Sophus Lie, the mathematician

Sophus Lie, the mathematician

Sophus Lie, the mathematician


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Example.Consider <strong>the</strong> differential equationThe equation can be writtendy y + x(x 2 + y 2 )dx -x y(X 2 + y 2 )xdzThe left hand side equals tan a where a is <strong>the</strong> angle at (x, y) between<strong>the</strong> integral curve through (x,y) and <strong>the</strong> radius from (0,0) to (x,y).The right hand side depends only on <strong>the</strong> distance from <strong>the</strong> origin so<strong>the</strong> angle a is constant on <strong>the</strong> circle with center (0,0) passing through(x, y). Consequently, <strong>the</strong> rotation groupfor whichOt : (x. y) -- (x cos t - y sin t, x sin t + y cos t)T = -y&/&x + xz/dyas an inte­leaves <strong>the</strong> equation stable. The <strong>the</strong>orem gives (x 2 + y 2 ) - 1grating factor to <strong>the</strong> original equation.Ano<strong>the</strong>r example is <strong>the</strong> equationdu(d2v)2which occurs as an example for different purposes in a paper [17] byHilbert. Cartan in [6. 7] showed that this equation has <strong>the</strong> exceptionalgroup G2 as a stability group (transformations in <strong>the</strong> independent variablex and dependent variables u and v allowed). See Anderson, Kamranond Olver [1] for a modern treatment.Generalizations of <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>orem above to systems ([21]) led <strong>Lie</strong> todevelop a <strong>the</strong>ory for r-parameter local groups of transformations in R':T(t): i = fi(Xl .. ,n; tl,... tr) (t) = (tl t,). (5)Here it is assumed that <strong>the</strong> fi are analytic functions, depending essentiallyon all <strong>the</strong> ti and thatT(o) = I, T(t)o T(s) = T(U), (6)IZ

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