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Bansals nephew frequented ny board <strong>of</strong>ficeCBI Vetting GuestList As Hunt StartsFor Another NephewNeerajChauhanNew Delhi: The CBI has launched amanhunt for another nephew<strong>of</strong> railwayminister Pawan Bansal, Amy-Garg, who was reportedly presentalong with Vijay Singla and SandeepGoyal when the bribe amount <strong>of</strong> Rs90 lakh was being delivered in the'jobsforsale' scandal.Garg has been named by the CBIin itsFIR and is said to be the mainlink in the scandal. Agency sourcesclaimed that another accused, Bangalore-basedNarayan Rao Manjunath,was seen in the Railway Board<strong>of</strong>fice several times in the past fewmonths and it is also believed thatmember (staff) Mahesh Kumar hadpremised a major railwaycontract toManjunath'scompanyGGTronics.In the past too, MaheshKumarhadfavouredhim, a source said. Sourcesadded that Sin glaand Goel were alsoseen in the railway board <strong>of</strong>fice inDelhi several times, All the accusedPawan Kurnar Bansal with his familymembers and nephew Vijay Singla(in circle)after taking charge <strong>of</strong>the railway ministry last yearwere confronted on Sunday eveningon these aspects.Manjunath's company G C Tronteais engagedin the business <strong>of</strong> manufacturingrailway signal productsand automation <strong>of</strong> railway componentswlaileGoel'scompanypyramidElectronics in Chandigarh makeselectrical equipment for the railways.Sourcessaid Coolwasthemainpoint <strong>of</strong>contactbetween Mahesh Kumararid Manjunath for delivery <strong>of</strong>money while Singla and Garg tookthemoney in.Goelspresence.The agency is in the process <strong>of</strong>taktngthevisitors' regtster<strong>of</strong> PawanBansal's and member (staff) MaheshKuinar's <strong>of</strong>ficet<strong>of</strong>ind out who visitedthem in the past few months. Theagency maintained that Bansal wasunder the radar in the lobs for sale'scam as the member (staff) positionis supposed to be the fourth mostpowerful seat inrailway board <strong>of</strong>ficeafter the minister, minister <strong>of</strong> stateand chairman <strong>of</strong> the board and n<strong>of</strong>ile at that level moves without therailways minister's approval.The agency meanwhile, arrestedtwo Delhi based businessmen SamirSandhirandßahulYadavanda b'aridabad-basedbusinessman Sushil Dagawho are dose associates <strong>of</strong>Mmunat]iand had arrangedtheRs 90lakh whichwas deliveredto SinglainChandtgarh.l3ansal's Chandigarh-based reintiveAjayGarg,saidto be instrumentalinthe deal, is yet to be arrested. Sandhit;Raliul and Majijunath, who wasbrought from liangalore, were In-e--duced in the court<strong>of</strong> special 081judgeSwarm KantaSharma at PatialaHouse courts on Sunday evening andwere sent to two dayspolice custody031 sources said they confrontedManjunathwith Singlaand MafleshKumar later in the evening and none<strong>of</strong> them had a satisfactory reply ontheßs 90lakh bribe. "They were confronted withtapped conversations aswe]l, which formed the basis <strong>of</strong> arrestingthem,"said a source.Agency sources said they werealsoinvestigating thecontracts Manju--nath's company G G Tronics got Inrailways in the past, t<strong>of</strong>ind out anyprevious link <strong>of</strong> Singla and MaheshKumar in thebribery row,031 investigations have revealedthatKuinar was in touch with Manjunathfor initial payment <strong>of</strong> Its 2 croreto Ooel. On being asked by KumaiMauj unath <strong>of</strong>fered to arrange and payItsicrore toGoelas part<strong>of</strong> illegal gratification.Mahesh Kumar has assuredManjunaththat he would extend <strong>of</strong>ficialfavours in lieu <strong>of</strong> which Manjunathagreed toarrange and make paymentalbribe amount,"a source said.'Manjunathmanaged toarrangeonly an amount <strong>of</strong> Its 90 lakh, whichwastobepaidtoGoeionMay3,23l3atChandigarh onbehalf <strong>of</strong> Mahesh KumarRahul Yadav <strong>of</strong> Lajpat Nagar,Samir Sandhir <strong>of</strong> East <strong>of</strong> Kailashand Sushil T)aga <strong>of</strong> Green Valley laridabadin conspiracy with MaheshKumar, Manjunath and others arrangedto deliverthe bribe amount<strong>of</strong>Rs 90 lakh. The remainingamountwas to be arranged by Mahesh Kumarafter threeourdays," he added.

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