Cornea - ARVO

Cornea - ARVO

Cornea - ARVO


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<strong>ARVO</strong> 2013 Annual Meeting Abstracts by Scientific Section/Group - <strong>Cornea</strong>Yishan Qian. Ophthalmology, Eye and ENT hospital FudanUniversity, Shanghai, China.Purpose: To investigate the characteristics of corneal epithelialpachymetry map in patients wearing orthokeratology lens (OK lens)using the automatically segmentation function of SD-OCT.Methods: 60 patients who had been fitted with myopic OK lens forat least one night were included in the study (mean age, 10.6±2.38years) and 11 patients without any history of contact lens served ascontrols. Patients were divided into 6 groups according to theduration of orthokeratology lens wearing. An SD-OCT (RTVue SD-OCT, Optovue, Inc, CA) with a pachymetry module was used tomeasure the central 6mm corneal epithelial topography. Theepithelial thickness of the central 3 mm, the average thickness of the3 to 5mm ring (Peripheral 1, P1), and the average thickness of the 5to 6mm ring (Peripheral 2, P2) were recorded and compared withinindividual groups. Munnerlyn’s formula was used to model theexpected change in refractive error based on measured changes intopographical corneal epithelial thickness.Results: The epithelial thickness of the central cornea wassignificantly reduced in all ortho-k groups. Except for group one, nosignificantly difference in the epithelial thickness of 3 to 5mm (P1)was found between the ortho-k group and the control one. For P2, theepithelial thickness increased in group2 to 5, but only group 3reached significant level. The refractive change predicted byMunnerlyn’s formula based on changes in topographical cornealepithelial thickness was much less than the measured refractivechanges found in all groups.Conclusions: Epithelial pachymetry map automatically generated bythe SD OCT could provide object and comprehensive information ofepithelial change caused by overnight wearing of OK lens. OK lenscan cause significant thinning of central corneal epithelium andthickening of midperipheral corneal epithelium. Changes induced byovernight orthokeratology can not be wholly explained by theinduced changes in corneal epithelial thickness. Change in stromalthickness or the bending of the corneal tissue may also play a role.Presentation Time: 8:30 AM - 10:15 AMPatient Satisfaction and Quality of Vision after Wavefrontguided(WFG) vs. Wavefront-optimized (WFO) LASIKRose K. Sia 1 , Richard D. Stutzman 2 , Joseph F. Pasternak 2 , Denise S.Ryan 1 , Jennifer B. Eaddy 1 , Lorie A. Logan 1 , Lamarr Peppers 1 ,Edward W. Trudo 1 , Kraig S. Bower 3 . 1 US Army WarfighterRefractive Surg Research Ctr, Fort Belvoir Community Hospital, FortBelvoir, VA; 2 Ophthalmology, Walter Reed National MilitaryMedical Center, Bethesda, MD; 3 The Wilmer Eye Institute, JohnsHopkins University, Baltimore, MD.Purpose: To compare higher order aberration (HOA) root meansquare (RMS) and patient satisfaction of postoperative vision afterWFG vs. WFO LASIK.Methods: Participants randomized to receive WFG LASIK (VISXStar S4, Abbott Medical Optics) or WFO LASIK (WavelightAllegretto Wave Eye-Q, Alcon Surgical) underwent testing todetermine their HOA RMS preoperatively and at 6 months (M)postoperatively. RMS HOA were analyzed at four different pupilsizes (4, 5, 6, and 7mm) using Complete Ophthalmic AnalysisSystem (COAS, Abbott Medical Optics). A repeated measuresanalysis of variance (RM-ANOVA) was used to compare WFG vs.WFO LASIK HOA RMS at each pupil size over time. Participantsresponded to a questionnaire preoperatively and 6M postoperatively.A Mann-Whitney test was used to compare patient satisfaction ofpostoperative vision. A p-value

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