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Ashwani Kumar, Bailsalwill stay, says Congress-B. Muralidhar Reddy is the most corrupt and ineptgovernment since IndependNEWDELHI: After going into ence.huddle for two consecutive At a hurriedly conveneddays,the Congress decided on press conference at his resiSunday to reject the demand dence, Mr. Tewari outlinedfor the resignation <strong>of</strong>Railway the logic behind the decision.Minister Pawan ICumar Ban He almost suggested thatsal and Law Minister Ashwathose who were demandingni Kumar, who are in the eye their ouster were talkingMa political storm.through their hat. As for Mr.Leaving no scope for any Bansal, Mr. Tewari arguedsuspense even amongits rankthat it was "inappropriate" toand ffl fthe party fielded In pré-judge the charge when theformation and BroadcastingMinister Manish Tewari tomake a formal announcementinvestigation was underway.The Railway Minister is introuble after his nephewVijayon why it believed that the Singlawasarrestedbythe CBIOpposition had no case for onFridayforaliegedlyacceptseekingthe resignation.According to a senior leader, the party had little choicebut to back the two Ministersleast in the case <strong>of</strong> Mr. Ashwani Kumar wou'd-lend tothe doors <strong>of</strong>the Prime Minister's Office as the CBI affidaing Rs. 90 lakh forfixing abetterposition for Railway BoardMember Mahesh Kuniar, whohas been suspended.as conceding the demand -at "Unfortunately, there aretwo parallel processes in thevit to the Supreme Court onthe coalgate was also showncase. One is being played ou1inpublic domain and theoth!er by investigating agencies.Afterall the charge sheet hasto be filed in a court <strong>of</strong> law,"to a senior <strong>of</strong>ficer in Manmo Mr. Tewari said.han Singh's ecretarint. As for the Law Minister,By deciding to back the who is at the centre <strong>of</strong> a rowMinisters, the party manag after it emerged that he haders have effectively sealed the asked the CBI toshowhim theprospect <strong>of</strong>' any business in affidavit on the coalgate,the remainiogpart <strong>of</strong> the bud whichwas meant to be shownget session <strong>of</strong> Parliament. only to the Supreme Court,which ends thi May 9. Mr. Tewari said the matterThe Congress will now wassubjudicabank on the outcome <strong>of</strong> theKarnataka Assembly elections-in which the party is CBI to quiz Bansal: Page 12;-expected to fare weli to- ______________________Editorial: When itcounter the aggressive Oppo -- rains, it pourssitioa campaign that UPA-Il-

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