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<strong>AAA</strong> <strong>MINNEAPOLIS</strong><strong>MEMBER</strong> <strong>BENEFITS</strong> & <strong>SERVICES</strong>Your guide to <strong>AAA</strong> benefits & services.www.aaaminneapolis.com

WELCOME TO<strong>AAA</strong> <strong>MINNEAPOLIS</strong>Dear <strong>AAA</strong> Member,Thank you for joining <strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis. We are thrilledto have you as a <strong>AAA</strong> member. You have joined anorganization of more than 52 million motorists acrossNorth America - and more than 190,000 right here inHennepin County - who recognize the value andconvenience of <strong>AAA</strong> membership. As a member of<strong>AAA</strong>, you are now entitled to a variety of personalizedprotection and value-driven benefits and services thatno other organization can match.You should know that the <strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolismembership card you carry is your "passport" toservice throughout the United States and Canada -and beyond. Reciprocal services are offered to <strong>AAA</strong>members in nearly 100 nations overseas. However,your <strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis membership is with a Clubthat is locally managed and operated by a staff of nearly200 in six local offices and a 13-member Board ofDirectors, comprised of local business and civic leaders.This <strong>MEMBER</strong> <strong>BENEFITS</strong> & <strong>SERVICES</strong> GUIDEoutlines your membership benefits. Since it does notcover every detail, we encourage you to call us wheneveryou need further information.Start here to learn how you can benefit by using yourmembership privileges immediately, and...WELCOME ABOARD!Sincerely,Steve FrankPresident & CEO<strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis1

TAKE ADVANTAGEOF ALL YOUR <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>BENEFITS</strong>!TABLE OF CONTENTS<strong>MEMBER</strong>SHIP OPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3DATA PRIVACY POLICY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6AUTOMOTIVE <strong>BENEFITS</strong> AND <strong>SERVICES</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12AUTO TRAVEL <strong>BENEFITS</strong> AND <strong>SERVICES</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14TRAVEL AGENCY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16<strong>MEMBER</strong> VALUE PROGRAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18TRAVEL STORE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19INSURANCE AGENCY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20LEGAL <strong>SERVICES</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21FINANCIAL <strong>SERVICES</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22MORE <strong>BENEFITS</strong> YOU CAN COUNT ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22PUBLIC AND GOVERNMENT RELATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24DRIVER EDUCATION <strong>SERVICES</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26OFFICE DIRECTORY AND PHONE NUMBERS . . . . . .BACK COVERYOUR <strong>MEMBER</strong>SHIP CARDCarry your membership card with you at all times.You must have your membership card or dues receiptto get <strong>AAA</strong> service. Additional picture identificationmay be required when receiving Emergency RoadService. The card is valid only for the person whosename is printed on the face of the card.IMPORTANT: Benefits, programs, and services are subject to change, andhave specified limitations. The Club publication, Home & Away, is whereyou will be informed of changes and new services. <strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis isaffiliated with all auto clubs making up <strong>AAA</strong> and the Canadian AutomobileAssociation (CAA). <strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis membership is recognized andaccepted in 100 countries around the world.2

<strong>MEMBER</strong>SHIP OPTIONSABOUT YOUR <strong>MEMBER</strong>SHIPYour <strong>AAA</strong> card is issued for your personal use.It entitles you to service at any <strong>AAA</strong> office in theUnited States or Canada. Many services also areavailable by phone or via the Internet. Your cardis your key to Emergency Road Service - whetheryou're a driver or passenger in any eligible vehicle.TYPES OF <strong>MEMBER</strong>SHIPPRIMARY: The Primary member is the first personin the household to join <strong>AAA</strong>. Basic membershipincludes Emergency Road Service protection andall other <strong>AAA</strong> services, products, and benefits.ASSOCIATE: Available at substantially reduced rates toa spouse or partner, and to dependents or extendedfamily members residing in the same household asthe Primary member. Associate members receive thesame services and benefits as the Primary member,including Emergency Road Service.Individuals eligible for Associate memberships arethe spouse or partner of the Primary member;dependent children, age 16-25, who reside in thehousehold or who are away at school; or extendedfamily members who reside in the same household.<strong>AAA</strong> PLUS: An optional, expanded benefit packagethat increases the <strong>AAA</strong> Basic membership coverage.Benefits include extended towing, increasedlocksmith service, extended extricating/winchingservice, increased trip interruption protection, freepassport photos, and increased flight insurance.To be eligible for <strong>AAA</strong> Plus benefits, members musthave paid the fee for <strong>AAA</strong> Plus and must be carryingvalid membership cards clearly identifying them as<strong>AAA</strong> Plus members.<strong>AAA</strong> PREMIER: An optional, expanded benefit packagethat increases the <strong>AAA</strong> Plus membership coverage.Expanded benefits include one additional servicecall, one 200-mile tow, increased trip interruptionprotection, free passport photos, home lockoutservice, complimentary transportation, and one-daycar rental resulting from vehicle breakdown. To beeligible for <strong>AAA</strong> Premier benefits, members musthave paid the fee for <strong>AAA</strong> Premier and must becarrying valid membership cards clearly identifyingthem as Premier members.3

<strong>AAA</strong> PLUS RV AND <strong>AAA</strong> PREMIER RV: An optional benefitfor <strong>AAA</strong> Plus and <strong>AAA</strong> Premier members, whichextends Plus and Premier coverage to the member'smotor home, pickup with camper, travel trailer,camping trailer, and motorcycle. Member's trailers formotorcycles, snowmobiles, and boats are also covered.RV benefits may be added at any time. (RV coverage isan expansion of Plus and Premier benefits. Members notcurrently carrying Plus and Premier must purchase thatcoverage in addition to the Plus RV and Premier RV.)Expanded Emergency Road Service benefits of <strong>AAA</strong> Plus, <strong>AAA</strong>Premier, <strong>AAA</strong> Plus RV, and <strong>AAA</strong> Premier RV are printed in eachrelevant section of this handbook.<strong>MEMBER</strong>SHIP RENEWALYou will receive an itemized dues statement prior toyour annual membership expiration date. Your <strong>AAA</strong>membership will be cancelled if renewal dues are notreceived within [60] days past your membershipexpiration date (the “Renewal Period”). Your <strong>AAA</strong>membership services will continue during the RenewalPeriod. If you renew your membership within theRenewal Period, you will be billed (or not reimbursed)for the <strong>AAA</strong> services you receive during the RenewalPeriod. After the Renewal Period, your cancelledmembership may be subject to a $15 reinstatement feeand your membership year will commence on the datethe membership is renewed. Dues, once paid, are notrefundable during a membership year, as they areallocated to the various costs of providing our servicesand benefits. By renewing your <strong>AAA</strong> membership, youagree to the terms and conditions of membership statedin the current Member Benefits & Services Guide.AUTOMATIC RENEWALTo make renewal more convenient and to avoid thepossibility of a lapse in membership coverage, you maychoose to have your membership automatically renewedeach year. Automatic renewal is a service provided forVISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discovercardholders. This option eliminates the inconvenienceof check writing, postage costs, and check fees. Forinformation, call (952) 927-2567 or sign up online atwww.aaaminneapolis.com under “Membership.”SERVICE IS FOR <strong>MEMBER</strong>S ONLYThe <strong>AAA</strong> membership card covers only the individual namedon the card. Use of the card by a non-member to obtain <strong>AAA</strong>services will result in termination of the membership.Additional personal identification may be requested whenEmergency Road Service or other Club services are requested.4

DATA PRIVACY POLICYWHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW. We recognize ourobligation to keep information about you secure andconfidential. It's important for you to know that wedo not share member information or non-memberclient information with marketers outside of <strong>AAA</strong>Minneapolis, our business lines, or our preferredvendors that deliver you savings.WHAT THIS STATEMENT COVERS. This policy coversmember and non-member client information, whichincludes personal information about a member or anon-member client's current or former relationshipwith <strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis.MAKING THE SECURITY OF INFORMATION A PRIORITY.Keeping member and non-member client informationsecure is one of our most important responsibilities.We value your trust and handle information aboutyou with care.COLLECTING INFORMATION. We collect and use varioustypes of information to service your requests, save youtime and money, and better understand your needs.MANAGING INFORMATION FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE.The information we use helps us bring you valuableservices and savings, as well as peace of mind whenyou travel. We limit who receives member andnon-member client information and what type ofinformation is shared within the Club, our businesslines, and our preferred vendors.SHARING INFORMATION WITH COMPANIES THAT HELPUS DELIVER <strong>SERVICES</strong> TO YOU. We may share memberand non-member client information with companiesthat work with us to provide you products andservices. We share the information in order toprovide you a good customer experience.DISCLOSING INFORMATION IN OTHER SITUATIONS.We also may disclose member and non-memberclient information when required by law. Suchdisclosures may include those in connection witha subpoena or similar legal process, or a fraudinvestigation.HONORING YOUR PREFERENCES. You have choiceswhen it comes to learning about new offers andservices from <strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis. You can choosenot to receive savings opportunities and marketingoffers by mail, phone, and/or e-mail from us orfrom our preferred vendors.5

TO TELL US YOUR PREFERENCES, YOU MAY:Call: (952) 927-2567Write to: <strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis5400 Auto Club WayMinneapolis, MN 55416E-mail: membership@aaaminneapolis.com(Please do not include sensitive personal information)Please provide your full name and street address,member number, telephone number, and e-mailaddress, along with your preferences for no mail,no phone, and/or no e-mail. Please note that it maytake six to eight weeks to make your request fullyeffective. You will continue to be contacted asnecessary to service your membership, receive the<strong>AAA</strong> Home & Away Magazine, and receivemarketing materials in your renewal statement.NOTE: Write us to request a copy of the complete policy.EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICEYour <strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis membership card carrieswith it the protection of 24-hour Emergency RoadService (ERS), backed by a fleet of service vehicles inthe Twin Cities and throughout the nation.WHAT IS EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE?As one of more than 50 million members, you haveaccess to the vast resources of the world's largestauto club. More than 13,000 Emergency RoadService facilities throughout the country are readyto serve you.ERS is exactly what the name implies - an emergencyservice rendered by official ERS centers who areunder contract with <strong>AAA</strong>. It is not a substitute formaintenance or repair. Rather, this valuable serviceis designed to help you, our members, through anyunexpected problems you may have with the vehiclein which you are driving or riding.ERS is available 24 hours a day to assist you if yourvehicle becomes disabled, provided your vehicle canbe safely reached from a normally traveled road orestablished thoroughfare. <strong>AAA</strong> will tow you to theresponding ERS facility or to a destination of yourchoice, up to five (5) miles in any direction from thevehicle's point of disablement. We cannot guarantee,however, that all ERS facilities stock parts and are6

equipped to service and repair all makes ofautomobiles, or that repairs can be made afterbusiness hours or on weekends.<strong>AAA</strong> PLUS / <strong>AAA</strong> PLUS RV / <strong>AAA</strong> PREMIER / <strong>AAA</strong> PREMIER RVBecause several <strong>AAA</strong> Plus, <strong>AAA</strong> Premier, <strong>AAA</strong> PlusRV, and <strong>AAA</strong> Premier RV benefits expand uponthose offered in the regular membership package,they are explained after each description of thebasic ERS benefits in this handbook.<strong>AAA</strong> Plus, <strong>AAA</strong> Premier, <strong>AAA</strong> Plus RV, and <strong>AAA</strong> Premier RVcoverages are effective upon receipt of your permanent upgradedmembership card or 14 days from date of payment.NOTE: <strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis reserves the right to amendservice rules and regulations with notice in Home &Away Magazine, our Club's publication.WHO IS ELIGIBLE FOREMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE?<strong>AAA</strong> members are entitled to service on any vehicle theymay be driving or riding in as a passenger at the time ofvehicle breakdown. Service follows the member, not thevehicle, including when the member is driving or ridingin a rental car. Non-members are not eligible for service.<strong>AAA</strong> is a member-sponsored and supportedorganization. Please remember that members may notuse their card to obtain service for a non-member.WHAT VEHICLES ARE ELIGIBLE FOREMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE?ERS applies to four-wheel, motor-driven passenger,pleasure or recreational-type vehicles (vans, campers, andmotor homes) provided services can be safely delivered.Altered vehicles are normally not covered for towing.Dual-wheel, unloaded pickup trucks are provided allservices, except tire service.Dual-wheel campers and motor homes will be providedall services, except towing, extrication/recovery and tireservice. Coverage for these services is available with<strong>AAA</strong> Plus RV and <strong>AAA</strong> Premier RV.Rented passenger vehicles and commercial vehiclesare eligible for service, with the exception of taxicabs and limousines.<strong>AAA</strong> Plus RV and <strong>AAA</strong> Premier RV extends serviceto travel trailers and motorcycles. Service for boat,motorcycle, and snowmobile trailers is provided under<strong>AAA</strong> Plus RV and <strong>AAA</strong> Premier RV within <strong>AAA</strong>Minneapolis service territory, and will be handled byreimbursement if service is unavailable outside of clubterritory.7

SCOPE OF SERVICEThis is your auto club! We have tried to design anERS program that meets the emergency demands of<strong>AAA</strong> members. However, <strong>AAA</strong> cannot guarantee thatservice will always be available in all areas and underall circumstances. For example, severe weather maycause unavoidable delays and service limitations,even though all involved are doing their best. In suchcases, service will be provided in order of priorities;servicing stranded members will be a top priority.We appreciate your patience and understandingduring these emergencies.<strong>AAA</strong> will help members get assistance when specialequipment is required, or for services not covered underthe policies outlined here. If your vehicle cannot bemade operable upon providing the services listed in thisbrochure, <strong>AAA</strong> will assist you in finding the nearestopen repair facility. If a repair facility cannot be located,<strong>AAA</strong> will assist in obtaining lodging or alternativetransportation. Charges for services that exceed thebenefits listed will be at the prevailing hourly or mileagerate of the region where service is provided.Based on a survey of the membership, the <strong>AAA</strong>Minneapolis Board of Directors has established apolicy that provides four (4) calls for each <strong>AAA</strong>Basic, <strong>AAA</strong> Plus, and <strong>AAA</strong> Plus RV member, and five(5) calls for each <strong>AAA</strong> Premier and <strong>AAA</strong> Premier RVmember, during each membership year. Calls inexcess of this limit will be processed, but on acash-only basis, paid to the service driver.In fairness to the overall membership, service is to beused within reasonable limits. The Club reserves theright to cancel a membership if we believe there is anabuse of service, as determined by the MembershipServices Committee.HOW DO YOU OBTAINEMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE?In the Twin Cities metro area, when you're out offuel, stuck, have a flat tire, in a car that won't start,need a tow, lose your keys, or lock them inside yourvehicle, call our Emergency Road Service department24-hours a day, at (952) 927-2727.Outside the Twin Cities metro area, call the 24-hournationwide <strong>AAA</strong> Supernumber - 1-800-<strong>AAA</strong>-HELP -anywhere in the U.S. and in Canada, for assistance.This number also is printed on the back of yourmembership card.Be prepared to provide your membership number;expiration date; name; address; car’s exact location;8

EXTRICATION/WINCHING: If your vehicle is stuck ina ditch, mud, or snow, it will be freed, provided itcan be reached from a normally traveled road orestablished thoroughfare with a service vehicle'sordinary towline. If special equipment, more thanone truck, or more than one person is required, theassociated cost may be at the member's expense.<strong>AAA</strong> Plus, <strong>AAA</strong> Plus RV, <strong>AAA</strong> Premier, and <strong>AAA</strong> Premier RVextend basic coverage to include services by a second truckand operator for one hour at the scene of disablement. Ifthe vehicle is unable to be operated after extrication, theextended towing benefit will apply. The use of any specialequipment is covered under <strong>AAA</strong> Plus, <strong>AAA</strong> Premier, <strong>AAA</strong>Plus RV, and <strong>AAA</strong> Premier RV.TOWING: When the vehicle cannot be rendereddriveable after attempting any of the emergencyprocedures provided, or when, in the service person'sjudgement, the vehicle cannot be placed in a safedriving condition, you may have it towed to theresponding Emergency Roadside Assistance facilityor up to five miles in any direction from the vehicle'spoint of disablement (as soon as a proper towingvehicle is available). NOTE: one tow per disablement.When streets are impassable or when conditionsmake towing dangerous, a temporary suspensionof towing may occur.<strong>AAA</strong> Plus and <strong>AAA</strong> Plus RV provide for up to 100 milesof towing from point of disablement to the destinationof your choice, at no charge.<strong>AAA</strong> Premier and <strong>AAA</strong> Premier RV provide one tow upto 200 miles from the point of disablement, as one of thefive service calls per membership year; and up to 100miles from the point of disablement on the remainingallowable calls.<strong>AAA</strong> BATTERY SERVICE<strong>AAA</strong> roadside service providers are able to replacefaulty or failing batteries on-site, providing memberswith another peace-of-mind Emergency Road Service.Our <strong>AAA</strong> Battery Service technicians utilizestate-of-the-art technology to accurately diagnoseyour battery-related problems at the roadside.Plus, if necessary, you can purchase a new batteryat exclusive <strong>AAA</strong> member prices, complete with abattery freshness guarantee and a competitive,nationwide warranty.To request ERS, including <strong>AAA</strong> Battery Service, call(952) 927-2727 or 1-800-<strong>AAA</strong>-HELP, or go onlineat www.aaaminneapolis.com.10

WHEN THE TRUCK ARRIVESPresent your current <strong>AAA</strong> card and driver's licensefor identification, and sign one completed <strong>AAA</strong>road-service ticket before service is rendered.Members who are unable to present theirmembership card must be prepared to pay forthe service provided and request reimbursementat contract rates from <strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis.UPGRADING SERVICEMembers can upgrade their present level of serviceto <strong>AAA</strong> Plus, <strong>AAA</strong> Plus RV, <strong>AAA</strong> Premier or <strong>AAA</strong>Premier RV anytime during their membership year.NOTE: <strong>AAA</strong> Plus, <strong>AAA</strong> Premier, <strong>AAA</strong> Plus RV, and<strong>AAA</strong> Premier RV coverages are effective upon receiptof your permanent upgraded membership card or 14days from date of payment.COMPLAINTS AND LIABILITYAll <strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis ERS centers, and thoseapproved through other <strong>AAA</strong> Clubs, have beencarefully selected based on their business integrityand ability to provide prompt, courteous, andreliable ERS service and repairs. Your patronage ofthese service centers helps ensure that the quality ofservice through which <strong>AAA</strong> has built its reputation -one that goes back to 1902 - continues.If service is unsatisfactory or if you questioncharges presented, make a full report to the <strong>AAA</strong>Minneapolis ERS Department. <strong>AAA</strong> will investigateand attempt to resolve your concerns.<strong>AAA</strong> ERS service centers are independent contractorsand not agents of <strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis. Therefore, <strong>AAA</strong>Minneapolis does not assume responsibility for anyinjuries to persons or property, including damage toa member's vehicle, as a result of Emergency RoadService. Damage complaints should, however, bereported to the ERS service center proprietor and tothe <strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis ERS Department.To request Emergency Roadside Assistance,including <strong>AAA</strong> Battery Service, call (952) 927-2727,or 1-800-<strong>AAA</strong>-HELP, or go online atwww.aaaminneapolis.com.11

REIMBURSEMENTSIf you are unable to obtain help from a <strong>AAA</strong> servicecenter, you may call any nearby independent servicefacility. Pay for the service, obtain an itemized receiptwith your name on the service facility's imprintedinvoice, and apply for reimbursement within 30 daysby sending:1. The original receipt;2. A completed refund application (available onlineat www.aaaminneapolis.com) or a short noteof explanation detailing the circumstancessurrounding the use of a non-<strong>AAA</strong> facility; and3. Your name, address, phone number andmembership number to: <strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis,ATTN: ERS Refunds, 5400 Auto Club Way,Minneapolis, MN 55416-2576.The Club may adjust or deny reimbursement for serviceprovided by individuals or companies not normallyengaged in providing Emergency Road Service.AUTOMOTIVE <strong>BENEFITS</strong> AND <strong>SERVICES</strong>APPROVED AUTO REPAIRWhen you show your <strong>AAA</strong> membership card at anyApproved Auto Repair (AAR) facility, before therepair work is completed, you receive the facility'spromise to:• Provide a maintenance inspection.• Offer a written estimate. If the cost of repairsexceeds the estimate by 10 percent or more, youmust authorize any additional work.• Guarantee its work for 12 months or 12,000 miles.• Make available replaced parts after repairs arecomplete, except parts which must be returned tothe manufacturer under a warranty agreement orrefund policy.• Cooperate fully with <strong>AAA</strong> in the investigation orresolution of any dispute involving the repairfacility and a <strong>AAA</strong> member.• AAR facilities who participate in the Show YourCard & Save ® program provide members a 5%discount on repairs, up to $100 in savings.If you have questions about this valuable memberbenefit, or would like a listing of AAR facilities, call<strong>AAA</strong> at (952) 927-2654.12

TRIP INTERRUPTION PROTECTIONThis valuable membership service provides financialhelp to any member whose vehicle is stolen, notdriveable due to damage caused by a traffic accident,100 miles or more away from home. Members maybe reimbursed if they are driving or riding in thevehicle which becomes damaged at the time of theaccident or collision.<strong>AAA</strong> Plus, <strong>AAA</strong> Plus RV, <strong>AAA</strong> Premier, or <strong>AAA</strong> Premier RVmembers also may receive reimbursement for expensesresulting from mechanical breakdown.Reimbursement is based on actual out-of-pocketexpenses incurred, not including taxes, gratuities, fuelor alcohol, for a combination of meals and lodgingor transportation:• Local lodging and meals in the vicinity where yourcar is being repaired.• Rental or replacement car to continue your trip.Remember, your <strong>AAA</strong> membership entitles you tospecial member discounts on Hertz car rentals.• Commercial transportation (via common carrierlicensed to carry passengers for hire) to yourdestination or home, whichever is closer. Receiptsare required for all expenses.• Basic members may be reimbursed up to $100 eachwith a maximum of $500 per family.• <strong>AAA</strong> Plus/Plus RV members may be reimbursed upto $250 each with a maximum of $1,000 per family.• <strong>AAA</strong> Premier/Premier RV members may bereimbursed up to $1,500 each.This service applies only to expenses personallyincurred by the member within 72 hours followingthe accident/incident. Proof of payment(s) must besubmitted. If expenses are shared by more than onemember, each may submit his share of the cost forreimbursement, but totals may not exceed the grossamount actually incurred. No vehicle repair costs arecovered. Theft expense reimbursement does not applywhen the car is/was in custody of a non-member.No reimbursement will be made for certain unlawfulcases, including driving while under the influence.To receive payment, request a claim form by calling(952) 927-2518 and submit it, along with a policereport or repair bill, and itemized receipts. Your requestmust be received by our office within 30 days after theincident occurred.<strong>AAA</strong> Premier road trip cannot exceed 45 consecutive days and travel mustinclude at least one overnight stay.13

EMERGENCY REPAIR CHECK GUARANTEE<strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis provides you with valuable peace ofmind. If your car is disabled, we guarantee your personalcheck for up to $250 for emergency service or repairs atany <strong>AAA</strong> contract facility. A valid membership card andID must be presented at the time of payment.LICENSE BUREAUOur convenient state-appointed license bureau, locatedonly at our St. Louis Park location, provides quick andefficient service on all types of motor vehicle licensetransactions.We process driver's license renewals and duplicates,issue licenses for boats, snowmobiles, ATVs, and more.Open six days a week, our free parking, mail service,and our 24-hour drive-up window make our licenseservice center the most convenient and flexible inthe metro area. Call (952) 927-2696 for moreinformation.AUTO TRAVEL <strong>BENEFITS</strong> AND <strong>SERVICES</strong>Place a trip routing order by phone, online or in person,and receive a TripTik ® package. Please allow six (6)business days before pick up at any of our six <strong>AAA</strong>offices in Hennepin County. Also, for your convenience,the headquarters drive-up window is open seven daysa week, 24 hours a day, including holidays. You mayalso create your own TripTik Travel Planner ® online atwww.aaaminneapolis.com. You may order yourTripTik ® by calling (952) 927-2626, or going online atwww.aaaminneapolis.com.TRIPTIKS ® / TRIPTIK TRAVEL PLANNER ® : Efficient waysto deliver you to your destination. The traditionalTripTik ® maps include mileage, and driving time.The TripTik Travel Planner ® includes overview narrativedirections, mileage, driving time, and constructioninformation. Both TripTiks ® are spiral bound fortraveling convenience.ONLINE TRIPTIK TRAVEL PLANNER ® : Create your owncustomized online travel route with detailed maps anddriving instructions, including things to see and doalong the way. The TripTik Travel Planner ® combinesease of planning with integrated travel booking tools,including <strong>AAA</strong>-rated accommodations and Hertz carrentals.14

<strong>AAA</strong> ROAD MAPS: Every <strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis travel kitrouting includes road maps that cover your entireroute. These informative <strong>AAA</strong>-published national,regional, state, and city maps are publishedexclusively for <strong>AAA</strong> members.TOURBOOKS ® : Select <strong>AAA</strong> TourBooks ® are includedwith your membership, providing you with informationon historic sites, scenic points of interest, touristattractions, as well as hours and any admissioncharges. In addition, "<strong>AAA</strong> Approved" hotel, motel,and resort accommodations are described and rated.DIAMOND RATINGSTo assure <strong>AAA</strong> members of quality lodging, all<strong>AAA</strong>-approved facilities are rigorously inspectedat least once a year by a professional <strong>AAA</strong> fieldrepresentative. These facilities are assigned a ratingof one to five Diamonds. The higher the rating(the more Diamonds), the higher the degree towhich basic <strong>AAA</strong> standards are exceeded.WEATHER AND ROAD CONDITION INFORMATION<strong>AAA</strong> is the only auto club that gives you dailyreports on highway conditions, weather and detours.Information is revised daily during periods of winterstorms, floods, highway reconstruction or bridgerepairs. Call (952) 927-2626 for updates.DISCOUNTED LODGING RATES<strong>AAA</strong> Members save on hotel and lodging ratesthroughout the country and around the world.Official appointment properties guarantee membersa minimum 5 percent discount off of the standardroom rates published in TourBook ® guides or thelowest public rate available at the time of bookingfor the dates of stay, for standard rooms.<strong>AAA</strong>'s Show Your Card & Save ® chain partnersprovide <strong>AAA</strong>'s best rates and a satisfaction guaranteeto <strong>AAA</strong> members. Select from Best Western, HamptonInns, Hyatt Hotels, most Hilton brands, and mostMarriott and Starwood (Sheraton, Westin, etc.)brands.To make reservations, call (952) 927-2626, 1-800-871-7352or book online at www.aaaminneapolis.com.15

MONEY SAVING DISCOUNTSHundreds of attractions listed in the "Points ofInterest" section of <strong>AAA</strong> TourBooks ® offer reducedprices for members. See your TourBook ® for details.TRAVEL AGENCY<strong>AAA</strong> Travel is a full-service travel agency open to<strong>AAA</strong> members and the public. Members enjoyspecial values and benefits from select national andinternational tour companies, cruise lines, hotels,Amtrak, and Hertz car rentals. To take advantage ofthese special member benefits, reservations must bemade through <strong>AAA</strong> Travel. Offers vary from time totime and your <strong>AAA</strong> travel agent can give you all thedetails. For more information on travel agencyservices, call (952) 927-2525, 1-800-871-7352, orany branch office (listed on the back cover).In addition to six convenient Twin Cities locations,you also can make your travel arrangements online atwww.aaaminneapolis.com/travel.PREFERRED TOUR PARTNERSAs a member, you enjoy special privileges withour many preferred travel suppliers, such as WaltDisney, Trafalgar Tours, Delta Vacations, TauckTours, General Tours, Pleasant Holidays, InsightVacations, Contiki, Member Choice Vacations,Travel Impressions, WorryFree Vacations, andFunjet Vacations. Member benefits may includemoney-saving discounts, accommodation upgrades,and vouchers toward payment of optional tours.Offers vary by travel supplier. Whether you areplanning a deluxe escorted tour to the South Pacificor a two-night stay in San Francisco, <strong>AAA</strong> Travelcan assist you with your plans.PREFERRED CRUISE PARTNERS<strong>AAA</strong> Travel offers thousands of money-saving cruisespecials each year in which our members receivediscounts, stateroom upgrades, shipboard and shoreexcursion credits and other exclusive features. Watch<strong>AAA</strong>'s Home & Away Magazine for information oncruise specials with such preferred cruise suppliers asAzamara, Carnival, Celebrity, Crystal, Disney CruiseLine, Holland America, Princess, Regent Seven Seas,Royal Caribbean, and Uniworld.16

TRAVEL ACCIDENT INSURANCEYou automatically receive $100,000 of TravelAccident Insurance at no extra cost to you when youpurchase your airline tickets through <strong>AAA</strong> Travel.Charge your tickets to your <strong>AAA</strong> VISA credit cardand you'll receive another $150,000 of insurance(coverage includes air, train, bus, ship, taxi, or othercommon carrier accidents) for a total of $250,000 offree Travel Accident Insurance. Call your <strong>AAA</strong> Travelagent at (952) 927-2525 for more information.<strong>AAA</strong> Plus, <strong>AAA</strong> Plus RV, <strong>AAA</strong> Premier, and <strong>AAA</strong> Premier RVprovide an additional $100,000 in limited Travel AccidentInsurance coverage for loss of life or limb when traveling byscheduled airline, with tickets purchased through <strong>AAA</strong> Travel.HOTEL RESERVATIONS<strong>AAA</strong> will make reservations in North America atthe hotel or resort of your choice, as listed in theTourBooks ® . Take advantage of the many <strong>AAA</strong>discounts available at lodging choices nationwide.(Members are responsible for any fees which mayresult from changes or cancellation of thesereservations.) Call (952) 927-2626, or book onlineat www.aaaminneapolis.com.HERTZ CAR RENTAL DISCOUNTSSave time and money by having your <strong>AAA</strong> Travelagent make your car rental reservations. Withindustry-leader Hertz, <strong>AAA</strong> members get exclusivediscounts and extras. Call (952) 927-2525, stop byyour local <strong>AAA</strong> office to make reservations, pick upyour free <strong>AAA</strong> Hertz discount card, or book onlineat www.aaaminneapolis.com.Upon rental, you must present a valid <strong>AAA</strong>membership card to receive your discount.(Discounts may not apply to all rates and maynot be available at all Hertz locations. Rates anddiscounts are subject to change. Cars are subjectto availability.)<strong>AAA</strong> Premier and <strong>AAA</strong> Premier RV members receive aone-year free membership in the Hertz #1 Club Gold.17

ADDITIONAL TRAVEL AGENCY <strong>SERVICES</strong>• Individual tailor-made itineraries with all featuresprearranged and prepaid.• Individual vacation and independent package planswith prearranged features for the international ordomestic destination of your choice.• Escorted tours to select destinations.• Special prices for group and family travel toanywhere in the world for you, your friends, andneighbors, club, or society.• International Driving Permits(IDPs), issuedexclusively by <strong>AAA</strong>.• Applications for passports, visas, tourist cards, andother travel documents.• Photo service for passport applications, visas and,International Driving Permits available at memberdiscounts.• Comprehensive travel insurance including tripcancellation insurance.• Exclusive online travel booking opportunities.• Passport photos (see page 19 for more details).<strong>MEMBER</strong> VALUE PROGRAMSBOX OFFICE TICKETSThe <strong>AAA</strong> Box Office, located in all branches, isyour source for discounted movie (Mann and AMCTheatres) and entertainment tickets. Ask aboutmember-only prices for admission tickets to Disneytheme parks (multiple-day hopper passes only),Universal Studios, Busch Gardens, the MinnesotaState Fair, Valleyfair, and more.WIRELESS PHONE PROGRAMThe <strong>AAA</strong> Wireless Phone Program is provided byGreatCall Cellular. As a member, you qualify forspecial <strong>AAA</strong> rates and a discounted phone, plusone-touch service to the <strong>AAA</strong> emergency responsecenter. Call toll-free 1-800-733-6632.18

SHOW YOUR CARD & SAVE ®You can easily recoup morethan the cost of your annualmembership dues by showingyour <strong>AAA</strong> card to receivediscounts at select businesses!CLICK: Receive special discounts online withparticipating partners.SHOP: Receive in-store discounts with participatingretail partners.GO: Receive special discounts with participatingtravel and automotive service partners.PLAY: Receive special discounts with participatingdining and entertainment partners.STAY: Receive special discounts when you stay at aparticipating hotel partner.Save on everything from entertainment and clothes,to hotel rooms and theme park tickets. Receive greatsavings with <strong>AAA</strong> every time you visit one of the160,000 participating merchants worldwide.For program details and partners, call (952) 927-2706,check the Show Your Card & Save ® section of eachissue of Home & Away Magazine or online atwww.aaaminneapolis.com.TRAVEL STORELocated at our St. Louis ParkHeadquarters office and in all ofour branch locations, you’ll find the<strong>AAA</strong> Travel Store, where you cansave with member-only discountedprices on all items except Briggs & Riley merchandise.The store features top brands in luggage, handbags,duffels, rolling backpacks and totes of all sizes, a widearray of travel books, specialty maps, travel convenienceand security items, travel games, electrical convertersand adapter plugs for foreign travel, automotive andauto travel accessories, and much more.The Travel Store offers photo service for passports,along with International Driving Permits for a nominalfee at any of our six Hennepin County locations.<strong>AAA</strong> Plus, <strong>AAA</strong> Plus RV, <strong>AAA</strong> Premier, and <strong>AAA</strong> Premier RVmembers receive one complimentary set of photos per member,per membership year, amd higher discounts on all items exceptBriggs & Riley merchandise.19

INSURANCE AGENCY<strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis InsuranceAgency provides specialty anddiscounted insurance programsto <strong>AAA</strong> members, and serves thepersonal insurance needs of thepublic in our community.<strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis Insurance Agency represents aselect group of financially sound, reputable insurancecompanies. We will provide a complete analysis ofyour insurance needs and will place your policieswith the company offering the best coverage at acompetitive price. To review all of your presentcoverages and rates with a <strong>AAA</strong> Insurancerepresentative, contact us at (952) 927-2518 orinsurance@aaaminneapolis.com.PROPERTY AND CASUALTYBesides your auto and home, we can insure yourboat, motorcycle, snowmobile, RV/motor home, andsecondary residence. We also provide umbrella/excessliability coverage, flood insurance and coverage foryour valued articles like jewelry, furs, collections,computers, silver and more. We can also help withBusiness Owner’s insurance.LIFEProtect yourself, your family, and your estate fromunplanned or unavoidable loss with a lifetime offinancial security.HEALTH AND DENTALLet us help you cut through the confusion, explainthe benefits, and help you choose the best coveragefor you and your family. Also, having a strong dentalbenefit plan can help maintain your oral health, andgive you peace of mind that your basic dental needsare covered.LONG TERM CARE AND MEDICARE SUPPLEMENTSForty percent of Americans using long term careservices are between the ages of 18 and 65. Thelonger we live, the more likely it is that we will needlong term care services. Protect yourself and givepeace of mind to your family by investigating longterm care and medicare supplement insurance today!Questions? Contact <strong>AAA</strong>’s long term care specialistat (952) 927-2752.20

LEGAL <strong>SERVICES</strong>If you need legal help to defend yourself againstan eligible* motor vehicle-related charge to whichyou plead NOT GUILTY, <strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis willreimburse you the lesser of your actual attorneyfees or the amount shown:TYPE OF OFFENSE <strong>AAA</strong> BASIC<strong>AAA</strong> PLUS/<strong>AAA</strong> PLUS RVVEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER OR CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE:TRIAL $400 $1,000 $2,000APPEAL $250 $500 $1,000RECKLESS DRIVING:TRIAL $200 $400 $800APPEAL $100 $300 $700OTHER MOVING VIOLATIONS:TRIAL $50 $100 $200APPEAL $50 $100 $200CORONER’S INQUEST:$50 $100 $200When a member is charged with more than onemotor vehicle law violation for the same incident,<strong>AAA</strong> will reimburse legal fees for defense of themost serious charge only. Reimbursement of legalfees is limited to one violation per member permembership year.*Exclusions:<strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis does not reimburse for:• Defending members charged with driving witha suspended or revoked driver’s license, withoutinsurance, or when charged with a felony.• Defending members in any situation involvingintoxicating liquors, drugs, or narcotics.• Defending members in personal injury suits.• Failure to appear for any court hearing.• Violating weight, length, or height restrictionson trucks.• Payments of fines or court costs.• Bringing suits or collecting claims for members.• Civil claims or suits.• Lawyer’s assistance in completing accident reports.• When charged for driving with an improperlyregistered vehicle.To request a form for your claim submission, pleasecall (952) 927-2518.21<strong>AAA</strong> PREMIER/<strong>AAA</strong> PREMIER RV

GUARANTEED ARREST BONDYour <strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis membership card entitles youto a $1,000 no-service-fee guaranteed arrest bond formost minor vehicle offenses. Terms appear on theback of your membership card.The General Insurance Company of America (GICA)guarantees the appearance of the <strong>AAA</strong> member named onthe <strong>AAA</strong> membership card in any court up to the card’sexpiration date. The card can be accepted against an arrestbond up to $1,000 for any motor vehicle law violationEXCEPT violations involving driving while under theinfluence of intoxicating liquors, drugs or narcotics, failure toappear for violations, driving on a suspended/revoked driver’slicense, hit and run, failure to present evidence of insurance,illegal use or falsification of license or registration, engagingin a felony, attempting to elude/eluding the police, or whiledriving a vehicle used for commercial purposes. To obtainpayment in the event of non-appearance, contact <strong>AAA</strong>Minneapolis at 5400 Auto Club Way, Minneapolis, MN55416, or via phone at (952) 927-2727. Member agreesto repay <strong>AAA</strong> or GICA for any losses.FINANCIAL <strong>SERVICES</strong><strong>AAA</strong> VISA ® Credit Card is provided to our membersby the respected banking partner, Bank of America.Qualified members can apply via mail, telephone, in a<strong>AAA</strong> branch office or online for the <strong>AAA</strong> VISA CreditCard. Great low rates, rewards benefits, and no annualfee are the key benefits members should consider whencomparing the <strong>AAA</strong> VISA, provided by Bank ofAmerica, NA, Wilmington, DE, with other cards.To apply for a new <strong>AAA</strong> VISA account, stop into any<strong>AAA</strong> office and ask for the <strong>AAA</strong> VISA applicationbrochure, apply over the phone by calling directlyto Bank of America toll-free 1-800-545-7899, oronline, starting with www.aaaminneapolis.com. Forcustomer service, call Bank of America toll-free1-800-807-3068.Program benefits subject to change.MORE <strong>BENEFITS</strong> YOU CAN COUNT ONEMERGENCY CHECK CASHINGShould you need additional cash to cover otherunexpected expenses, present your personal check forup to $100 along with your <strong>AAA</strong> membership cardat any participating <strong>AAA</strong> Club.22

<strong>AAA</strong> ONLINEYou joined <strong>AAA</strong> for the security. Now, enjoyyour membership for its convenience. Atwww.aaaminneapolis.com, you’ll find everythingyou need to take advantage of all your new<strong>AAA</strong> membership benefits, like...• Complete Automotive Service Center. Car caretips and research to consider when buying orselling a car. You even can schedule your car’smaintenance online.• Travel. Here you’ll find travel specials, importanttravel safety information, our online cruise, tour, car,hotel, and airline reservations as well as the onlineTripTik Planner ® and TourBook ® information.• Membership Center. Time to renew? Need toupgrade? Then visit our online Membership Center.You can even give the gift of membership from thecomfort of your home.• Travel Store. Shop for luggage, totes, travelaccessories, and more, online, with free shipping.• Information On Virtually Everything. From roadconditions to traffic, school closings to school safetypatrol, you’ll find up-to-date information easily.• Insurance. Free no-obligation quote request for allyour insurance needs.24-HOUR <strong>MEMBER</strong> SERVICE CENTERConvenience is important to <strong>AAA</strong> members.That's why your <strong>AAA</strong> Member Service Center isopen 24-hours a day, 365 days a year to handleyour auto travel, membership and EmergencyRoad Service needs. Use the numbers listed on theback cover of this handbook for the type of serviceyou need.HOME & AWAY MAGAZINEAs a <strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis member, you'll receive thisbimonthly, full-color publication.Home & Away Magazine offers a variety offeatures on local, national, and international traveldestinations. In addition, the publication includeslocal Club news and valuable information on carcare, traffic safety, and many other subjects ofinterest, including <strong>AAA</strong> member-only discounts onselected attractions and merchandise.In order to provide service and membership updates, membersmay not opt out of receiving Home & Away magazine. Pleasesee the Privacy Policy on pages 5-6 for more information.23

VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ETCHINGTo assist in keeping your vehicle safe, <strong>AAA</strong> membersreceive complimentary vehicle identification numberetching (VIN).VIN etching is a safe, permanent etch of your vehicle’sunique identification number on the windshield, backwindow and four side windows of your car. Thisquick procedure serves as a theft deterrent, giving youpeace-of-mind, and with some insurance companies,additional discounts on your auto insurance.VIN etching is available at <strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolisheadquarters in St. Louis Park. To have your windowsetched, call (952) 927-2727 to schedule an appointment.PUBLIC AND GOVERNMENT RELATIONSThroughout our history, <strong>AAA</strong> has worked closely withschools, law enforcement agencies, legislators and privateindustry to strengthen laws and improve driving habits.TRAFFIC SAFETY FOUNDATIONSince our inception in 1902, <strong>AAA</strong> has been the leaderin the development, implementation, and support ofdriver and traffic safety programs.This service was expanded in 1947, when the<strong>AAA</strong> Foundation for Traffic Safety was establishedto research automobile crashes and educate thepublic. In 1988, the Minneapolis Auto ClubFoundation for Safety was founded to exclusivelysupport traffic safety programs in Hennepin County.Our Foundation acts as the primary local resourcefor a number of initiatives, most notably <strong>AAA</strong> SchoolSafety Patrol, providing, free of cost, all trainingmaterials, safety equipment, and recognition itemsfor approximately 150 schools affecting nearly 5,000School Safety Patrol members in Hennepin County.In addition, our Foundation supports a numberof other patrol programs, including end-of-yearrecognition events, <strong>AAA</strong> Lifesaving Award, andLegionville safety training camp.The Minneapolis Auto Club Foundation for Safetyis supported by the contributions of our <strong>AAA</strong>Minneapolis members, usually made during the timeof renewal. To learn more about how you can support24

your traffic safety foundation, call (952) 927-2705 ore-mail foundation@aaaminneapolis.com.LEGISLATIVE REPRESENTATION<strong>AAA</strong> continually evaluates and responds to legislationand regulatory measures that affect motorists andtravelers. Our concern is to protect your interests, toensure that drivers are not the targets of discriminatorylegislation, and to promote safe and efficient travel.DRIVER EDUCATION <strong>SERVICES</strong>“DARE TO PREPARE” PROGRAM“Dare to Prepare” is designed for teens (usually ages13-15) and their families. The 90-minute programfacilitates early discussion of driving safety issues beforeteens participate in formal driver’s education. It alsoincreases teens’ total exposure to traffic safety messagingthroughout their time as developing drivers.<strong>AAA</strong> <strong>MINNEAPOLIS</strong> NOVICE DRIVING SCHOOL<strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis and its partner, Training WheelsDriver Education, offer a comprehensive, five-phaseteen driver education program, including:• 30 hours of classroom instruction;• Parents' Night;• Driver Impact Panel field trip;• Six hours of behind-the-wheel training; and• Skid Monster/Risk Prevention Driving Seminar.Plus, students, whose parents are members, willreceive a free one-year <strong>AAA</strong> Associate membership.Working together with you, our program willdevelop a safe and skillful driver, able to navigateour transportation system. For more information,please call <strong>AAA</strong> at (952) 927-2689.SENIOR DRIVER IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM<strong>AAA</strong> Minneapolis and the Minnesota HighwaySafety & Research Center recognize the needs ofolder drivers and have developed a course to addressthese issues. Completion of the program, which isan eight-hour class the first time it is taken and afour-hour refresher program taken every threeyears afterward, allows for a 10 percent reductionon auto insurance. <strong>AAA</strong> members also benefitfrom a special discount highlighted in each editionof Home & Away Magazine. To register for a class,call toll-free 1-888-234-1294.25

INDEX24-HOUR <strong>MEMBER</strong> SERVICE CENTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23<strong>AAA</strong> PLUS AND <strong>AAA</strong> PLUS RV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3, 4<strong>AAA</strong> PREMIER AND <strong>AAA</strong> PREMIER RV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3, 4APPROVED AUTO REPAIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12ASSOCIATE <strong>MEMBER</strong>SHIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3AUTO INSURANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20BATTERY SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10BOX OFFICE TICKETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18CAMPBOOKS ® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15CAR RENTALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17COMPLAINTS AND LIABILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11CREDIT CARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22CRUISE VACATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16DIAMOND RATINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15DISCOUNTED LODGING RATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15DRIVER EDUCATION <strong>SERVICES</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25EMERGENCY CHECK CASHING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22EMERGENCY REPAIR CHECK GUARANTEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-12EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE ELIGIBILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7EXTRICATION/WINCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10FLAT TIRE SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9FUEL DELIVERY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9GUARANTEED ARREST BOND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22GROUP TOURS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18HOME & AWAY MAGAZINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23HOMEOWNER’S INSURANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20HOTEL RESERVATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17INTERNATIONAL DRIVING PERMITS (IDPS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18, 19LEGAL DEFENSE REIMBURSEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21LEGISLATIVE REPRESENTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25LICENSE BUREAU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14LIFE, HEALTH, MEDICAL, AND DENTAL INSURANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20LOCKOUT SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9LONG TERM CARE INSURANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20LUGGAGE AND TRAVEL ACCESSORIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19MAPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15MECHANICAL FIRST AID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9<strong>MEMBER</strong>SHIP RENEWAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4<strong>MEMBER</strong>SHIP UPGRADES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11NOVICE DRIVING SCHOOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25PASSPORT PHOTOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18, 19PRIMARY <strong>MEMBER</strong>SHIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3PRIVACY POLICY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-6REIMBURSEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12SENIOR DRIVER IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25SHOW YOUR CARD & SAVE ® PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19TOURBOOKS ® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15TOWING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10TRAFFIC SAFETY FOUNDATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24-25TRAVEL AGENCY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-18TRAVEL ACCIDENT INSURANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17TRIP INTERRUPTION PROTECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13TRIP ROUTING <strong>SERVICES</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14TRIPTIKS ® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ETCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24WEATHER/ROAD CONDITION INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15WEB SITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23WIRELESS PHONE PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1826

LOCALLY OPERATED WITH SEVENOFFICES IN HENNEPIN COUNTYHEADQUARTERS OFFICE - ST. LOUIS PARK(952) 927-26005400 AUTO CLUB WAY 55416(HWY. 100 NEAR EXCELSIOR BLVD.)GENERAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(952) 927-260024-HOUR EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE . . . .(952) 927-2727<strong>AAA</strong> TRAVEL AGENCY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(952) 927-2525<strong>AAA</strong> INSURANCE AGENCY . . . . . . . . . . . .(952) 927-2518<strong>AAA</strong> TRAVEL STORE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(952) 927-2505AUTO TRAVEL <strong>SERVICES</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(952) 927-2626<strong>MEMBER</strong>SHIP OPERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . .(952) 927-2676<strong>MEMBER</strong>SHIP SALES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(952) 927-2567LICENSE BUREAU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(952) 927-2696HOME & AWAY MAGAZINE . . . . . . . . . . . .(952) 927-2673PUBLIC AND MEDIA RELATIONS . . . . . . . .(952) 927-2705<strong>MINNEAPOLIS</strong> AUTO CLUBFOUNDATION FOR SAFETY . . . . . . . . . . . .(952) 927-2705ONLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.aaaminneapolis.comBRANCH OFFICES:EDEN PRAIRIE(952) 944-9585559 PRAIRIE CENTER DR. 55344EDINA - GALLERIA(952) 925-22443452 GALLERIA 55435(69TH & FRANCE AVE. S.)MAPLE GROVE(763) 494-377313569 GROVE DR. 55311(I-94 & WEAVER LAKE RD.)<strong>MINNEAPOLIS</strong> - DOWNTOWN(612) 338-8432BAKER CENTER SKYWAY733 MARQUETTE AVE. 55402MINNETONKA - RIDGE SQUARE(952) 545-545413007 RIDGEDALE DR. 553052/11 MP6000A

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