Cornea - ARVO

Cornea - ARVO

Cornea - ARVO


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<strong>ARVO</strong> 2013 Annual Meeting Abstracts by Scientific Section/Group - <strong>Cornea</strong>BOOH did not improve with 0.1% AMX administration vs. controlunless the cells were pre-treated with AMX. In more chronic cornealstress, AMX pre-treatment may provide some benefit.uptake/clearance of apoptotic neutrophils.Conclusions: Estrogen orchestrates the inflammatory leukocyteresponse in the cornea, namely by regulating macrophagephagocytosis of apoptotic neutrophils. An essential function forhealthy inflammation is limiting the innate immune response, thedysregulation of which can lead to activation of the adaptive immuneresponse and subsequent chronic disease. This has potentialramifications in the cornea, where chronic inflammation can causeblindness or lead to autoimmune diseases.Commercial Relationships: Samantha B. Wang, None; Kyle M.Hu, None; Yuning Wang, None; David W. Lin, None; JonathanJong, None; Jeremy Lai, None; Karsten Gronert, NoneSupport: EY022208Photographic comparison of mechanical "scratch" healing of AMXtreatedHCE cells vs. controlCommercial Relationships: David V. Dudok, None; KevinCheung, None; Hong Liu, None; Luca Vedovelli, None; EmilianoGhinelli, None; Ken Kenyon, None; Sunil Parapuram, None;Cindy M. Hutnik, NoneSupport: Pilot Fund Grant - Department of Ophthalmology, WesternUniversity CanadaProgram Number: 5237 Poster Board Number: C0156Presentation Time: 2:45 PM - 4:30 PMSex-Specific Differences in the <strong>Cornea</strong>l Inflammatory ReparativeResponse via Estrogen Modulation of PhagocytosisSamantha B. Wang, Kyle M. Hu, Yuning Wang, David W. Lin,Jonathan Jong, Jeremy Lai, Karsten Gronert. Vision ScienceProgram, University of California, Berkeley, Oakland, CA.Purpose: Clearance of apoptotic neutrophils from tissues bymacrophages is a crucial and necessary component of inflammatoryresolution. We previously demonstrated sex-specific differences inself-resolving corneal wound healing responses, which correlatedwith sex-specific differences in macrophage phenotypes. We alsoestablished that estrogen down-regulates intrinsic pro-resolving lipidmediators via ERβ. Pro-resolving lipid mediators such as lipoxin A4regulate macrophage phagocytic capacity. Hence, we investigated ifthere is a sex-specific difference in macrophage phagocytosis and ifthis essential housekeeping function is regulated by estrogen.Methods: Age-matched male and female mice underwent fullcorneal epithelial abrasion. Bone-marrow derived macrophages wereused for in vitro studies. Neutrophils were collected from theperitoneum following zymosan A injection and allowed to apoptosebefore introduction to macrophages. Macrophage phagocytic capacitywas measured using myeloperoxidase assay. Flow cytometry was runto determine macrophage phenotype.Results: Following epithelial abrasion, there was a sex-specificdifference in leukocyte dynamics (i.e. neutrophil recruitment andclearance) in the cornea. Males had higher levels of M2-typemacrophages in the healing corneas compared to their femalecounterparts; however, estrogen did not alter macrophagepolarization into either an M1 or M2 subtype in vitro. In contrastestrogen regulated macrophage function by inhibiting the proresolvingactions of lipoxin A4 (48% inhibition of phagocytosis).Estrogen also regulated both neutrophil apoptosis and macrophage476 <strong>Cornea</strong>l Stroma and KeratocytesWednesday, May 08, 2013 2:45 PM-4:30 PMExhibit Hall Poster SessionProgram #/Board # Range: 5238-5258/C0157-C0177Organizing Section: <strong>Cornea</strong>Program Number: 5238 Poster Board Number: C0157Presentation Time: 2:45 PM - 4:30 PMKeratocyte-Keratocyte Translamellar Connectivity in the Mouse<strong>Cornea</strong> is Revealed using a Novel 3-D Ultrastructural ApproachSamuel D. Hanlon 1 , Nancy C. Shenoi 1 , Paul T. Harris 1 , Paul T.Landry 1 , Ali R. Behzad 2 , Evelyn S. Brown 1 , Margaret M. Gondo 1 ,Alan R. Burns 1, 3 . 1 Research, Univ of Houston College of Optometry,Houston, TX; 2 Imaging and Characterization Core Lab, KingAbdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, SaudiArabia; 3 Leukocyte Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston,TX.Purpose: Like the human cornea, mouse stromal keratocytes liebetween the collagen lamellae and make extensive lateral connectionswith one another forming layers essentially parallel with the cornealsurface. This parallel intralamellar network arrangement is importantto the keratocytes as it allows for cell-cell communication via gapjunctions. The extent to which keratocytes form transverse (i.e.,translamellar) connections is unclear. The purpose of the presentstudy was to use a novel imaging strategy to reconstruct theultrastructural 3-D arrangement of the keratocyte network andspecifically evaluate the distribution of translamellar keratocytekeratocyteconnections.Methods: <strong>Cornea</strong>s from C57BL/6 mice between the ages of 8-12weeks were fixed, heavy metal contrasted and embedded in resinblocks for transverse serial block-face sectioning using a Gatan3view microtome system mounted in an FEI Quanta FEG 200scanning electron microscope. Stacks of 375-700 serial Z images (at100 nm intervals; XYdimensions 28x28 um) were obtained from thestroma in the limbus, paralimbus, and central cornea. Amira 5.2software was used to segment keratocytes for 3-D imagereconstruction.Results: Segmented volumes revealed extensive intralamellar contactbetween keratocytes. Translamellar contact was rare in the centralcornea region with only one translamellar contact observed in a totalof five separate reconstructions. In the paralimbus and limbusregions, translamellar contacts were more common (2.7x10 5 ±1.3x10 5and 6.6x10 5 ±2.2x10 5 per mm 3 , respectively) suggesting there may beas many as 1.2x10 5 keratocyte-keratocyte translamellar contacts in asingle mouse cornea (est. 0.4mm 3 ).Conclusions: Collectively, the 3-D data obtained by serial block-facesectioning show for the first time that in the mouse, interlamellarkeratocyte layers oriented parallel to the corneal surface are indeed©2013, Copyright by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc., all rights reserved. Go to iovs.org to access the version of record. For permissionto reproduce any abstract, contact the <strong>ARVO</strong> Office at arvo@arvo.org.

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