No 14 - Journal of Social Informatics / Revista de Informatica Sociala

No 14 - Journal of Social Informatics / Revista de Informatica Sociala No 14 - Journal of Social Informatics / Revista de Informatica Sociala


19. Kvavik R.B., Caruso J.B. and Morgan G., (2004), ECAR Study of Students and Information Technology,2004: Convenience, Connection, and Control (Research Study, Vol.5). Boulder, CO: EDUCAUSECenter for Applied Research, retrieved on line: Lenhart A., Purcell K., Smith A. and Zickuhr K., (2010) Social Media and Young Adults, retrievedonline Lenhart A., Madden M., Rankin Macgill A. and Smith A., (2007), Teens and Social Media, Pew Internet& American Life Project, retrieved on line: Margaryan A. and Littlejohn A., (2009), “Are digital natives a myth or reality?: Students’ use oftechnologies for learning”, retrieved on line: McCarthy C., (2008), “ComScore: Facebook is beating MySpace worldwide”, C/Net News.Comretrieved on line: Meyrowitz J., (1985), No Sense of Place: The Impact of Electronic Media on Social Behavior, OxfordUniversity Press, New York.25. Nagler W. and Ebner M., (2009), “Is your university ready for the ne(x)t-generation?”, Proceedings of21st ED-Media Conference, 4344 - 4351, retrieved online: Naughton J., (2010), “The internet: Everything you ever need to know”, The Observer, June 22, pp.9-11.27. Oliver B. and Goerke V., (2007), “Australian undergraduates’ use and ownership of emergingtechnologies: Implications and opportunities for creating engaging learning experiences for the NetGeneration”, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 23(2), 171-186, retrieved on line: O’Reilly T., (2005), “What is Web 2.0”, retrieved online: Rideout V.J., Foher U.G. and Roberts D.F., (2010), Generation M2: Media in the lives of 8- to 18-yearolds.A Kaiser Family Foundation Study, retrieved on line: 012010bio.pdf.30. Smith S., Salaway G. and Caruso J.B., (2009), The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students andInformation Technology, 2009. Boulder, CO: EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research, retrieved online: Weber M. (1905), Die Protestantische Ethik, Siebenstern Taschenbuch Verlag, München und Hamburg.Biographical detailsAndrea POZZALI is assistant professor of Economics at the European University of Rome, and hecollaborates with the Observatory on New Media nuMediaBios of the University of Milano-Bicocca. His main field of research involves the analysis of the social impact of digitalcommunication technologies, in particular for what concerns processes of knowledge transmissionand sharing.Paolo Maria FERRI is associate professor in the Department of Educational Sciences of theUniversity of Milano-Bicocca and he coordinates the Observatory on New Media nuMediaBios. Heteaches “Technology of Education” and “Theory and application of New Media” in the graduationcourses of the Faculty of Educational Sciences. He also taught in after graduation courses andinternational and interdisciplinary PhD. His main field of research involves didactical technologiesand theory and practice of new media. He published many books, essays in books, papers injournals and conference proceedings.

Web-Inquiry Project Into The Curriculum:Beyond The WebquestSimão Pedro P. MARINHOPontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas GeraisPrograma de Pós-graduação em EducaçãoPontifícia Universidade Católica de MinasGerais – PUC Amélia TEIXEIRA VILELAPontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas GeraisPrograma de Pós-graduação em EducaçãoPontifícia Universidade Católica de MinasGerais – PUC MACHADO SIMÕESMARINHOEscola Municipal Professor Amílcaré Wilson DA COSTAPontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas GeraisPrograma de Pós-graduação em EducaçãoPontifícia Universidade Católica deMinas Gerais – PUC Minasjwcosta01@gmail.comAbstractThe WebQuest [WQ] was one important strategy, proposed by Bernie Dodge, for the use of internet in theschool. However, the WQ, being a structured research, is criticized for not allowing more freedom to thestudents, since restricts the information sources, previously selected, and defines the products that will beproduced by them. A new proposal, the Web-Inquiry Project [WIP], emerges as an activity less structuredthan WQ, allowing to the students freedom to conduct their own research. They can choose online datasources, identify ways to manipulate and analyze them and also choose the best strategies forcommunicating their findings. WIP must be seen as an alternative that advances in relation to WQ exactlyby allowing more autonomy to students. The article describes the WIP, highlighting the convenience of itsinclusion in High School and Higher Education curriculum, what should be considered by the school thatintends to be contemporary of a society immersed in information and communication digital technologiesand that seeks for better uses of Internet, as a resource for learning, combined with autonomy.Keywords: WebQuest – Web-inquiry Project – internet – school – autonomyRezumatWebQuest (WQ) a fost o strategie importantă propusă de către Bernie Dodge pentru utilizarea Internetuluiîn şcoli. Însă, datorită faptului că este o cercetare controlată, WQ este criticată pentru că nu permite maimultă libertate studenților, limitează sursele de informație, selectate anterior, şi defineşte rezultatele carepot fi obținute. A apărut o nouă propunere, Web-Inquiry Project (WIP) , ca o activitate mai puțin controlatădecât WQ, permițându-le studenților o mai mare libertate de a efectua propriile cercetări. Aceştia pot alegesurse online de date, pot identifica metode de manipulare şi analizare acestor date precum şi cele mai bunestrategii de diseminare a rezultatelor obținute. WIP trebuie privit ca o alternativă la WQ, dar una care leoferă studenților o mai mare autonomie. Articolul descrie proiectul WIP, subliniind disponibilitatea acestuiapentru a fi inclus in educația liceală şi universitară, precum şi ce ar trebui ca să cunoască şcolile care iauacest program în considerare, în legătură cu societatea informațională şi tehnologiile de comunicaredigitală, ca resurse de învățare autonomă.Cuvinte cheie: WebQuest – Web-inquiry Project – internet-şcoală-autonomieRevista de Informatică Socialăanul VII, nr. 14, decembrie 2010ISSN 1584-384X

Web-Inquiry Project Into The Curriculum:Beyond The WebquestSimão Pedro P. MARINHOPontifícia Universida<strong>de</strong> Católica <strong>de</strong> Minas GeraisPrograma <strong>de</strong> Pós-graduação em EducaçãoPontifícia Universida<strong>de</strong> Católica <strong>de</strong> MinasGerais – PUC Amélia TEIXEIRA VILELAPontifícia Universida<strong>de</strong> Católica <strong>de</strong> Minas GeraisPrograma <strong>de</strong> Pós-graduação em EducaçãoPontifícia Universida<strong>de</strong> Católica <strong>de</strong> MinasGerais – PUC MACHADO SIMÕESMARINHOEscola Municipal Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Amílcaré Wilson DA COSTAPontifícia Universida<strong>de</strong> Católica <strong>de</strong> Minas GeraisPrograma <strong>de</strong> Pós-graduação em EducaçãoPontifícia Universida<strong>de</strong> Católica <strong>de</strong>Minas Gerais – PUC Minasjwcosta01@gmail.comAbstractThe WebQuest [WQ] was one important strategy, proposed by Bernie Dodge, for the use <strong>of</strong> internet in theschool. However, the WQ, being a structured research, is criticized for not allowing more freedom to thestu<strong>de</strong>nts, since restricts the information sources, previously selected, and <strong>de</strong>fines the products that will beproduced by them. A new proposal, the Web-Inquiry Project [WIP], emerges as an activity less structuredthan WQ, allowing to the stu<strong>de</strong>nts freedom to conduct their own research. They can choose online datasources, i<strong>de</strong>ntify ways to manipulate and analyze them and also choose the best strategies forcommunicating their findings. WIP must be seen as an alternative that advances in relation to WQ exactlyby allowing more autonomy to stu<strong>de</strong>nts. The article <strong>de</strong>scribes the WIP, highlighting the convenience <strong>of</strong> itsinclusion in High School and Higher Education curriculum, what should be consi<strong>de</strong>red by the school thatintends to be contemporary <strong>of</strong> a society immersed in information and communication digital technologiesand that seeks for better uses <strong>of</strong> Internet, as a resource for learning, combined with autonomy.Keywords: WebQuest – Web-inquiry Project – internet – school – autonomyRezumatWebQuest (WQ) a fost o strategie importantă propusă <strong>de</strong> către Bernie Dodge pentru utilizarea Internetuluiîn şcoli. Însă, datorită faptului că este o cercetare controlată, WQ este criticată pentru că nu permite maimultă libertate stu<strong>de</strong>nților, limitează sursele <strong>de</strong> informație, selectate anterior, şi <strong>de</strong>fineşte rezultatele carepot fi obținute. A apărut o nouă propunere, Web-Inquiry Project (WIP) , ca o activitate mai puțin controlată<strong>de</strong>cât WQ, permițându-le stu<strong>de</strong>nților o mai mare libertate <strong>de</strong> a efectua propriile cercetări. Aceştia pot alegesurse online <strong>de</strong> date, pot i<strong>de</strong>ntifica meto<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> manipulare şi analizare acestor date precum şi cele mai bunestrategii <strong>de</strong> diseminare a rezultatelor obținute. WIP trebuie privit ca o alternativă la WQ, dar una care le<strong>of</strong>eră stu<strong>de</strong>nților o mai mare autonomie. Articolul <strong>de</strong>scrie proiectul WIP, subliniind disponibilitatea acestuiapentru a fi inclus in educația liceală şi universitară, precum şi ce ar trebui ca să cunoască şcolile care iauacest program în consi<strong>de</strong>rare, în legătură cu societatea informațională şi tehnologiile <strong>de</strong> comunicaredigitală, ca resurse <strong>de</strong> învățare autonomă.Cuvinte cheie: WebQuest – Web-inquiry Project – internet-şcoală-autonomie<strong>Revista</strong> <strong>de</strong> Informatică <strong>Social</strong>ăanul VII, nr. <strong>14</strong>, <strong>de</strong>cembrie 2010ISSN 1584-384X

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