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41 per cent of British manufacturers said that they would vote for Britain to leave theEU, 53 per cent said that they would vote to stay. When asked, 53 per cent of our pollingrespondents said that they thought that the costs of Single Market regulation outweighedthe benefits of being part of the EU, only 37 per cent thought that benefits outweighed thecosts, as can be seen in Table 5:Table 5: Views on the costs and benefits of the EUWhich statement best reflects your view: the costs of complying with EU Single Marketregulation outweighs the benefits of being in the EU, or the benefits of being in the EUoutweighs the costs of complying with EU Single Market regulation? (%)All businessesManufacturingCosts outweigh benefits 46 53Benefits outweigh costs 37 38Neither 8 5Don't know 10 9The evidence from our polls and interviews showed that people thought that the mainproblem with the current terms of EU membership was the large volume of EU regulation.While the leaders of large companies were most likely to say that the benefits of the SingleMarket outweighed the costs, small business leaders in particular were overwhelminglyopposed to the current situation.In our poll we asked manufacturing business leaders to decide whether they thought the EUor the UK Government should be in control of key policy areas currently under the purviewof the European Union, the results are provided in Figure 25.Figure 25: Views on the balance of competences47

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