Cornea - ARVO

Cornea - ARVO

Cornea - ARVO


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<strong>ARVO</strong> 2013 Annual Meeting Abstracts by Scientific Section/Group - <strong>Cornea</strong>percent of surface area) for the inferior and central corneal regionswere 0.236% (SD:50.04) and 0.182% (SD:37.34), respectively.Visual confirmation showed close qualitative agreement withsoftware results. Processing of all 2660 images requiredapproximately 60 minutes. Computed log SPK number of a randomlyselected subset of 54 images showed a 92% correlation with a clinicalgrader assessment using the Ora staining scale (0-4).Conclusions: The results show that extensive and accurateinformation may be efficiently obtained with the software basedapproach. We note that mean SPK numbers and the stained area arehigher in the inferior then the central corneal region, although therespective geometric areas are the same. The automated selection ofthe relevant region of interest and enumeration of up to severalhundred SPK quickly and efficiently allows for precise and accuratequantification of corneal desiccation.Commercial Relationships: John D. Rodriguez, Ora, Inc. (E);Patrick Johnston, Ora, Inc (E); Keith J. Lane, Ora, Inc. (E);George W. Ousler, Ora, Inc. (E)Program Number: 4342 Poster Board Number: C0080Presentation Time: 8:30 AM - 10:15 AMOcular Surface Disease prevalence in Glaucoma patients in aHigh Referral Ophthalmology Center in Mexico CityNallely Ramos-Betancourt 1 , Jaime D. Martinez 1 , Francisco Beltran 1 ,Jorge Ozorno-Zarate 1 , Cristina G. Isida Llerandi 2 , Jesus Jimenez-Roman 2 , Felix Gil Carrasco 2 , Manuel Ramirez 1 , EverardoHernandez-Quintela 1 . 1 <strong>Cornea</strong>, Asociacion Para Evitar la Ceguera,Mexico City, Mexico; 2 Glaucoma, Asociación Para Evitar la Cegueraen México, Mexico City, Mexico.Purpose: To determine the ocular surface disease (OSD) prevalencein glaucoma patients and risk factors.Methods: A cross-sectional study was designed. Consecutiverecruitment of patients was made in the Glaucoma department fromoctober to november 2012. Patients older than 18 years old, usingantiglaucomatous topical medication were included. They underwentophthalmological examination which comprised: Ocular SurfaceDisease Index (OSDI) questionnaire, tear film break up time(TFBUT), ocular surface staining with fluorescein, Schirmer I testwith anesthesia, and the presence of Meibomian gland dysfunction.Additionaly, the following risk factors were evaluated: age, sex,number and type of antiglaucomatous topical medications, time ofusage, ocular surgery history.Results: 123 patients were recruited, 87 patients (71.55%) werefemales. The mean age was 67.85 +/- 13.26 years (range, 21-90). TheOSD prevalence was 51.21% by OSDI (15.44% mild, 12.1%moderate and 23.5% severe). 104 patients (84.55%) had abnormalTFBUT (

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