No 14 - Journal of Social Informatics / Revista de Informatica Sociala

No 14 - Journal of Social Informatics / Revista de Informatica Sociala No 14 - Journal of Social Informatics / Revista de Informatica Sociala


The conclusion of our statistical analysis is that the great number of students with low interest forindividual study based on the wiki resources is mainly due to the low frequence of teacherfeedback, low attendance of face-to-face meetings (no compulsory attendance was stipulated at thebeginning of the semester) and, finally, the students’ own type of involvement in the learningactivity, namely slow start and increased frequency after mid-semester and at the end-of-semesterintervals, when assessment constraints became imminent.4. CONCLUSIONSDue to the transition to the semantic web where most activities are carried out under the sign ofcollaboration and the results of numerous studies/ surveys attesting Web 2.0 technologies’beneficial impact on learning, we have decided to introduce the wiki as a component of a blendedlearning approach to learning English for Specific/Academic Purposes.Our research will continue with corrections and adaptations of the wiki platform in order to meetthe needs of students by creating a balance of face-to-face meetings and wiki presence, a regularfeedback pattern teacher-students and distributing tasks and assessment/ self-assessment activitiesduring the semester interval.A long-term goal would be to identify student profiles based on an interdisciplinary approach(cultural, educational, demographic, language level dimensions) that would allow us to personalisethe collaborative learning process into more efficient working groups. This would help us build adetermining/defining pattern of relationships based on methods from the game theory that wouldhelp optimise the learning process and bring about enhanced professional, social and personalresults for all parties involved.REFERENCES1. Carver, D., (1983). Some propositions about ESP. In The ESP Journal no. 2, pag: 131-137.2. Constructivismul in educatie, Digital competitiveness: Dillenbourg, P., Baker, M., Blaye, A., O'Malley, C., (1996). The evolution of research oncollaborative learning. In E. Spada and P. Reiman (eds). (1996). Learning in Humans andMachine: Towards an interdisciplinary learning science. pag: 189-211. Oxford: Elsevier.5. Doise, W., Mugny, G., (1984). The social development of the intellect. In Doise, W. andMugny, G., (1984). Dezvoltarea socială a intelectului. Oxford: Pergamon Press. Oxford:Pergamon Press.6. Drugan, T., Achimas, A., Tigan, S., (2005). Biostatistică, Editura SRIMA, Cluj-Napoca.7. Eurostat. Information Society Statistical Data, (2009). URL: Accessed 22 December 2010.8. Flash Eurobarometer nr. 260, (2009). Students and Higher Education Reform, URL: Retrieved 10 March 2010.9. Freeman, R. E., (1984). Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. Pitman PublishingInc., Marshfield, MA.10. Friedman, M., (1962). Capitalism and Freedom. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.11. Goodsell, A., Maher, M., Tinto, V., Leigh Smith, B., MacGregor, J., (1992). What IsCollaborative Learning? in Collaborative Learning: A Sourcebook for Higher Education, TheNational Center on Postsecondary Teaching, Learning, and Assessment at Pennsylvania StateUniversity.12. Harmer, J., (2007). English Language Teaching, Pearson. Longman.13. Harriman, G., (2010). Learning 2.0: fad, new pedagogical, or something else?, Retrieved 30 March, 2010.

14. Johnson, D.W., Johnson, R.T., Smith, K.A., (1998). Change, July/August, pag. 27-35.16. Jonasen, D.H., (2010). Technology as Cognitive Tools. Learners as Designers. URL: Retrieved 31 March 2010.17. Kommers, P.A.M, Jonassen, D., Mayes, T., (Eds) (1992). Cognitive Tools for learning.Heidelberg: Springer.18. Kovacic, A., Bubas, G., Zlatovic, M., (2007a). Evaluation of activities with a wiki system inteaching English as a second language. In International Conference ICT for Language Learning,Florence, Italy. Retrieved May 10, 2008, from: Kovacic, A., Bubas, G., Zlatovic, M., (2007b). Using a wiki system for learning activities in aspecialist English academic course. In Proceedings on the Conference Computers in Education,30 th International Convention MIPRO 2007, Opatija, Croatia, pag. 198-203.20. Leuf, B., Cunningham, W., (2001). The wiki way: Quick collaboration on the web. Boston:Addison Wesley.21. Mattison, D., (2003). Quickiwiki, Swiki, Twiki, Zwiki and the Plone wars: Wiki as a PIM andcollaborative content tool, [Electronic version]. Searcher, 11(4), pag. 32-48.22. Noveanu, E. (1999). Constructivismul in educatie. In Revista de Pedagogie, no. 7-12, pag. 7-16, Panitz, T., Collaborative versus cooperative learning- a comparison of the two concepts whichwill help us understand the underlying nature of interactive learning, Preda, A.M., Stanica, J.L., Crisan, D.A., (2011). A study on the stage of e-learning developmentin Romania. In European Integration - New Challenges, 6 th Edition 28-29 May 2010, Privateer, P., (1999). Academic Technology and the Future of Higher Education: Strategic PathsTaken and Not Taken. In Journal of Higher Education, 70(1), pag. 60-79 (apud. PhilippaGerbic, What About Flexible Learning And ICT? – A Review Of Technology Based FlexibleLearning, In Tertiary Education. URL: . Retrieved 1 April 2010.26. Resnick, L.B., (1991). Shared cognition: thinking as social practice. In L. Resnick, J. Levineand S. Teasley (Eds). (1991). Perspectives on Socially Shared Cognition. pag. 127-149.Hyattsville, MD: American Psychological Association.27. Schwartz, L., Clark, S., Cossarin, M., Rudolph, J., (2003). Educational Wikis: features andselection criteria, REPORT#:R27/0311, Seitzinger, J., (2006). Be constructive: blogs, podcasts, and wikis as constructivist learningtools. In Learning Solutions, Retrieved May 10, 2008, from: Unesco, (2002). Information and Communication Technology in Education. A Curriculum forSchools and Programme for Teacher Development, URL:, Retrieved 12 April 2010.30. Vîgotski, L. S., (1972). Opere psihologice alese, vol I-II, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică,Bucureşti.31. Wenger, E., (2006). Communities of practice: a brief introduction, Retrieved March 24, 2010,from

The conclusion <strong>of</strong> our statistical analysis is that the great number <strong>of</strong> stu<strong>de</strong>nts with low interest forindividual study based on the wiki resources is mainly due to the low frequence <strong>of</strong> teacherfeedback, low attendance <strong>of</strong> face-to-face meetings (no compulsory attendance was stipulated at thebeginning <strong>of</strong> the semester) and, finally, the stu<strong>de</strong>nts’ own type <strong>of</strong> involvement in the learningactivity, namely slow start and increased frequency after mid-semester and at the end-<strong>of</strong>-semesterintervals, when assessment constraints became imminent.4. CONCLUSIONSDue to the transition to the semantic web where most activities are carried out un<strong>de</strong>r the sign <strong>of</strong>collaboration and the results <strong>of</strong> numerous studies/ surveys attesting Web 2.0 technologies’beneficial impact on learning, we have <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to introduce the wiki as a component <strong>of</strong> a blen<strong>de</strong>dlearning approach to learning English for Specific/Aca<strong>de</strong>mic Purposes.Our research will continue with corrections and adaptations <strong>of</strong> the wiki platform in or<strong>de</strong>r to meetthe needs <strong>of</strong> stu<strong>de</strong>nts by creating a balance <strong>of</strong> face-to-face meetings and wiki presence, a regularfeedback pattern teacher-stu<strong>de</strong>nts and distributing tasks and assessment/ self-assessment activitiesduring the semester interval.A long-term goal would be to i<strong>de</strong>ntify stu<strong>de</strong>nt pr<strong>of</strong>iles based on an interdisciplinary approach(cultural, educational, <strong>de</strong>mographic, language level dimensions) that would allow us to personalisethe collaborative learning process into more efficient working groups. This would help us build a<strong>de</strong>termining/<strong>de</strong>fining pattern <strong>of</strong> relationships based on methods from the game theory that wouldhelp optimise the learning process and bring about enhanced pr<strong>of</strong>essional, social and personalresults for all parties involved.REFERENCES1. Carver, D., (1983). Some propositions about ESP. In The ESP <strong>Journal</strong> no. 2, pag: 131-137.2. Constructivismul in educatie,<strong>No</strong>veanu-Constructivismul.pdf.3. Digital competitiveness:<strong>de</strong>taildae.cfm?item_id=64994. Dillenbourg, P., Baker, M., Blaye, A., O'Malley, C., (1996). The evolution <strong>of</strong> research oncollaborative learning. In E. Spada and P. Reiman (eds). (1996). Learning in Humans andMachine: Towards an interdisciplinary learning science. pag: 189-211. Oxford: Elsevier.5. Doise, W., Mugny, G., (1984). The social <strong>de</strong>velopment <strong>of</strong> the intellect. In Doise, W. andMugny, G., (1984). Dezvoltarea socială a intelectului. Oxford: Pergamon Press. Oxford:Pergamon Press.6. Drugan, T., Achimas, A., Tigan, S., (2005). Biostatistică, Editura SRIMA, Cluj-Napoca.7. Eurostat. Information Society Statistical Data, (2009). URL: Accessed 22 December 2010.8. Flash Eurobarometer nr. 260, (2009). Stu<strong>de</strong>nts and Higher Education Reform, URL: Retrieved 10 March 2010.9. Freeman, R. E., (1984). Strategic Management: A Stakehol<strong>de</strong>r Approach. Pitman PublishingInc., Marshfield, MA.10. Friedman, M., (1962). Capitalism and Freedom. University <strong>of</strong> Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.11. Goodsell, A., Maher, M., Tinto, V., Leigh Smith, B., MacGregor, J., (1992). What IsCollaborative Learning? in Collaborative Learning: A Sourcebook for Higher Education, TheNational Center on Postsecondary Teaching, Learning, and Assessment at Pennsylvania StateUniversity.12. Harmer, J., (2007). English Language Teaching, Pearson. Longman.13. Harriman, G., (2010). Learning 2.0: fad, new pedagogical, or something else?, Retrieved 30 March, 2010.

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