Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta


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It-13 ta’ April, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE6465Nru. 434ATT DWAR IS-SIGURTÀ SOĊJALI(KAP. 318)Ħatra ta’ Panel Multi-dixxiplinarjuBIS-SAĦĦA <strong>tal</strong>-poteri mogħtija lilu bl-artikolu 106<strong>tal</strong>-Att dwar is-Sigurtà Soċjali (Kap. 318), il-Ministru <strong>tal</strong>-Ġustizzja, Konsultazzjoni Pubblika u l-Familja għoġbujaħtar lill-persuni li jidhru hawn taħt biex ikunu membri<strong>tal</strong>-Panel Multi-dixxiplinarju għall-finijiet speċifikati <strong>tal</strong>imsemmiAtt.Dott. David Mamo – PsikjatraDott. Edward Curmi – PsikologuIs-Sinja. Cynthia Scerri – Occupational TherapistIs-Sinja. Alexia Baldacchino – Ħaddiem SoċjaliDawn il-ħatriet huma valida sas-26 ta’ Marzu 2013.It-13 ta’ April, 2012Nru. 433OFFENDER ASSESSMENT BOARDNGĦARRFU għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illi bissaħħatas-setgħat mogħtija bl-Att dwar il-Ġustizzja Riparatriċi(Kap. 516), il-Ministru <strong>tal</strong>-Intern u Affarijiet Parlamentariħatar dawn il-membri fuq l-Offender Assessment Board.ChairpersonMs Roberta Zahra de Domenico, B.A. (Hons.), M.Psy.(Clin), Clinical Psychologist (MPPB Reg.) & FamilyTherapist (UKCP Reg.)MembriIs-Sur Anthony SchembriMs Roberta Holland, B.A. (Hons) MSc CPsychol CSci(UK) R. PsyIs-Sur Joseph Vella, B.Ed. (Hons), M.Ed.Dawn il-ħatriet daħlu fis-seħħ fid-29 ta’ Frar 2012 għalperjodu ta’ ħames snin.It-13 ta’ April, 2012No. 434SOCIAL SECURITY ACT(CAP. 318)Appointment of Multi-disciplinary PanelIN exercise of the powers vested in him by article 106 ofthe Social Security Act (Cap. 318), the Minister for Justice,Dialogue and the Family is pleased to appoint the personsshown hereunder to be members of the Multi-disciplinaryPanel for the purposes of the said Act.Dr David Mamo – PsychiatristDr Edward Curmi – PsychologistMs Cynthia Scerri – Occupational TherapistMs Alexia Baldacchino – Social WorkerThese appointments shall remain valid up to the 26thMarch 2013.13th April, 2012No. 433OFFENDER ASSESSMENT BOARDIT is hereby notified that in exercise of the powersconferred by the Restorative Justice Act (Cap. 516), theMinister for Home and Parliamentary Affairs has appointedthe following members of the Offender Assessment Board.ChairpersonMs Roberta Zahra de Domenico, B.A. (Hons.), M.Psy.(Clin), Clinical Psychologist (MPPB Reg.) & FamilyTherapist (UKCP Reg.)MembersMr Anthony SchembriMs Roberta Holland, B.A. (Hons) MSc CPsychol CSci(UK) R. PsyMr Joseph Vella, B.Ed. (Hons), M.Ed.These appointments came into force with effect from the29th February 2012 for a period of five years.13th April, 2012

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