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There are also security concerns. Europe’s dependency on foreign suppliers of energy reducesits diplomatic clout (something that was highlighted in the recent Ukraine crisis). Followingthe recent uprising in Kiev and subsequent regional turmoil, British trade bodies warnedthat the supply of gas could be compromised, with the British Ceramic Confederationwarning that:“The problems in Ukraine reinforce the need for the Government to ensure theUK has extra gas storage capacity and a requirement to hold adequate safetystocks. Uncertainty over supply has led to terrible price volatility in the pastand will do so in future, leading to harmful effects on manufacturing andinvestment and a possible loss of jobs.”- British Ceramic Confederation 149Concerns have also been raised by the House of Lords who have warned that “The UK isnot directly dependent on Russian supplies but in an integrated market we would not beimmune from shortages or price increases across the European Union”. 150Reducing the burdens faced by European energy suppliers shouldn’t just be consideredan economic necessity; it should be seen as an essential component of Europe’s security.Dependency on other countries also means that the EU’s commitment to combatingclimate change is thrown into question, as many states don’t comply with the same highgreen standards as those found in Europe. 1514Changing the situation“Europe’s carbon and energy markets are dysfunctional.”- The Economist 152As shown above there is very little confidence in EU energy policy among commentators:it is incredibly expensive and despite decades of work the EU has not yet managed tocomplete the Single Market in gas or electricity (see section 2.4). On top of this, certain energymeasures, in particular the Large Combustion Plant Directive, have imposed significant costson the UK, adding to many firms’ compliance costs. Europe’s Energy Intensive Industrieshave already started to leave for cheaper locations and jobs losses are starting to mount.Energy Policyand the EU149 British Ceramic Confederation, Press Release on turmoil in Ukraine could spark energy crisis for UK Industry, found at 150 House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee, The Economic Impact on UK Energy Policy of Shale Gas and Oil, p. 17, May 2014,found at 151 It is easy to exaggerate the difference between EU and other countries green credentials. Certain reports have stressedthat in many ways the EU and the US have very similar systems and that industries transferring between the two may becarbon neutral. However, it is clear that other states are much more lax when it comes to EU law. See D. Buchan, Costs,competitiveness and climate policy: distortions across Europe, p.5 found at 152 “Europe’s energy woes”, The Economist, 25 January 2014, p.3244

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