JUNE 2008 - Association of Marina Industries

JUNE 2008 - Association of Marina Industries JUNE 2008 - Association of Marina Industries

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Training & CertificationBy Kayce Cashill FlorioTraining is More Critical Than Ever,Invest in Yourself!The International Marina Institute (IMI) is busy makingplans for its fall training schedule and Ft. Lauderdale ishost to all of the events being held from October throughDecember 2009. The training calendar kicks off withthe Emerging Technologies Conference being held at theEmbassy Suites, followed by the 3rd Annual South FL StudyTour, which travels to regional marinas and boatyardsfrom West Palm to Ft. Lauderdale. These events have beenstrategically placed before the Ft. Lauderdale Boat Show,beginning with an opening reception on October 25, 2009and ending with the last day of the Study tour on October29, 2009.The Emerging Technologiesconference is a programfocusing on emerging trends,technologies, and newdevelopments in sciencethat will affect the way theindustry does business in thenext few decades. Expertsand industry leaders will conduct seminars on topicsranging from water treatment systems for pressurewashing, storm water recycling, Web 2.0, fire safetysystems, and recent nuances in web Marketing to greenbuilding approaches and innovations in energy use andcarbon offsets. The conference is being hosted by LarryHalgren, Halgren & Associates, LLC, a veteran in themarine industry with experiences ranging from sales,marketing and executive management to operations andmarina and waterfront development. Larry is also on theIMI faculty, presenting on Marina Construction in theAdvanced Marina Management School (AMM). Larrywill open up the conference with a presentation on, “2020Waterfront Emerging Technologies: What Is ComingTo Your Marina Next!” This presentation will push theedge of the envelope from what is probable to what ispossible in the marina industry within the next ten years.Dovetailing from the Emerging Technologies Conference isthe 3rd Annual Southeast Florida Study Tour. IMI hopes toreplicate the success of previous years and more specificallylast year, where attendance was closed at 32 participants.The 2-day tour visits top marinas and boatyards from West18Palm Beach to Ft. Lauderdale. Sites currently committedto this educational program include Aquamarina, HiddenHarbour, The Port Condominium/Vertical Yachts,Lauderdale Marine Center and Pier 66. The goal of thetour is to visit an eclectic group of facilities, giving theattendee the most diverse experience possible. The touris being hosted by Tim Timpson, MarineResource, LLC,CMM. Tim is also a veteran in the marine industry withvast experiences in directoperations to consultingon large marinaconstruction projectsglobally, many of whichfocus on Tim’s specialty,Drystack Storage systems.Tim is a longtime facultymember of IMI and morespecifically participates inthe Intermediate Marina Management School, focusing onEmergency Management. The tour concludes each day witha round table discussion, facilitated by Mr. Timpson, wherethe participants discuss their observations and completeSWOT analyses (strengths, weaknesses, observationsand threats) on each facility visited. These analyses area very valuable part of the learning experience in thisprogram and have been proven to be tangible referencesfor the participants as they return to their own facilities.Finally, the last training opportunities on the fall calendarare the Intermediate and Advanced Marina ManagementSchools (IMM and AMM), being held at the RenaissanceHotel in Ft. Lauderdale from November 15 – November 19,2009 and December 6 – December 11, 2009, respectively.These courses are prerequisites to obtaining the highlycoveted CMM certificate.Don’t miss your opportunity to participate in IMI’sprograms to gain valuable experience and long- termrelationships through networking opportunities and toinvest in yourself. IMI strives to provide new, exciting andapplicable training to all marina professionals and the staffthat support them. We welcome your thoughts on currenttraining interests. To share you needs for continuededucation and thoughts on topics for training please emailimitraining@marinaassociation.org.For more information or to register for IMI’s trainingprograms, please visit www.marinaassociation.org.

Need a Little Help NavigatingEmployee Benets Programs?The Association of MarinaIndustries (AMI) can providethe guidance you need to helpmake informed buying decisions— smart buying decisions.Finding the right coverage for your employeesSorting through the myriad of coverage options available today can be timeconsuming and dicult, especially for AMI members, who are usually busywith other aspects of running a business. AMI members looking for employeebenefit solutions now have the buying power of the association and the securityof working with a trusted partner, Dynastar Benefits Group, an experiencedemployee benets brokerage. The AMI employee benefits program wasdeveloped to help members wade through the choices.The AMI employeebenets programprovides:• Direction for members looking toadopt an employee benefits programbut don’t know where to start• Experienced employee benetsconsulting and planning to help AMImembers recruit and maintain atalented workforce• Individualized attention to addressthe unique needs of employers• Guidance in the implementation ofemployee benefits programsAMI and Dynastar have developed a number of programs to help associationmember companies nd solutions that protect hard-working employees andoer reliable options from dependable carriers. Dynastar uses its industryexpertise to help develop quality plan options that match the individual businessowner's needs.Recently AMI and Dynastar established a relationship with HM Life InsuranceCompany to develop a Limited Benet Medical program that oers dierentplans and premium levels. Together, Dynastar and HM can help nd healthcoverage that is right for every group. This is just one example of how businesseslike yours can take advantage of Dynastar's expertise in nding the rightemployee benets solution.Take a look at the Limited Benet Medical Plans on the reverse side of this sheetto see the options developed for AMI members.Interested in learning more?Go to www.amiemployeebenets.com or call 877.962.8827 to speakto a specialist who can address your particular needs.

Need a Little Help NavigatingEmployee Benets Programs?The <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Marina</strong><strong>Industries</strong> (AMI) can providethe guidance you need to helpmake informed buying decisions— smart buying decisions.Finding the right coverage for your employeesSorting through the myriad <strong>of</strong> coverage options available today can be timeconsuming and dicult, especially for AMI members, who are usually busywith other aspects <strong>of</strong> running a business. AMI members looking for employeebenefit solutions now have the buying power <strong>of</strong> the association and the security<strong>of</strong> working with a trusted partner, Dynastar Benefits Group, an experiencedemployee benets brokerage. The AMI employee benefits program wasdeveloped to help members wade through the choices.The AMI employeebenets programprovides:• Direction for members looking toadopt an employee benefits programbut don’t know where to start• Experienced employee benetsconsulting and planning to help AMImembers recruit and maintain atalented workforce• Individualized attention to addressthe unique needs <strong>of</strong> employers• Guidance in the implementation <strong>of</strong>employee benefits programsAMI and Dynastar have developed a number <strong>of</strong> programs to help associationmember companies nd solutions that protect hard-working employees andoer reliable options from dependable carriers. Dynastar uses its industryexpertise to help develop quality plan options that match the individual businessowner's needs.Recently AMI and Dynastar established a relationship with HM Life InsuranceCompany to develop a Limited Benet Medical program that oers dierentplans and premium levels. Together, Dynastar and HM can help nd healthcoverage that is right for every group. This is just one example <strong>of</strong> how businesseslike yours can take advantage <strong>of</strong> Dynastar's expertise in nding the rightemployee benets solution.Take a look at the Limited Benet Medical Plans on the reverse side <strong>of</strong> this sheetto see the options developed for AMI members.Interested in learning more?Go to www.amiemployeebenets.com or call 877.962.8827 to speakto a specialist who can address your particular needs.

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