Latvian Maritime Cluster Competitiveness analysis

Latvian Maritime Cluster Competitiveness analysis Latvian Maritime Cluster Competitiveness analysis


CONTENT• Latvian Maritime Cluster• Latest research on maritime clustering• Clustering theory• Latvian Logistics Cluster case analysis• EU funded projects avalable for better clustering

LATVIAN MARITIME CLUSTER• Contribution of transport industry to Latvian GDP has been 13% in 2011(Ministry of Economics, 2012).• In 2010 contribution of international freight transit to Latvian GDP was 6,6%,where contribution of seaports – 3,7% or 677 Million EUR (Bulis, Orlovs,Skapars, 2012).• In 2012 these three seaports handled more than 70 million tons cargo (Riga –36,052 million tons, Ventspils – 30,346 million tons, Liepaja – 7,431 milliontons), but 7 other seaport handled 1,364 million tons (the Central StatisticalBureau of the Republic of Latvia).• Approximately 20 000 people are employed in the companies operating in theterritory of the Freeport of Riga. Contribution of the Freeport of Riga to LatvianGDP has been more than 400 Million EUR in 2012.

LATVIAN MARITIME CLUSTER• Contribution of transport industry to <strong>Latvian</strong> GDP has been 13% in 2011(Ministry of Economics, 2012).• In 2010 contribution of international freight transit to <strong>Latvian</strong> GDP was 6,6%,where contribution of seaports – 3,7% or 677 Million EUR (Bulis, Orlovs,Skapars, 2012).• In 2012 these three seaports handled more than 70 million tons cargo (Riga –36,052 million tons, Ventspils – 30,346 million tons, Liepaja – 7,431 milliontons), but 7 other seaport handled 1,364 million tons (the Central StatisticalBureau of the Republic of Latvia).• Approximately 20 000 people are employed in the companies operating in theterritory of the Freeport of Riga. Contribution of the Freeport of Riga to <strong>Latvian</strong>GDP has been more than 400 Million EUR in 2012.

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