameter to monitor stabilizing effect of corneal crosslinkingtherapy.Commercial Relationships: Illes Kovacs, None; Kinga Kranitz,None; Andrea Gyenes, None; Gábor László L. Sándor, None; EvaJuhasz, None; Lorant Dienes, None; Janos Nemeth, None; ZoltanZ. Nagy, Alcon-LenSx Inc. (C)Program Number: 5276 Poster Board Number: C0195Presentation Time: 2:45 PM - 4:30 PMUse of Zonal Km vs Point Kmax for Analysis of <strong>Cornea</strong>l CrosslinkingPentacam TopographyGrace Lytle 1 , Marc D. Friedman 1 , Peter S. Hersh 2 , David Muller 1 .1 Avedro Inc, Waltham, MA; 2 Hersh Vision Group, <strong>Cornea</strong> andLASER EYE Institute, Teaneck, NJ.Purpose: To determine whether analysis of topography in a 2 or 3mm zone centered over Kmax provides a more sensitive measure ofchange in corneal curvature in eyes with keratoconus followingcorneal cross-linking than the use of a point Kmax value.Methods: The Pentacam software module (Version 6.03r19, OculusInc.) was used to retrospectively analyze a randomly selected subsetof 28 eyes with a diagnosis of keratoconus treated with corneal crosslinkingas part of a clinical trial in 2008 through 2009. Cross-linkingwas performed by removing the corneal epithelium and thenpretreating the cornea for 30 minutes with 0.1% RiboflavinOphthalmic Solution to saturate the corneal tissue with the riboflavinphotosensitizer. The cornea was then irradiated with UVA (365 nm)at 3 mW/cm 2 for 30 minutes for a total radiant exposure of 5.4 J/cm 2 .Pentacam scans were obtained pre-operatively, and at 1, 3, 6 and 12months following corneal cross-linking. Kmax values and theircorresponding coordinates were identified by the software and wererecorded for each eye at each time point. The Pentacam softwaremodule was used to manually define a 3mm zone centered over thecoordinates of the Kmax value in each eye at each time point onsagittal curvature maps. This procedure was repeated for a 2mm zonecentered over the same coordinates. A number of software generatedparameters from this analysis were recorded, including the mean(Km) of the values contained within this zone. A statistical analysisof these values was conducted.Results: Analysis of the 3mm zonal Km using a two tailed t-testdemonstrated statistically significant improvement in sagittalcurvature from baseline at 3 months (P< 0.15, 85% confidenceinterval). Improvement in Kmax and 2mm zonal Km were notsignificant at this time point, (P=0.635 and P=0.229). All threemeasurements were statistically significant at 12 months (P

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