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genuine, efficient and effective internal market in energy by 2014… Energy interconnectionshould be enhanced to help underpin security of supply.” 160This is a promising intervention but the UK cannot rest on its laurels. The UK has fullyimplemented the Third Energy Package, the first country to do so, however the fact that theUK was the only state to introduce this package early on and the patchy record of the othermember states in implementing it has led the Trade Policy Research Centre to warn that“Energy is yet another area where the UK’s efforts to achieve EU reform have been less thansuccessful”. 161 The UK has a right to demand that other member states comply with theircurrent Treaty obligations faster so that the UK isn’t put at a disadvantage.Clearly further action is needed by the EU to make sure that interconnection is madeavailable. However, “completing the Single Market” cannot be allowed to become a catch-allterm which justifies unnecessary harmonisation or further over-prescriptive regulation. Theassumption that harmonisation and more regulations will complete the Single Market andwill bolster competitiveness can also only be taken so far. Tendency towards harmonisation,while useful in certain cases, is not always beneficial. Energy UK has noted that in certainareas, in particular interconnection, “a one-size-fits-all EU approach is not appropriate”. 162“It is important in our view that the Network Codes focus particularly onovercoming barriers to trade and do not impose unnecessary costs. Thisis particularly important for a mature competitive market such as the UK,where costly system changes could be required without major benefit interms of promoting cross border competition.”- Energy UK 163Harmonisation and interconnection is important for exporters, but it cannot be seen as acure all to the problems that EU policy has created. The fact that several proposals haven’teven improved cross border trade just underlines the limits of this approach.The European Commission has a poor track record of introducing expensive and ineffectiveregulation in the name of “completing the Single Market”. While there are many potentialbenefits in dismantling barriers to trade, protections are needed to make sure that“completing the Single Market” doesn’t become an excuse for introducing unnecessarylaws.160 Joint letter to President Van Rompuy and President Barroso, 20 February 2012, found at 161 Trade Policy Research Centre, The EU, Energy and Climate Change, p. 11, 23 October 2012162,163 Energy UK, Balance of Competences Review, 15 January 2014, found at 49

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