Trustee Newsletter Christmas 2012 - Poole Flying Boats Celebration

Trustee Newsletter Christmas 2012 - Poole Flying Boats Celebration

Trustee Newsletter Christmas 2012 - Poole Flying Boats Celebration


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The Friends of PFBC News Update:First World War Centenary ProjectIn May 2011, PFBC ‘signed up’ with the Imperial War Museumas a National Partner in the First World War Centenary Project...Acceptance of our Membership was duly confirmed & appearedin the listing of FWW Partners ~ which detailed PFBC was thefirst <strong>Poole</strong>-based organisation. Preliminary Information whichwas submitted by ourselves appeared on the Centenary website:Accordingly, the substance of PFBC’s planned commemorationwas outlined, whereby this then developed the Charity’s existingFirst World War research base within 10 broad headings...PFBC Membership in the Centenary Project was reported in oneof our quarterly Friends <strong>Newsletter</strong>s, which was accompanied byan ‘open invitation’ for those interested in taking part within theProject either in its entirety, or more specifically within one ofthe topics as listed, to get into contact with our PFBC ArchivistAimée via PFBC’s new facility of an Office. Through this offerindividuals have come forward with ideas, some of which havedeveloped and expanded Areas of Research... Furthermore, ourin-house research has come up with new lines to be considered...This has provided an updated matrix which has built upon ourFlow Diagram (Autumn 2011) titled ‘The Participation of PFBCand Associated Organisations: Overview and Perspectives’.In turn, this has led to a Review by PFBC, which was conductedin Q1/2 <strong>2012</strong>, that has been updated into a listing of ‘20 Sectors’within our Project’s research base, noting the original ideas andour new ones. Next this was matched with consideration of howto eventually represent our findings in a meaningful & attractiveformat ~ which encompasses all the interfaced aspects identified.This resulted in the Translation of how these would be presentedinto PFBC’s Diorama… For more info. please see our Website !Following the highly successful launch of various PFBC Publication Booklets:The Booklet ‘Cats Aweigh’ has been well-received, and generously reviewedby The Catalina Society...so that with this in much demand, PFBC is about toprint a revised edition, which can be ordered by Friends + Supporters of PFBCSo to ensure that you have a copy please place an order right now with PFBC !To place Your Order + for further info. contact: aimee@pooleflyingboats.comAs before the price is £10 with p&p extra…(or write to PFBC Office)[Health Warning: Beware of over-excitement as it has some previously unpublished bits]PFBC Reaches the Parts that…On Monday 12th. November, Colin van Geffen - PFBC’s latestHon. Vice President, travelled to RAF Cranwell in Lincolnshireto give a Presentation to an audience, which included currentlyserving military personnel (~ who are always in our thoughts) !It was an honour for PFBC to be invited to such a famous base.Colin is an experienced Presenter, whereas other Members havecome forward with plans for areas of research, probably leadingto their own Presentations…This is absolutely marvellous news !Congratulations to Terry Mobley who has already taken this step.PFBC is delighted to assist wherever possible with both Researchand in the preparation of a Presentation + sorting out equipment.So do please let us know if this is something that interests You !Wishing George Spencer, Flt. Sgt. RAFTC when at <strong>Poole</strong> (right),(PFBC HLM) a very Happy 90th. Birthday for 12th. DecemberHis son Stephen is an active /very supportive Friend of PFBC !THE PFBC TRUSTEES…Commodore: Ken Sanson (also Chair of the <strong>Trustee</strong>s)V Commodore: Harry AlexanderFlight Officer: Bertie BowmanDavid Wakeford (Media and PR)Flag Officer: Aimée Alexander (PFBC Archivist)~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~With Stephen Macey, Terry Mobley and SallyAnn Wakeford as ACTs~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Hon. Commodore, Air: David MaulevererPatron: Lady Cobham~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Honorary President: Jeremy Waters(UK Charity 1123274)Senior ‘Hons.’within PFBCHon. Vice Pres: Leslie Dawson, June Topham, Douglas Cook OBE,- and with Colin Cruddas, Norman Hull, Mike Phipp, Victor Pitcher,Babs Plumbridge, Colin Pomeroy, Colin van Geffen & John Witcombalso including Ian Andrews (who Represents all of our HLMs)<strong>Poole</strong> <strong>Flying</strong> <strong>Boats</strong> <strong>Celebration</strong>Charity No. 1123274<strong>Trustee</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>:<strong>Christmas</strong> <strong>2012</strong>THE' OPUS©*PFBC aims for morenew projects in 2013Welcome to our <strong>Newsletter</strong> ~ for Members, Friends & Supporterswww.pooleflyingboats.com (THE ' OPUS in colour)“Wishing You All a Very Happy <strong>Christmas</strong>…”Be Inspired...and Achieve more Objectives during 2013 !We look forward to the Dedication of a Blue Plaque which hasbeen presented to the RMYC by ourselves ~ to mark the base(1940-43) which operated from there at Sandbanks in WW2 ...Alongside a quartet of our Storyboards at local foreshore sites,this an element within PFBC’s <strong>Poole</strong> <strong>Flying</strong> <strong>Boats</strong> & SeaplanesHarbour Trail organised by Harry with his team of volunteers !This will probably/eventually link-up all the various significantlocations which are germane to our illustrious aviation history.For local enthusiasts, schools & those who are visiting our areawe have a growing range of items to explain about the locations,and we are now preparing literature as leaflets readily available- ideal for the local hotels, guesthouses and tourist info. offices.*If you wish to be involved in this initiative please let us know !

During the evening of Thursday 22nd. Nov. at Bournemouth Univ.when heralded by some very exciting weather conditions, PFBCwith RAeS Members (260 in total) were treated to a marvellousPresentation by Colin Pomeroy (VP) which kept us all captivated.This was followed by an impromptu address to a still spellboundaudience by our Capt. Bill Lock & Nav. Officer Victor Pitcher !Our celebration of RAF Hamworthycontinues into 2013, as part of the70th. Anniv'. year, as we progresstowards our Special Storyboard toaccompany the original Storyboardwhich was installed at 3 other sites.This pair will adorn the new plinthwhich is being constructed by the foreshore at Hamworthy Park,where there is a panoramic sweep of the Harbour with Runways,and at a point relatively near to the former RAF Hamworthy base.PFBC gratefully acknowledges the vital support from our Team,and the generosity of a Donor who wants to remain anonymous !As this splendid Project nears its realisation, yet another excitingsite has been agreed at North Haven for our original Storyboard ![By the time that this <strong>Newsletter</strong> goes to print, its is highly likelythat more info. & an invitation will have been sent to Members.]The Blue Plaque for the former RNAS Sandbanks...On the occasion of our Platinum <strong>Celebration</strong> in Summer 2010for the founding by the Fleet Air Arm of the RNAS Sandbanksas HMS Daedalus II, for Seaplane Training and Air Sea Rescuewith 765 Squadron, PFBC’s ‘Guest of Honour’ for the Eveningwas Commodore Martin Westwood, the FAA’s Senior Officer !He was very impressed with the RNAS, since long-reverted tothe RMYCS Enchantress - Royal Motor Yacht Club, Sandbanks,and appreciated why those who served there enjoyed the posting.Also he remarked in the course of his visit that he was surprisedthat there was no plaque to note the wartime role(s) of the base !Accordingly, following the excellent success of this <strong>Celebration</strong>the <strong>Trustee</strong>s of PFBC determined that the acquisition of such aBlue Plaque must be prioritised as a significant project for us…So after much research the design was finalised to be produced.With cooperation from the RMYC, donations were then raisedand our order placed with a manufacturer after much negotiation.Grateful thanks to the donors (who wish to remain anonymous).Two identical plaques were duly purchased & safely delivered:One is to be installed at the RMYC on a pillar near to the close.so that the public can view it without interrupting the office-staff.For the RMYC receives a surprising number of such enquiries...The second plaque is held in reserve, and is used for exhibitions~ wherever PFBC reaches out to engage our local communities !Programmed instatement of the Blue Plaque is also in 2 stages:Firstly, Presentation to the RMYC, with an unveiling ceremonysuperbly conducted by Commodore of the RMYC Sally Davis,on Thursday 25th. October ~ the month when we commemoratethe loss of 2 pilots on local ASR in an unarmed Walrus seaplane.Those present were mainly members of both PFBC + the RMYC.Then at a later date (due to re-rendering work on the front façade)the Official Dedication of the Blue Plaque when it is in position.The RMYCS EnchantressThis has been an enlightening read, which will keep thereader captivated. It brings a flavour of travel across theAtlantic, and onto California before heading back to theUK with ‘Roses around the door’, then a career move toS. Africa in an era when apartheid was still the country’spolicy… The author recalls the story of how he, and hisfamily managed to clear a whole restaurant, as it wasunbeknown to them that it was for ‘Black Eaters’ only…!This book will greatly appeal to aviation enthusiasts too,where aerodynamics and aircraft are expounded on inmuch detail. The compassion of the author for othersprovided him with respect and friendships throughouthis life. But one particular friend Sir Michael Cobham,insisted when gaining his knighthood that he was to callhim as he had always done, just Michael, your friend...This is a heartfelt account of the author’s life, it touchesupon an autobiographical perspective, which is cleverlyinterlaced throughout the book with grassroots’ humour,certainly making him the definitive ‘Kid from Brid’ - atrue Yorkshireman who loves his cricket ~ so much sothat I am sure he has many more stories and tales to tell:Maybe there is a sequel in there ? Harry AlexanderALL CONTACTS PLEASE<strong>Poole</strong> <strong>Flying</strong> <strong>Boats</strong> <strong>Celebration</strong>For the attention of:- - - - - - -Parkstone Library Buildings1 Britannia Road Parkstone<strong>Poole</strong> Dorset BH14 8AZA Must for this <strong>Christmas</strong> !‘A View From The Wings’(60 Years in Aviation)… by Colin CruddasHon. Vice President PFBCPublished November <strong>2012</strong>by The History Press …ISBN 978 0 7524 7748 0Available from Bookshops,or buy online from Amazon- otherwise contact PFBCinfo@pooleflyingboats.comand please mark clearlywho you are contacting…This now includes PFBC’sset of ACTs as new Advisersto the <strong>Trustee</strong>s with variousother assisting capacities...For membership of Friends… and renewals contact Bertie Bowman.PFBC Email: info@pooleflyingboats.comPFBC Website: www.pooleflyingboats.com © <strong>2012</strong>-13

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