Sara Jo Grethlein - Drexel University College of Medicine

Sara Jo Grethlein - Drexel University College of Medicine

Sara Jo Grethlein - Drexel University College of Medicine


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<strong>Sara</strong> <strong>Jo</strong>’s Story…S ara <strong>Jo</strong> <strong>Grethlein</strong>, M.D., is currently AssociateDean for Graduate Medical Education andAssociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong>. The oncologistnot only treats cancer patients, but she alsoattends to her duties as a top educator at State<strong>University</strong> New York Upstate Medical <strong>University</strong>.In her position, she oversees the trainingprograms for roughly 450 residents and fellowsat Upstate Medical <strong>University</strong> in Syracuse. Herduties range from reviewing curricula andaccreditation documents, and meeting withresidents who may be struggling, to participatingin educational events such aslectures or small group teaching.Dr. <strong>Grethlein</strong> received herundergraduate degree in chemicalengineering from Washington<strong>University</strong> in St. Louis, Mo.,completed medical school atSUNY Brooklyn, then returnedto St. Louis for her residency ininternal medicine and fellowshipsin hematology and oncology. Shecame to Upstate after acquiring her fellowships.Her career thus far has been filled with manymemorable experiences. Dr. <strong>Grethlein</strong> earnedthe Anita Award from Hospice and PalliativeCare Associates in November <strong>of</strong> 2002. In 2004,she was named one the Central New York’s BestDoctors by a survey published by In GoodHealth—CNY Healthcare Newspaper. Shereceived the Upstate Medical Center President’sAward for Excellence in Teaching in 2005.Dr. <strong>Grethlein</strong> also mentors through the studentchapter <strong>of</strong> the American Medical Women’sAssociation.In <strong>Sara</strong> <strong>Jo</strong>’s own words:“The most important door that ELAM openedwas the one that I constructed. ELAM gave methe tools necessary to see past barriers and tostop imposing limitations on myself. One <strong>of</strong> themost useful exercises was the series <strong>of</strong> interviewsI conducted with leaders across myinstitution. I now find myself welcomedby all <strong>of</strong> them, and thought <strong>of</strong> by themfor new opportunities. I was put incharge <strong>of</strong> a significant component <strong>of</strong>an institution-wide strategic planninginitiative in part as a result <strong>of</strong> suchan interview.My ELAM/ ELUM community remainsan ongoing element <strong>of</strong> my pr<strong>of</strong>essionallife. We have monthly conference callsand have had 3 in-person meetings sincethe end <strong>of</strong> ELAM. Everyone can't make everyencounter, but it has been a significant support –a safe haven for discussion, rehearsal and personalstrategic planning. We <strong>of</strong>ten reference our ELAMmaterials (within the past month, we reviewedPage Morahan's notes on preparing an ExecutiveSummary). I have also reached out to ELUMs thatI don’t personally know when doing referencechecks on potential leaders at our institution.Each <strong>of</strong> these connections has been fruitful anda positive experience.“I give to ELAM out <strong>of</strong> a sense <strong>of</strong> gratitude.”The ELAM experience was a gift. The “TOOT”(time-out-<strong>of</strong>-time) to focus on my personal careerdevelopment, the ongoing community, and the“Middle-aged Girls Network” are key elements tomy pr<strong>of</strong>essional life. It was constructive, fun andeye opening. There are insufficient opportunitiesfor reflection, truly constructive critique (free <strong>of</strong>political entanglements), and experimentation inacademic medicine. ELAM has advanced my skills,built my network and opened a multitude <strong>of</strong> doorsfor me.I give to ELAM out <strong>of</strong> a sense <strong>of</strong> gratitude. Myinstitution chose to invest in my pr<strong>of</strong>essionalfuture, and I have reaped the benefits. In ourcurrent (perpetual?) climate <strong>of</strong> fiscal constraint,this program might be seen by some as a luxury. Ibelieve that ELAM is an essential ingredient to thesuccess <strong>of</strong> women in Academic <strong>Medicine</strong>. Not onlydoes ELAM contribute to individual pr<strong>of</strong>essionaladvancement, but the research generated by theELAM team provides data to construct optimalcareer ladders for the next generation. I also giveto ELAM out <strong>of</strong> selfishness – I enjoy the websitediscussion, the <strong>Jo</strong>b Postings, and the ongoing sense<strong>of</strong> a web <strong>of</strong> supportive peers lurking behind me.”…supporting a legacy <strong>of</strong> women’s leadership

Thank you, Class <strong>of</strong> 2007The ELAM ® Program was established as a legacy <strong>of</strong> women’s leadershiprooted in the first medical school for women. This legacy <strong>of</strong> women’sleadership now continues with YOU. Many ELUMs have describedtheir experience in ELAM as life changing, transformational,empowering and affirming. Others have called it priceless and a gift.Participating in ELAM requires a significant commitment. We ask foryour continued commitment and support, to ELAM and to advancingthe legacy <strong>of</strong> women’s leadership, through your gift.As we celebrate the successes <strong>of</strong> ELUMs, we recognize that our workremains far from done. Along with preparing women for roles asleaders and change agents, we are committed to provide continuingstewardship <strong>of</strong> your leadership journeys. With your help, we will beginto plan a range <strong>of</strong> activities focusing on ELUMs by:Building the ELAM Community: expanding support for nationaland regional face-to-face meetings <strong>of</strong> ELAM alumnae with seedgrants from our new Legacy Fund as well as more powerful virtualconnectionsDonna ArnettSuzanne BarbourIris BorowskyAllison BrashearFerne BravemanRobin BreySally Camper<strong>Jo</strong>an CangiarellaMolly CarnesKaren ColleyDoris CopeGiselle Corbie-SmithLinda CottlerMyriam CuretAnne CurtisDiane DaveyCheryl DeVoreTeresa DolanMona FouadLinda FrenchBarbara Greenberg<strong>Sara</strong> <strong>Jo</strong> <strong>Grethlein</strong>Cheryl HanauJeri Hepworth<strong>Jo</strong>anne HildenRobin JarrettJudith <strong>Jo</strong>nesCynthia JumperElla KazerooniJudy KerstenJanice LageVeronica MallettMartha Medrano<strong>Jo</strong>yce MitchellAlicia MonroeWendy MouradianAina PuceMichele PugnaireSandra QuinnVéronique RogerShelley SmithCarol TerreginoDebara TucciBrenda WilsonAnne WrightHelen YinZ<strong>of</strong>ia ZukowskaMary Zutter“ELAM deserves our support and I am pleased to contribute.” -Lisa Tedesco(ELAM Class <strong>of</strong> 1997)Class <strong>of</strong> 2007: Cumulative giving <strong>of</strong> $2,250.Thank you for your continued support.Sustaining Successful Leadership and Transitions: reaching outto address all aspects <strong>of</strong> the leadership continuum, from changingroles to moving to new positions within or beyond their institutionDeveloping Post-ELAM Educational Opportunities: creating aportfolio <strong>of</strong> advanced modules to further your pr<strong>of</strong>essionaldevelopment beyond ELAMINTRODUCING THE LEGACY FUNDIn April 2009, the graduating ELAM class raised more than $20,000 indonations and pledges, with the goal <strong>of</strong> establishing explicit support forELAM alumnae programming. With their generous initial contribution<strong>of</strong> $7,000, ELAM has initiated the Legacy Fund aimed at providingsupport for community building within and across classes and learningcommunities. Once the Legacy Project funds reach $25,000, ELAM willestablish a process for ELAM alumnae to apply for seed grants to sponsorclass reunions, regional ELUM gatherings and similar events. In theLegacy Fund’s initial phase, a portion <strong>of</strong> your gift will go to buildingthis fund.

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