第22回 ロボット聴覚特集 - 奥乃研究室 - 京都大学

第22回 ロボット聴覚特集 - 奥乃研究室 - 京都大学

第22回 ロボット聴覚特集 - 奥乃研究室 - 京都大学


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社 団 法 人 人 工 知 能 学 会Japanese Society forArtificial Intelligence人 工 知 能 学 会JSAI Technical ReportSIG-CHallege-0522-13 (10/15)Sound Source Tracking with Orientation Estimation by Using A Large Scale Microphone Array Ý Þ Ý Ý Ý ÝKazuhiro Nakadai Ý , Hirofumi Nakajima Þ , Kentaro Yamada Ý , Yuji Hasegawa Ý , Takahiro Nakamura Ý , Hiroshi Tsujino ÝÝ() Þ ()ÝHonda Research Institute Japan Co., Ltd. ÞNittobo Acoustic Engineering Co., Ltd.nakadai,yamaken,yuji.hasegawa,moo,tsujino@jp.honda-ri.com, nakajima@noe.co.jpAbstractThis paper addresses sound source tracking withorientation estimation by using a 64 ch microphonearray. The microphone array system localizes asound source and estimates its directivity patternbased on an weighted delay-and-sum beamformingmethod. The directivity pattern estimation has twoadvantages such as detection of actual human voiceby comparing the estimated directivity pattern withpre-recorded ones, and estimation of sound orientationby detecting the angle with the highestpower in the directivity pattern. The preliminary resultsshow the effectiveness of the method in soundtracking and in orientation estimation.1 [22] 2 1. 2. [6][13] [15][8] 1.1 1. 2. 77

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