Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta


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6514 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,901Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, l-20 ta’ April, 2012,jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-Chief ExecutiveOfficer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, Triq Latmija,Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-Avviż Nru. WSM/029/2012. Provvista u konsenja ta’apparat<strong>tal</strong>-ewwel għajnuna, għamara, fixtures u fittings għall-Kamra<strong>tal</strong>-Ewwel Għajnuna għall-Impjant tat-Trattament <strong>tal</strong>-Iskartf’Sant’Antnin.Id-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta huwa mingħajr ħlas.Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar l-Erbgħa, it-2 ta’ Mejju, 2012,jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-Chief ExecutiveOfficer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, Triq Latmija,Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-Avviż Nru. WSM/033/2012. Provvista u ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjoni ta’automatic power factor correction equipment għall-Impjanttat-Trattament <strong>tal</strong>-Iskart f’Sant’Antnin f’Marsaskala.Id-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta huwa mingħajr ħlas.Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, l-4 ta’ Mejju, 2012,jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-Chief ExecutiveOfficer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, Triq Latmija,Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-*Avviż Nru. WSM/035/2012. Provvista u konsenja ta’networking, containment, power equipment u servizzi għattermination<strong>tal</strong>-optical fibre għall-Impjant tat-Trattament<strong>tal</strong>-Iskart f’Sant’Antnin f’Marsaskala.Id-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta huwa mingħajr ħlas.Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, il-11 ta’ Mejju, 2012,jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-Chief ExecutiveOfficer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, Triq Latmija,Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-*Avviż Nru. WSM/036/2012. Kuntratt perjodiku għallġbir,ġestjoni u esportazzjoni ta’ tiġieġ li m’għadhomx ibiduminn Farms tat-Tiġieġ fil-Gżejjer Maltin.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.*Avviż Nru. WSM/037/2012. Kuntratt perjodiku għalOffsite Ambient Air Monitoring <strong>tal</strong>-Impjant tat-Trattament<strong>tal</strong>-Iskart f’Sant’Antnin.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of the ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eco Centre, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Friday,20th April, 2012 for:-Advt. No. WSM/029/2012. Supply and delivery of firstaid equipment, furniture, fixtures and fittings for the First AidRoom at the Sant’Antnin Waste Treatment Plant.Participation fee is free of charge.Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of the ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eco Centre, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Wednesday,2nd May, 2012 for:-Advt. No. WSM/033/2012. Supply and ins<strong>tal</strong>lationof automatic power factor correction equipment for theSant’Antnin Waste Treatment Plant in Marsaskala.Participation fee is free of charge.Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of the ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eco Centre, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Friday,4th May, 2012 for:-*Advt. No. WSM/035/2012. Supply and delivery ofnetworking, containment, power equipment and servicesfor the termination of optical fibre for Sant’Antnin WasteTreatment Plant in Marsaskala.Participation fee is free of charge.Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of the ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eco Centre, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Friday,11th May, 2012 for:-*Advt. No. WSM/036/2012. Period contract for thecollection, management and exportation of spent hens fromPoultry Farms in the Maltese Islands.A participation fee of €50.00 is being charged for eachtender document.*Advt. No. WSM/037/2012. Period contract for OffsiteAmbient Air Monitoring of the Sant’Antnin Waste TreatmentPlant.A participation fee of €50.00 is being charged for eachtender document.*Avviżi li qegħdin jidhru għall-ewwel darba*Advertisements appearing for the first time

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