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The responsibility to protectAsound whistleblowers' protection law is long awaited. It languishes in Parliamentat the system's perilSHEKHAR SINGH ANDANJALI BHAR WAJQuadrilateral Corridor Project <strong>of</strong>the National Highways Authorit,<strong>of</strong> India, hadsparked the demandforan effective bill toprotect whistieblowers.However, over nineyears and innumerable attacks onwhistleblowerslater, the bill remainsstuckin legislative morass.TheWhistleblowersProtectionNANDI SINGH, aresident <strong>of</strong>aremotevillageinAssam, wasbrutallyattacked with axes in September2012as aresult<strong>of</strong>acomplaintfiledby him regarding irregularities inthe functioning <strong>of</strong> fairprice shopssupplying rations under thepublicdistribution system. Hesuccumbedto his injuries on the way tothe hospitaland his wife was seriouslyinjuredin the attack Nandi Singhhad also been attacked a monthprior to his murder and had filed acase and sought protection. His"wife and twochildren await justice.Ram Thakur from Bihar'sMuzaffarpur districtwasshot deadlast mbnthbyrelatives <strong>of</strong>the mukhiya<strong>of</strong> his village.He had exposedembezzlement <strong>of</strong> funds in theMGNREGA in Ratnauli panchayatusing muster rolls and otherinformationhehad accessed underthe RTI Act.He had also allegedthat the mukhiya<strong>of</strong> the village hadsiphoned<strong>of</strong>f thefunds.Prior tothefatal attack, there hadbeenseveralincidents<strong>of</strong> attacks on him and hehad repeatedly sought protectionfromthepolice.Nandi Singh, Ram Thakur andthousands like them across thecountiy have been threatened, assaulted,even killed forraising theftvoices against corruption andwrongdoing.Following the passage<strong>of</strong>theßl'lActin2oos,itisn'tjust<strong>of</strong>ficialswithin the system who haveaccess to government information—ordinarycitizens across theconntryare holding local <strong>of</strong>ficials toaccount in ways that were unfathomableevena decadeago. liufortunatefy,for these whistleblowerswho dared to show truth to power,there has beenno justice.Neitherhave their attacks and murdersbeen properly investigated, norhave the cases <strong>of</strong> corruption andwrongdoing they exposed beendealtwjth.Thewell-knowncase<strong>of</strong>satyendra Dubey, a graduate from UTKanpurwhowasmurderedin 2003,after he exposed financial and contractualirregularitiesin the GoldenBill, introduced in Parliament inAugust2010,waspassedbytheLokSabha in December 2011 and hasbeen awaiting discussion and passageinthe Rajya Sabha.The bill providesfor a mechanism to concealthe identity <strong>of</strong> a whistleblower,where (s)he feels that revelation <strong>of</strong>identitywould lead tovictimisationor harassmentby vested interests.The bill makes itan <strong>of</strong>fence torevealthe identity <strong>of</strong>the complainant andprescribes imprisonmentand finefor anyone who reveals the identity.In addition, there are provisions toprotect the whistleblowerfromvictimisationresulting from the disclosuresmade.There are, however, severallacunae in the bill that need to bediscussed and addressed in Parliament.One <strong>of</strong> the most significantis the lack <strong>of</strong>a clear and adequatelyTHE LAW must covercomplaints against the PMand alt other publicauthorities. Also, it isimportant thatcomplainants against theprivate sector getprotection under this act.broaddefinition <strong>of</strong>whatconstitutesvictimisation.It iscritical toensurethat under the law, incase <strong>of</strong>acomplaint<strong>of</strong> victimisation, the chargeshould stand established if theaction or inaction that led to thecomplaint violates any law, rule,policy, order or is not inconformitywith the general practice, proceduresand norms in the matter, oris not based onsound reasons.The bill is also silenton penaltiesand compensation vis-a-visvictimisation. Jfthe legislation isexpectedto effectivelydetervictimisation,it must provide for strictpunishment and penalties tobeimposedon anyone who victimiseswhistleblowers.It must also ensurethat wherever a whistlebloweriskilled or suffers grievous injuiy asaresult <strong>of</strong>making a complaint, actionis taken on a priority basis on

AG not only sawvetted also: CBIVahanvati proposedchanges to statusreport, says affidavitPIONEER NEWS SERVICENotjust the Law Minister, but theAttorney General too saw the statusreport in the coal allocation scam beforethe CE! presented the same to the SupremeCourt in a sealed cover on March 8. Thislatest revelation, which forms part <strong>of</strong> theCE! affidavit to be filed in the apex courton Monday, could put Attorney GeneralGE Vahanyati in serious trouble. The AGhad told the court that he did not see thereport despiteattending a meeting chairedthe Law Minister to discuss the report withthe CE! director.In addition, the contents <strong>of</strong> the latestaffidavit discussedby the CE! director withCR! special counsel UULailt mayalso Indicatethe changes proposed by the LawMinister. According to sources, CR!Director Ranjit Sinha is expected to pointout in his affidavit that the Law Ministerhad proposeda 'dilution' <strong>of</strong>language in thedocument. The agency may Indicate thatthe objection <strong>of</strong> the Minister was withregard to a final view being taken by theagency onrules fbr allocation<strong>of</strong> coal blocks.One <strong>of</strong>the petitioners in the coal scamPIL, Common Cause, had informed thecourt on April 30, thelast date <strong>of</strong>hearing,that the changesproposed In the reportconcerned shielding <strong>of</strong> three companies.The bench had takenserious exception to thischarge and wérned the CS!<strong>of</strong> taking an "adverse view"<strong>of</strong> the same. But the moredamning aspect <strong>of</strong> CBI affidavitcouldbe the commenton the AG, Sinha's affidavitmay acknowledgethe fact that the AG hada greater role to play thanmere seeing <strong>of</strong> the report. Accordingto sources, the AG too 'proposed" changesto the status report, after having gonethrough it.Appearing In court on the previoushearing in the coalgate, the AG referred tothe March 5 meeting where the CBIdirector shared the probe report with theLaw Minister and said, "I agree I was sittingtheret but Ihave never seen the draft(report):' a comment that may haunt himon his next appearance in thecourt onMay8. Already, sufficient embarrassment wascaused to the AG following theresignation<strong>of</strong> law <strong>of</strong>flter Harm Raval who appearedfor CEI in this case. Raval, whowrote a letter to the AG and theLaw Ministe1prior to tisresignation had accusedthe AG <strong>of</strong> lying to thecourt on having seen theCBI report.Giving details aboutthe meeting with the LawMinister,bval had said"At the said meeting,during the course <strong>of</strong>discussions, the draft<strong>of</strong> only one <strong>of</strong> status reports <strong>of</strong> thepreliminary enquiries was shown to theLaw Minister and was perused by him aswell as by you (AG). Certain suggestionswere made, Includingby you, to the CBI,some <strong>of</strong> which were accepted:'Continuedon PageRelated report on P5AG not only saw,vetted also: , CBIThe -From Page 1 March 12%y stating that theletter further revealed, status report was not shared"You will recall that as you with the political executive.wanted to leave, to attend Howeyer. on the court's querycourt.., other status report <strong>of</strong>whether the CRI CR1 Manual pertheinvestigations <strong>of</strong> the nine mited agency to share-theregular cases (in the coal block probe reports with Lawscam) were' requested to be Minister or any other <strong>of</strong>fidal <strong>of</strong>shown to you in the evening... Government, the agency jsIn compliSce <strong>of</strong>the above, thelikely to justify its act by ugCRI CR1 <strong>of</strong>ficials broughtthe drafts,geslingthat its Manual is silentwhich were perused and settledin this regard.by you. Sir, I was present in Besides, the affidavit <strong>of</strong>your residential <strong>of</strong>fice?':;The CRI CR1 affidavit is expecte4to confirm this fact and alsopoint out to the court that 'ASGItaval had misled the court onCRI CR1 would also name the twoJoint Secretaries in the PMOand Coal Ministry with whomtheCRI theCR1 shared the probereportas desiredby them.-

Cong rules out resignation <strong>of</strong>Bansal Ashwani KumarKVPMsADITNSCORE GROUP MEETINGNEW DELHI, MAY 5The Congress wreccnflee met at PMS residere aiissues ttcingte fate <strong>of</strong>Firmly backing Railway Mm py Minister Paw Kumar Bansal and Lawister Pawan Kumar Bansaland Law Minister AshwaniKumar, the Congress on Sunday ruled out the possibility<strong>of</strong> their resignations.MinisterAshwanl Kurnar. 'There Is a probe going on,let the result come. We wili decide after that,'tntormafion and Broadcasting Minister ManishTewail told reporters after the meethig.While Bansal is facingheatafter his nephew was 2 more held in bribery casearrested in a bribery case,Ashwani Kumar is in the TRIBUNE NEws SERViCE LOOKOUT FOR 2 MOREeye <strong>of</strong> a storm 6ver theJCBlhasedßalJ Icoalgate controversy. Ntw DEUII, MAY 5 Yadav and Samir San&r <strong>of</strong>"No decision will be taken Taking forward investiga Delhi. They are known tountil investigations con tions in the Railway Board Bangalore-based businessman -elude.Let the investigations bribery case, the CU! on Namyan Rao Manjunath. Afructify. Let's not prejudge," Sunday effected two more DeUii court has granted theirUnion Minister Manish arrests, taking the total CBI custody UI May 7num -Tewari told mediapersons ber <strong>of</strong> those taken into cus I The agency is on the look outthis evening after the con tody to eight, including nowfor Ajay Garg <strong>of</strong> Chandigathelusion <strong>of</strong>the Congress core suspended Railway Boardgroup meeting, the second member, Mahesh Kumar andsuch exercise in two days, Vijay Singla, nephew <strong>of</strong>and Sushil Daga <strong>of</strong> Faridabad,two <strong>of</strong> the eight named in theFIR but not yet arrestedamidreports<strong>of</strong>amajorrelief Railway Minister PawanCourier boys, Dharmendrain the form <strong>of</strong> a Chinesepull Kuniar Bansal.Kumar and Wek Kuma Theyback <strong>of</strong> troops in the Rahul Yadav and Samirai not named in the FIRLadakh region.Sandhir, residents <strong>of</strong> DelhiManjunath and Mahesh haveInterestingly, Defence Mm and who allegedly were conbeen brought to Delhi onisterAKAntony met Congress dulls for businessmanflnsft remand.president SoS Gandhi ahead Narayan Rao Manjunath,<strong>of</strong> the scheduled core group were arrested by the CBI.meeting,adayafterhebriefed By evening, the CBI had tointerrogateManjunath,whoPresident Pranab Mukheijee custody <strong>of</strong> seven <strong>of</strong> the eight was brought to Delhi fromon the Chineseincursions, accused, with a Delhi court Bangalore, Rahul and Samir.Continued on page 11 granting permissiontillMay 7 Continued on page 11

Buddhádeb lashes out at Mamata, seeks CBI probeKa,cat*, Mm 5The ongoing Left-Trinamoolwar<strong>of</strong> words in West Bengalover thq chitfund scamtodaysaw. Buddhadeb Bhattacharjetaccusing Chief MinisterMamataßanerjee <strong>of</strong>tiying todrag his name into the scandalby spreading "lies' andstating that only a CBJ inquirywould unravel the truth.''hat is she trying toprove by showing my pictures?Thai 1, my familymembers and my party membershave taken motley fromchit-fund firms Sheis tryingto spread lies: to save herown party from the scanç'Bhattachaijee said addressinga rally in North 24-Parganasdistrict.A few days back, Baneijeehad displayed copies <strong>of</strong>newspapers,includingCPM mouthpieceGanasakd, with the purportedphotographs<strong>of</strong> the formerChief Minister and a formerCPM MP from the state."1 was the ChiefMinisterfor10years. his nota big issue ifsomeone clicks any photographwith me. It doesrftScanthat we have takenmoneyfromthat person.Have we putour ownparty leaders into chitfund fimis to head any ving <strong>of</strong>such companies?' Rhattacharjetwondered."Rather than delivering bigspeeches, let there be a CE!inquiry. A CBE inquiry canonly bring out the truth,'Bhattáchaijee said.lie alleged that the nearlytwo years <strong>of</strong> Trinamool Con.great rule had witnessed arapid decline in agricuiwreand industry.On one hand, poor lannerswere not getting right pricesfor the paddy they producedultimately pushing them tocommit suicide, on the otherthe ktting up <strong>of</strong> the steel factoryat Salboni in West Mid Snapore district by the undaiswas in jeopardy, he said.'During the last year <strong>of</strong> our(Left Front) nile i.e. 2011, anamount <strong>of</strong>Rs 9,500 crete wasinvested, but in the very neatyear, the amount came downto a paitry Rsl23 crore,"Rhattachaijee claimed.He claimed that the tallpromise <strong>of</strong> creating 10 lathjobs came unstuck.Somejobs were indeed created, butthat is in thegreen police,while otherjobs were createdby chit fund companies.'The only thing that pogressedunhindered was'goondaisin', he alleged,adding that theft and dacoityhad taken place during hisregime, but notin the magnitudeas wasbeing seen at thepresent. "Now common peopieare scared and the goondasare thinking that it istheir government,' he said.He alleged that after send'ing the bill to control chitfund companies to Delhi in2003 for presidential assent,at least 20 letters had beendespatched. bat the bill wasnot signed into law.-FIT

Hopeful <strong>of</strong>victory in K'taka,Cong to target BJP over graftTIMES NEWS NETWORK hauntingthe Centre. The situation might, howThe Congress leadership ever,changeagajnjftheponti.New Delhi: The Congress seems to have also weighed calheatriseslnterms<strong>of</strong>acon.core group on Sunday decid the cost <strong>of</strong> twoministerialre certed opposition onslaught.Ed to back embattled minis signations setting a prece The decision to defendters Pawan Bansal and Ash dent forsimilar accountabil Bansal and Kwnai anwaniKumar after factoring ity in the future and the nounced by information andina likely victory in the Kar fallout In terms <strong>of</strong> an em broadcasting minister Mannatakaassembly election boldened opposition that ish Tewari, is seenas a bit <strong>of</strong>that concluded on Sunday would trumpet the trophies a gamble as Congress seemswith the party feedback mdi as evidence that the Manmo ready to write <strong>of</strong>f the recatingthat it will be able to han Singh government is on mainder <strong>of</strong> the budget sesforma government by dcci itsiastlegs. sion <strong>of</strong> Parliament. The parsivelytrouncing the BJP and The lengthy delibera ty's brains trust haswithout being dependent on tions indicate that the Con calculated that even if Banthesupport <strong>of</strong> outside par gress core groupweighed the salorKumarwere to quit, thetieslike the JanataDal (8). cost-benefit <strong>of</strong> defending the opposition would only pressA positive result in Kar ministers before deciding to for"higher value" targets.-nataka, sources said, would back them. The party leader Brazening it out has itshelp the party argue that the ship's principal motivation risks as the opposition Isoutgoing B.JP regime was seems to have been the con bound to argue that Bansalseen as corrupt while the al cern that accepting the cul cannot absolve himself <strong>of</strong>ternative was the Congress. pabiity <strong>of</strong> the duo before a the actions <strong>of</strong> aclose relativeThis will help the Congress probe report wifi be read as who Is also his constituencyblunt the argmnent that it is an admission <strong>of</strong> guilt and manager.having to pay an electoral give the opposition a prema Pbr the full report, log onprice for the scams that are ture victory to www.times<strong>of</strong>india.com

Coñres puts on holdSdecision on BansalTo wait for Karnataka poll resultsOur <strong>Bureau</strong>ingto a CBI statementNew Deth4 May S The Congress Core GroupEven as the Opposition discussed the matter at, itsstepped up pressure on the meetingson Saturday and SunCongress to oustRailway Mmday. Bansal was summoned onister Pawan Bansal and Law Saturday and allowed to exMinister Ashwani Kumar, the plain his position. CongressCongress Party's Core Corn President Sonia Gandhi heldmittee, which met here on discussions withDefence MmSunday evening, refrained ister AX. Antony on the issue.from taking a call on the fate<strong>of</strong> The Congress had ruled outeither <strong>of</strong>the Ministers. Bansès resignation, saying, that it hasbecomea diseaseforSHAKY GROUND the Opposition-to seek the-reThe Congress has derided to signation <strong>of</strong> Ministers oneverytake a final call after the Kama issue.taka State election results are The exit polls in theKarnaannouncedon Wednesday. taka elections also seem toThis decision comes in the, have empoweredthe Congressbackdrop <strong>of</strong> early signals that leadership againstsuccumbingthe Congress may win the Kar to the Opposition pressure.nataka elections.Railway Minister Pawan DISRUPTIONS'-Bansal is already on a shaky The RIP reiterated itsdemandground with the Opposition for Bansal's resignation. Theparties, ledby the LIP, launch party' said the Railway Minisinga sharp attack on him after te?s claim that he had no busihisnephew, VijaySingla, was ness relations with hisnephewarrested by the <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> was far from truth. The CM<strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong> (Cm) for al (M) has also demanded Banlegedlyaccepting abribe <strong>of</strong>Its sal's resignation.90 lakh for a plum Railway The issue is likely to disruptBoard post <strong>of</strong>Member-Electri the proceedings <strong>of</strong> bothcal.Houses <strong>of</strong>Parliament on MostThe alleged bribe was just day.part payment <strong>of</strong>the Es 10 croreçlemanded for the !05t accordmamuntdas@thehindu.co.injigeesh.am@thehindu.co.in

Cgroupmeets 2nd time in 24 hrs2 embattled mantristö stay Onjor flowAGE CORRESPONDENTNEW DELHI, MM 5The Congress core groupthat includes party presidentS<strong>of</strong>ia Gandhi andPrime Minister ManmohanSingh, met Sunday eveningfor the second time in 24hours and indicated thatUnion ministers PawanKumar BansandAshwani Kumar, now inthe thick <strong>of</strong> controversy,will continue in the governinent,at least for now.The message was clearthat the UPA would not be -goaded inta action by pressurefrom the Opposition. ltwas decided that railwayminister Pawan Bansalwould stay in thö Cabinettffl the inquiry was completedin the brlbery scan.dal involving. his nephewand a senior rallway <strong>of</strong>ticial,both<strong>of</strong> whom are nowunder arrest whlle in thecase <strong>of</strong> law ministerAshwani Kumar the governmentw<strong>of</strong>flcl await theSupreme Courts di*-ectiveson the "Coalgate" issue atits hearing on Wednesday.fle core group met at DrAshwanl KumarCBlprobe föcüs an mäney trailNew Delhl: CBI <strong>Investigation</strong>s into the bribery scaminvolving railway minister Pawan Kumar Bansal'nephew are now focused on establishing the monetrail that will link the two along with the otheraccused, particulariy Railway Board member (staff)Mahesh Kurnar. PAGE 2Singh's 7 Race Course Roadresidence, after whicji minister<strong>of</strong> state for Informationand broadcastingManish 'l'ewari toldreportexs: "As far as thetailway minister is concerned,a probe is underway. fle has welcoxned theprobe. Wc cannot pre-judgethe issue till the investigationis over." Regarding thelaw miiiister, he added:"The matter is in court. ltwillcomeuponMayo.'MrTewari eVen quoted NDAconvenor aM JD(U) chifSharad Yadav's defence <strong>of</strong>Mr Bansal to attack theBJP, saying: "Resignationdoes not augur weil for"Turn to Page 2" One more held, 3 In CBIcustody tlll tomorow Page 2

Assam Bill awaits Guv nod tonip Saradha-like scams in budIANSEvenGUWAHATIas the Assam Government hasstarted the process to hand over thecases <strong>of</strong> money swindling by some companiestothe CBI, the Government has sentthe Assam Protection <strong>of</strong> Interests <strong>of</strong>Depositors (in Financial Establishments)(Amendment) Bill, 2013 to Assam theGovernor for his assent.A statementissued by the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> theAssam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi saidthis and added that the Bill, after receivingassent <strong>of</strong> the Governor will protect theinterest <strong>of</strong> the depositors in flnancialestablishments.It will empower various authorities toreceive complaints and to start investigationsinto fraudulent transaction the statementsaid adding that the government canalso initiate investigationon its own or onthe receipt <strong>of</strong> any complaint.Once given ascent by the Governor, itwillalso make the laws more stringent makingit mandatory for the financial establishmentsto make certain disclosures andpunishment for non-compliance. It hasprovision to make the <strong>of</strong>fences as cognizableand non-bailable with rigorous imprisonmeht<strong>of</strong> minimum 5 years which may beextended to 10years and fine upto Es 5 lakh.It will also have provision for fast trackor special courts to expedite disposal <strong>of</strong>cases, the statement said.Meanwhile, as per the announcement<strong>of</strong> Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi, the/Government is planning to hand overabout 15 such cases <strong>of</strong> money swindlingagainst 12 companies to the CBI.The DIII, after receivingassent <strong>of</strong> the Governor, willprotect interests <strong>of</strong>depositors In financialestablishments.Assam CM YawnGogol's Govt Isplanning tohand over about15 cases <strong>of</strong>moneyswindlingagalnst 12companiesto the CWIt may be noted that the StateGovernment had already registered 222cases against 128 companies includingSaradha Group, Rose Valley, Unipay 2 U,Jeevan Suralcsha, Prayag, Abyss AssamGroup Cc, Basil International Ltd., AllianceVision Marketing Pvt. Ltd and DaffodilsGroup<strong>of</strong> Companiesafter widespreadprotests rocked Assam.Besides 17 cases, charge sheets havebeen flied against 42 personsbelonging to15 companies while altogether 303 personshave been arrested for swindling publicmoney. The government had also seizednearlyRs 94 lakh in cash from the arrestedand 106 bank accounts with totaldeposit <strong>of</strong>Rs 24 crore have been frozenwhile a number <strong>of</strong> plots totaling more than99 bighas, besides buildings, have beenidentified and necessary steps are beingtaken p for their attachment.

Railgate: CBI probe focus on money trailAGE CORRESPONDENTNEW DELHI, MAY 5cm investigations intothe bribery scam involvIng rallway ministerPawan Kumar Bansal'snephew are now focusedon establishing themoney trail that will linkthe two along with theother accused, particularlyRallway Board member(stall) MaheshKumar.CBI sources said sinceappointment as senior asthat <strong>of</strong> the Rallway Boardmembers Qannot becleared without the consent<strong>of</strong> the concernedmember, the role <strong>of</strong> MrBansal is also beingprobed. Sources alsoclaimed that ‚MaheshKumar's orders worepersonailyighd-: by -Mrflansal.The CBI 18 trylng to fig-a direct link betweenMr Bansal clearingMahesh l{umar's aflpointment am! his nephewVijay Singla taking abribe in return. Theinvestigating agency isalo busy scanning thephone call records <strong>of</strong> allthe eight accused personsto establish their link androle in the conspiracy.Sources claimed the CBIhad been monitoring thephtne calls <strong>of</strong> VijaySingla am! MaheshureKumar for more than amonth. lt was only whenlt became certain that themoney would be dcliveredto Vijay Singla inChändigarh that the specia!unit <strong>of</strong> the CIII handedover the matter to theanti-corruption unit.Shice the entire case isbaseon technical surveillancethere is no complainantin this case.During custodial inter-1 MORE HELD, 3IN CRI CUSTODY.TILL TOMORROWAGE CORRESPONDENTNEW DELHI. MM 5A court here on Sundayremanded three persons,arrested for their allegedrole in a bribery case inwhlch railway ministerP.K. Bansal's nephew isalso an &ecused, in CWcustody tffl May 7.Accused Narain RaoManjunath, managingdirector <strong>of</strong> G.G. TronicsIndia Pv Ltd, and twoothers Samir SandhiraM Rahul - Yadav wereproduced before speqalCBljbdgeSvätaM Kanta'Sharnia who senf them toCBI cnstody after theagency sah! that theircustodial interrogationwas required to unearththe entire conspiracy.[Meanwhile, the CBISunday arrested onemore accused, taking thetotal number o thoseapprehended tnine, VF!reports. Sunil Dagga wasapprehended by a CRIteam in the capital, a CBI<strong>of</strong>ficial said.lrogatlon, the CBI will alsoconfront the ecused t<strong>of</strong>ind loopholes in thelrversions.So far some <strong>of</strong> theaccused have been givingconflicting versionswhich CB 1 says needs tobe verified.Theinvestigatingagency also planstseckincome-tax details <strong>of</strong>some <strong>of</strong> the accused perSons to identify theirsource <strong>of</strong> income.

'PM next, so Cong trying to save mantris'AGE CORRESPONDENT the EM and Ashwani BJP has decided tu boycoü tion's ire für vetting CIII deputy Leader <strong>of</strong> theNEW DELHI, MM' 5 Kumar's resignation over the meetings called by report ca the coal block Opposition in Rajya Sabhathe alleged vetting <strong>of</strong> CBIs Speaker Meira Ktunar and allocations scam, the Oppo Ravi Shankar Prasad saUContinuixig the demand für status report Du the parlianentary affairs mm sition 15 demanding Mr in Bhopal.the auster <strong>of</strong> Union minis Coalgate scan. Flut after ister Kamal Nath after it Banal's resignation after The party slammed theters Ashwani Kuniar and the bribery case in which alleged that the Opposition ins nephew was arrested Congress for having douPawan Kumar Bansal, the railway minister Pawon is not aflowed to speak an tor takmga 90-lakh bribe ble-standards when it came,BJP ÖD Sunday saU the I{umar Bansal's nephew 19 issues by the govermnent. from a senior rad <strong>of</strong>ticial. to allegations <strong>of</strong> corruptionConMress is trying to save also ar accused, die fIJP Though other Opposition "Wo are putting forward against alles. "Are therethem because "25 500fl As has found fresh ammtlni' parties are in favour -<strong>of</strong> this deniand ort behalf <strong>of</strong> two standards for corruptheseministers are out, the tion against the Ccngress Parlament flinotioning the people <strong>of</strong> India. tion for Congress ministersPrime MlNister will 1w in led UPA governnent. and raismgtheir respective Whether lt is l'awan flansal aM alles? A. Raja (formerdireet ilne <strong>of</strong> flre" The party bes also issues, both the Houses or Ashwani Kumar, they communications ministerParliament has hardly demanded Mr flansal's res have been stalled over the are trying to save thein and OME leacier) was madefunctioned in the post ignation. However, it js yet BJP's demand for the PM because they know, as samt to resign. aM that was therecess phase eicluding the tobe seen as whetheror not and law ministers resigna as these ministers are out, right thing to dc, why doespassing <strong>of</strong>the finance bills, Parliament is allowed to tions. Whule the law mmis the Prime Minister will be Congress have double stan---with the EJP demanding function ort Monday as the ter, is facing the Opposi in direet line<strong>of</strong>ire," dards," he asked.

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CBI must questionminister, says BJPTIMES NEWS NETWORKChandlgarh:Ripping intothe Congress, the BJP onSundaydemanded that the CBIquestion railway ministerPawan Kumar Bansal for hisalleged involvement in RailwayBoard scam, as aS askhimabout the investments byhim and his family membersin the last few years.BJP's former ChandigarhliP and legal cell in-chargeSatyapaljainproduceddocumentsshowing Bansal'ssons, Amit. and Manish, aswell as nephews Rajesh andVilcram as directors <strong>of</strong> severalcompanies. One <strong>of</strong> the nephewshad shown his residentialaddressas Sector 28A,House No 64, Chandigarh,which is the railway minister'sresidence.The BJP leader also saidVikramßansalandVijay Singla,arrested by the CBI onCornered, Sibal saysmediais corruptby reportersCorneredquestioning himonIncreasing allegations <strong>of</strong>corruption againstthe UPAgovernment Unioncommunications and ITministerKapil Sibal hurled thecharge backsayingthe media,too,was corruptand is doingnothing tocurb corruptionwithinthe pr<strong>of</strong>ession. Sibalsaid, "You must know aboutpaid news. Corruption is also inpaid news. Corruption is insociety and in every strata<strong>of</strong>society. No onecan end itbutincidents <strong>of</strong> corruption can bereduced." INNFriday night fortaking Es 90lakh bribe, are directors <strong>of</strong>the company JTLinfraLtd.For thefull report, log onto www.times<strong>of</strong>india.com

'LObbies have dictatedtop rail appointments'Pressure Groups' Clash May Have Led To ExposeMahendraSinghNewDelht:The'jobsforsale' scamunearthedby the CBI has putthe spotlight on the open secret<strong>of</strong> railway contractors and industry lobbiesmanipulating key appointments at thetop, including members in the Railway Boardand general managers <strong>of</strong> the 17 zones.Many inrailways suspectthat the arrest <strong>of</strong>MaheshlCumar,member (staff) who was "buying"the post <strong>of</strong> member (electrical) in theRailway Board, was a result <strong>of</strong> a fightbetweendifferent industry lobbies pushing their owncandidateforthe crucialpost <strong>of</strong> member(electrical)who handles signal and telecom, alongwith electrical projects.An insider told the TO! that appointment<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers from signal and telecom disciplineto which Mahesh l{umarbelongs has alwaysbeen met with opposition, hinting that pressuregroupswere at work and may have aroleinKumar's exposeThe intrusion <strong>of</strong> contractors - and manufacturers'lobby in railways became very evidentwhen a senior member who was viewedas "clean" in the Railway Board could not reachthe top because his candidature wasblocked by the Bengal-based wagon manufacturinglobbyrecentlyIt hasbecome a regular practice to keepmember's posts in Railway Board vacant toplace a "suitable" candidate, keeping the optionopenfor big contractors, manufacturers and industrylobbies who are keen to sponsor theirown candidate to get favourable returns afterhe/she occupies the post. The post <strong>of</strong> member(engineering), which wasfilledrecently after directivefrom the top government leadership,waskeptvacanttoaccommodateaparticular<strong>of</strong>ficerforwhom differentlobbies were working.The stakes are high considering the member(electrical) is key in decision-making fortenderingand executingprojects in the signaland telecom sector where costly foreign technologyisencouraged. According to a railway<strong>of</strong>ficial, the favoured option in the railways ingeneral and in the signal, telecom and electricalsector in particular, is "to give preferencetopurchase overproduction" asit comes withhuge gratification to <strong>of</strong>ficials concerned interms<strong>of</strong> cuts and commission.The "manipulations" have become so brazenthat one such incident which came to the lightwasfloating <strong>of</strong> a global tender by the board withoutthe knowledge <strong>of</strong> the general manager concerned<strong>of</strong> a coach factory The GM concernedwasembarrassed after receiving calls from embassiesregarding the tender. The tenderwascancelledafterojectionraisedby another memberThe pressure <strong>of</strong> contractors,manufacturersand industry lobbies is so high that it hasFor steps to download the free Alive app, see PlCentre worried only about'nephews & uncles': ModiNarendra Modi on Sunday slammedGujaratCMthe Union governmentforallegedly ignoringthe state government's demand aboutconstruction <strong>of</strong> gatesat SardarsarovarNarmadadam,and said the Centre wasonly concernedabout "nephews and uncles"."l alongwith our(BJP) leaders like Parsottam Rupala and L XAdvani have urged the the PM nearly 25times,seeking Centre's permission toconstruct gatesatSardar Sarovar dam, but he does not pay anyattention," Modi said while addressing agathering atDevdatown,which isfacing an acutewater scarcity. "Ifgates are installed, the waterproblem<strong>of</strong>Maharashtratoowill besolved.ButtheCongress is not concerned about its own-ruledstates as well. They are only worried aboutnephews, uncles...see how nephews have alsojumped intothegame," Modi said. INNbecome a regular practice to start procurementprocessbefore finalization and approval<strong>of</strong> the designs and specifications. This is doneto suit a particular private company"Many a time designs and specificationsare tempered to suit a particular manufacturer,"said a railway <strong>of</strong>ficial, adding that suchfaulty moveshave resulted in huge loss to thenational transporter as equipment worthhundreds <strong>of</strong> crores brought before approvalare dumped in stores and factories. The intrusion<strong>of</strong> manufacturers is sorampant that whilethere is shortage <strong>of</strong> EMUs indifferentrailwayszone, 150 EMUs are out <strong>of</strong> use as they are not interchangeablebecauseeach zone uses itsowndesigned EMUs. "There has been deliberate attemptto not to standardize specifications <strong>of</strong>EMU because this suits manufactures and industryplayers,"an <strong>of</strong>ficialsaid.-

Bansals nephew frequented ny board <strong>of</strong>ficeCBI Vetting GuestList As Hunt StartsFor Another NephewNeerajChauhanNew Delhi: The CBI has launched amanhunt for another nephew<strong>of</strong> railwayminister Pawan Bansal, Amy-Garg, who was reportedly presentalong with Vijay Singla and SandeepGoyal when the bribe amount <strong>of</strong> Rs90 lakh was being delivered in the'jobsforsale' scandal.Garg has been named by the CBIin itsFIR and is said to be the mainlink in the scandal. Agency sourcesclaimed that another accused, Bangalore-basedNarayan Rao Manjunath,was seen in the Railway Board<strong>of</strong>fice several times in the past fewmonths and it is also believed thatmember (staff) Mahesh Kumar hadpremised a major railwaycontract toManjunath'scompanyGGTronics.In the past too, MaheshKumarhadfavouredhim, a source said. Sourcesadded that Sin glaand Goel were alsoseen in the railway board <strong>of</strong>fice inDelhi several times, All the accusedPawan Kurnar Bansal with his familymembers and nephew Vijay Singla(in circle)after taking charge <strong>of</strong>the railway ministry last yearwere confronted on Sunday eveningon these aspects.Manjunath's company G C Tronteais engagedin the business <strong>of</strong> manufacturingrailway signal productsand automation <strong>of</strong> railway componentswlaileGoel'scompanypyramidElectronics in Chandigarh makeselectrical equipment for the railways.Sourcessaid Coolwasthemainpoint <strong>of</strong>contactbetween Mahesh Kumararid Manjunath for delivery <strong>of</strong>money while Singla and Garg tookthemoney in.Goelspresence.The agency is in the process <strong>of</strong>taktngthevisitors' regtster<strong>of</strong> PawanBansal's and member (staff) MaheshKuinar's <strong>of</strong>ficet<strong>of</strong>ind out who visitedthem in the past few months. Theagency maintained that Bansal wasunder the radar in the lobs for sale'scam as the member (staff) positionis supposed to be the fourth mostpowerful seat inrailway board <strong>of</strong>ficeafter the minister, minister <strong>of</strong> stateand chairman <strong>of</strong> the board and n<strong>of</strong>ile at that level moves without therailways minister's approval.The agency meanwhile, arrestedtwo Delhi based businessmen SamirSandhirandßahulYadavanda b'aridabad-basedbusinessman Sushil Dagawho are dose associates <strong>of</strong>Mmunat]iand had arrangedtheRs 90lakh whichwas deliveredto SinglainChandtgarh.l3ansal's Chandigarh-based reintiveAjayGarg,saidto be instrumentalinthe deal, is yet to be arrested. Sandhit;Raliul and Majijunath, who wasbrought from liangalore, were In-e--duced in the court<strong>of</strong> special 081judgeSwarm KantaSharma at PatialaHouse courts on Sunday evening andwere sent to two dayspolice custody031 sources said they confrontedManjunathwith Singlaand MafleshKumar later in the evening and none<strong>of</strong> them had a satisfactory reply ontheßs 90lakh bribe. "They were confronted withtapped conversations aswe]l, which formed the basis <strong>of</strong> arrestingthem,"said a source.Agency sources said they werealsoinvestigating thecontracts Manju--nath's company G G Tronics got Inrailways in the past, t<strong>of</strong>ind out anyprevious link <strong>of</strong> Singla and MaheshKumar in thebribery row,031 investigations have revealedthatKuinar was in touch with Manjunathfor initial payment <strong>of</strong> Its 2 croreto Ooel. On being asked by KumaiMauj unath <strong>of</strong>fered to arrange and payItsicrore toGoelas part<strong>of</strong> illegal gratification.Mahesh Kumar has assuredManjunaththat he would extend <strong>of</strong>ficialfavours in lieu <strong>of</strong> which Manjunathagreed toarrange and make paymentalbribe amount,"a source said.'Manjunathmanaged toarrangeonly an amount <strong>of</strong> Its 90 lakh, whichwastobepaidtoGoeionMay3,23l3atChandigarh onbehalf <strong>of</strong> Mahesh KumarRahul Yadav <strong>of</strong> Lajpat Nagar,Samir Sandhir <strong>of</strong> East <strong>of</strong> Kailashand Sushil T)aga <strong>of</strong> Green Valley laridabadin conspiracy with MaheshKumar, Manjunath and others arrangedto deliverthe bribe amount<strong>of</strong>Rs 90 lakh. The remainingamountwas to be arranged by Mahesh Kumarafter threeourdays," he added.

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.TRACK (S CLEAR As <strong>of</strong> now, there is norole <strong>of</strong> the minister. The trail <strong>of</strong> themoney ends at Vijay Singla and Sandeep Goyal: CBI spokespersonThe Signal CamefroniAnlnsider- . - '" ?rt4:j )a______ ___ ________BJPPointsto" BansalrSmglaBizLinksTHE PROTECTION FORCE. COPS outside PIC Bansal sresidenceln New Delhi onSundayPTIwastippedtoreplace Mittalas the board chiefAMAN SHARMA CBI on Sunday confronted Singla and VINEY SHARMANEW DELHIKumartoascertaintheuithnatebeneficiary CHANDIGARFIA tip-<strong>of</strong>f from a disgruntled <strong>of</strong>ficer three <strong>of</strong> thebribeamountandtoprobehowsingia- As railway minister Pawan KumarmonthsagoledCßltoeventullyairestrai. planned to swing the appointment in Bansal'sfatehunginbalance,localßJpwayministerPKßansal'snephewvjjaysjngia Kumar'sfavourmeagencyplaimedtoques. leader Satya Paljalnledthe opposition'sred-handed while accepting a bribe, plunging tion Bansal and his twosons,an <strong>of</strong>ficial said, campaign to derailthe railway minister'sthe governmentinto yet another crisis, adding that it waspreparing a writtenques political wagon. While Bansal had veheThe <strong>of</strong>ficer was feeling slighted by the ef tionnaire that itcould pose toBansaL mently dented having any business dealforts<strong>of</strong> the Western Railways' general man A CBI spokqsperson told 11?the agencyhad Ings with his sister's son, Vljaysingla,Jainager Mahesh Kumar to secure the post <strong>of</strong> foundnothingagainstßan'<strong>of</strong>noth presenteddocumentsreveallngclosebuslmember(electrial) onthe Railway Boardby Is norole <strong>of</strong> theminister Thetrail<strong>of</strong> themoney nesslinks between the two.paying <strong>of</strong>f a hefty sum toSingla, a personfa ends at Vijay Singla and Sandeep Goyal who Jam, who heads BJP's legal cell and Is amiliarwith the mattertoldET. The CBlwas were apprehended accepting the bribe former MP from Chandigarh, claimedtold that Singla was in touch with Kurnar amount," CBI spokesperson Dharini Mishra Bansal's twosons were directors in through compa-his conduit Sandeep Goyal and a said.—She deniedreports that the CBI director flies floated by Singla. He also claimeddeal wasbeingworked out,the personadded acted against Kumar due to a Singla'scompanies had given the address <strong>of</strong>CBI director Ranj itSinha, who had earlier. grudge against him during his Bansal's house In Chandigarh's Sector2Sflfserved as the directprgeneral <strong>of</strong> theRailway CDI con stint inRPF "Sinha has never they axe using his address for their compaProtection Ebree, put his best sleuths on the fronts Singla lmownKumai"Miinsai& flies, howcan there notbe abusinessllnk,"job. The agency tapped the phones <strong>of</strong> both and Kumar AsperaCßlFlß,Kumarwas Jainasked. "We demandßansal come outKuniar and Singla, recording hundreds <strong>of</strong> to ascertain unhappy at being appointed and give details <strong>of</strong> all the companies hisminutes <strong>of</strong> their cell-phone conversations, the ultimate member(stafl) <strong>of</strong> the Railway wifeandsons aredirectors o1" saidJain.before nabbing Singla accepting !90 laith as beneficiary Board on May 1. Kumar trieti He a]legedthat a seniorlAS <strong>of</strong>ficeiz Rahulthe firstinstalment<strong>of</strong> the agreed amount <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the brib, toget the additional charge <strong>of</strong> Bhandarl, who Is the son-in-jaw <strong>of</strong> Bansal'sfib crore in Chandigarh on Friday GM<strong>of</strong> both Western Railways sister and Is therailwaYthlnister'sprivateWith the Railway Board chief Vinay Mittal and Signal& Telecommunication, for which secretary had also bought properties In and -retiringonJuneaoandseveralotherpostsalso he wasaskedto pay another 2 crore. Kumar around Chandigarh recently "His rolefalling vacant, Kumar was eyeing the position asked aßangalore-based railway contractor, should alsobe investigated bythe(]BL" Jointhat could pavethe way for him to head the Narayan Rao Manjunath, to arrange the said. Saying that finances and assets <strong>of</strong> theboard before hisretirement in two years. The amount In lieu <strong>of</strong> contracts that he promised Bansal family and theirrelatives In recentpost <strong>of</strong> member (electrical), which happens to toaward Manjunath in future. When thefirst years should be investigated, the BJP leaderbethemostlucrativepostsinceithandies instalment <strong>of</strong> !90 lakh arranged by app]audedtheCßlfbr'dsflig'toarrestasenprojectsworthcj-ores <strong>of</strong> rupees, wasslatedto Manjimath reached Singla and Gupta,CBI iormlnlster'skmn.-fallvacant sincethe incumbent,Kulbhushan, waspatientlylying in wbit__________________________

Embattled Congress Refuses'to Get Rid <strong>of</strong>Bansal & Kümar___________________ GOP's_____'ċ„ a PR RAMESH Manish Tewari told the media after Tip-OfffromThe- ___________forI LawMinsterMbwaniKumaitigln-The piling party dug Its heels in-',.-'IA--ft eninga. '.'hardened stand to prolong Parliament gridlockrfIJRE POUTformation & Broadcasting Minister-"NEWDELHIthemeeting<strong>of</strong>thecoregroupattlie "governinenthas decided agalnst PM's residence. On Ashwani Kumaz .'canway Dauu;giving In to the Opposition's demand Tewari said the matter was sub judihmnediately sacking Railway Ccanda decision would be taken afterMinister Pawan Kumar Bansal and the Supreme Court's decision,'-the parliamentary gridlock even as BJP ratchetedand further dimming hopes <strong>of</strong> legis - up its attack onBansal,"lationin the ongoingbudget session. There is by coming out with hisThe Congress core committee, growing family members' busi- ________________which met on Sunday evening totake uneasein ness dealings with hisa call___on the demand for the resigna congress arrested nephew\'y :-k "'tc-'-... tion<strong>of</strong>theministersamidclosejudi overthe Singla -a charge de Atip-<strong>of</strong>ffromadis,-tcialscrutiny<strong>of</strong>k" theflinctloning<strong>of</strong>the backingfor niedbytheministerbe gruntled'' '<strong>of</strong>ficerthree-::- -,, - <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>, felt thetwo fore the:."-ere commitmonthsago lid thethat succumbing to the Opposition's tee on Saturtlay Singlajr "', --;'--.-" , pressurecouldmakethe government had allegedly accepted too lakh for Blto arrest the rail;-" ' morevulnerable.Thepartywfflhave fixing a better position forrailway H Wayministersnephew;.tobrazenitoutasanysignal<strong>of</strong> weak boardmemberMaheshKumaxt VljaySlngla,report-' ness can embolden the Opposition" - further, a Congress flinctionar%who PMShieidingTainted:Anhi Shastri *25 IWflfltattended the meeting, toldET.FACiNG OPPOSrnONWRATH:Raiiway A probe (in the railway briberyongres n eps up.Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal (top) & scandal) is going on, let the result Exitpolishavepredicteda AttackwpageaLawMinisterAshwaniKumar come. We will decide after that," In Congwin in Kamatak&o2PMShieldingtheTainted: Anil ShastriIIHFront Page 2"The government has no morals. TheCongress has converted the governmentinto a money-making machine. Everythingis putonsale by TJPA ministers. Wewill not co-operate with this government,"saidRay! ShankarPrasad, deputyleader<strong>of</strong> the BJP in the Rajya Sabha.Left leaders, including CPI(M) politburomember Sitaram Yechury, havealso demandedaction that includes prosecutionprodeedingsagainstBansal.The government's decision cameahead <strong>of</strong> an affidavit expected tobe filedby the CBI in the Supreme Court thatmight provide pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the law minister'sintervention to dilute the agency'sfinding that the governmentdid not followthe rules in the allocation <strong>of</strong> coalblocks. This is likely to put the focus onthe prime minister's <strong>of</strong>fke as the ministrywas under the direct charge <strong>of</strong> thePM. The CBI had last week told the apexcourt that the law minister and an <strong>of</strong>ficialeich fromthe PMO and coal ministrywereshown the status report on theinvestigations "attheir desire".The growing unease within the Congressover the backing for the twoministenbecame public when Anil Shastri, aspecial invitee tothe Congress WorkingCommittee, on Sunday evening blamedthe prime minister for shielding thetainted. 'PM should follow the sameyardstickforhisminlstersasdidSoniajiinthe case ot JBPatnaik, Ashok Chavan& Shashi Tharoor," tweeted Shastri. Healso said the government's omissionsand commissions had brought the efforts<strong>of</strong> Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi, Congress president and vice-president,to naught.

Ashwani Kumar, Bailsalwill stay, says Congress-B. Muralidhar Reddy is the most corrupt and ineptgovernment since IndependNEWDELHI: After going into ence.huddle for two consecutive At a hurriedly conveneddays,the Congress decided on press conference at his resiSunday to reject the demand dence, Mr. Tewari outlinedfor the resignation <strong>of</strong>Railway the logic behind the decision.Minister Pawan ICumar Ban He almost suggested thatsal and Law Minister Ashwathose who were demandingni Kumar, who are in the eye their ouster were talkingMa political storm.through their hat. As for Mr.Leaving no scope for any Bansal, Mr. Tewari arguedsuspense even amongits rankthat it was "inappropriate" toand ffl fthe party fielded In pré-judge the charge when theformation and BroadcastingMinister Manish Tewari tomake a formal announcementinvestigation was underway.The Railway Minister is introuble after his nephewVijayon why it believed that the Singlawasarrestedbythe CBIOpposition had no case for onFridayforaliegedlyacceptseekingthe resignation.According to a senior leader, the party had little choicebut to back the two Ministersleast in the case <strong>of</strong> Mr. Ashwani Kumar wou'd-lend tothe doors <strong>of</strong>the Prime Minister's Office as the CBI affidaing Rs. 90 lakh forfixing abetterposition for Railway BoardMember Mahesh Kuniar, whohas been suspended.as conceding the demand -at "Unfortunately, there aretwo parallel processes in thevit to the Supreme Court onthe coalgate was also showncase. One is being played ou1inpublic domain and theoth!er by investigating agencies.Afterall the charge sheet hasto be filed in a court <strong>of</strong> law,"to a senior <strong>of</strong>ficer in Manmo Mr. Tewari said.han Singh's ecretarint. As for the Law Minister,By deciding to back the who is at the centre <strong>of</strong> a rowMinisters, the party manag after it emerged that he haders have effectively sealed the asked the CBI toshowhim theprospect <strong>of</strong>' any business in affidavit on the coalgate,the remainiogpart <strong>of</strong> the bud whichwas meant to be shownget session <strong>of</strong> Parliament. only to the Supreme Court,which ends thi May 9. Mr. Tewari said the matterThe Congress will now wassubjudicabank on the outcome <strong>of</strong> theKarnataka Assembly elections-in which the party is CBI to quiz Bansal: Page 12;-expected to fare weli to- ______________________Editorial: When itcounter the aggressive Oppo -- rains, it pourssitioa campaign that UPA-Il-

CBI to quiz Bansal in jail scam caseDevesh K. PandeyL pro<strong>of</strong>' <strong>of</strong>his complicity in the Garg. This, sources added,was'-" crime. On the basis <strong>of</strong> that allegedly an interim paymentNEWDELHI: Determined to drill they had set out to probe thethat Mr.Kumar made in orderdeep into the layers <strong>of</strong> con case and arrest the accused, to secure the additionalspiracy behind the purported the sources added. With this,' charge <strong>of</strong> General Managerdeal struck by Railway Board nine persons have been ar (Western Railway and SignalMember (staf Mahesh Ku restedin this case s<strong>of</strong>ar.*7 and Telecommunication) tifimar with Railway Minister The electronic and other he was appointed as RailwayPawan Kumar Bansal's neph material evidence gathered\ Board Member (Electrical),ew Vijay Singla and his ac priortothe arrest <strong>of</strong> Mr. Sin thepostthathesought.complices for securing the gla and his accomplice Sandpost<strong>of</strong> Railway Board Mem eep Goyal would be placed ,Morearrestsber (Electrical), the <strong>Central</strong> before the court for perusal While Mr. Kumar and Mr.<strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong> is all whenever needed. Manjunath were arrested inset to "interview" Mr. Bansal. The CBI has registered the Mumbai and Bangalore reOn condition <strong>of</strong> anonymity case under Section 7 (public Pawwi Kwnar Bansal spectively, the CBI also arCBI <strong>of</strong>ficials on Sunday said servant taking gratification), rested the two courier boys,that in order to prepare awa Section 8 (taking gratification estswillalsobe scrutinised. Dharmendra and Vivek, betertightcase they would 9n to influence public servant) The CBI, which seized sides Mr. Manjunath's busivestigatethe case toits logical and Section 10 (Punishment piopertyand investment doc ness associates Rahul Yadavend" and probe all those con for abetment by public ser uinents <strong>of</strong> the accused during and Samir Sandhir. The agennectedwith the main con rant)<strong>of</strong>the Prevention <strong>of</strong>Cor raids in New Delhi, Chandi cy also arrested Sushil Daga,spirators. Since Mr. Bansal is ruption Act, besides Section garh and Eangalore following anotheraccusedinthecase.the Railway Minister and re 120-B (conspiracy) <strong>of</strong> the In the arrests on Friday night, Sources said afterthe deteclatedto one <strong>of</strong> the accused, than Penal Code. has also sought their Income tion <strong>of</strong> the close-knit networkthe agency would have to ap Since the Prevention <strong>of</strong> tarreturn details, <strong>of</strong> alleged middlemen, indusproachhim for clarifications Corruption Act provisions in The FIR alleged that Ma trialistsregulartydealllgwithas the investigation progress yoked are regarding sched heshKumar had arranged the the Indian Railway and a topes, they said, tiled <strong>of</strong>fences under the bribe amount with the help <strong>of</strong> RailwayMinistry<strong>of</strong>ficiai, theyCountering Mr. Singla's Prevention <strong>of</strong> Money Laun his accomplice Narayan Rao received positive responsesclaim, made before a Delhi dering Act, <strong>of</strong>ficials said the Manjurlath, the managing di fromwithin the Ministry. "Wecourt, that the money (Its. 90 Directorate <strong>of</strong> Enforcement rector <strong>of</strong> Bangalore-based are expecting more' informalakhcash) seized from him would also probe the money (IG. Tronics India Private tion on cartels operating inwas meant for some land deal, trail. Transactions made.Limited, to immediately pay connivance with unknown insourcesin the agency said through the companies in Mr. Singal and his accomplic siders to bag lucrative contheyhad "incontrovertible which the accused haVe inter es— Sandeep Goyal and Ajay. tracts,"saidan <strong>of</strong>ficial.

More troublefor Ashwani?Cl To Tell ScMmChangedcoal ReportTIMES NEWS NETWORKNew Delhi: The CBI, In afresh affidavit on Mondaywill tell the Supreme Courtthat the law ministerchanged itsstatus report on<strong>Investigation</strong>s into allegedIrregularities in allocation<strong>of</strong> coal blocks, In whatcouldhave a potential bearlng onAshwani Kuniar's position.Sources said CBI has alreadyconveyed this to thecourt In a sealed cover filedthrough counsel U U Laliton April3o and itsaffidaviton Monday will repeat thesame. The court had takenthe sealed cover report onrecordonLalit'surging.The affidavit is also likely to mention that theMarch 6 meeting was calledby the law minister becausehe wanted toperuse the contents<strong>of</strong> the status report.Significantly,Congresssources quoted l{umar asmaintaining that the meetingwas called by attorneygeneral GE Vahanvati.The Aprll 30 report didnot shed anylight onwhetherthe law ministry's interestIn the CBJ's investigationsandthe contents <strong>of</strong>thestatus report predates theMarch6meetingandtheaffHowever, the CBI'sstatementthat the law ministercarried out changes in theCoalgate status report mayprove to be sticky for Kumarifthe bench treatsit asan interference with the investigatingagency'sprobeinto a case, which thecourtwasfollowing.

Ansal MovesSCAgainst CBI Moveon Uphaar CinemaCo seeks release <strong>of</strong>the cinemabuilding, which hasbeen seized by CBISAMAN WAVA RAUT RAYthecrlmlnaltrialwasover.-The Misal brothers, Sushiland Gopal Ansal, were convictedalong with 10 others Inthe case. The siblings w&esentenced to two years In jailfor "causing death by negligence",but the sentence waslater commuted by the highcourt to one yeaxt An appealagainst it Is pending In the SnNEW DELHI preme Court. They wereAnsal Theatres & Clubotels grantedbail by the apex couflhas moved the Supreme Court on January 30,2009.against the Cliis "illegal" sel Now a director <strong>of</strong> the compazure<strong>of</strong> the ifi-fated Uphaar ny Vinod Kumar SaigaL hascinema In South Delhi and moved a fresh application tosought itsrelease sothatIt can have the theatre released frombe renovated and used. The the "iflçgal possession" <strong>of</strong> theAssociation <strong>of</strong> Victims <strong>of</strong> Up" CBI, which has been investihaarTragedy (AVUT) said it gating the case since July 26,would resist the plea. The 1997. He claims that since theAVUT has also sought a more company wasnotan accused Insevere sentence for the ac the case, the CBI cannot seizecused inthe case.the property He claimed itwasThe cinema building -ona unnecessary tokeep the build-2,480-square-yardproperty in ing sealed when the investigattheGreen Park Extension ar ing agencies bad extensvelyea has been sealed since inspectedthepremises.June - 13, 1997, when a fire Thelowercourthadheldthatclaimed 59 lives and injured since the primary evidence inanother 100 persons during the case was the scene <strong>of</strong> thethe screening <strong>of</strong> the movie <strong>of</strong>fence and because all strucBorder, The prosecution had thres cannot be reflected Inattributed the high casualty to the site plan, it must be sealedviolations <strong>of</strong> thebuilding plan so as to allow the trial judge toas some exits were blocked in inspect the scene and examinethe moviehail,the evidence.The Supreme Court, onOctober11,, 2004, allowed the4iisals to mortgage theproperty to financial institutionstoraise 3 crore. Theamount was tobe paid to thevictims and kin <strong>of</strong> the tragedyascompensation.But the court had disallowedAnsal Theatres fromcreating any other thirdpartyinterests and directedthat the building remainsealed as directedby a lowercourt onOctober 16.1998, till

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SEEKIHGACCOUNTABILITY As per CVC data, Railways is the most corrupt govt departmentRailways' Wagon <strong>of</strong>CorruptionVA RAN IAMAN SHARMA-NEW DELFIIThe <strong>Central</strong>Vigilance Comnthsion, takinghote<strong>of</strong>the overwheming number <strong>of</strong> corruption casesagainst railway employees, had asked therailwayministry to speed up action against erring senior<strong>of</strong>ficials, documents reviewed by EtshowThe watchdog's annual report for 2011 says Itreceived8805 complaints against as many railway<strong>of</strong>flcia]s, compared with 8,330in the previous yeazsharpening the spotlight ona government departmentthatready II tma bribery scandaLDocuments accessed by ET underRn show thatthe owrwhelming number <strong>of</strong> complaints promptedCVCPradeepRum rto ask therailwayministryt<strong>of</strong>tc accountability <strong>of</strong> theirsenior<strong>of</strong>ficers."Since the number <strong>of</strong> composite cases in therailwaysishigh, CVC emphasised that senior <strong>of</strong>ficersmaynot be spared in case irregularities are establishedagainsttheni,"thenijutes<strong>of</strong>Kumar's meetng withthe minisirylast year sayThe (NC report saysthat <strong>of</strong> the 772 railway <strong>of</strong>ficialswho facedpenal action in 2011,31 wereprosecutedfor corruption whilethe rest faced compulsoryretirement, dismissal, orcut in Increment, orwere denied promotion. In 2010, the departmenthad taken action against911 erring <strong>of</strong>ficials.Railwaysa1sotopsthewatchdog'sflstforthe}.Jg.est number <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficials In any single departmentagainst whom action wastaken for improprietyorcorruption. Citing delayin processing vigilancecasesas a morproblem, thereport saysthe ministryfailedtotakeaction against 191<strong>of</strong>ficials for oversix months despite the CVC'sadvice to doso,"CVCpointed out the huge pendency in ministry<strong>of</strong> railways In implementation <strong>of</strong> CVC'sadvice toact oncompjaints and aiso delays In completingregular departmental action cases. CVCfurtherdesired that efforts should be made toensure thatcases more than two yearsoldare finalised at theearliest," the minutes <strong>of</strong> thereviewmeetingsay

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