OF THE ITALIANS IN EGYPT - University of North Carolina Wilmington

OF THE ITALIANS IN EGYPT - University of North Carolina Wilmington

OF THE ITALIANS IN EGYPT - University of North Carolina Wilmington


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Law. During the reign <strong>of</strong> Islma ‗il, an new institution was created: the Mixed Courts. 61This judicial body was created to settle disputes between locals and the many foreignersin the country. The Mixed Courts, established in 1876, dealt with civil and commercialcases involving locals and Europeans. This system was essential in order to have theability to put foreigners on trial who, before the Mixed Courts, could get away with themajority <strong>of</strong> the crimes they committed as the Capitulations provided them withextraterritoriality and diplomatic immunity. National Courts were then established in1884 to deal with disputes pertaining only to locals. 62Isma ‗il also wanted Egypt to look like Europe. He then promoted theconstruction <strong>of</strong> buildings in Cairo and Alexandria so that they could resemble Europeancities. Boulevards, squares, fountains, parks, tramways were built under his reign. Manywere the Italians employed in the architectural projects. An Italian was also chosen tocompose an opera to open the celebration <strong>of</strong> the Suez Canal: Giuseppe Verdi. ‗Aida‘ wasplayed in the opera house in Cairo, which was also built by two Italians, Avoscani andRossi. 63 The grandiose projects promoted by Isma ‗il further indebted the country and ledto the end <strong>of</strong> Egypt‘s political autonomy. In fact, while British investments allowed forthe development <strong>of</strong> the Suez Canal, which pushed many Italians looking for job to cometo Egypt, it made Egypt financially tied to Britain. The Suez Canal was vital for Britainas it permitted them to reach India, declared a colony <strong>of</strong> Britain in 1858. In the 1870sEgypt was experiencing financial crisis due to the fluctuation <strong>of</strong> the market. Britain and61 Bruno Aglietti, L’Egitto dagli avvenimenti del 1882 ai giorni nostri (Roma: Istituto per l‘Oriente, 1965),41.62 Cleveland, A History <strong>of</strong> the Modern Middle East, 98.63 Balboni, Gl'Italiani nella civilta' egiziana del secolo XIX; storia-biografie-monografie, 168.26

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