Noida - UP Pollution Control Board

Noida - UP Pollution Control Board

Noida - UP Pollution Control Board


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Also, small industries in the region currently using physicochemical treatment methods to treat their effluent shall be upgradedsuch as installation of dual media filter and Activated Carbon filter.Directions regarding installation of pH meter, automatic dozing andmaintenance and proper running of ETPs have also been given inthe District Level Committee held on 28/5/2012.<strong>UP</strong>PCBIndividualIndustries.&06 monthsRecovery Units forefficient recycling of thetreated efluent. In Dyeingand Electroplating units,Hanung Textiles (P) Ltd,RGA Exports (P) Ltd,JPC, Samtex Desinz,Autonix India (P) Ltd,Neokraft and TrelleborgActivated Carbon filter/Dual Media filter hasbeen installed toensureTertiary treatment.M/s Flex, M/s AfflatusGraveus and M/s AgraProducts have installedion exchange/recoverysystem to ensureminimal/zero dischargefrom their industries.Other Large and Mediumscale industries haveinstalled tertiarytreatment system toenhance the quality ofdischarged effluent.To maintain and alsoimprove the Waterquality of the region,<strong>Noida</strong> Authority is notgiving permission forelectroplating and dyeingprocess to any new4 | P a g e

‣ 06 STPs are Operational: 34MLD - At Sector 50 [UASB Technique] 27MLD - At Sector 54 [UASB Technique] 33MLD – At Sector 54 [SBR Technology] 25MLD – At Sector 50 [SBR Technology] 09MLD - At Sector 54 [Oxidation Pond] 05MLD – At Sector 91 [ Oxidation Pond]<strong>Noida</strong> Authorityand HNBEngineers (P) Ltd.of sewage treatment andtapping all sewagesources. Presently, <strong>Noida</strong>has sewage treatmentcapacity of 133 MLDagains 150 MLD beinfggenerated by estimatedpopulationofapproximately 8 lacs.Two new STPs of 35MLD at Sector-123 and50 MLD at Sector-168will be commissioned byAugust-September, 2012which shall be sufficientto treat sewagegeneration in <strong>Noida</strong>regon till 2021.‣ Effective operation & maintenance of installed STP.‣ Combined Inspection of STPs by <strong>UP</strong>PCB and Jal Nigam‣ Upcoming High Rise Buildings, Commercial Project,Educational Institution, Multi Plexes, Town ship & BuildingProjects are major source of sewage generation and MunicipalSolid Waste.Such projects must ensure setting up of STPs, recirculation of<strong>Noida</strong> Authority[HNB Engineers(P) Ltd.]<strong>UP</strong>PCB and JalNigamProject proponent<strong>Noida</strong> Authority& <strong>UP</strong>PCB.OngoingOngoing Process.Monthly sampling ofwater discharged fromthese STP’s is done by<strong>Board</strong> Laboratory andsubstantial improvementhas been observed inquality of final outletfrom these STP’s.A total of 20 bulidingprojects including Hotel,Shopping Malls,Commercial set ups have6 | P a g e

The status of Hazardous Waste Disposal in <strong>Noida</strong> are as follows:‣ Total No. of Units - 156‣ Operational Units - 156‣ Units recycling the waste - 51‣ Units which have become memberof Common TSDF/Recycler - 156 <strong>UP</strong>PCBc) Bio-Medical Waste Disposal188 Hospital & Health Care Facilities are identified in <strong>Noida</strong> out ofwhich all 188 are member of authorized Common BMW TreatmentFacilities. (M/s Synergy Waste Management (p) Ltd. And M/sSembRamky Environmental Management Pvt Ltd, Ghaziabad.)(ANNEXE-VI)Regular Inspection and monitoring of Hospitals / Nursing Homeshas to be doneRegional Office,<strong>UP</strong>PCBto TSDFTo monitorindividual industriesevery six months.Inspection of BigHospitals Every 03months & SmallHospitals every 06months by <strong>UP</strong>PCB.region are giving theirwaste to autohorizedTSDF / recyclers only.Oftotal 156 hazardouswaste generating units,75 have takenauthorization fromBOWML, 72 from<strong>UP</strong>WMP, 06 arerecycling and using thewaste in house and 03have their own handlingcapacity. Other than siteinspection, Hazardouswaste generated in theregion is also monitoredby assessing Form 13submitted by industries<strong>Board</strong> officials havedone inspection ofaround 45 hospitals inlast 4 months to ensurethat proper segregationand house keepingfacilities are in place.(Annexure V)10 | P a g e

Long Term Action Points (more than 1 year)S.No.1.Action Points (Source and Mitigation) Responsible StakeHoldersWater <strong>Pollution</strong>Time LimitRemarksa)Industrial <strong>Pollution</strong>Adoption of Cleaner Technology if available, in order toreduce quantity of waste water. Promote recycle aftertreatment for sector like Paper, Tannery. Strategies regarding cleaner technologies in Paper industriesare to be conducted in a time bound manner. In the WastePaper based units, stress is being laid for setting up of tertiarytreatment facilities in order to ensure maximum recycling oftreated waste water. Also recycling of the process water isbeing done as part of cleaner technologies.b) Domestic Waste Water (Sewage)‣ At present, 06 STPs are functional in <strong>Noida</strong> as follows : 34MLD - At Sector 50 [UASB Technique] 27MLD - At Sector 54 [UASB Technique] 33MLD – At Sector 54 [SBR Technology] 25MLD – At Sector 50 [SBR Technology] 09MLD - At Sector 54 [Oxidation Pond] 05MLD – At Sector 91 [ Oxidation Pond]‣ In order to ensure treatment of total sewage generated in<strong>Noida</strong> so that no untreated sewage is discharged, 02 STPsare proposed to be set up as follows:Individual Industries<strong>UP</strong>PCB & IndividualIndustries<strong>UP</strong>PCB and <strong>Noida</strong>AuthorityWithin 01Years.(By Industries)Ongoing20122012Waste Paper based unitSandeep Paper Millhas installed FibreRecovery Plant andhave startedrecycling/reusing oftreated effluent.<strong>Noida</strong> region isdivided in 04 zones forpurpose of sewagetreatment and tappingall sewage sources.Presently, <strong>Noida</strong> hassewage treatmentcapacity of 133 MLDagains 150 MLD beinggenerated by estimatedpopulation ofapproximately 8 lacs.Two new STPs of 35MLD at Sector-123and 50 MLD at Sector-11 | P a g e

100 MLD at Sector-168 (50MLD in 1 st phase) 70 MLD at Sector-123 (35 MLD in 1 st phase)‣ Widening and Covering of major open Nalas carryingdomestic sewage.c) Groundwater <strong>Pollution</strong> :Gound water study may be carried out in all the 6 IndustrialClusters by Out Sourcing Agencies every 06 months.d) Hindon River <strong>Pollution</strong> :To monitor Hindon river U/S & D/S every month for metal likeCd, Pb, Cu, Cr beside regular parameters after getting AAS.2.a)Procurement of new AAS. Atomic Absorption SpectroPhotometer.AIR POLLUTIONIndustrial <strong>Pollution</strong> Implementation of Cleaner Technology in order to reducequantity of process and fugitive emissions and effectiveoperation & maintenance of installed APCS. Implementationof cleaner technology / adoption of cleaner fuel, identificationof industries to be done in time bound manner. Switching over to cleaner fuel has been proposed as the best<strong>UP</strong>PCB & DesignatedAgencies.<strong>UP</strong>PCB<strong>UP</strong>PCB & CPCB.<strong>UP</strong>PCB and IndividualindustryIndividual industry, <strong>UP</strong>PCB16 months01 YearDecember 2011168 will becommissioned byAugust-September,2012 which shall besufficient to treatsewage generation in<strong>Noida</strong> regon till 2021.Work on wideningand covering of majorNalas has beencompleted.Presently,Ground/Drinkingwater monitoring inthe region is beingdone by RegionalLaboratory of U.P.<strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Control</strong><strong>Board</strong>.Proposal to purchaseAAS is underconsideration of the<strong>Board</strong>.Indraprastha GasLimited is supplyingCNG/PNG to 90industries and 79commercial projects.These industries wereearlier dependent onfossilfuels.12 | P a g e

option to control Air <strong>Pollution</strong> in Industrial Areas. Someindustries have already switched to cleaner fuel technology.Technological intervention / switching over to cleaner fuel tobe done in time bound manner.IGL(ANNEXE –VI) To supply and promote the use of cleaner fuel like CNG, inorder to reduce emissions in the industrialb) Introduction of Cleaner Fuel for Industrial Uses :Currently industries are using Coal/ Petro Coke/Wood andFO/LDO/LSHS as a fuel which emits SPM and SO 2 and otherpollutants. If CNG is made available to industries the RSPM, SO 2will be reduced and Ambient Air Quality will be improved.<strong>Board</strong> has given NOC to IGL & Adani Group to provide CNGin <strong>Noida</strong> for vehicles as well as industrial & domestic use. Thesecompanies need to expedite there distribution network for thesame at the earliest.c) Clean fuel for vehicles:At present 16 CNG stations have been build in <strong>Noida</strong> (09awaiting NOC) to supply clean fuel. These stations havecompression capacity of 3.79 lakh kg/day. Also, all commercialthree wheelers buses being registered in <strong>Noida</strong> are those usingCNG only.Phasing out of old diesel commercial vehicles is being done asper policy. (ANNEXE-II)d) Installation of NAAMP StationsAt present 02 manual AAQM Stations are operational in <strong>Noida</strong>Indraprastha Gas LimitedGas and Oil CompaniesRTO & Gas CompaniesGas & OilCompanies arein process ofgetting moreand moreindustries onboard andcomplete switchfrom solid fuelto clean fuelwill be done ina time boundmanner.01 year / As perplan submittedby Gasagencies.Indraprastha GasLimited is supplyingCNG/PNG to 90industries and 79commercial projects.These industries wereearlier dependent onfossil fuels. Progress ofsame has been annexedwith this document.(ANNEXE – VI)Indraprastha GasLimited has openedCNG stations forvehicles. Progress ofsame has been annexedwith this document.Also, ARTO office ofthe region has ensuredthat no commercialvehicle usingpetrol/diesel as fuel inthe region is registered.(ANNEXE-VII)Proposal to monitorPM2.5 at two stations13 | P a g e

ut they need to be upgraded to monitor RSPM and PM 2.5 as pernew AAQM Standard and also other parameters listed in newAAQM‣ 01 continuous AAQM Stations need to be set up‣ Ambient Air Quality in critical Industrial Zones to bemonitored manually once in every 02 months on 24 hoursbasis by <strong>UP</strong>PCB.e) Display of AAQM dataOn line display of AAQM data at two different locations in thearea need to be under taken by Industries Association and <strong>UP</strong>PCBf) Use of Cleaner fuelTime frame to be chalked out by RTO for conversion of allcommercial vehicles such as Auto, Bus & Vikram into CNG.g) Development of Green Belt<strong>Noida</strong> & Greater <strong>Noida</strong> Authority & Industries should developgreen belt from 20% to 33% of the total area.<strong>UP</strong>PCB and CPCB<strong>UP</strong>PCB, CPCBProposal to be made by<strong>UP</strong>PCB & sent to CPCBRTO in consultation withGas Companies<strong>Noida</strong> & Greater <strong>Noida</strong>Authority1.5 Years01 YearOngoingis under consideration.<strong>Board</strong> has passedproposal to establishone CAAQMS at<strong>Noida</strong>.Proposal is underconsideration.All commercialvehicles registered inthe region are runningon CNG only.(Annexe – VII)Ongoing3)a)Land <strong>Pollution</strong>Soil TestingSoil testing of some large scale industry has been done and isbeing carried out every month.Soil testing in all 3 industrial clusters of <strong>Noida</strong> is proposed to bedone for different metals like Pb, Cr, Cu, Fe etc. twice a yearthrough recognise laboratory.b) Study of impact on Human Health of Water & Air Pollutantsin <strong>Noida</strong> & Greater <strong>Noida</strong>.c) Municipal solid waste Disposal<strong>UP</strong>PCBIITR (Earlier ITRC) / Anyother designated Agency01 YearDecember 2012Presently, Soil testingin the industries isbeing done by thirdparties only. Soil shallbe got tested fromI.T.R.C. The instituteis yet to be decidedwith the guidelines ofCPCB and T.O.R. &funding pattern needsto be decided.14 | P a g e

‣ At present Municipal solid waste is disposed as landfill in lowlying areas. Authority should develop proper MSW facility asper MSW Rules at Proper site. Quantification of MSW to bedone by <strong>Noida</strong> & Greater <strong>Noida</strong> Authority.‣ Site selection for MSW disposal to be done by <strong>Noida</strong>Authority.‣ Strategy for implementation / setting up of integrated facilityfor MSW to be decided in consultation with local civicauthority and implemetaion to be done in time bound manner.<strong>Noida</strong> Authority<strong>Noida</strong> Authority<strong>Noida</strong> AuthorityDeceber 2011March 2011December 2011Site of 25 acres fordevelopment of MSWdisposal site has beenearmarked in Sector123 and initial DPRhas been submitted to<strong>Noida</strong> Authority byHUDCO.‣ Upcoming High Rise Buildings, Commercial Project,Educational Institution, Multi Plexes, Town ship & BuildingProjects are major source of Municipal Solid WasteProject proponent to givecompliance report to<strong>UP</strong>PCB.Every 3 months‣ Such projects must ensure setting up of in house MSWdisposal facilities as per MSW Rules & ensure compliance ofthe conditions of the Environment Clearance and NOC fromPCBCommittee UpdateAs per directions from Ministry of Environment and Forest,Government of India shortlisting of Senior citizen candidate and arepresentative of a NGO to be included in the State LevelMonitoring Committee has been done and nomination work is inprogress.<strong>UP</strong>PCB and DistrictAdministrationSenior Citizen &N.G.O. areparticipating the DM'smonitoring meeting thesame was held on28-05-12.15 | P a g e

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