IC 8225 - State of Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral ...

IC 8225 - State of Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral ...

IC 8225 - State of Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral ...


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The following is a typical schedule or wntractfor the purchase <strong>of</strong> wpper ores <strong>and</strong>concantratas.SCHEDULE OF PR<strong>IC</strong>ES, PENALTIES, ANDDEDUCTIONS~FOR A TYP<strong>IC</strong>AL COPPERSMELTERChar €3%aak treatment Ore: 59.50per short dry ton <strong>of</strong> orechargeperton. baaed on a copper content <strong>of</strong> 12rwcent or lea For each 1*cent that the wpper contentis in excess <strong>of</strong> 12 percent,hcreaae the haae charge by$0.50 per short dry ton up to amaximum baae charge <strong>of</strong> $13.50per short dry ton, fractions inproportion. Concentraten:$13.50 oer shon drv ton <strong>of</strong>2,000 p;unds.H<strong>and</strong>ling charge Charge $1.50 per ton for materialper ton. received in bags or other containm.Freight <strong>and</strong> ad- Seller shall reimburse buyer forvancea. freight paid <strong>and</strong> advances madeto seller or for seller's account.Payments:Gold.. .Silver-.If .03 <strong>of</strong> a troy ounce per shortdry ton or over,percent <strong>of</strong> the g o P d " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~the net price realired by theU.S. Miit on the 15th dayfollowing the date <strong>of</strong> arrival <strong>of</strong>product at buyer's smelter.If one troy ounceton or over, pay E9"5hgc%<strong>of</strong> the silver content at theH<strong>and</strong>y & Harman New Yorksilver uotations as ubliahedin theEngineerihg & MiningJournal, averaged for thecalendar week following thedate <strong>of</strong> arrival <strong>of</strong> product atbuver's nlant. The amount <strong>of</strong>sil;er retained by buyer <strong>and</strong>not paid for will be a minimum<strong>of</strong> 1 troy ounce per short dryton.Copper ........ Deduct from the wet way 1.3units <strong>and</strong> pay for 100 percent<strong>of</strong> the remaining copper at thedaily net export refinery quotationsfor electrolytic wirebars, aa published in the Engineering& Mining Journal,averaged for the calendar weekfollowing the date <strong>of</strong> amval <strong>of</strong>product at buyer's smelter,lees a deduction <strong>of</strong> $0.03 perpound,copper paid for. Noth-In pad for copper if less than1.8 percent by net assay.No payment will be made for any metal or contentexcept aa above specified.Penalties per ton <strong>of</strong> ore:Arsenic --...... Allow 1 percent free, charge forexcess at 51.00 per unit.Antimony ...... Allow 1 percent free, charge forexcesa at $1.00 per unit.Bismuth --..... Mow .05 percent free, eharge forexcesa at $0.50 per unit.THE INDUSTRY, 259Settlement:Buyer will make 80 percent advance <strong>of</strong> the net estimatedsmelter value <strong>of</strong> product within 10 da s afterarrival at buver's smelter. Buver will m% caahGttleieit &.all shipments on the earliest practicaldate following the obtaining <strong>of</strong> all necessary information.Refined Copper.-Copper fabricators providethe principal domestic market for refined wpperroduced in the United <strong>State</strong>s. At times the1 raas-m . ot makers are in the market for refinedwoner.%ut . --, their needs usudv " are filled fromthe scrap market.The market for refined wmer in the Unitedstates wnsists <strong>of</strong> a limited bber <strong>of</strong> buyers.Princi~al users are the fabricators afliliatedwith the lar e producers, the independent fabricators,an k' the large electrical manufacturers.The independent fabricators <strong>and</strong> electricalmanufacturers buy directly from the largeproducers, their selling agents, <strong>and</strong> from timeto time on the open market.More than 60 percent <strong>of</strong> the wpper deliveredby the refineries is as wirehars. Cakes, cathodes,<strong>and</strong> bidets make up the next largestpups, with about 10 percent each. Ingots,mgot bars, <strong>and</strong> other shapes wmprise theremainder.Copper usually is sold on 30- to 90-daydeliveries from the refineries <strong>and</strong> priced durine:the month <strong>of</strong> shipment. Copper producerih<strong>and</strong>le their transactions with the consumersthrough their sales agents which, in the case<strong>of</strong> the large producers, are usually subsidiariesor affiliated wmpanies. American Metal Climax,Inc., <strong>and</strong> American Smelting <strong>and</strong> RefiningCompany, both custom smelters <strong>and</strong>rehers, are the principal independent selliigorganizations. Adolph Lewisohn Selling Corp.,also is an important seller <strong>of</strong> wpper, acting asthe sales agent for the Tennessee Copper Co.Division <strong>and</strong> Miami Copper Co. Division <strong>of</strong>Tennessee Corp. Calumet & Hecla, Inc.; COper Range Sales Co.; <strong>and</strong> International Miner && Metals Corp. are other notable primarywpper sellers. Table 73 shows the principalsellers <strong>and</strong> br<strong>and</strong>s <strong>of</strong> wpper sold in the United<strong>State</strong>s.Prices.-There are various price quotationsfor wppcr. In the United <strong>State</strong>s, the threemain ones are the U.S. roduccrs price, thecustom smelter price, an t' the Engineering &M i g Journal quoted price. There are alsothe New York Commodity Exchange price <strong>and</strong>the American Metal Market price. Co perprices are expressed in cents a pound an arequoted for the ordinary forms <strong>of</strong> wirebars <strong>and</strong>ingots; cathodes sell at a diswunt <strong>of</strong> 0.125 <strong>of</strong> acent per pound, <strong>and</strong> small Merentids exist fort'

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