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<strong>SIRIO</strong> - <strong>VENERE</strong>Emergency lamp.Emergency and step lighting, Made in Italy, withsurface-mounted or semi-embedded operating -230V~, 50Hz.Аварийные лампы.Аварийное освещение и сигнализация Made inItaly, наружная и полувстроенная модификации- 230V~, 50Hz.The range, which complies with the EN 60598-2-22 standard,is characterised by efficient combination of electronictransformer and efficient optics to reduce the numberof bulbs able to obtain the illuminations prescribed by theUNI EN1838 standard:• Compact electronic circuit to obtain thickness of less than50 mm;• Simplified way of assembly and wiring.Pictograms on request for highlighting of the exit ways.As for lighting technique performances, for each model thereare SE executions available:• B = Base 1h.• H = High performance (High).• 3hThe LED solution is available for SA executions and is characterisedby large luminosity and an average life span ofmore than 10 years before replacing the lighting source thatsignifies very low maintenance costs.The reflective and symmetric parabola makes the bulb suitablefor ceiling installation while the deflector kit transformsit into asymmetric optics for wall installation. Connecting tomains is possible by using the cable through, a stiff or acorrugated tubeFixing distances:• 150 mm for plugs;• 85 mm for Italian/Spanish rectangular box;• 60 mm for round (European/world) boxThe charging in 12 hours is guaranteed for the operationswith duration of 1 hour (h).9 parts makes the article according to the table 1.Серия, соответствующая нормативу EN 60598-2-22,характеризуется эффективным сочетанием электронногоблока питания и отличной оптикой для сниженияколичества ламп, способна создать освещение,соответствующее нормативам UNI EN 1838:• Компактный электронный контур для получениятолщины менее 50 mm;• Облегченный монтаж и кабельное соединение.По запросу пиктограммы для указания путей эвакуации.В том, что касается светотехнических данных, для каждоймодели имеются модификации SE:• B = Базовый вариант 1ч.• H = Высокие эксплуатационные качества (High)• 3чДля модификаций SA предлагается решение сиспользованием светодиодов высокой яркости и среднимсроком службы 10 лет до замены светового источника, чтоозначает очень низкие расходы на обслуживание.Отражающая тарелка симметричного типа делаетвозможной установку лампы на потолок, а дефлектортрансформирует ее в ассиметричную оптику дляустановки на стену.Подключение к сети возможно с помощью наружнойпроводки, жестких или гофрированных труб.Расстояния при фиксации:• 150 mm для дюбелей;• 85 mm для прямоугольной итальянской/испанскойкоробки;• 60 mm для кругл ой к оробки (европейскоймеждународной).Подзарядка в течение 12 часов гарантирует 1 час (h)автономной работы.Прибор состоит из 9 частей, описанных в таблице 1.Blister packs with the worldchampion Marco MaterazziБлистерная упаковка спортретом чемпиона мираМарко Матерацци.184www.relco.it

ArticleАртикулIPLampЛампаBattery NiCdFluxLm SA 1h 3h Volt AhCodeКод<strong>SIRIO</strong> 6 B SE 1V N RM 42 6W G5 70 - 0,7 3,6 1,2 1 1943REL<strong>SIRIO</strong> 6 H SE 1V N RM 42 6W G5 150 - 1,05 6 1,6 1,2 1943HREL<strong>SIRIO</strong> 6 B SE 3V N RM 42 6W G5 70 - 0,5 6 1,6 1,4 1945REL<strong>SIRIO</strong> 11 B SE 1V N RM 42 11W 2G7 145 - 1,05 3,6 1,6 1,2 1956REL<strong>SIRIO</strong> 11 H SE 1V N RM 42 11W 2G7 389 - 1,05 6 1,6 1,4 1993REL<strong>SIRIO</strong> 11 B SE 3V N RM 42 11W 2G7 145 - 0,5 6 1,6 1,4 1992REL<strong>SIRIO</strong> 5L B SA 1 V N RM 42 5 Led 1W 320 200 1,05 3,6 1,6 1 1995REL<strong>VENERE</strong> 8 B SE 1 V N RM 42 8W G5 95 - 1,05 3,6 1,6 1,17 12102/REL<strong>VENERE</strong> 8 H SE 1 V N RM E * 65 8W G5 240 - 1 6 1,6 1,24 12102HREL<strong>VENERE</strong> 8 B SE 3 V N RM 42 8W G5 95 - 0,6 6 1,6 1,24 121023/REL<strong>VENERE</strong> 24 B SE 1 V N RM 42 24W 2G11 300 - 1,05 6 1,6 1,24 12104REL<strong>VENERE</strong> 24 H SE 1 V N RM E * 65 24W 2G11 700 - 2 6 3,6 1,63 12104/HREL<strong>VENERE</strong> 24 B SE 3 V N RM 42 24W 2G11 220 - 1,1 6 3,6 1,63 12104/3REL<strong>VENERE</strong> 5LB SA 1 V N RM 42 5 LED 1W 400 300 1,05 3,6 1,6 1,17 12104/SAREL<strong>SIRIO</strong> 6W...<strong>SIRIO</strong> 11W...* ExtractableСъемная<strong>SIRIO</strong> LED11527048www.relco.it185

<strong>VENERE</strong> 8<strong>VENERE</strong> 24<strong>VENERE</strong> LED14514550370Fixed execution (F)Фиксированнаямодификация (F)70370Extractable execution (E)Съемная модификация (E)TABLE - таблице 1PART - частей1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9seriesLamp powerМощностьсветовогоисточника(W) (*)Lighting fluxСветовойпотокTypeТипDurationВремяавтономнойработы в часах(h)testBatteryАккумуляторыBattery discharge inhibitionОтключение при разрядкеаккумуляторовExecutionМодификацияExample/ПримерNumber/НомерStandard/ОбычныйHigh eff./Повышенная эффективностьLedEmergency onlyТолько аварийная работаEvery ON/iNumber/НомерSight test/ОткрытыйAutotestCentraltestNichel CadmiumSwitch (under key)Выключатель (закрывается наключ)Safety deviceУстройство безопасности(Rest Mode)Not present/ОтсутствуетFixe/ФиксированнаяExtractable/Съемнаяacronyms Sirio - B H L SE SA 1 3 V A C N I RM X E9 parts makes the article according to the following table 1Прибор состоит из 9 частей, описанных в таблице 1.186www.relco.it

The solution for every need with the autonomous emergency appliancePlaces Regulation and laws Current requisitesRecommended productsHotelsDM 9/4/1994Short interruption safety power supply• Hotels, motels, holiday village,(≤ 0,5 sec); Charging time 12 h. Autonomy 1h; illuminationrooms for rent, holiday houses, farm DL 14/08/96 - n° 493not less than 5 luxholidays, mountanis refuges, residencesEN 1838BuildingsReliable safety illumination and signalling of the emergencythan 400m 2 EN 1838DM 16/5/87 - n° 246• Civil dwelling with the height moreexits in buildings taller than 32m.than 32 mNorme CEI 64 - 50The safety illumination is advisable with an autonomy of at• For mainly residential purposes:DM 8/3/1985least 1 h.restaurants, storages, banks,Reliable safety illumination and signalling of the emergencyhouses and flats, offices, shops. DL 14/08/96 - n° 493• Display premises and/or selling vebues of moreexits, which for duration and level allow adequate dispersionUnderground parkings or in theclosed premises with more than300 auto vehicles.DM 1/2/1986Norme CEI 64 - 50EN 1838Safety illumination with immediate intervention with illuminationof 5 lux, minimal for dispersion operations.<strong>SIRIO</strong><strong>SIRIO</strong><strong>VENERE</strong>Sport facilitiesSport facilities with televisionfilmingDM 19/03/96UNI 9316 - Aprile 1989DL 14/08/96 - n° 493Short interruption safety power supply (0.5 sec); Chargingtime 12 h; Autonomy 1h; illumination not less than 5 lux.10% of the average level must be maintained on the playingground and at the start of exits<strong>SIRIO</strong><strong>VENERE</strong>Public entertainmentTheatres, cinemas, concert halls,ballrooms, exhibition, conference orpublic meeting places - shows ingeneralDM 19/08/96Norme CEI 64/8 - Terza ed.Norme CEI 64 - 50Circulaire n° 16/1951Regio Decr. 7/11/42 - n° 1564Emergency illumination within a short time (≤ 0,5 sec) indicatingthe emergency exits; illumination of 2 lux in all ambientswhere the public is present and 5 lux at exits and on stairways;full recharge 12 h, autonomy of at least 1 h<strong>SIRIO</strong><strong>VENERE</strong>INVERLUXMuseums, galleries, exhibitionsand shows, libraries, archivesUnderground stationsRemarkable buildings for artand historyElevators and merchandise liftsFire prevention• Display premises and/or wholesaleor retail selling venue with a grosssurface bigger than 400 mq.• Companies and offices with morethan 500 employees.• Studios for cinematographic and television filming• Premises for development and printing ofcinematographic filmsCirculaire n° 79 - 27/8/71DPR 20/05/92 n° 569DPR 30/06/95 n° 418DL 14/08/96 n° 493EN 1838DM 11/1/1998DL 14/08/96 n° 493EN 1838CEI 64 - 15EN 1838UNI EN 81 - 1 - 12/1985DM 14/6/1989DM 8/3/1985DM 8/3/1985DM 8/3/1985DM 8/3/1985DL 14/08/96 - n° 493In the surroundings where the public is present, safety illuminationmust guarantee reliable illumination of the emergencyexits for the necessary time required for evacuating people.Safety illumination with automatic intervention within3”; average illumination of 5 lux.Emergency illumination indicating the emergency exits;average illumination of 2 lux in all ambients where the publicis present and 5 lux at exits and on stairways; full recharge12 h, autonomy of at least 1 h.Emergency power supply sufficient for one appliance of 1 W,for at least 1 h.Safety illumination must guarantee a reliable signalling of theemergency exits, which for duration and level allow adequatedispersion.<strong>SIRIO</strong><strong>SIRIO</strong> <strong>SIRIO</strong><strong>SIRIO</strong><strong>VENERE</strong><strong>VENERE</strong> <strong>VENERE</strong> <strong>VENERE</strong>INVERLUX INVERLUX INVERLUXINVERLUXSchoolsDM 26/8/1992• Buildings and premises used for schools• Schools of every order, level and type, DM 8/3/1985colleges, academies or similar withmore than 100 people present EN 1838Marine sector DPR 29/3/93 - n° 188DL 14/08/96 n° 493EN 1838Work places• Public and private work placesWith more than 100 people• Where there are explosive orinflammable materials, wherethere is the immediate prejudicial for the safety ofpeople or the systems• Where electric energy is transformed• In basementsDM 10/3/98DL 19/9/94 - n° 626DPR 27/4/55 - n° 547DM 12/3/59Norme CEI 21 - 6 - asc. 1434DL 14/08/96 - n° 493EN 1838Safety illumination with a recharging time of 12 h; autonomy30’; illumination not less than 5 lux.Protection level IP65; autonomy 3 h;Construction resistant to vibrations.Periodical control:..., to verify the complete and correct functioning of theappliances and systems, safety illumination of sufficient intensityat emergency exits which require artificial illuminationand where the workers are particularly at risk.Emergency illumination with the presence of more than 100workers; in a case of danger for the immediate abandonmentof machines and appliances and when they work withdangerous substances<strong>SIRIO</strong><strong>SIRIO</strong><strong>VENERE</strong> <strong>VENERE</strong> <strong>VENERE</strong>INVERLUXPremises for medical use• Hospitals, nursing homes andsimilar with more than 25 beds.• Private nursing homes.• Hospital buildings.Norme CEI 64 - 8 sez. 710DM 18/9/2002DM 8/3/1985DM 5/8/1977DDF 29/7/1939DL 14/08/96 - n° 493EN 1838Medium or short interruption safety power supply(e.g.scialytic lamps); autonomy 3h; 1h in the case of groupgenerating electricity.Intervention time 0.5”, Charging time 12 h; Endurance 2 h.Safety illumination must guarantee a reliable signalling ofthe emergency exits, which for duration and level allowadequate dispersion.Automatic and immediate availability of emergency powersupply for essential services, as well as minimum illuminationin other surroundings.<strong>SIRIO</strong><strong>VENERE</strong><strong>VENERE</strong> 8, 18, 24W in preparationIf there are architectonic restraints then it might be necessary to supplement the emergency illumination in existing illumination appliances, in suchcase INVERLUX excellently resolves the problemwww.relco.it189

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