Cornea - ARVO

Cornea - ARVO

Cornea - ARVO


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<strong>ARVO</strong> 2013 Annual Meeting Abstracts by Scientific Section/Group - <strong>Cornea</strong>Support: NIH grants R01 EY017960, EY010869, Midwest EyeBankProgram Number: 3878 Poster Board Number: D0122Presentation Time: 2:45 PM - 4:30 PMNanoparticle Vectored siRNAs Reduce Profibrotic GeneExpression in Wounded Rabbit <strong>Cornea</strong>sSriniwas Sriram 1 , Paulette M. Robinson 2 , Alfred S. Lewin 3 , GregoryS. Schultz 2 . 1 Biomedical Engineering, University of Florida,Gainesville, FL; 2 Ob/Gyn and Opthalmology, University of Florida,Gainesville, FL; 3 Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Universityof Florida, Gainesville, FL.Purpose: <strong>Cornea</strong>l haze remains a major problem following injury orrefractive surgery. We tested the efficiency of a commerciallyavailable histidine-lysine peptide nanoparticle formulation to deliversiRNAs to a laser ablated cornea, to reduce pro-fibrotic mRNA, andto reduce corneal haze in a rabbit model.Methods: To test the efficacy of siRNA delivery, excimer laserablated rabbit corneas were topically dosed with fluorescently labeledscrambled siRNA sequences complexed with polymeric nanocarriers(22.5 uM). Excised corneas were maintained in organ culture for 8hours then fixed, sectioned, and analyzed via fluorescent microscopy.To test the efficacy of an anti-fibrotic formulation of siRNAsdelivered with these nanoparticles, corneas of nine rabbits wereablated with an excimer laser. One eye was treated with nanoparticlescomplexed with a triple combination of siRNA that targeted majorscarring genes (TGFβ1, TGFβR2 and CTGF), while the other eyereceived empty nanoparticles as a control. To test the molecularefficacy of the siRNAs, corneas of 3 rabbits were excised 24 hourspost-wounding, RNA was extracted and quantified by RT-qPCR.Knockdown percentages of the target genes were compared to thepaired control eyes. To determine therapeutic effect, corneas of 6rabbits were assessed for levels of haze on days 14 and 15 usingdigital photographs, in vivo confocal microscopy, and were gradedfor haze using the standard 0-4 semiquantitative scale.Results: Tissue sections from organ cultured corneas analyzed byconfocal microscopy showed high levels of fluorescence in all layersof the treated cornea when compared to untreated controls. In antifibrotictreated rabbit corneas, the siRNA triple combinationproduced an average knockdown of 57% for TGFB1, 25 % forTGFBR2 and 24% for CTGF. One rabbit had a maximumknockdown of 80% for TGFB1, 57% for TGFBR2 and 46% forCTGF, indicating the siRNA triple combination was effectivelydelivered to the cornea in this animal. Results from haze grading onday 14 showed a decrease in haze formation in three out of the sixtreated rabbits.Conclusions: These results indicate histidine-lysine peptidenanoparticles were effective in delivering siRNAs to all cell layers ofexcimer ablated corneas. With optimization of the dose and deliveryof the triple siRNA combination, this gene targeted therapy may bean innovative treatment to reduce scar formation.Commercial Relationships: Sriniwas Sriram, None; Paulette M.Robinson, None; Alfred S. Lewin, University of Florida (P);Gregory S. Schultz, NoneSupport: US Department of Defense W81XWH-10-1-0917Program Number: 3879 Poster Board Number: D0123Presentation Time: 2:45 PM - 4:30 PMAloe vera: An in-vitro study of effects on corneal wound closureand collagenase activityElizabeth Curto 1 , Amber Labelle 2 , Heather L. Chandler 1 . 1 The OhioState University, Columbus, OH; 2 University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL.Purpose: To evaluate the in vitro effects of an aloe vera solution on1) the viability and wound healing response of corneal cells, and 2)the ability to alter collagenase and gelatinase activity.Methods: Primary cultures of corneal epithelial cells and fibroblastswere prepared from grossly normal enucleated canine globes andtreated with an aloe solution (doses ranging from 0.0 - 2mg/mL).Cellular viability was evaluated using a colorimetric assay. A cornealwound healing model was used to quantify cellular ingrowth across adefect made on the confluent surface. Anti-collagenase and antigelatinaseactivity was evaluated by incubating a bacterialcollagenase/gelatinase with aloe solution (doses ranging from 0.0 -500µg/mL) and comparing outcome measures to a generalmetalloproteinase inhibitor, 1, 10-phenanthroline, and canine serum(doses ranging from 0.0 - 100%).Results: None of the concentrations of aloe solution testedsignificantly affected viability of corneal epithelial cells orfibroblasts. Concentrations ≥175µg/mL significantly (p≤0.001)slowed the rate of corneal fibroblast wound closure while aloeconcentrations

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