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Embattled Congress Refuses'to Get Rid <strong>of</strong>Bansal & Kümar___________________ GOP's_____'ċ„ a PR RAMESH Manish Tewari told the media after Tip-OfffromThe- ___________forI LawMinsterMbwaniKumaitigln-The piling party dug Its heels in-',.-'IA--ft eninga. '.'hardened stand to prolong Parliament gridlockrfIJRE POUTformation & Broadcasting Minister-"NEWDELHIthemeeting<strong>of</strong>thecoregroupattlie "governinenthas decided agalnst PM's residence. On Ashwani Kumaz .'canway Dauu;giving In to the Opposition's demand Tewari said the matter was sub judihmnediately sacking Railway Ccanda decision would be taken afterMinister Pawan Kumar Bansal and the Supreme Court's decision,'-the parliamentary gridlock even as BJP ratchetedand further dimming hopes <strong>of</strong> legis - up its attack onBansal,"lationin the ongoingbudget session. There is by coming out with hisThe Congress core committee, growing family members' busi- ________________which met on Sunday evening totake uneasein ness dealings with hisa call___on the demand for the resigna congress arrested nephew\'y :-k "'tc-'-... tion<strong>of</strong>theministersamidclosejudi overthe Singla -a charge de Atip-<strong>of</strong>ffromadis,-tcialscrutiny<strong>of</strong>k" theflinctloning<strong>of</strong>the backingfor niedbytheministerbe gruntled'' '<strong>of</strong>ficerthree-::- -,, - <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>, felt thetwo fore the:."-ere commitmonthsago lid thethat succumbing to the Opposition's tee on Saturtlay Singlajr "', --;'--.-" , pressurecouldmakethe government had allegedly accepted too lakh for Blto arrest the rail;-" ' morevulnerable.Thepartywfflhave fixing a better position forrailway H Wayministersnephew;.tobrazenitoutasanysignal<strong>of</strong> weak boardmemberMaheshKumaxt VljaySlngla,report-' ness can embolden the Opposition" - further, a Congress flinctionar%who PMShieidingTainted:Anhi Shastri *25 IWflfltattended the meeting, toldET.FACiNG OPPOSrnONWRATH:Raiiway A probe (in the railway briberyongres n eps up.Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal (top) & scandal) is going on, let the result Exitpolishavepredicteda AttackwpageaLawMinisterAshwaniKumar come. We will decide after that," In Congwin in Kamatak&o2PMShieldingtheTainted: Anil ShastriIIHFront Page 2"The government has no morals. TheCongress has converted the governmentinto a money-making machine. Everythingis putonsale by TJPA ministers. Wewill not co-operate with this government,"saidRay! ShankarPrasad, deputyleader<strong>of</strong> the BJP in the Rajya Sabha.Left leaders, including CPI(M) politburomember Sitaram Yechury, havealso demandedaction that includes prosecutionprodeedingsagainstBansal.The government's decision cameahead <strong>of</strong> an affidavit expected tobe filedby the CBI in the Supreme Court thatmight provide pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the law minister'sintervention to dilute the agency'sfinding that the governmentdid not followthe rules in the allocation <strong>of</strong> coalblocks. This is likely to put the focus onthe prime minister's <strong>of</strong>fke as the ministrywas under the direct charge <strong>of</strong> thePM. The CBI had last week told the apexcourt that the law minister and an <strong>of</strong>ficialeich fromthe PMO and coal ministrywereshown the status report on theinvestigations "attheir desire".The growing unease within the Congressover the backing for the twoministenbecame public when Anil Shastri, aspecial invitee tothe Congress WorkingCommittee, on Sunday evening blamedthe prime minister for shielding thetainted. 'PM should follow the sameyardstickforhisminlstersasdidSoniajiinthe case ot JBPatnaik, Ashok Chavan& Shashi Tharoor," tweeted Shastri. Healso said the government's omissionsand commissions had brought the efforts<strong>of</strong> Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi, Congress president and vice-president,to naught.

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