Feb newsletter - ForMor International

Feb newsletter - ForMor International

Feb newsletter - ForMor International


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<strong>Feb</strong>ruary 2006 | Edition 2 | Volume 9 | www.formor.comTo AchieveYour Dreams…RememberYour A,B,C’s!Avoid negative people, things,habitsSecret Ingredient of SuccessEvery business is searching for that little bit extra that will give them anedge over the competition. Everything from product enhancements topromotions has been attempted in an effort to succeed.(continued on page 2)Believe in your selfConsider things from everyangleDon’t give upEnjoy life today, yesterday isgone, and tomorrow maynever comeFamilyand friends are hiddentreasures; seek them and valuethem.Give more than you planned togive.Hang on to your dreams.Ignore those who try todiscourage you.(continued on page 2)

(Continued from page 1) (Continued from page 1)Just do it!Keep on trying, no matter how hardit seems, it will get better.Love yourself first and foremost.Make it happen.Never lie, cheat, or steal. Alwaysstrike a fair deal.Open your eyes and see things asthey really are.These types of strategies can be successful in the shortterm, but they are not the key to the long-term successwe all want. That key ingredient is love.For many, the thought that love is the key to success inbusiness is ludicrous. Well, consider this…what happensif we don’t love our preferred customers? What if wedon’t love our downline organization? What if we don’tlove our upline mentors?Attempting to create a long-term business relationshipwithout love is a mistake waiting to happen. We have toIn <strong>ForMor</strong>, love is more important than virtually anyother element. People join your organization whenthey feel that you genuinely care about them and theirsuccess. People stay when they know that you care aboutthem and their success. No one is attracted to a businesswhere they feel like some else’s meal ticket.In order for your business to really explode, focus yourattention on how you can serve those around you. Lookfor ways to demonstrate your love and concern to yourupline mentors and your downline organization.<strong>Feb</strong>ruary is a month we celebrate love in our life. ThisSpecialH E A L T H D I S C O V E R I E SR A D I O S H O WW I T H T O D D B AT E SA N D D R . J . J O S E P HP R E N D E R G A S TGet this highly informativeaudio CD from a recent HealthDiscoveries interview by ToddBates. Listen as Dr. Prendergast shareshis experiences and research of arginine.Everyone should hear this powerfulPractice makes perfect.Quitters never win and winnersnever quit.Read,study and learn abouteverything important in your life.Stop procrastinating.Take control of your own destiny.Understand yourself in order tobetter understand others.Visualize it.Want it more than anything.Xccelerate your efforts.You are unique amongst all ofnature’s creations; nothing andZNO ONE can replace YOU!ero in on your target, and go for it!<strong>ForMor</strong>understand that love is more than just a warm feeling onthe inside. Love is an attitude and a lifestyle that putsthe needs of others above our own.UniversityF E B R U A R Y 1 6 - 1 8<strong>ForMor</strong> University is designed to give you the tools you need in order to accomplish your goals with <strong>ForMor</strong>. Do youwant to transition into a full-time network marketing career and become one of the top leaders and money earnersin <strong>ForMor</strong>? Or, do you want to improve your skills, increase your income and spend more time with your friendsand family? Whatever your goals, FMU is for you.During your visit you will:• Tour our 60,000 square foot business complex• Meet the <strong>ForMor</strong> staff• Experience Phase II Training• Set S.M.A.R.T. goals• plus much more...Call VP of Marketing Chris Gingrasso today for all the details and toregister for the next class.year include those people in your life that are helpingyou achieve your dreams. Become a person of love andwatch your business explode.message.I T E M # 6 9 41 C D F O R $ 5I T E M # 6 9 51 0 0 P A C K F O R $ 1 0 0<strong>ForMor</strong> People MagazineWe are proud to introduce<strong>ForMor</strong> People magazine.This publication isdedicated to the distributorsof <strong>ForMor</strong>. You will read theinspirational stories from <strong>ForMor</strong>distributors all over the world. Peopleis filled with pictures, articles andrecognition. <strong>ForMor</strong> People makesa great addition to your marketingpackages. Be sure to check your<strong>Feb</strong>ruary Autoship for your complimentary copy.

Conference CallScheduleM O N D AYSpanish Leadership Call7:30 pm CSTJoin Double Diamond Steve Moretta andother Hispanic leaders on this weeklyleadership call.T U E S D AYNew Distributor Call8:00 pm CSTJoin Diamond Elite Roger Pineda for a funinteractive call. This is a great call for guestsand newcomers.W E D N E S D AYSpanish Opportunity Call7:30 pm CSTJoin Double Diamond Steve Moretta andother Hispanic leaders on our weeklybusiness opportunity call.Distributor Call8:30 PM CSTA T L A N T A , G E O R G I AA P R I L 7 - 8 , 2 0 0 6A I R P O R T S H E R A T O NJoin Platinum Diamond Elite RagonMoore. Ragon has been full-time innetwork marketing over 10 years and is amillion dollar earner in <strong>ForMor</strong>.T H U R S D AYBusiness Opportunity Call8:00 PM CSTJoin Platinum Diamond Todd Bates foran overview of the <strong>ForMor</strong> <strong>International</strong>opportunity. Todd will also explain thefinancial plan and take questions.S A T U R D AYSpanish Training Call10:30 am CSTJoin Double Diamond Steve Moretta andother Hispanic leaders on our weeklybusiness opportunity and basic trainingcall.Conference Call number:620-294-3000 pin # 9683I N F O R M A T I O NMember Service: 888-270-4794

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