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It is clear that there is a deep concern among British business leaders that the EU is notworking in their interests. At the very least, these results suggest that there needs to be asubstantial return of powers to the UK.Finally, when asked what they would like the future relationship between Britain and the EUto look like, a majority of manufacturers made it clear that they thought that powers shouldreturn to the UK, with the majority calling for the return of powers. Only 6 per cent opted forcloser integration (full details are provided in Table 7).Table 7: Views on the future relationship between the UK and EUPlease say which of the following best describes what you think Britain should do? (%)All businessesManufacturingIntegrate more deeply with the EU, eventuallybecoming part of the Eurozone.Remain a member of the EU but don’t join theEuroRemain a member of the EU but repatriatesome powers back to Britain only so long asEU-wide reform is achieved creating a multitierEuropeNegotiate a new relationship with the EUbased on trade with the Single Market andallow non-exporting British companies theability to opt out of European legislationLeave the EU and don’t negotiate a newrelationship10 621 2120 1828 3616 17Don’t know 5 34.2Promoting cross border tradeThe EU is clear that it sees improving cross border trade and completing the Single Marketin energy as the main tool for lowering energy prices. There are certainly many potentialbenefits which come from removing barriers to trade: the prospect of larger markets andmore competition means a Single Market in energy has always been an attractive idea.However, attempts to improve the Single Market need to be reviewed critically to make sureany future proposals actually do improve cross border trade.The British Government has already taken the lead in promoting more cross border tradebetween the EU member states. David Cameron recently wrote a letter to the Presidentof the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, stating that the EU needed “to establish aEnergy Policyand the EU48

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