Document - STERIS Surgical Technologies

Document - STERIS Surgical Technologies

Document - STERIS Surgical Technologies


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No 1June 2009<strong>STERIS</strong> <strong>Surgical</strong> NewsThe <strong>STERIS</strong> Europe newsletterEditorialBeing available… thisis one of <strong>STERIS</strong>’core values. We demonstratethis on adaily basis by ouractions with our customers.Visiting you regularly, listeningto your needs, training your teams andoffering you an exemplary after-salesservice are essential as far as we areconcerned, throughout the full lifecycle of our products.This newsletter will be sent to you threetimes a year. Through the articles, youwill discover how our technology canincreasingly assist the surgeon andimprove the efficiency of your operatingtheatres. Latest product developments,accessories and services…Because assisting you means communicatingwith you!SterisWhen lives are at stakeNo.1 on the American market, <strong>STERIS</strong> is a global player in the health sector.<strong>STERIS</strong> operates in two main areas: surgical technology with <strong>STERIS</strong> SURGICAL TECHNOLO-GIES and preventing infection through the IPT (Infection Prevention <strong>Technologies</strong>) subsidiary.The SURGICAL range includes a full range of tables, lighting and integration systems.All the <strong>STERIS</strong> teams work to achieve a common aim, to ensure that the equipment andservices provide complete safety and are of peerless quality.Because lives are at stakeJean-Marie Poussot,European Sales DirectorContentsSnapshotCharcot Clinic, FranceJan Yperman Hospital,BelgiumNew productdevelopmentsHIMAX/ORT 8000 B tableAutomatic clampsIntegration> 2> 3> 4<strong>STERIS</strong> is currently experiencingstrong growth in Europe:• 431 employees in 7 European subsidiaries• 68 distributors in the EMEA market• a washer/disinfector manufacturingplant in Switzerland• a consumables centre in Great Britain• an operating table manufacturing plantin France• an R&D and Marketing centre inFrance…<strong>STERIS</strong> therefore has the facilities tooffer its European customers productswhich are perfectly tailored to theirrequirements and provide local services.Our values> Useful Innovation> Pragmatism> Being available<strong>STERIS</strong> is a full range of productsand services:• Operating tables• <strong>Surgical</strong> trolleys• Operating lamps• Equipment integrated control systems• Sterilisation and decontamination<strong>STERIS</strong> is also:• 5,000 employees around the world• $1.26 billion in turnover in 2008• 25,000 customers in more than 80countries

“ The GeneralManagement and I will,from now on, alwaysfavour the motorisedtransfer system. From astrictly economic point ofview, it is a sound investmentand much moreefficient ”Dr Jan SomersDr Jan Somers presents the Cmax-TJAN YPERMAN HOSPITAL IN IEPER (BELGIUM)THINGS ARE HAPPENING WITH CMAX-T!At the Jan Yperman Ziekenhuis Hospital (JYZ), the 19 Cmax-T tables equipped with a transfer system have won over alltheir users. Dr Somers, orthopaedic surgeon and head of surgery, explains the reasons for his choice.“This transfer concept has really revolutioniseddaily life in surgery”, he declared.“We have much more freedom, more optionsin terms of positioning the patient dependingon the operation to be performed and we areultimately more efficient”.The mobility and the versatility of theCmax-T tables have enabled Dr Somers tocreate new surgical procedures with thebiomedical engineer. For example, theendoscopy and arthroscopy equipment,which is rather sensitive, can stay connectedpermanently in special theatres: it is nowthe tables that travel to the equipment andnot the reverse! “We save time, it is morereliable and more efficient as we can be surethat the investigation equipment is in thetheatre, ready and connected.”As for the nurses, they wouldn’t go backto using fixed tables for anything in theworld. The ease in transporting patients hastransformed their working day, sparing thema great deal of effort in taking patients alongthe main corridor in the JYZ: 120 metres long!But this transfer system has other advantagestoo. It limits the risks of contaminationby taking hospital trolleys and beds out ofthe surgical wing. It also enables the theatrecleaning time to be greatly reduced as it isleft completely empty.“This system has made our work mucheasier. It is an advantage both for the staffand the patient”. It also enables roomoccupancy rates to be considerablyimproved.“This new system has helped us to optimisetime and space” he told us. Lastly,“in terms of hospital management, a fixedsystem is no good at all.When table technology changes, the newsystems are no longer compatible: weare stuck with this fixed column” he said.Mobile and versatile, the Cmax-T tables are,in contrast, a sound investment which caneasily accommodate change.The Jan Yperman CHR, named in honour of the great Belgian surgeon, was created by the mergingof three hospitals. It has a 560-bed capacity, 80 of which are for out-patients. The surgicalwing has 9 theatres and 2 reserve theatres. An ambitious renovation and development policywhich has been followed since 2002 has made it one of the jewels in the crown of the Belgianhealth system.3

HIMAX and ORT 8000BHD 360° integrated theatresNEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENTSSURGICAL TECHNOLOGYHIMAX AND ORTHOMAX TABLESORT 8000 B EXTENSIONAUTOMATICCLAMPSSterisHD 360°INTEGRATED THEATRESHigh achievers in orthopaedics In one click The future is simpleIn the MAX family, I want… the versatileorthopaedic table!The new HIMAX table is resolutely generalpurpose. Its multi-section platform is suitablefor all surgical specialities, including the newMIS surgical procedures (minimally invasivesurgery). And yet, it easily converts into a specialistorthopaedic table, and with the ORTHOfittings, it becomes ORTHOMAX, the idealpartner for the orthopaedic surgeon. Higherthan usual (1,140 mm), it is designed to be usedfor the main applications in this specialist area.It demonstrates the ergonomic features andthe reliability which are standard in all the MAXtables: record patient weight capacity (500 kgcentred on the column/270 kg all positions),compact base for excellent access when operating,designed for easy cleaning.Innovative, the ORT8000B multi-applicationextension offers unparalleled ease of operationfor all traumatology operations on lower limbsand even for anterior hip prosthesis fitting. Its3D bars enable the patient’s lower limbs to bemanipulated in three dimensions up to 45°.The new <strong>STERIS</strong> automatic clamps are lockedin one movement. A speed which does nothinder their versatility: they can hold a widevariety of accessories in position, includingtraction systems, in complete safety.Available in Standard (reference TAB 740),Rotating (TAB 741) and Rotating for squares(TAB 742) versions.<strong>STERIS</strong> is launching integrated theatre solutionsdesigned for different surgical specialities.These complete solutions allow you to simplifyyour everyday working life, benefit from highdefinitionimages and to completely transform youroperating theatres! To meet the specific requirementsof your speciality, the HD 360°solutionsuse the most advanced technology: latest generationLED lamps, HD cameras, surgical qualityflat screens, centralised touch-screen control…Our solutions are complete, but also compatiblewith all standards, able to carry all types of signalsin their original format; they will send an optimumquality image, regardless of who supplied yourendoscopy or medical imaging equipment. Readyfor the future and modular, your HD 360° theatrewill evolve with your requirements, integratingnew technologies: video recording, wall-mountedscreen, video conferencing, etc. In <strong>STERIS</strong>’sopinion, an excellent product is nothing withoutexemplary service. Our teams have an excellentknowledge of integration technologies and guideyou throughout the entire project, from definingyour requirements right up to training the teams,via the design and commissioning of the installation.SUBSCRIPTION IS EASY AND FREEDoes one of your colleagues want to receive this newsletter?You just need to send a request to: contact_sst@steris.comEditorial teamJean-Marie POUSSOTDrafting teamKarine THIBOEUFDraftingJuliette LAUZACProductionATmedia<strong>STERIS</strong> : www.steris-st.com4

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