annual report 2010 - Eastside Domestic Violence Program

annual report 2010 - Eastside Domestic Violence Program annual report 2010 - Eastside Domestic Violence Program

A World of Hope<strong>Eastside</strong> <strong>Domestic</strong> <strong>Violence</strong> <strong>Program</strong><strong>annual</strong> <strong>report</strong> <strong>2010</strong>

EDVP Board of DirectorsPresidentDave OsmerHagel & Company1 st Vice PresidentWesley MoorheadReynolds Poulson Consulting2 nd Vice PresidentJoanne BakerVulcanTreasurerKathleen J. JohansonHomeStreet BankSecretaryRay DiCasparrod-evidence, LLCAt LargeGene F. HensleyWorldMark the ClubJeffrey ChenPolice Chief, City of MedinaCandace Lee DenegalThe Boeing Company, RetiredJennifer FeightVerizon WirelessTheodore J. FerrellThe Boeing CompanyKaren G. FornerK-Solutions LawKaren Mayers GamoranKMG Consulting FoundationCindy JohnsonGroup HealthKimberle Jackson-ButlerThe Bush SchoolLisa RicePuget Sound EnergyBrinette RoundsOak Street Group, PLLCGreg SmithCommunity VolunteerSandy TorresMicrosoftKaren WawrzaszekCiti Private BankEx OfficioBarbara LangdonExecutive Director, EDVPcontentsLetter from the Director 3Overview of Services 4<strong>Program</strong> Highlights 4-5Operating Statement 6Donor Appreciation 7-15vision<strong>Domestic</strong> violence is a human rights issue. <strong>Eastside</strong> <strong>Domestic</strong> <strong>Violence</strong><strong>Program</strong> (EDVP) envisions a world in which every person lives in a safeenvironment, free from oppression and with the opportunity to thrive.missionEDVP’s mission is to end domestic violence by changing individual, institutional andsocietal beliefs, attitudes and behaviors that perpetuate it. To achieve this we workwith the community to:Provide services in East and North King County to people, primarily women andchildren, who have experienced physical, emotional or sexual abuse;Prevent domestic violence through advocacy, education and support.Since 1982 <strong>Eastside</strong> <strong>Domestic</strong> <strong>Violence</strong> <strong>Program</strong> has provided safety,support and access to education and training for more than 104,800 victims andtheir children. EDVP believes that domestic violence will end only when individuals,institutions and society as a whole join together to demand an end to abuse. EDVPsupports a comprehensive, coordinated response to domestic violence by workingtogether with systems, organizations, community groups and individuals to enddomestic violence.

thank youDear Friends,<strong>Eastside</strong> <strong>Domestic</strong> <strong>Violence</strong> <strong>Program</strong> (EDVP) has completed an extraordinary and challenging year providing criticaldomestic violence services to thousands of families and children in need. We provide 24 hour access to life-savingprograms through our crisis line and move families from domestic violence and homelessness to a safe future.In 2009 we answered 9,985 calls to the 24-Hour Crisis Line and served 4,316 victims and their children ~ all friends andneighbors living here in our community. The need for our life-saving services has increased dramatically. For every oneperson we shelter, 18 are turned away. On the crisis line, 221 callers have to call back each month. In <strong>2010</strong> our vital workand mission to end domestic violence continues.u <strong>Domestic</strong> violence affects one in four individuals.u <strong>Domestic</strong> violence is the leading cause of homelessness among women and children in the nation.We work with victims living in domestic violence, fear and crisis every day. The families that come to our shelters arescreened in - based on lethality - they have left their homes because they face the threat of death if they stay. They havebeen injured, they are scared and they live in fear.EDVP works to provide comprehensive services for everyone, including the most vulnerable and those without hope. Howdo we continue to work in this environment of constant crisis and urgent need? We know when the economy recovers,things won’t return to normal – and a different kind of leadership will be required. EDVP continues to effectively implementinnovative cutting edge programs so that we can provide necessary, critical human services when families need usthe most. The challenge to provide efficient funding, life-saving services and innovative programs continues to be ourongoing goal. Despite the tough economy, EDVP is a tireless champion in the mission to end domestic violence.In this Annual Report you will find out more about our extensive and innovative services that are extremely successfulin moving victims from domestic violence and homelessness to self sufficiency and permanent housing. We continueto listen to the voices of those we serve to provide the specialized services needed to navigate an unpredictable andchallenging path. It’s within our reach to reduce and ultimately end domestic violence and homelessness.Life is fragile. One moment you have dreams for the future and in the blink of an eye life changes. How easy it is to befilled with fear, unanswered questions and feelings of hopelessness. The one place you should be safe – HOME – is not.Families and children living with domestic violence live in fear and hopelessness and see few options to their nightmare.The clients we serve at EDVP don’t want a hand out, they want a hand up. We meet the most amazing men and women.They have overcome odds you and I can’t imagine. They often have walked into the darkness with nothing and thrive inspite of their circumstances. With EDVP services and programs, they grow strong and happy kids, they get good jobs,permanent housing and reunite with family and friends. Their lives are no longer defined by domestic violence.As we continue to strategically grow and enhance our programs especially for the homeless, marginalized anddisadvantaged, we want to thank you. We are truly grateful for your support of <strong>Eastside</strong> <strong>Domestic</strong> <strong>Violence</strong> <strong>Program</strong>(EDVP) and our vision to create A World of Hope for thousands of families in our community. Your ongoing support is atremendous gift. You have the power to play a vital role in our life-saving services, change lives and give hope. Thank youfor all you do to help us achieve our mission. Together we can make a difference.Sincerely,Barbara LangdonExecutive Director3

programs& servicesCommunity Advocacy Services24-Hour Crisis LineAdvocacy-based counseling and safety planning—thegateway to all EDVP services.Advocacy ServicesAdvocacy-based counseling and education for victims,coordination with the criminal justice system and otherservices.Children’s & Teen GroupsWeekly support for children and teens who have experienceddomestic violence.Education & TrainingEducation for health care professionals, businesses, thecriminal justice system, schools, religious communities, socialservice providers and civic groups.Latina Outreach <strong>Program</strong>Advocacy-based counseling, education and support inSpanish.Legal AdvocacyLegal advocacy counseling, education and coordination withthe criminal justice systems and other services.Women’s Support GroupsWeekly support groups for women in the community facilitatedby domestic violence advocates.Counseling ServicesLicensed therapy, mental health education and counselingservices.Housing ServicesHotel-Motel Voucher <strong>Program</strong>Advocacy and emergency housing services for short stays inhotels and motels.My Sister’s HomeConfidential emergency shelter and supportive services forfamilies in lethal situations.My Friend’s PlaceConfidential transitional housing and supportive services forfamilies in lethal situations dealing with both domestic violenceand substance abuse.Community Based Housing ServicesComing Home <strong>Program</strong>Supportive housing services for families transitioning topermanent housing.Rental Assistance <strong>Program</strong>Financial assistance and support services for six months inpermanent housing.Permanent Housing <strong>Program</strong>Rental assistance and supportive services for clients witha history of mental illness or chemical dependency as theytransition to permanent housing.Rapid Rehousing <strong>Program</strong>Permanent housing and domestic violence support services.4programhighlightsProviding Critical Human Services<strong>Eastside</strong> <strong>Domestic</strong> <strong>Violence</strong> <strong>Program</strong> has grown to becomeone of Washington State’s largest domestic violence serviceproviders and is a nationally recognized leader in the field. Since1982, EDVP has served more than 104,800 victims of domesticviolence ~ friends and neighbors living here in our community.We provide critical human services when families need us most.EDVP offers a compassionate and comprehensive program ofsafety, support, shelter and access to education and trainingto families in need. We work closely with other regional humanservice agencies to provide life-saving and life-changingservices to help every victim and child to a safe future and selfsufficiency.<strong>Domestic</strong> violence is a Human Rights issue and crossesall social, religious, ethnic, racial, age and economic lines.<strong>Domestic</strong> violence has many forms - physical violence, sexualviolence, economic control, and psychological assault. <strong>Eastside</strong><strong>Domestic</strong> <strong>Violence</strong> <strong>Program</strong> envisions a world in which everyperson lives in a safe environment, free from oppression with theopportunity to thrive.Ending HomelessnessIt takes more than a roof overhead to break the cycle ofhomelessness particularly when domestic violence isinvolved. Research shows that linking housing with wellcoordinatedsupport services—like job training, childcare,domestic violence counseling, mental health and substanceabuse counseling—can make the difference between a family’ssuccessful transition to permanent housing and repeatedepisodes of homelessness.<strong>Domestic</strong> violence is the leading cause of homelessness amongwomen and children in the nation. Safe, affordable housing is abasic human right. Our goal is to create core services that willincrease access to permanent housing and domestic violencesupportive services to end homelessness for victims and theirchildren.EDVP offers a full continuum of housing services throughour Hotel/Motel Voucher <strong>Program</strong>, Emergency Shelter andTransitional Housing, and supportive services through ourComing Home <strong>Program</strong>, Rental Assistance <strong>Program</strong> andPermanent Housing <strong>Program</strong>. We have created an exciting newproject that will link the continuum of permanent housing andsupportive services for families who may not need emergencyshelter. The Rapid Rehousing <strong>Program</strong> provides permanenthousing and rental assistance to help victims and their childrenstay in their own place and not become part of the sheltersystem. By providing this missing resource we will be able tokeep victims in their current housing or quickly find housing forthem so they can avoid becoming homeless. With limited shelterbeds in King County rethinking how we assist people in keepinga roof over head is critical.program highlights cont. on next page

program highlights cont.EDVP has created a network of community partnerships with property ownersto reach all parts of King County. Our experience and success in providingpermanent housing services to victims of domestic violence, along with culturallyrelevant services that match community needs, prepares EDVP to successfullyimplement this new venture. EDVP’s Housing <strong>Program</strong> focus:u Coordinated entry into housing and economic stability services.u Homelessness prevention, advocacy support and utilization of communityresources.u Reduce barriers to housing through landlord partnerships.u Provide housing and stability assistance.u End the cycle of violence and homelessness for families.Our goal is to quickly assist domestic violence victims and their families thatare facing homelessness with services to provide sustained safe housing andsupportive services so that their future will no longer be defined by domesticviolence. This work will end domestic violence today and in future generations.Creating A World of HopeMany of the clients and families calling the 24 Hour Crisis Line and living in ourshelters are trying to get their basic needs met. They are struggling to put foodon the table, keep a roof overhead and provide safety for themselves and theirchildren. They have lost hope for the future.At <strong>Eastside</strong> <strong>Domestic</strong> <strong>Violence</strong> <strong>Program</strong> we strive to provide specialized domesticviolence services to meet the needs of each client:u Our exceptional Latina Outreach <strong>Program</strong> has tripled services to the Spanishspeaking community.u The Legal Advocacy <strong>Program</strong> provides critical support to victims ofdomestic violence and helps them navigate the legal system.u Our Mental Health Therapist with the assistance of Mental Illness and DrugDependency (MIDD) funding provides licensed therapy, mental healtheducation and counseling services.u Our new EDVP children’s program developed with Sound Mental Healthprovides comprehensive integrated domestic violence advocacy and mentalhealth counseling to families with children who have been victimized bydomestic violence, helping them heal from their experiences.u United Way has provided Venture funding for EDVP to explore nationalmodels to better respond to the language barriers of our non-Englishspeaking survivors.u Our long time friends, Northwest Network have secured a PRIDE grant forfunding that will support EDVP’s efforts to provide more extensive qualityservices to the gay, bisexual, lesbian and transgendered (GBLT) communityin need of domestic violence services, shelter, support and advocacy.u We are working with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and theWashington State Coalition Against <strong>Domestic</strong> <strong>Violence</strong> to complete areplicable service model that will increase access and resources forpermanent housing and domestic violence stability services.u EDVP continues to actively pursue new ways to reach out to the communitieswe serve. We are exploring the use of the Community Engagement Model asa way to foster leadership in the community to end domestic violence.As victims of domestic violence work their way through homelessness, legalissues and ongoing barriers to self-sufficiency, <strong>Eastside</strong> <strong>Domestic</strong> <strong>Violence</strong><strong>Program</strong> is able to provide safety and support along the way. Whether workingon a safety plan, filing for a protection order or providing housing, EDVP assistsvictims in this often confusing and frightening time in their lives. We are working tocreate safe homes, brighter futures and A World of Hope.statisticsDuring 2009 EDVP:• Served 4,316 victims ofdomestic violence.• Answered 9,985 calls to our24-Hour Crisis Line.• Provided safe, confidentialshelter and housing servicesto 432 individuals.• Educated and trained 25,231members of the community.Emergency Shelter – MySister’s Home and Hotel/Motel Vouchers• 266 individuals servedthrough our emergencyhousing programs.• 11,712 bed nights of safeshelter provided.Transitional Housing – MyFriend’s Place and RentalAssistance <strong>Program</strong>• 166 individuals servedthrough our transitionalhousing programs.• 21,418 bed nights of safeshelter provided.Women, Teen and Children’sGroups• 269 women participated insupport groups.• 204 children and teensparticipated in supportgroups.Volunteers• More than 476 volunteersprovided 16,572 hours ofvolunteer service.In 2009, we celebrate 28 years ofservice – 104,800 victims havebeen served since 1982.5

operating statementINCOMEGovernmentFunding48%United Way ofKing County4%My Friend’sPlace25%Other& Misc.2%IndividualContributions17%In-KindContributions22%2009 support $3,220,7642009 expenses $2,989,925Grants &Foundations7%Individual Contributions 547,040Grants & Foundations 221,654In-Kind Contributions 722,037Government Funding 1,556,894United Way of King County 124,709Other & Misc. 48,430Total Income $3,220,764EXPENSESAdministration 124,937Fundraising 329,457Total Support Services $454,393Community & Legal Advocacy 417,771Crisis Line 252,776Women’s & Children’s Groups 138,121My Sister’s Home 728,740My Friend’s Place 724,047Community Based Housing 204,394Community Counseling <strong>Program</strong> 69,685Total <strong>Program</strong> $2,535,532My Sister’sHome25%Women &Children’sGroup5%Crisis Line9%Total Expenses $2,989,925Change in Net Assets 230,839Beginning of Year Assets 2,292,018End of Year Net Assets $2,522,8576CommunityBased Housing7%Administration4%Fundraising11%CommunityAdvocacy& LegalAdvocacy14%Peterson Sullivan PLLC, conducted <strong>Eastside</strong> <strong>Domestic</strong><strong>Violence</strong> <strong>Program</strong>’s audit in accordance with auditingstandards generally accepted in the United States ofAmerica and Government Auditing Standards, issued by theComptroller General of the United States. In their opinion, thefinancial statements present fairly, in all material aspects, thefinancial position of <strong>Eastside</strong> <strong>Domestic</strong> <strong>Violence</strong> <strong>Program</strong> asof December 31, 2009.

Thank you for making a difference!City ContractsCity of BellevueCity of BothellCity of Clyde HillCity of IssaquahCity of KenmoreCity of KirklandCity of Mercer IslandCity of North BendCity of RedmondCity of SammamishCity of SeattleCity of SnoqualmieCity of WoodinvilleGovernment ContractsChild Care Resources ofKing CountyEmergency Food and ShelterNational BoardKing County Housing &Community Development<strong>Program</strong>King County Mental Health,Chemical Abuse andDependency ServicesDivisionKing County Women’s<strong>Program</strong>United States Departmentof Housing and UrbanDevelopmentWashington State Office ofCrime Victims AdvocacyWashington StateDepartment of CommerceWashington StateDepartment of Social andHealth ServicesPrivate ContractsUnited WayWindermere FoundationFoundation &Corporate GrantsAAUW-Lake WashingtonBranchBeighle Family FoundationBill & Melinda GatesFoundationByron W. & Alice L.Lockwood FoundationCentral WashingtonUniversityCOSTCO<strong>Eastside</strong> Community AidThrift ShopEmployees Community Fundof The Boeing CompanyLinda B. GlenickiGoldman Sachs PhilanthropyFundHoly Spirit Lutheran ChurchNancy & James R. IrwinIssaquah Women’s ClubKawabe FoundationKeith & Mary Kay McCawFamily FoundationThe Lester M. SmithFoundationGraham LeonardMary, Queen of PeaceMedina FoundationMellonMercer Island Women’s ClubMicrosoft CorporationNorcliffe FoundationOneFamily FoundationOverlake Park PresbyterianChurchPacific Medical CenterBarbara PelfreyQuileute Tribal Trust FundQwestRaman Family FoundationRealNetworks FoundationMatching Gifts <strong>Program</strong>Sammamish PresbyterianChurchSchoenfeld-GardnerFoundationSchwab Charitable FundSt. Andrew’s LutheranChurchKathryn & Gary StevensonThe Seattle FoundationThe Summit FamilyThe Sunny, Inc.Vanguard CharitableEndowmentVerizon FoundationVerizon WirelessVerizon Wireless HopeLineWashington Women’sFoundationWhitaker FoundationBusinesses,Community Groupsand ReligiousOrganizationsAAUW-Lake WashingtonBranchAcademy of Temple Kung-FuAegis LivingAetna Inc.Agreement Dynamics, Inc.The Alford Group, Inc.Alpha Chi Omega - RhoChapterAmazon Services LLCAmerican Family MutualInsurance CompanyApex FoundationArby’s Roast BeefArthur J. Gallagher &CompanyBashey, Hutchinson & WalterPLLCBellevue Alumnae Chapterof Delta Sigma ThetaBeta Delta Master / BetaSigma PhiBeta Sigma Phi Rho ChapterThe Boeing CompanyBothell United MethodistWomenBrentwood Engineering, Inc.Carey & Lillevik, PLLCCenter for Children & YouthJusticeCentral WashingtonUniversityChevy Chase Women’s ClubChrist the King LutheranChurchThe Cimarron Group, Inc.Columbia Commercial RealEstateComcast CableCOSTCODavis Wright Tremaine, LLPDeejaycee Senior Services,LLCDF Sutton & AssociatesEast Shore Unitarian Church<strong>Eastside</strong> Community AidThrift ShopEmmanuel Episcopal ChurchEmployees Community Fundof The Boeing CompanyEvangelical LutheranChurch, NorthwestWashington SynodFaith Lutheran ChurchFaith United MethodistChurchFall City United MethodistWomenFirst Congregational ChurchThe Game NeighborhoodGrill & BarCowan Kirk Gaston PLLCCraig Gaudry & Assoc Inc.Girl Scout Troop #43167Grace Lutheran ChurchGroup Health CooperativeHarborview Medical CenterHDR Engineering, Inc.Holy Spirit Lutheran ChurchIntegraInteliusIssaquah Women’s ClubJoseph J. & Claudia J. TrustKeith & Mary Kay McCawFamily FoundationKey BankKing County EmployeeGiving CampaignKing County HousingAuthorityKirkland Woman’s ClubKirmac Collision ServicesKiwanis Club of KirklandKPMGLake Wash Kappa KappaGammaLevine Consulting ServicesLittle Details Home StagingEtc. LLCMiller.Miller, LLCMarbella Day Spa &BoutiqueMercer Island Women’s ClubMetpartners, LLCMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Giving Campaign<strong>Program</strong>Microsoft Matching Gifts<strong>Program</strong>Mile High United WayMOMS Club of WoodinvilleMoneyTree, Inc.Morgan Stanley SmithBarneyMr. Handyman of SEBellevueNewport PresbyterianChurchNintendo of AmericaNorthlake UnitarianUniversalist ChurchNorthshore United Churchof ChristNorthshore ChristianWomen’s ClubOn The Rocks SculptureStudioOverlake Hospital MedicalCenterOverlake Park PresbyterianChurchOverlake Park PresbyterianWomen’s AssociationPacific Medical CenterPDSA ConsultingPEMCO Financial Services(WSECU)Perkins Coie, LLPA Women’s Clinic atEvergreen, PLLCPolygon NorthwestCompanyPotato SoupPuget Sound Energy2009 DonorsPuget Sound Security, Inc.Real Estate InvestorsAssociationReef InstallationsRising Star GuildSafeway Stores, Inc.Sammamish PresbyterianChurchSchwab Charitable FundScott ConstructionSeattle Children’s HospitalSisters of St. Joseph ofPeaceSOVREN GuildSt. Andrew’s LutheranChurchSupervaluSynergy Construction, Inc.Tolt Congregational ChurchTwo Mountain WineryUnited Methodist WomenUnited Way of King CountyUnited Way of NortheastFloridaUnited Way of PierceCountyUnited Way of SnohomishCountyUnited Way of the Bay AreaUnited Way SpecialDistribution AccountUnivar USA, Inc.University of WashingtonUrdahl, Inc.Venture BankVerizon FoundationVerizon WirelessVerizon Wireless - BellevueCampusThe Villavicencio AgencyVirginia Mason MedicalClinicVolunteers of AmericaWashington Division of URSCorporationWashington Trust BankWellnessOneWells Fargo - CommunityRelationsWhitehall ChapterWoodinville FirefightersXi Gamma ThetaYahoo, Inc.7

Thank you for making a difference! 2009 DonorsIndividual DonorsStephanie Aardal & GregShugartsVictoria J. AbascalJames AbbottaSuzanne AbbottMichael AbeAllen AbendrothArief Abraham &Bruce BoesigerMarilyn & Jerry AdairVicki AdamsIole & Joe AgueroEllen Ahearn & Eric MarkellYukiko Akamatsu &Jeffrey Coffey, Jr.Kim AkersDavid AkinsJennifer AkionaBrian AlbertW. Jeanie & Robert E. AlbertGraham AlbertiniJudy AlbrechtJean AllanLeslie AllenJill & David AllesSusan Allison-CampbellNicole AloufSarah AltSteven AlterLani & Cesar AlvarezMarjorie & Thomas AmbleMeredith Amdur8Maryam Aminian &Fouad FarhatSilvia & Michael AmmermanBetty AndersonCathy AndersonDale AndersonFrances AndersonDr. Geoffrey AndersonGladys S. & Norman R.AndersonJennifer AndersonJenny Anderson &Jason BloomKellie & Tom AndersonMary AndersonMary Kay AndersonPamela AndersonPeter AndersonPortia & Dan AndersonSarah AndersonSharon & Dennis AndersonSilvia AndersonSue AndersonSundra AndersonMelinda & Walter AndrewsIda & Duane AnnoniMelissa A. AnyeteiLuanda & Ryan AraiAmy & Joel ArensbergAnnette & James AriesLisa ArnoldThomas ArnoldJennifer ArterburnTerry & Erik ArthurGuadalupe ArtigaChaiki AsakuraAmanda AshburnEdward AshburnPamela AshburnCatherine H. AskilsrudJohn AustensonLesley K. & James L. AustinAnne AveryLinda AvraamidesbSharlene AyabeDiane Roseman BaerSusanne BaesslerAissatou BahKathy L. BailorPatty Bainter & Steve S.TsukunoDaniel BakerDawn BakerJo Lyn & Kevin BakerJoanne BakerPatricia & Douglas BakerStefanie & Matthew BakerTracy A. BakerMichele A. BakkeAngela BalducciBarbara BaldwinMadeleine & William BallElizabeth BaluchSuzanne & RobertoBambergerMary & Jeff BanderMarion BangsRosemary J. BanksBanner BankRichard W. BaragerBarbara BarbeeLillian Anne BarelaNancy BarevicsShara BarkovichDiana Lee BarnesJaniece & Gary BartelheimerDarrick BartleyMary & Bart BartokEmily BassettVivian BastronJanice K. BatchelderKathy Bates & Bill OgdenSimrat Bath-HydzikKeith BeachLinda M. Beasley-Warson &Toby G. WarsonDeborah BeatenboughCarol BeauduRobin & Gary BeckKelly & Brad BeckerJennifer BeeryShayna & Andrew BegunBeighle Family FoundationSheryl M. BeirneAngela BelbeckJeff BellBernice & Jack BelurBrianne BelurJaci BelurNancy C. & Jerry J. BelurElizabeth BenedictBeth & David BennettKimberly BensonMeg BensonWende BensonValerie & NoktanurBerberogluArnold S. BergerSusan Berry & DouglasJamesMelody BerrySylvia BetancourtJudith BetheaJennifer BetzLinda & David BetzMichael BetzMartha BieryMyrline & Ronald BillingsRon BirumAlice & Martin BlackMargaret BlackRachael Black & RonaldBarenstenLeslie & Jason BlankmanBarbara BlaswichSelma & Leo D. BlochFrederick BloomRana BlouchMaren & James BocinskyMarianne BoechlerDavid BoehnleinShannon BoldizsarJeanne BonningtonNatasha & Byron BoschDorothy BoslandKelly BoswellRosalie & Kenneth BottiniJanet BowenKaren BowenKelly & Travis BowersPatrick BoydScott BoydBrad BoydstonAlison BoyerKristen & Steven A. BraceDonald BradyShala BrandoliniMary & David BraunConnie B. BrennandSally & J. Michael BrickJim BrickerBobbe & Jon BridgeHerbert & Jonathan BridgeDana BridgesJodi BridgesSue & Jim N. BriggsLinda BrightDodi & Richard BriscoeJune & Alan BrockmeierKenneth BrocxLeya & Bill BrookingSusan Brooks Storck &Michael StorckJeannie & David W. BrooksJane BroomNancy & Paul BrowerChristopher BrownElizabeth BrownJulie & Charles BrownMicki & RJ BrownRhonda BrownTracey & Kevin BrownJanelle BruhnElisabeth & Robert BryantMarianne BundrenJennifer BunzelDennis BurbackMathew BurckleyMichael BurdoSara BurnettArianne & Peter BurnhamCarolyn & Ed BurninghamKenneth BurninghamSandi Burningham &Keith StewartCollene BurnsJoan & Fred BurnsteadAnna & Matt BurrellSheila BurroughsAmy BurtisPaul BurtonMichael BushoreBecky BusseyTanya ButtonKristen BuxtonYi Misty BuxtonCatherine ByeJulie ByingtonRyan ByingtonSusan Bytner-Peyou &Anthony PeyoucBeth & Roger CabyDarcie & Michael CailaoAnnemarie CallahanLynly CallawaySharlene & Jack M. CalvoSheena CamagongJoel CambernBrenda CampbellChris CampbellElaine CantorKerry CarlsonJeanne W. CarlsonLael CarlsonLisa CarlsonMary Ann & Nort CarlsonSandy CarovanoRosemary & William CarrelLinda & Terry CarrigSheree Strom &Roy R. CarsonJoan & Michael CarstensCarol CarterMaria CarterSusan CarterDebbie CaseAndy CasillasKenneth CasperLarelle & Robert CathermanMichele CatoireJeffrey CaudillShelby A. CemerJean & Charles CerarShelley CerdenolaAimee ChailleShimy ChakkalakkalCatherine ChampionJohn B. & Connie ChampionCharu ChandiramJeanne Chang & Mark YuasaAlice ChaoRichard U. ChapinJessica ChapmanLinda J. & Lewis A.ChapmanSherry ChappellNancy & Scott CharlstonGeraldeen & Xavier ChavezElise ChayetC.H. Alice ChenBelle M. Chenault & PhilipMortensonTheresa ChengDiana L. CherbergPatricia ChristensenChristine & Paul ChristieAllison D. ChristoeDaniel ChristopherGregory ChuRobert ChungChristina & RichardChurchmanKimberly Churchman-MorrisBarb Ciapala &Steven J. HazlerigAndrea ClarkKarla ClarkCarolyn H. & Stephen B.ClarkDawn & Steve ClarkeMcLaurine & Dieter ClarkeBryce ClaryJeannie & Donald CloughSandy CobelRonald CoeJanis & Jeffrey Coffey, Sr.Edward CogswellKelly L. CogswellSara CokerTammie ColburnWilliam ColburnShari ColeMelissa ColemanCarol CollinsLisa CollinsJanene Coltom

Thank you for making a difference! 2009 DonorsBonnie ConleyClifford ConleySandra & Gary ConnellyJill ConnerKathryn ConnerPatti ConnollyVeronica R. Connolly-Bagshaw & RobertBagshawTherese ConrardyDorothy & David CookLouise & Terry CookeRenee & Ryan CooperBeth CorbaleyDorothy CordesGregory CorleyCheryl & Philip CorneilMarsha & Donald CorningMartha Cortes-DiazTodd CoryellCarole CoteCindy L. CothernMerril CousinMaureen F. CoveyTheresa & Ronald CowgerTerry & Gary CoxMacy & Thomas CraneCynthia CreaseyMary & Robert CreesJanet M. & John W.CreightonMaryann & Sten CrisseyEthel & Gary CrosserMary CrouchCurtis CroweMichelle & Mark CrowellReidun CrowleyDenise & Kevin CrutchfieldJody CruzLynn & Steve CruzFrancisco CuellarBeth & Bill CulbertsonMichael CulletonBarbara & John CunninghamMarcella CunninghamJudy & Thomas CurranCarolyn & Don CurrieRebecca & Mark CurtisMichael D. CutlerCaroline CutuliVerona CuvelierLinda DaehlerDavid K. DaggettSandy & Jim DagnonDagny SafonSheila DahlNancy DalenRobin DalmasPenny & Scott DalyAlison DanzWendy DarcyAnn E. Darlington &William James ElseaKathy & George DartShannon & John DascherKim DaugsBarbara & Nick DavidsonBree DavidsonColin DavidsonEileen DavidsonJane & Brent DavidsonMJ DavidsonAnn Marie DavisMelissa & Gerald DavisMichelle & Ryan DavisDarvin DavitianTheresa & Glen DawesMonica McAllister-Day &James DayRene & Antonio de FreitasJean de RubensThomas DeBoerLeslie DeckerJohn DeCuireVirginia & Win DeForestSharon DeihlPatricia & James DeiparineMarcia & Mike DelabarreDorothy S. DelaneyJill & Randy DelfinoJacqueline DelgadoJonelle DelkElaine DelrosarioJodie & Dennis DeMuthCandace & Charles DenegalDenise BurninghamJudy DeNoyerCathy & Bryan DepewRoberta deRegtLeah deRouletAnne & Dave P. DeutschmanThomas DevakiBeth DeweyRay DiCasparroBruce DickDeanna DickGillian DidierLois DiemertCheryl & Gregory DietzelCarla DimitriouNicole DiottePeter DoddDeAnne V. DodsonJanis DolanMargaret DolaneAudra B. DollElizabeth Dolliver &Phillip ThompsonSusan DonhamDurga DoraisamyGabriel DortaShanda DosseyTeren DoughtonDarlene & Oliver DoyleMary & David DucharmeSandra DuekerShannon DunckelFred DunlapPhyllis DunmirePatricia L. & Peter D. DunphySusan DurenGretchen R. & Robert J.DwinnellJody & Bill DyerMelissa Dyk & Will GarnerCathleen & Steven DykstraSusan B. Ogden Dykstra &David DykstraeE. Sue WoodwardMichelle EagerLisa EagleyJosh EashMichele EasonGay & Scott EasterLeslie EastonDeborah & Charles EberhardtLinda & Thomas EckhartMichael EddingsLorrie & David EgaasJon J. EggersJean C. EidsmoeAmanda EkmanIrit EliavPnina & Shraga EliavNancy E. EllinghamDeanna EllisJodi EllisLori Elrod & Peter FoltaBetty Jane & Robert ElyDaniel EmbickRodney EngLaurie & George EngelbeckLisa & Bill EngerLynn & Randall EnglehartTravis EnglehartVirginia EnglishMary EnglundNancy & Gale EnsignJames M. EricksonElora EricksonWendy EricksonPamela Erstad &Roger ThompsonEstate of Patricia S. LottGwen EvansNathan EvansPatricia EvansDeborah EvertsDebra EwingJennifer & Jean-Remy FacqLar FaganfNancy & Jeff FallgrenJudith FallowJulie A. FarrisJennifer FeightNancy & Cary FeldmannShana FeldmannThomas FergusonTheodore J. FerrellGerald FickesPriscilla FinchTamara FisherKatharine FitzgeraldEllen FixPaulette FletcherWilliam FlintonPhillismary & George FloodGil FlorentinoJulie FloridaJoanne FlynnNicole FlynnTom FlynnVincent FoleyCharles FoltzPauline Foo & Martin BaldCynthia ForneyHelene ForniaShaz & Gus ForoutanMark & Jeannie ForrestCatherine ForsythKristofer FosterBarbara FowlerColleen M. & Robert J. FoxRandee FoxArthur FrancisChelsea FrankoFred Jarrett FundBarbara FredricksenSusan & Douglas FreeJennifer & David FreeburgLinda & William FreeburgGeoffrey FreemanEmily FreetTim FreilTheresa FrenchRegan & Phillip FrickCraig FriedsonNed B. FriendAva MacDougall FrisingerCarol & Christopher FrostPeggy FryLaura J. FryergMarilyn & Rene FuentesJakob FunkensteinTara L. GableDenice GagnerKaren Galipeau Forner &Steve GalipeauChristine M. GallagherMarie GallanarMartha I. & Michael R. GalvinBetsy GammonsPaul GarciaChristine GardnerRoger GarrattKathryn & Geoff GarrisonBeth & Mark GasserEvelyn W. GauCarlene GaudetteJudy GayKatherine GaylerSydney A. & Wade D. GebersCarol & Kenneth GeddesAlicia S GehrkeRobin GenovaBetty L. GeorgePatricia GeorgeCandice GiffinB.K. GilbertsonKathleen A. GillesTamara GillestLynn & Jay GirottoLinda B. GlenickiTim GlynnCarol M. & Tal S. GoddingJoel GoedenSharon GoldbergAlberta J. GoldenMichael GolluscioMarilyn GomezPhil GoodRachel GordonJulie GossardPam & Jeff GowKimberly & Brian GrahamJan & Dick GramJoby & Kelly GramMary Jane & Richard Gram& Carol PaulsonKathy & Steve GravesAnke & Terence GrayBarbara L. & David GreenDeborah GreenleafConstance GreenwoodRoberta & Robert GreenwoodMatthew GregoryJacob GreyTracy & Thomas GriffinSandra Griffith & Dave OsmerRobin GuettlerScott GulickJames & Melissa GusichSusanne & Scott GuthrieDavid GutierrezSherry GutmannMarion GuyerSusan HaaseMarilyn & Lon HaberlachhBerthe HabibCynthia HaboushRosemary & T.R. HackettEleanore L. & William A.HadfieldJared D. HagerLinda M. & Steve HagermanJanet & Art HainesMargaret & Craig B. HainesDave HalgrenKatrina HallYvonne D. & Daniel HallHolly HallmanPatricia & Paul HalsteadKatie HalversonDanielle HamelCurtis HamiltonValerie & Jim HanceJohn HandElaine & David HandysideJoseph Haneke9

10Thank you for making a difference! 2009 DonorsiMeredith & Mark HannKathleen O. & Lawrence B.HannahLynn & Scott HannahStephenie HanschkaJanie & Rick HansenJennifer HansenEric HansonEugene J. HardenJohn E. HardmanTyler HardyLori & Ed HarlowAaron HarrisDean HarrisonLibby HartmanKathleen & Rick HashbargerJohn HassebroekMarjorie HathawayJody Toquam Hatten &Scott HattenAlana HawkinsJanet & James HawnAyako & Bill HaydenMike HaydenSharon & Scott HaydenClare & Larry HayesTeresa & Greg HeckDave HedequistJoyce A. HedgesLisa A. & Michael R. HedleyJeanette HeidtJill HeijerKenneth HeikkilaKim & Jeffrey HeinemannStephanie & Brad HeilmanBrieann HellerGloria HelmsMichele & Remco HendrikseWilliam HenkensWilliam HenryLinda M. & Jerry HenryWilliam HenshawLynette & Chris HensleyMarian & Gene HensleyJoanne & Gerry HerberDouglas HerdSusan HereriaCandice HerigstadRenee HerigstadDeb & Dave HerrickKamela HeywoodJason HicksClaire & Daniel HigginsRebekkah HilgravesRhonda HilkMartin HillBailey & John HindmarchKatie HirshbergLibby & Bill HirshbergChristine HitchcockCarrie HiteGrace HoKevin HoangKathleen & Charles HobartJana M. & Michael C. HobbsDeanna HobbsDiane S. & Richard W. HobbsThomas HobbsJohnna HobgoodWendy Girdlestone HockettDonna & Dave HoffmanSusan F. HoffmanNorah HogoboomCynthia & Herbert HolemanMargaret HollingerElsa J. HolmMarilyn & John HolmConnie HoltonJessica HolveCaroline HongTaryn HopeMiho HoriuchiAmy HornBennett HornbostelBruce HorneCatherine R. HorneDavid HorowitzCindy HorstMary HoshizakiRuth HoughHoward-Kuzma Family TrustAllison & Rick HowesMary HudonBert HuelmannEdith & Vance HuffmanJulie HuffmanAlexis HughesMarilyn HughesJulie HugillRandy HulettJimmy HungBarbara & Marty HungerfordChelle HunsingerLeiba HusockLaura & Jim HutchinsonLinda & Darrell IgelmundGretchen Q. IlgenfritzPierrette IngKeith InglisDanell IngramKatherine InmanSusan IrelandJuan IrmingNancy & James R. IrwinRisa & Soichi Kirk IshizakiEmiko & Kazutaka IshizakiAtsushi IshizakiJeannette & Tom IsraelsonJennifer IvanBobbie IzuoBeata Jachulski BakerjCammie & Martyn JacksonKimberle Jackson-Butler &Roderick ButlerLeslie JacobLouis & MRM JacobsonSandy & Stu JacobsonJacob JaffeLee JamesLoren C. JamesEmily JaniszewskiDenise E. JannuschCynthia L. JayJulianne JazMartha & Mark JenkinsJudy JennisonCarolyn Sue Jett JensenJudy Jesiolowski & DaveThompsonJessica JobesSarah JoersKathleen Johanson & MarkThometzTracy & Mark JohnsenGlenna & David JohnsonJoyce L. JohnsonCynthia JohnsonDennis & Anthea JohnsonKristin & Gerald JohnsonLena JohnsonPaul JohnsonSherri & Matthew JohnsonTerry JohnsonAnn B. & Charles H. JohnstonKimberly & William JohnstonAntoine JonesJamie JonesLoma JonesLucinda & Dennis PoppeAlicia & Brian JordanKerri JorgensenMary JoyJim and Bobbie JoynerkDouglas JungquistGeorgia Ann KaeserSarah & John KahSarah & Edward KakaleyVicki KaleffMary C. & Stanley B. KantorMavis KaraliusCherolyn KarkaniasKaryn KawaharaHeidi M. KaylerKristina M. KaysSharon & Charles KegleyMary Jo KeilPamela KellyRobert T. KellyCindy KelsoEric KenneyDonna & Doug KeoughJefferson KetchelJamie & Robert KeysMarilyn & Ray KiharaMargaret Kim & Roger MurffRosa KimBarbara KimballSteve KippCathy & Thomas E. KirchmeierEileen Kirkpatrick & NoelHowesTina KirkpatrickValentina & Dmitrii KiselevKay & Dennis KisielKathryn KitchenHeather & Craig KittermanCarolyn KlauserJames KlauserSusan & Douglas KleiberDaniel KmittaMatthew KnaussBarbara A. KniggeKimberely KnightSonja Knoll & MichaelRanellucciTina Z. KoCandi KochCatherine A. & Dan’l R. KochJulie & Mark KochSunil & Shalini KoduriMaggie E. & Craig R.KoepplerSandra KohanekLaura KopecJudith KornellJudy A. KornellLeann & Paul KostekKaren Kotz & William BrutonFarah KourourianLeigh KraftKimberly & Mark KramerNoelle KrasnoskyStephen KrauseWendy KremerGary KretzschmarAnne F. Kroeker &Richard A. LeedsWalter KruegerCathy Krug & Erik LundbergFloris & Rochelle KrugerElla A. & Robert A. KrullKim KrumplerGary & Connie KuhlmanVanessa & Jeffrey KuhlmanDebra & Rohit KumarDavid KummerloweJoyce KungLili Kung & Clifford WatsonSatomi & Tedd KunijukiJeffrey KunkelDavid KuntzLynda KupferLouise & Ned KurabiSandra KurackJason KuzmaMichele McGrady Kvam &Bruce KvamGinette LacasselKendra D. Lacombe &Gregory N. LacombeLaird Norton TyeeRobert LaLanneStephen LalanneGloria LambKarin LambKathy & Daryl LambertSusan & Daryl LambertCarole A. & William D.LambertonArtem LamninBarbara & Ed LangdonAndrea & Kurt LangkowLynn & Norman LangsethJudith C. & Frank R. LanouJacqueline LaPlanteCindee LaPointeMike LaracuenteJeanne M. Large &Fred HerzbergFred LarsenInge & Leslie A. LarsenTerri & Jason LatendresseDonna LatrellDavid LattaRebecca & Joshua LavalleurChristine & Philip LavikKarla LawsonCarmen LayneDarrell LeePeter Leeds BryantTerrel, Kaelyn & Rob LeffertsSherry LehmannLinda & David LeisyLaura LemireChristelle LentzChristian LentzGraham LeonardRichard LeonardJulie A. & Tommy G. LeongLisa Leurquin-Hallett &Daniel HallettCynthia LevellJoleen & Joe LevinJudy & Randall LewisBarbara & Glen LewisHolly LewisLinn LewisMarlys LewisCarol C. & Bryan D. LeytonScott LichtenbergJudi K. LiedesTracie LievenseChrista M. & Joel D. LillyKathryn LinderBrook LindquistClaudia LindseyMichael LingenfelterBarbara Linstedt & SteveBellMarilyn LittlejohnZale LiuElizabeth LockwoodPatricia W. & Wilfrid G.LoekenDonald LoganKim LohnesGina LombardiChrista Long

Thank you for making a difference! 2009 DonorsJanet LongMary & Brian LongDouglass LoreenKelly A. LovattWinifred L. & William P. LozonPhilip LucidoMary Ludloff & Victor RethyChristine LufkinElizabeth & David LundBrannen LundbergFred LunkiJoan LusterEllen & Stephen H LutzR. Gerard & Karen C. LutzJane LyTeri LymanJulie LynchDorothy LyonMary & David MaasPam K. & Joseph M.MacDonaldPam MacEwanLisa MackaySheila & Greg MackayLiz MadgettTanya M. & Michel E. MaesDavid MagnusonRichard MagnusonAnne Marie MaguireAmy B. & Bob J. MaherConstance MalasomaConsy MalasomaGabriela MalcolmJudy T. MalengJudith & Jon ManchesterTina MancusoMary Ann & Theo MandelkornAmanda J. & William ManleyMargo MansfieldAmber ManuguidJohn MarchioneErin MarckelSusan T. Marcolina &William ColburnMarie TuiteMark MorganShelly & James MarkwithJill & Joseph MarottaNichole & Doug MarsanoBarbara MarshallYolanda & Johnson MarshallAurora & David MartinDavid MartinDeAnna MartinMary & Dwight MartinRobert MartinSharon & Stephen G. MartinJeff MashAmir MassourianJoice Y. & Roger K. MasudaMark MaszakCarol & Frederick MathersAnnie MathewsDottie & Jacki MathewsSandra MathewsJanet Mathews-FlynnBonnie & Eric MatsonBetsy MaxwellRobert MaxwellMary MayMary Baker MaybeemMary Lou MaybeeMerica Mayfield &Ramses ChmaitEmily Munson MayhleMarc MayoScott R. & Kerrie McArthurJoan McBrideBeckie McCannPatty A. McCarrick &Ken B. LuplowMaureen McCarry & ThomasKnollmannPatricia McClementsMarie & Delbert McClureMark & Janet McClureLaura McCullochBetty McCulloughJerry McCulloughJames McDonellCharles E. McDowellDeborah & Gary McDowell-McgoughJared McElweeCarol McFarlandHenry W. McGee Jr.Cheryl McGrathNicole G. & Michael P. McHaleMarilyn & Rob McKennaSusan McLain & StevePersingFrances R. McLeodUlrike C. McMahonJohn McMastersWilma & Wayne McMeansAnina & Gavin McMurdoMaggie McVeyJohn P. MeadWalter F. MeadeJoseph MeadowsZoujhalia MeagherJanis MedleyLeah & Rich MedwayMeera MehtaLindsey Maloney MerrellJennifer Merril & Reed PriceNancy MerrillValorie & Robert MerrimanEmily Kao MessmerMarilyn J. MetzCheryl MezichTara MichaelsKeith R. MifflinAyako MikiYuko MikiMary Florence MilburnDan MillarConnie MillerElizabeth & Steven MillerGlen MillerJohn Wesley MillerPatricia & Stephen MillerShirley MillerJason MillsJennifer MillsJudy MillsDiane E. MilnorVicki & Stuart MiltonJanet & Larry MinarLeslie & Peter MinchMiriam JelinekCarol Miyatake & Ward YukawaShelley MizrahiLynn Moberly BurnsEric MoenTeresa MontoyaBarbara & Wes MoorheadCarol MorganDimitria & Michael MorganKathleen MorganSally & John MorganMary MorralSusan J MorrisSusan MorrissonDebra & Jeffrey MorrowNicolle MoserDarlene MoshtaghErin MoyerSusan & Harold MozerDebra MuchnickBrennan MuellerKatie & Mark MuhsamJoanne MunnDanny MurphyKarrie MurphyLuke MurphyMary MurphyMarypat MurphyPatrick MurphySherrie MurphySunny Kobe MurphyThomas MurphyJill A. MurrayPerry MurrellMary MutchlerBrenda NakanoChristy & Michael NapiernHimani NareshHelen & Gerald NashMichael NauJanet A. NearyMelissa NeelyLiz NeffAmy NehmeLinda NelsonChris & John NeorrKelly NesbittArne NessAndrew NesseMary Newcomer WilliamsKristin NewellRonald NewmanDaniel NewtonRobert NicholasShirley NichollsClark NicholsKeith NicholsSandra & Les NielsenJune NixonMary & Greg NobleSheryl & Bill NolanLee NolanVicky NolletteJudy E. NordstromKarla NorthSasha Nosecchi & KipBeelmanoLeo NovakoskiHelen & Kris NydenChristine D. OaksHerain & Gagandeep OberoiEleanor O’Betra BellVicki O’BriantDeborah O’BrienDianne & Clayton O’BrienShannon O’BrienThomas O’BrienM. Catherine OchoaMary O’Connell-KnightJennifer & Douglas O’ConnorShannon O’ConnorNina OdellMary OdermatLouis Edward Odom, Jr.Katherine & Dennis OelrichKathy OelrichMargie OgawaTyler OienScott OkiMary C. & Kris R. OlinNancy OlmosMarie & Charles OlmsteadArt OlsenMasami & Ron OlsenLaura & Dwight OlsonMark OlwickWilena O’NealAllen O’NeillAnne & Allan O’NeillSandra O’NeillJoanne & Jeff OrtPauline & James OsbourneKathryn OskouianSarah & Justin OsmerPeggy & Rick OstranderJill & Sten OstremJackie S. OswaldStephanie OtisNancy & Rob OutcaltJohn E. OutenTracy OverbyDia OwenAnna E. PalmMichele Palmer &Nathan W. EverettJason PankowKorrin PapeJackie & Bob PappasSharon Lynn ParkerPamela & Greg ParsonsStephanie ParsonsShamish P. PatelJeanine & Dick PattenJanette & Michael PavoneJim PearmanSuzanne H. PedersenPam & David PeeplesBarbara PelfreyBarbara PenroseMeghan PerezAimee PerkinsClinton PerraultKaren PerraultSherry Perrault & Michael C.HardingSally & David PetersonAlisa & Ron PetersonDebra PetersonKathleen & William PetersonNita & Larry PetryBill PetterJodi & Bjorn PfeifferKatie PhelpsChristine PhilippspClara PhillipsTheresa PhillipsTom PhillipsSeng Hieu PhoSherre PiantanidaCandace & Sherwood PidcockDan PierceSusan E. PierceThomas PierceWayne PietzColleen & Reed PikeAmy PinascoLisa PinpinLorna PinpinJennifer PisaniChristine A. PitonSuzanne PitoneAlfredo PizziraniKay PlimptonClint PoeschlMelissa PoirierIan PollCristina & Steven PopeLisa & Phillip PopoffRichard E. PorterIvan PotterRebecca & James PotterBarbara Potter-JaechEunice & Malcom PowellSusan & Jim PowellSusan Powell-MastinJessica & D.J. PowersKen PrattMaura PrattGilbert PriceJ. Scott PriceJennifer J. PriceJohn PriceDanielle Prince & AndiHerbstEric PrinceKaren PrinceStanford D. Prince11

Thank you for making a difference! 2009 DonorsDiane PuckhaberMichelle PuckhaberKathy PuttBrian PyeattCharlotte & Milton PyleWenqing Qi & Peng LinPeter & Rita QuarreR2 Resource Consultants, Inc.Donna & William RadclifferJan RadosevichPriya Raghav &Kaushik ShriraghavEden RagsdaleJeri RailtonJay RakelPaul RakelBarbara RakesMarylin & William RamboPatricia Ramsey &Robert ErnstTerri RamseyPaula RandolphGail A. RatleyMary & Paul RauwolfDonald RayLeonard RaymundoBen RecekFaith & William RecordsPatricia RectorDarnesha ReedJames T. ReedKarin ReedKatrina ReesLaura & Jim RehrmannLarry ReichleLinda & Jeffrey ReichmuthAndrew ReifersTanja ReinersLinda & Rick ReiningerShelly Brown ReissJason RejniakSue RenardBen ReppondLauriann ReynoldsStephen ReynoldsJill RiceByron RiceDeborah & Kenneth RiceElizabeth & James Rice12Byron L. & Diane RichardsCharles RichardsMary Margaret RichardsShawn RichardsonAnnie Richardson-Lander &Richard LanderBarbara RiebesehlCindy RiggsJennifer & Darin RingenbachLynn Ristig & Craig ShrontzLaura RitscherVanessa RiveraJan RoachGreg RobbinsPaul RobertsWilliam Roberts Jr.Greg RobertsJaclyn RobertsKaren RobertsDolores M. RobertsonMarilyn C. & David A.RobertsonElizabeth Robichaud &Jaime BrutonMonica RobinsLinda Kay RobinsonBill RobinsonCarrie RobinsonDale RobinsonMarilyn & Jay RobinsonMary M. Robinson &Glenn EvansTracey R. Robischung-WalshJames RodenPamela & Mark RodenAymmet Cadiz RodriguezJeannine D. RogelBeth RogersHarry RogersJudy L. & Floyd RogersRaquel Rogers &Zakiya SteadmanAlma Rollolazo & RobertMcGlothinBarbara Rombold-Gillies &James GilliesDrucille RomeroSharon & John RoosCarol & Donald RootStephen RoperIngrid & James RoseJennifer RoseRebecca RoseJoseph RosenbaumKendra RosenbergCasey & Doug RosenburgDebbie RoslerAthena & Steve RospoLee E. RossNea & George L. RossRedith & Donald RossRenee RossWilliam RossDiane RothLynn Jordan RothbergDavid L. RothenbergBrinette & Lance RoundsHelen Banks Routon &Wayde RoutonSarah & Kent RoweBeny RubinsteinMayor Robert RudolphDiane RushJennifer B. RushAnthony RussellBarbara & James RussellVicki RussellSusan RyanJeannine RyanKen RyansMike RyanLynne & Jack SaadNina SalasChristine S. SalstromKendall SamfordSusan & Lester SamfordSharilynn Luck & HarrySamkangeJolene Huntington-Sanborn& Mike SanbornSara SandbergTeresa & Kevin SandersBeverly SandersJacqueline & MichaelSandersMaureen & James SandersTerri SandersAnthony SandonatoRobin SandwickElizabeth & David SanfordPriya SanthanamSteve SappStacy SarnerPatricia SarvisDeborah SasakiJenene Satalick LangChristina SchaeferMelody SchertingLisa ScheyerHelen & Ed SchildColleen & Josh SchillerJennifer & Thomas SchmidtJohn SchmidtSusan SchmitzChristopher SchneiderKimberly & Louis SchnierDavid SchoenmakerHelena SchoetzowRosalind A. Schoof &Jeffrey B. OsterSandi and Ken SchramAl SchriberShelby SchulzGail ScottJacob ScottJudith & Maxwell ScottKatherine & Leslie ScottMelissa & Shawn ScottTerra ScottAnthony ScribnerAlice SeatonJulie & Steven SecristJudy SeeA. SeeligDonnell SeeseMary SegestaMaryAnn SegestaKaren SehrerMasako SekimotoMelissa SerdyIvette Marie SernaSusan & Michael ServaisAlycia SettlemyreEllyn SewellMatthew SeyboldKimberly & Steve ShafferWilliam ShafferSusie & Michael SharpTimothy D. SharpeLeeAnn Sharp-HugginsJill SheldonEarl ShepardCarolyn & Scott SherwoodPat L. ShinstromSue D. & Mark C. ShinstromLinda & Spencer ShiromaBonnie ShivelySarrah & Michael ShoresLaurie ShorettShari ShovlinJane & Gregory ShubinCarrie ShursenHillary SibleyJudith & Marc SidellSolveig SiebertsMichelle & Joseph SieversSherry Silva-AndersonKeith SimantonAlice SimmonsFrederick SimmonsDeborah Simonds &Stuart KolodnerSusan SimsFionnuala SinclairMichelle & Keith SinkPerry SjogrenKari SkarJim & Sandy SkeelLynne & John SkidmoreRachel SkifferSue & Lyle SkjervheimJudith & Walter SkowronskiLuther SlighMelanie SlingwinePatricia & Landis SmaaladenJennifer SmallDennis SmedsrudKim SmedsrudRodney Dean SmileyDixie L. SmithGregory SmithJoy Y. & Bruce SmithKaren J. SmithLinda SmithLuellen & Douglas SmithPhyllis SmithShasta SmithShelby & Ken SmithThomas SmithLinda & Peter SmitheyNancy SmithsonKelly SouderHiroko SpeesConnie & Stephen SperryDiana M. SpickermanMonique Bloch &Robert J. SpierAnthony SprauveSharon & Scott SpungHelen I. Stanger &Cheri Lee BortlesonKelly StanleyLaurie StaplesTahirih StaplesJung & Charles StarrettChristine StawitzNick SteenDouglas StefankoLori L. StefanoKurt SteilenAlan SteinerPeggy SteinerJill SteinhausJoan & Phillip SteiningerNicholas StengerMarjorie & Clyde StensrudStephanie’s Country CandleChristian StephensSterling Realty OrganizationJessica SternJennifer Marie StevensKathryn & Gary StevensonDawn StewartJerome StewartPamela & Larry StewartAnn & Martin StieglitzJanet & Greg Still

Thank you for making a difference! 2009 DonorsMichelle Vierra & Jack W.StokesJo Ann & Robert StolarskiDr. Thomas StollAlexander M. StraubDyann & Joseph StreckerRichard S. StrongKimberly StubyGail & Barry StulbergElke SuberPaulette SuddarthKathy Sullivan-CatherwoodPaul SureddinShawn SurendranathMarcene SvinisMarilyn SwaffordAggie & Charles SweeneyGwen J. SweeneyBarbara & Kenneth SwensonDonald SyriaHolly Tabor & Eric WilfridtJennifer TadaAshalena TallquistAnusara TandaengBrandia Tankaka &Philip TanakaJacklyn TannerLilly TaoCynthia TarrBruce TateSteven TatePatricia Anne TavisCarol & Mark TaylorCindy A. TaylorDeborah & Justin TaylorJacqueline TaylorMegan TaylorAngela & Mike TeanoKathy & David TempestC.E. TennantSandy & Jeffrey TeperAnna TerryGail TerryJennifer TervoMary Jo Testu-RumseySandy TeufelCynthia TewesSteven ThainCatherine & James ThatcherAnnette & Todd ThomasCatharine & Richard ThomasMarsha & Rudy ThomasTurushia & Sherold ThomasTwistian ThomasClaudia ThompsonConrad ThompsonJ. Stegar ThompsonJacqueline & StephenThompsonRachel ThornRicky ThorntonAudrey B. ThrelkeldPatricia ThroopChuck ThuotSusan & Keith TibblesSusan M. TjarnbergMarcella J. TobolaCynthia & Ellaham TokoErica TollefsonGeorge TolyCraig TorgetShownein & Michael TorikSandy TorresTheresa TothShaun TozerShauna TrabJennie Traeger & KennethPacquerJohn TranShauna L. & Tuan H. TranCynthia P. & David E.TrowbridgeDavid TrowbridgeJulian TrowbridgeRick TsangSylvia & Shek TsangKevin TuKristin TuckerKerri Turner &Derek VilleneuveMary S. & Robert R. TurnervColette Tvedt & David ScultRebecca UnderwoodGayla & Ken VaillancourtMaria Valdesuso-Roberts &Mark L. RobertsAmy ValentineRoger ValentineFred Van Buren &Caroline CristCarol R. & Gerald W. Van DykLynn Van LieropSusan & Jason Van NortDanette M. & Gordon E. VanMary & William VandenbergSahily & Manuel VellonMarie Villa &Thomas ReynoldsElizabeth & Tom VimontNancy VitugwMadhavi VuthooriKaren WaalkesJoy WadaSandra A. WadeLinda Schutte WagerJenni M. WakidaDiane WaldherrChristopher WalfordCathie & Mark WalkerEdie & Tony WalkerKirene WalkerSteven WalshBrook & Craig WaltersAmanda WaltmanLee WangZheng WangLynn WaplingtonTara WarburtonGina WarrenJC WarrenDan WatsonDenise WatsonKaren & Joseph WawrzaszekDavid WeaverKristen M. Webb &David L. SchoolerMary & Dar WebbCindy WebsterHeidi WebsterMarian WebsterCaroll WedlundDiana & Robert WeedeKaren & Mark WegaMike WehrmanMarsha J. & David F. WeilKathy & David WeinsteinHerb WeisbaumCarol WeisbeckerKathleen WeissTamar WeitzelElizabeth WelchKimberly & Matthew WelchTyler WelchTerri & Peter WellsMarie & Dale WesternWilliam F. Whelan, Jr.RoseMary Whelan-ArcherBrian WhitakerAna WhiteRachelle WhiteShannon WhiteBillie Lou WhiteleySharon & Tyler WhitneyShawn & James WhitneyJason WhittecarErica WichtowskiChristopher WicksJean L. & Paul M. WiegandJames S. WigfallElena WilcoxKim & John WilcoxCarol & Doug WilliamsFrances WilliamsGina Williams & Lee HarrisKimberly & Warren WilliamsKristin & Ernest WilliamsLucy & Stuart WilliamsTheresa & Tom WilliamsJoyce WilliamsonBryan WillisonMartha WillsPatricia & Robert WilshusenJoni WilsonRebecca Wilson SpenceAngie WilsonDebra Weiss Wilson &Gary WilsonKathleen & Matt WilsonKristine WilsonPatricia WilsonRetta & Myles WinbiglerCindy WincewiczKyle WindenburgAnna & Jeremy WingfieldKristin WinkelEmily WionEleanor Tsao Wirum &C. Harold WirumBonnie WitekFran WocknerBarbara & Andrew WoldJesse WoldmanCindy WolfKaren Wong-DuncanJennifer & Rick WoodsNancy Worsham &Jerry WorshamBetty & Harold WorthleyBrad WorthleyLinda & Steven WrightThomas WrightLynn M. WuscherKim & Todd WyattJennifer Wylie-DoldStephen WynneMarvin YamaguchiSeiko YamashitayMary & Warren YasutakeKaren YenGina YoungJosh R. YoungKaren YoungLark & Gary YoungLeslie & James YoungDaniel YourkoskiMelinda YourkoskizEvelyn Zabo &Richard SchroderDebbie ZaccariaKeiko ZahedNadia ZaneMarlene & Leo ZeilerSharon ZevenbergenNancy ZhuJudith & Jeffrey ZiedmanKristin ZimmermanKatrina ZuccaroGifts In Kind5th Avenue TheatreAAA WashingtonAAUW - Kirkland, RedmondBranchAbbey Party RentsMary AdairYukiko Akamatsu &Jeffrey Coffey, Jr.Alaska AirlinesLeesa AlbertRay AllenAlpha Chi OmegaAlpha Chi Omega - RhoChapterAmgen, Inc.Rebecca Amos-Stuart &Scott StuartKendall AndereggKellie & Tom AndersonAnthony’s RestaurantsApplebee’sArgosy CruisesArgosy UniveristyArmondo’s Cafe ItalianoArthur Murray School ofDanceAssistance League of the<strong>Eastside</strong>Kate & Dale AthensLesley K. & James L. AustinLaura AxnessDonna BabcockJoan BalloughMaureen BaskinBath & Body WorksBaylis ArchitectsBeads for BabesBeautiful Savior LutheranChurchKelly & Brad BeckerJennifer BeeryBellevue Alumnae Chapterof Delta Sigma ThetaBellevue Art MuseumSandra Bell-LundyBen Bridge JewelersKim BennettJan BerberichArnold S. BergerJennifer BerglundBessie’s CakesBis on MainRachael Black & RonaldBarenstenC. BlankensteinBody Basics Workout FacilityThe Boeing CompanyInga & Per BolangAnita BoserKelly & Travis BowersKristen & Steven BraceCamille BrashRichard BreckenridgeBrickman Management -Civica Office CommonsBright HorizonsGail BrillingDodi & Richard BriscoeBrown-FormanAnne Marie & Bill BudoPamela & John BurkeCarolyn & Ed BurninghamDenise BurninghamLori & Ron BuzardBydalek RusticsRyan ByingtonCaroline, Brooke &John CaldwellJeff CaleyAnnemarie CallahanVeronica & Douglas CameronBrenda CampbellKarie CandaCanyon Creek CabinetCompanyCapital Funding GroupCarol CarterCascade Ridge ElementaryCascadia Wellness ClinicMichele CatoireCat’s Eye Marketing13

Thank you for making a difference! 2009 Donors14Central Park EastApartmentsAimee ChailleShimy ChakkalakkalMyrna ChampauxJohn ChampionChampions Center -Bellevue CampusKristin ChanBruce ChartierCheck MastersThe Cheesecake FactoryMerrill ChertokChevy Chase Women’s ClubDale ChihulyChilds Studio, LLCJulie & Art ChmuraChocolate BoxJulie & Kevin CipolettiCity of Auburn Golf CourseCity of Bellevue - ITDepartmentCity of Bellevue - Operations& MaintenanceCity of Bellevue Departmentof TransportationCity of Bellevue UtilitiesOperations & MaintenanceCity of RedmondJD ClineCarla CliseCoast Guard Family &FriendsCongregation Kol AmiCongregational Church onMercer IslandNorman CooperYing & Steven CooperDorothy CordesCostcoCostco Home #798Costco WholesaleClaudia CoteCountryside Floral andGardenKaren & Bobby CoxKathy & Gregory CoxLynette CoyleCoyote Creek Pizza Co.Tom CraigCrate & BarrelCrate & Barrel - DistributionCenterCrystal Mountain FoundersClubBrooke CuddyCupcake RoyaleTina CurtisDacels Jewelers & GalleryLinda DahlSue DahlinJanet DalyJim DarnellDarwin Webb LandscapeArchitects, P.S.Barbara & Nick DavidsonSusan DecockCandace & Charles DenegalDerma VitaJackie & Joseph DevichRay DiCasparroDawn DixPat & Dan DomineCarol A. DrewDuke’s Chowder HouseGraham DuncanFred DunlapRosemarie & John DunlopEaglecrest ResortMichele EasonEastshore Women’sPerspective Group<strong>Eastside</strong> Baby Corner<strong>Eastside</strong> Fire & Rescue<strong>Eastside</strong> Women’s ClubKathleen EggersSarah ElbaumBobbi EllerbeckRoslyn EllisonKathy & Alan ElserEmerald City SmoothieEmergency Feeding<strong>Program</strong>Emmanuel Episcopal ChurchHeather EngstromLorena EpsteinWendy EricksonJoan ErnestEvelyn’s Caring ThroughSharingDeborah EvertsExpediaFaith Lutheran ChurchFamily Fun CenterFamily Resource Center:<strong>Eastside</strong> HS ServicesKaren FaremskiSalma FarhatFeng Shui & Color DesignThe Finest AccessoriesNancy FisherKeigh FlachHeather FlemingChristie FlintonFlowing Lake Golf CourseNicole FlynnNicole & Kevin FlynnTim FlynnRenee Fondacaro & HenrySowizralFood LifelineCatherine ForsythFour Square Church ofBellevue - The GatheringPlaceJulie FraizerFriends of the IssaquahSalmon HatcheryWendy FrisbyFirst Congregational ChurchMonica FuttyMichelle A. GailDeeAnna & Reed GalbraithKaren Galipeau Forner &Steve GalipeauSusan & Keith GalpinThe Game NeighborhoodGrill & BarPaul GarciaGarrison Creek CellarsGEMGeorge’s Wine ShoppeVinnie GeerGFWC Cascade Women’sClubShannon & Jeremy GibsonSally Gilchrist & Randall BanGirl Scout Troop #43167Girls Scout Troop #1171Cynthia GlaserNesby GlasgowTim GlynnGold Wing TouringAssociationSharon GoldbergGreg GoldsteinGolf Savings BankLonnie GoodellRachel GordonPam & Jeff GowGraham Computer StoreJim GrazkoSusan GreenbergGregg’s CycleGovernor Christine GregoireMatthew GregorySandra Griffith & DaveOsmerJan GriggsBetsy GrimesLaura GrobRick GroverSandra GumpMarilyn & Lon HaberlachCathy HabibRobin HagenAnne HallHolly HallmanDanielle HamelHancock’s BakeryMary HankeFelipe HardyHarris Group, Inc.Stacey & Robert HauckDoug HawkinsAyako & Bill HaydenHayes NurseryCatherine HayesHealthwaysHelzberg DiamondsMichelle HembyMichele & Remco HendrikseClaudette HennemannLynette & Chris HensleyMarian & Gene HensleyThe Herbfarm RestaurantAlex HidalgoRobin HillearyDeanna HobbsDavid HoldsworthHoliday Inn Club VacationsHolland America LineSydney HolmesSue HoltHoly Cross LutheranHoly Family Catholic ChurchHome DepotHeather HougRuth HoughLisa HowardVal HrobskySophie HunterDebbie HuntingtonHyatt Regency-BellevueRuss HydeBarbara A. Iafratei-booze.comImmaculate ConceptsCleaning ServiceNicole IngleVictoria IngrassiaInteliusInternational CommunitySchoolIntiman Theatre CompanyInventive Productions, LLCRisa & Soichi Kirk IshizakiJeannette & Tom IsraelsonIssaquah High SchoolIssaquah Women’s ClubIvar’sBobbie IzuoKimberle Jackson-Butler &Roderick ButlerLeland JamesEmilly JaniszewkiJane JanusJennifer BroughtonPhotographyJill Bucy Skin CareJillian’sHelen M. JohansonKathleen Johanson & MarkThometzAshley JohnsonCollette JonesDarlene JonesKerri JonesNancy JonesEric JuenkeHeather & John KahanFrancoise KahleVicki KaleffKappa Alpha ThetaKaren’s Chocolate Treats &MoreAmyua KarmaliLisa KaulenFelicia KeatorBrian & Kathryn KeeganMelanie KelseyTim KennedyJoy KhooKidsQuest Children’sMuseumChristy KimNaomi KimKING 5 TelevisionKristee KinneyRoger & Joanna KinseyKirkland Eagles Aux #2681Kirkland Fire DepartmentKirkland PerformanceCenterKirstin & Joe PetersonKiva Conditioning ClubKiwanis Club of KirklandK. KlinkenbergCynthia KludtScott KreilingConnie KressBruce KruppKUBE 93 FMKim & Keith KubikCharlie KunzMarita LaFranceLake Washington TechnicalCollegeLakemont Ladies CyclingClubBeth LambertBarbara & Ed LangdonJeanne M. Large &Fred HerzbergTerri & Jason LatendresseAlan LawrenceCarmen LayneE. LewisMatthew LewisJudi K. LiedesLife Vessel Santa FeLime DesignsDebra LinkerMicki LippeLisa Dupar CateringMP LoewyJanet & Monty LongJennifer LoomisLucky Strike LanesLucyLumedxLynnwood Bowl & SkateRon MacKaayJackie MaclinJennifer MaddoxEva R. & Horst MaderAmy B. & Bob J. MaherAnne & John MahoneyCindy MahoskyThe Mane ChangeAndrew MansellMarbella Day Spa &BoutiqueSusan T. Marcolina & WilliamColburnMichael MarinelloMarquand BooksJessica MarquezDebra MarrowMarilyn Mason-PlunkettLorraine Masse

Thank you for making a difference! 2009 DonorsMaster Builders Associationof King & SnohomishCountiesMaster Chorus <strong>Eastside</strong>Maternal Fetal MedicinePaula & John MatthysseMaveron, LLCSandre MaxwellMary Lou MaybeeThe Maytag StoreDeborah & Gary McDowell-McgoughChristy McGlynn and FamilyLisa McKayDarlene McNealBrett MeadeMerill Lynch- The AbelmanGroupThe Merz AgencyMicrosoft - OEM GroupMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Licensing, GPYuko MikiMary Florence MilburnBeverly MillsRuth MoenMolly MaidsMorgan Stanley SmithBarneySusan MorrisMount Rainier Guest ServicesChristine MoyerMr. & Mrs. Nick SeibertAmy MurrayMuse Famrs, Inc.Naficy Plastic Surgery &Rejuvenation CenterNational Association ofWomen in ConstructionLiz NeffRebecca NelsonValerie J. NelsonJoyce & Richard NesbittNew York CupcakesNewport PreschoolNext Level FitnessNordstromNordstrom - CustomerServiceNorthridge GardensNorthshore ChristianWomen’s ClubNorthwest Storage PropertiesObadiah SalonPatrick O’ConnorMargie OgawaBryan & Junsen OhnoOld NavyAgneta & Claes OlssonOn The Rocks SculptureStudioMargilee O’NeillOverlake AlumnaePanhellenicJayme OylerPacific BioscienceLaboratories, IncPacific Coast Feather Co.Pacific Rim GranitePacific Science CenterBob F PacquerMark PanelliPaolo’s Italian RestaurantJulie ParsonsPartea DentalSusan PaschleePasta & Co.Pearl Bar & DiningRestaurantGuy PeckhamSusan & Alex PederAllyn Perkins &Loch AndersonThe Pet Stops HereKaren PetersJulie PetersonNita & Larry PetryKari PettiboneMarna PettigrewArt PettigrueDr. Mike PfeiferPharmica IntegrativePharmacySaam PhelpsTerri PhillipsCandace & SherwoodPidcockJennifer PisaniPMIPogacha of IssaquahPosh Parties CateringPremera Blue CrossThe Printer GuysProject CoolProject LinusQFC Corporate OfficesRain City Volleyball ClubSharon RawlingsReal Estate InvestorsAssociationRedhook Ale BreweryRegent Bakery & CafeReininger WineryLinda & Rick ReiningerAnn & Dave RennieRenton Center ChiropracticBen ReppondThe Resort at Port LudlowJessica RhoadesJill RiceSue & Toby RichardsDee & Mike RileyRising Star GuildJan RoachBob RobatzekJennifer RobertsonRodney RobertsonRose Hill Junior HighStacie RoseDebbie RosemontDon RossRotelle Capital ManagementBrinette & Lance RoundsS3 MaritimeSammamish RotarySammamish RotaryFoundationByron SanbornJolene Huntington-Sanborn& Mike SanbornTeresa & Kevin SandersSanta Hos Childrens CharityAJ SaubertHelen & Ed SchildJim SchirmerJody SchrullScott’s Fire ProtectionElise & Larry SearlesSeastar Restaurant andRaw BarSeattle AquariumSeattle Arts and LecturesSeattle Basket BrigadeSeattle MarinersSeattle SymphonySeattle Theater GroupStacie Oda SegundoSelect ComfortSeven SalonCorey & Sandy ShamleyJill SheldonShirley A. & Chuck ShermanCarolyn & Scott SherwoodLynn & Jeannie ShivelyYael ShuvalClara SifuentesJim SimantonTricia SimonBarbara SimonsonSuzanne SingletonSiobhanJessi SitesSizzleworks Cooking SchoolSkyhawks ParkDebra & Steven SmallerBecky SmithChar & Jerry SmithKaren J. SmithNancy SmithRegine SmithSole FoodSound Mind & BodySouthwest AirlinesSpa at Pro Sports ClubSpace NeedleKaren SpencerSport Restaurant & BarAnn & Fred SputhChris & Ted SputhJoan & Ed SputhPenny & Dennis SputhBarbara St. JohnSt. Luke’s Lutheran ChurchWendy StansburyStaples AdvantageStarbucks Coffee CompanyStarlight FoundationThe Stella CenterIn Memory OfHelen BartokMelissa BattenCarolyn DurallSidney EagletonDaniel JaechGerlie LamsonJoyce MahanJean RosenbaumThe Sherman FamilyPaige Marie WeedmanAmanda StewartSterling Johnston &AssociatesStevens Pass Ski AreaVicki & Dale StierDr. Thomas StollLaurel StrandAytan StrombergStudio 150Kathryn StueckleSumner Meadows Golf LinksRichard SundholmSweet AdditionTakahashi DesignTalking RainJoyce TamashiroTaproot FoundationSandy TeufelDana ThomasMarsha & Rudy ThomasJ. Steger ThompsonMaria TildenTiffany & Co.Title NineTJ Blooms, Inc.Kathy TorrenceToy Makers - CheryleDietrichToy Makers - JudieAndersonTrader Joe’sTrilogy For KidsKimberly & Steven TrumfioDebbie TurnbullKell-y TurnbullTwelve Baskets CateringU-Frame-ItUnity Church of BellevueChris UpchurchValley Chiropractic LMPDiane Van MeegenFlorence VerburgVerizon WirelessVerizon Wireless - BellevueCampusVerizon Wireless HopeLine<strong>Program</strong>Victoria’s SecretVictoria’s Secret - BeautyViking Bank - BellevueBranchVilla MagnoliaMariluz VillaVillage TheatreMaureen & Bob VincentSuzann VincentVirginia Mason Medical ClinicIn Honor OfNancy BelurBill & Anne Marie BudoWade CharDebbie ChristensenSophia EverettEllen FixThe Gilles FamilyBeth-Ann JoynerSergeant John Kane, MedinaPolice Dept.Julie & Karl VossCarol VuWaggener EdstromChris WainhouseWendy Walker-BellWalla Walla VintnersWashington Wine CompanyWatermarkJason WeeseWellnessOneWellnessOne - EastgateKathleen Welsh-CurdiRobin & Kirk WheelerWhite Cellars WineryMatika WilburLeigh Ann WilcoxClarence WilliamsKaren & Lee WimberlyWindermere - Yarrow BayWindermere, Your GivingGroupWine Styles - IssaquahWoodcraftWoodinville High SchoolWoodland Park ZoologicalSocietyWoodmark HotelWorldMark by WyndhamXi Gamma ThetaYarrow Bay Grill & BeachCafeThe Yoga Lodge onWhidbey IslandCliff Watson & Lili KungKarin LeisyPaul OlarigThe RD TeamDeborah RicePatti RothenburgCole Surendranath15

contact EDVPFOR INFORMATION ANDSERVICES, PLEASE PHONE:24-Hour Crisis Line425.746.1940 or1.800.827.8840Voice/TTY/Interpreters8 a.m. - 5 p.m., M-FBusiness: 425.562.8840Fax: 425.649.0752P.O. Box 6398Bellevue, WA 98008-0398Washington State<strong>Domestic</strong> <strong>Violence</strong>

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