No 14 - Journal of Social Informatics / Revista de Informatica Sociala

No 14 - Journal of Social Informatics / Revista de Informatica Sociala No 14 - Journal of Social Informatics / Revista de Informatica Sociala


SEMNAL EDITORIALLaura MALITA, Vanna BOFFODigital Storytelling for EmployabilityFirenze University PressFirenze, Italia 2010ISBN: 978-88-6453-178-6, 128 ppAceastă publicaţie face parte din munca partenerilor implicaţi în proiectul L@JOST (Învaţădespre cum să îţi găseşti un loc de muncă prin intermediul povestirilor digitale). L@JOST esteun proiect care a început în decembrie 2008, cu o durată de doi ani şi având ca scop principalsporirea posibilităţilor de angajare a tinerilor absolvenţi. Prin acest material am încercat să oferimprincipalilor beneficiari ai proiectului L@JOST câteva aprecieri asupra principalelor produse aleacestui proiect. Astfel, prin studiul acestei publicaţii, absolvenţii vor avea posibilitatea să înveţecum să combine sau să folosească separat povestirile digitale şi ePortofoliile pentru a accesa mairepede şi într-un mod relevant piaţa muncii.Cartea poate fi citită online pe GoogleBooks: publication results from the research work undertaken by the partner institutions involved inthe KA3-ICT Project Transversal Lifelong Learning Programme, Learn about finding jobs fromdigital storytelling (143429-2008-LLP-RO-KA3MP), with the main purpose of enhancinggraduates' employability possibilities. For graduating students looking for a job it is perhapsharder than ever to meet success on the job market. They must use every tool they know toexpress themselves and to reflect their knowledge, competences and skills. The book aims toexplain the main aspects of using digital storytelling as a method for employability, careerdevelopment, reflection, assessment, consultancy, presentation and communication. Throughdigital storytelling, students begin to comprehend how all the elements of writing a narrativework together and how to manipulate them for the best effects in readers and viewers. Also,sharing and evaluating digital stories among peers in an excellent way to foster self-expressionand tolerance and to create an engaged community of learners.The book can be read online on GoogleBooks: de Informatică Socialăanul VII, nr. 14, decembrie 2010ISSN 1584-384X

Laura MALITA, Vanna BOFFO(eds.)Finding the First Jobs through Digital Storytelling.A Guide to Getting into the Employment WorldMirton PrintinghouseTimişoara 2010This publication is part of the work of the partners involved in the L@JOST project (Learn aboutfinding jobs from digital storytelling). L@JOST is a Lifelong Learning Transversal Programme,KA3-ICT Project, which had started in December 2008, having a two years lifespan and the mainpurpose of enhancing the employability possibilities of graduated students. Through the presentmaterial we tried to offer to the main beneficiaries of the L@JOST project some useful insightsinto the main outputs of the project. Therefore, reading this material, graduated students will havethe possibility to learn how to combine or to use separately the digital storytelling and ePortfolioin order to access faster and proper the labour market.

Laura MALITA, Vanna BOFFO(eds.)Finding the First Jobs through Digital Storytelling.A Gui<strong>de</strong> to Getting into the Employment WorldMirton PrintinghouseTimişoara 2010This publication is part <strong>of</strong> the work <strong>of</strong> the partners involved in the L@JOST project (Learn aboutfinding jobs from digital storytelling). L@JOST is a Lifelong Learning Transversal Programme,KA3-ICT Project, which had started in December 2008, having a two years lifespan and the mainpurpose <strong>of</strong> enhancing the employability possibilities <strong>of</strong> graduated stu<strong>de</strong>nts. Through the presentmaterial we tried to <strong>of</strong>fer to the main beneficiaries <strong>of</strong> the L@JOST project some useful insightsinto the main outputs <strong>of</strong> the project. Therefore, reading this material, graduated stu<strong>de</strong>nts will havethe possibility to learn how to combine or to use separately the digital storytelling and ePortfolioin or<strong>de</strong>r to access faster and proper the labour market.

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