No 14 - Journal of Social Informatics / Revista de Informatica Sociala

No 14 - Journal of Social Informatics / Revista de Informatica Sociala No 14 - Journal of Social Informatics / Revista de Informatica Sociala


An additional dimension to the four principles is to encourage mechanisms through whichinstitutions and students can strengthen the linkages between learning and economic returns. Whilethis does call for a strengthening of vocational programs that have been gutted in the U.S. over thepast decades, it also means providing mechanisms for learners to engage in practical experiencesthat are grounded in team building, communication, innovation and entrepreneurship – the veryskills that many U.S. employers find lacking; their absence is adding to the storm clouds facing theU.S. [24]. Fortunately, community-based learning experiences provide the mechanisms forembedding these experiences into the lives of learners.The same sorts of embedded predictive analytics that are comparing student performance withsuccessful students in the past may be applied to employability and workforce success in the future.We Conclude on a Hopeful Note. The emerging combination of institutional and open learningexperiences and options will provide both new pathways and mechanisms for exploitingorganizational processes that add value (as with some of the knowledge flows in online learning),and discovering fresh approaches to learning and competence building.These fresh approaches will be critical to reaching the goals that have been set for America –merely extrapolating existing approaches will prove too costly and unworkable. To achieveAmerica’s goals, learning enterprises need to increase their productivity, for example throughstrategic deployment of the insights that they gained in past innovations, but have notinstitutionalized as yet. This will help them to deliver greater value, to more students, with lesseffort, and at lower cost.ABOUT THE AUTHORSDr. Donald NORRIS, President of Strategic Initiatives, is recognized as a thought leader andskilled practitioner in developmental consulting for institutions, states, Ministries of Education andother knowledge enterprises that are striving to re-imagine learning and work in the aftermath of theGreat Recession and the realignment of processes and practices in its wake.Dr. Paul LEFRERE of Strategic Initiatives is also Senior Research Fellow at the OpenUniversity of the UK (Knowledge Media Institute) and Professor of eLearning at the University ofTampere, Finland (Vocational Learning and e-skills Centre). Previously, he was Executive Directorfor eLearning at Microsoft.

In collaboration with Strategic Initiatives’ other consultants and partners, Drs. Norris and Lefrereare involved in a wide range of projects globally that are finding new ways to leverage the e-Lifestyle to advance learning, entrepreneurship, innovation, commercialization of new ideas andcommunity problem solving. These projects involve leveraging open resources, practices andinnovations, combining them with pay-for-use models. They also involve addressing and advancingthe different approaches required for knowledge pathways and knowledge gaps. Norris and Lefrereare nurturing partnerships, globally, between universities, commercial enterprises, governments andcommunities to advance learning, work and entrepreneurship.As applied to the United States, our developmental consulting practice translates into the goal ofincreasing the productivity and flexibility of the educational system and the benefits that come fromthis, while reducing system costs. A key element is increasing the percentage of Americans whobenefit economically and educationally from acquiring and refreshing high-value degrees,credentials, certificates, and demonstrated competences throughout productive lives.REFERENCES1. Norris, D.M. & M.D. Dolence. Transforming Higher Education, A Vision for Learning in the 21stCentury, Ann Arbor: Society for College and University Planning, 1995.2. Baumol, W.J & S.A.B. Bateman. “How to Think About Rising College Cost” in Planning for HigherEducation, Volume 23(4), 1-7, Summer 1995.3. Twigg, C. Course Re-design Initiatives, National Center for Academic Transformation. Mayadas, F.A. Speech at 15th Annual Meeting, Sloan C Consortium, October, 2009.5. Norris, D.M. “Driving Systemic Change with e-Learning” in: Caroline Howard, Judith V. Boettcher,Lorraine Justice, Karen Schenk, Patricia L. Rogers, and Gary A. Berg (Eds.), Encyclopedia ofDistance Learning, Idea Group, Hershey, PA, 687-695, 2005.6. Norris, D.M. & L. Baer. “Linking Analytics to Lifting out of Recession,” White Paper. Available: Green, K.C. “Managing Online Programs,” presentation at WCET Meeting, October 28, 2009.8. Jan, T. “UMass Will Offer 3-Year Degree Plan,” The Boston Globe, September 27, 2010.9. LeBlanc, C. “Reinventing the Academy: Transforming for New Learners, Digital Technologies, AndStudent Success,” Reinventing the University: New Models & Innovations for 21 st Century Realities,New England Board of Higher Education, October 4, 2010.10. Smith, P. Harnessing America’s Wasted Talent: A New Ecology for Learning. San Francisco:Jossey-Bass, 2010.11. Christensen, C.M., M.P. Horn and C.W. Johnson, Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation WillChange the Way the World Learns (Expanded Edition). Harvard Business School Press, 2010.12. Norris, D.M. and L. Ramsayer. Ínterview with Lee Ramsayer,, “What’s New inAnalytics?” Kamenetz, A. “DIY U: Edupunks, Edupreneurs, and the Coming Transformation of HigherEducation,” White River Junction, Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing. 2010.14. Norris, D.M., J. Mason & P. Lefrere. Transforming eKnowledge: A Revolution in KnowledgeSharing, Ann Arbor: Society for College and University Planning, 2003.15. MSU Global Food Network. Available: Brown, J.S. & R.P. Adler. “Minds on Fire: Open Education, the Long Tail, and Learning 2.0” inEDUCAUSE Review, January/February 2009.17. ROLE Project. Available:, 2010.18. Knowledge Media Institute, UK Open University. Available:,2010.

In collaboration with Strategic Initiatives’ other consultants and partners, Drs. <strong>No</strong>rris and Lefrereare involved in a wi<strong>de</strong> range <strong>of</strong> projects globally that are finding new ways to leverage the e-Lifestyle to advance learning, entrepreneurship, innovation, commercialization <strong>of</strong> new i<strong>de</strong>as andcommunity problem solving. These projects involve leveraging open resources, practices andinnovations, combining them with pay-for-use mo<strong>de</strong>ls. They also involve addressing and advancingthe different approaches required for knowledge pathways and knowledge gaps. <strong>No</strong>rris and Lefrereare nurturing partnerships, globally, between universities, commercial enterprises, governments andcommunities to advance learning, work and entrepreneurship.As applied to the United States, our <strong>de</strong>velopmental consulting practice translates into the goal <strong>of</strong>increasing the productivity and flexibility <strong>of</strong> the educational system and the benefits that come fromthis, while reducing system costs. A key element is increasing the percentage <strong>of</strong> Americans whobenefit economically and educationally from acquiring and refreshing high-value <strong>de</strong>grees,cre<strong>de</strong>ntials, certificates, and <strong>de</strong>monstrated competences throughout productive lives.REFERENCES1. <strong>No</strong>rris, D.M. & M.D. Dolence. Transforming Higher Education, A Vision for Learning in the 21stCentury, Ann Arbor: Society for College and University Planning, 1995.2. Baumol, W.J & S.A.B. Bateman. “How to Think About Rising College Cost” in Planning for HigherEducation, Volume 23(4), 1-7, Summer 1995.3. Twigg, C. Course Re-<strong>de</strong>sign Initiatives, National Center for Aca<strong>de</strong>mic Transformation. Mayadas, F.A. Speech at 15th Annual Meeting, Sloan C Consortium, October, 2009.5. <strong>No</strong>rris, D.M. “Driving Systemic Change with e-Learning” in: Caroline Howard, Judith V. Boettcher,Lorraine Justice, Karen Schenk, Patricia L. Rogers, and Gary A. Berg (Eds.), Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong>Distance Learning, I<strong>de</strong>a Group, Hershey, PA, 687-695, 2005.6. <strong>No</strong>rris, D.M. & L. Baer. “Linking Analytics to Lifting out <strong>of</strong> Recession,” White Paper. Available: Green, K.C. “Managing Online Programs,” presentation at WCET Meeting, October 28, 2009.8. Jan, T. “UMass Will Offer 3-Year Degree Plan,” The Boston Globe, September 27, 2010.9. LeBlanc, C. “Reinventing the Aca<strong>de</strong>my: Transforming for New Learners, Digital Technologies, AndStu<strong>de</strong>nt Success,” Reinventing the University: New Mo<strong>de</strong>ls & Innovations for 21 st Century Realities,New England Board <strong>of</strong> Higher Education, October 4, 2010.10. Smith, P. Harnessing America’s Wasted Talent: A New Ecology for Learning. San Francisco:Jossey-Bass, 2010.11. Christensen, C.M., M.P. Horn and C.W. Johnson, Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation WillChange the Way the World Learns (Expan<strong>de</strong>d Edition). Harvard Business School Press, 2010.12. <strong>No</strong>rris, D.M. and L. Ramsayer. Ínterview with Lee Ramsayer,, “What’s New inAnalytics?” Kamenetz, A. “DIY U: Edupunks, Edupreneurs, and the Coming Transformation <strong>of</strong> HigherEducation,” White River Junction, Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing. 2010.<strong>14</strong>. <strong>No</strong>rris, D.M., J. Mason & P. Lefrere. Transforming eKnowledge: A Revolution in KnowledgeSharing, Ann Arbor: Society for College and University Planning, 2003.15. MSU Global Food Network. Available: Brown, J.S. & R.P. Adler. “Minds on Fire: Open Education, the Long Tail, and Learning 2.0” inEDUCAUSE Review, January/February 2009.17. ROLE Project. Available:, 2010.18. Knowledge Media Institute, UK Open University. Available:,2010.

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