Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta


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6538 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,901638B’digriet mogħti, mill-Qorti Ċivili Prim’Awla fis-6ta’ Ġunju 2012, fl-atti tar-Rikors Ġuramentat fl-ismijietMediterranean Flower Products Ltd vs Flower Power(Sales) Ltd, rikors numru 418/2011 MCH, ġiet ordnat issegwentipubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta’ notifika fil-konfronttas-soċjetà Flower Power (Sales) Ltd, a tenur <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kap. 12.Permezz ta’ Rikors Ġuramentat ipprezentat fil-QortiĊivili Prim’Awla, fl-ismijiet, Mediterranean Flower ProductsLimited (C 2197) vs 1. Flower Power (Sales) Limited 2. Bankof Valletta p.l.c. fis-27 ta’ April 2011, is-soċjetà rikorrentiMediterranean Flower Products Limited (C 2197) ta’ ‘TheCroft’, Triq il-Kappar, Attard, <strong>tal</strong>bet lill-intimati jgħidugħaliex m’għandhiex din l-Onorabbli Qorti:1. Tiddikjara bħala nulla għar-raġunijiet premessi firrikorsir-riżoluzzjoni straordinarja tas-soċjetà rikorrentiMediterranean Flower Power Limited, datata 3 ta’ Lulju2002, li permezz tagħha George Sammut, illum mejjetemenda l-istatut <strong>tal</strong>-istess soċjetà billi din ġiet irreġistrata bifrodi <strong>tal</strong>-istess soċjetà u <strong>tal</strong>-azzjonisti tagħha, u tilqa’ t-<strong>tal</strong>bietl-oħra fir-rikors, fosthom illi tħassar, tirrevoka u tannulla l-kuntratt datat 7 ta’ Awwissu 2002, in kwantu ġew konċessil-garanzji u l-ipoteki msemmija f’dan ir-rikors a favur tassoċjetàBank of Valletta p.l.c. kif premess.Bl-ispejjeż, kontra l-intimati, inġunti in subizzjoni.Lista ta’ Xhieda.Lista ta’ Dokumenti.Rikorrenti:Mediterranean Flower Products Ltd,‘The Croft’, Triq il-Kappar,Attard.Intimat:Flower Power (Sales) Ltd et,The Nursery,Ta’ Qali.Ir-Rikors Ġuramentat fl-ismijiet Mediterranean FlowerProducts Ltd vs Flower Power (Sales) Ltd, rikors numru418/2011MCH, jinsab differit għas-smigħ għall-24 ta’ April2012, fid-9.00 a.m.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati Superjuri, illum 9 ta’ April 2012.Avv. Frank Portelli, LL.D.Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliBy means of a decree, given, by the Civil Court First Hall,on the 6th June 2012, in the records of the Sworn Application,in the names Medtierranean Flower Products Ltd vs FlowerPower (Sales) Ltd, application number 418/2011 MCH,the following publication was ordered for the purpose ofseervice of the company Flower Power (Sales) Ltd, in termsof Article 187(3) of Cap. 12.By means of a Sworn Application filed in the First HallCivil Court, in the names Mediterranean Flower ProductsLimited (C 2197) vs 1. Flower Power (Sales) Limited 2.Bank of Valletta p.l.c. on the 27th April 2011, the applicantcompany Mediterranean Flower Products Limited (C 2197)of ‘The Croft’, Triq il-Kappar, Attard, asked the respondentsto state why this Honourable Court should not:1. Declare as null for the reasons premised in theapplication the extraordinary resolution of the applicantcompany Mediterranean Flower Products Limited, dated 3rdJuly 2002, in virtue of which George Sammut, today deceasedamended the Articles of Association of the same companyas this was registered fraudulently in regard to the companyand its shareholders, and uphold the other demands in theapplication, amongst which to cancel, revoke and annull, thecontract dated 7th August 2002, in so far as the guaranteesand hypothecs mentioned in the application were granted infavour of the company Bank of Valletta p.l.c. as premised.With costs against the respondents, summoned so thatreference to their evidence was made.List of Witnesses.List of Documents.Applicant:Mediterranean Flower Products Ltd,‘The Croft’, Triq il-Kappar,Attard.Respondent:Flower Power (Sales) Ltd et,The Nursery,Ta’ Qali.The Sworn Application in the names MediterraneanFlower Products Ltd vs Flower Power (Sales) Ltd, applicationnumber 418/2011 MCH, has been put off for hearing to the24th April 2012, at 9.00 a.m.Registry of the Superior Courts, today 9th April 2012.Adv. Frank Portelli, LL.D.For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

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