Novara Environmental Statement 2007 English MEMC-NO ...

Novara Environmental Statement 2007 English MEMC-NO ... Novara Environmental Statement 2007 English MEMC-NO ...


Silicon and itsapplicationsMicroelectronic-solar silicon flow chartSilicon is a chemical elementthat is a semi-conductor in itscrystalline form; as such it fi ndsapplication in the microelectronicsindustry, as a base on which tocreate integrated circuits (chips),that is to say those electric devicesthat, by processing and/or storing data, are fundamentalfor the correct operation of all ofthe electronic equipment usedin industry and our daily lives.Crystalline silicon is also increasinglyused in the fi eld of solar photovoltaicsto produce photovoltaiccells capable of transformingsolar energy into electric power.However, although silicon is thesecond most abundant elementavailable on our planet after oxygen,in nature it is always boundwith other elements: in quartz forexample, in which it is bound withoxygen, or in silicate mineralsin which it is bound with variouselements (magnesium, aluminium,sodium and many others).Silicon can only be obtained bymeans of industrial processesas described in the fl ow chartshere below.MineSilicastoneSemiconductorapplicationsMetallicSilicaRefiningPolycrystalline siliconsolar productsTrichlorosilaneDepositionPolycrystallineSiliconMeltingSinglecrystalline siliconsolar productsAddition of Boron,Phosphorus or ArsenicSinglecrystallineSiliconSlicingIC chipSinglecrystallineWaterSolar cellSolar cell module6

A look at the historyThe construction of the MEMC sitewas started in 1976. In the followingyears the site grew at Novarawith the construction of new offices and productive departments.October 2001, the group E.ON Agsold the ownership to a new majorshareholder, an American investmentcompany called Texas Pacific Group.MEMC’s commitment toenvironmental protectionEnvironmental protection activitieshave been an important commitmentfor MEMC for some time nowand the company has completedvarious environmental improvementprojects over the last two decades,as described here beside:1990 elimination of ozone depletingsubstances1993 aquifer monitoring and decontamination1995 monitoring and decontaminationof acquired areas withground contaminated by pastprocesses1996 creation of own waste treatmentplant and expansion ofacid fumes abatement plant,completed in 20001998 reduction of specific energyand water consumption andreduction in the amount ofwaste produced, as well ascurbing polluting emissions tothe atmosphere and in surfacewater1999 awarded ISO 14001 certificationfor the EnvironmentalManagement System2002 registration on the EMASregister2005 soundproofing of fan ventslocated on the south side ofthe plant2006 an external company specialisedin the energy industrystarts and completes the constructionof a trigenerationplant on a piece of groundlocated behind the factory,providing almost all of theenergy needed to meet thefactory’s energy requirements.Novara trigeneration plant7

Silicon and itsapplicationsMicroelectronic-solar silicon flow chartSilicon is a chemical elementthat is a semi-conductor in itscrystalline form; as such it fi ndsapplication in the microelectronicsindustry, as a base on which tocreate integrated circuits (chips),that is to say those electric devicesthat, by processing and/or storing data, are fundamentalfor the correct operation of all ofthe electronic equipment usedin industry and our daily lives.Crystalline silicon is also increasinglyused in the fi eld of solar photovoltaicsto produce photovoltaiccells capable of transformingsolar energy into electric power.However, although silicon is thesecond most abundant elementavailable on our planet after oxygen,in nature it is always boundwith other elements: in quartz forexample, in which it is bound withoxygen, or in silicate mineralsin which it is bound with variouselements (magnesium, aluminium,sodium and many others).Silicon can only be obtained bymeans of industrial processesas described in the fl ow chartshere below.MineSilicastoneSemiconductorapplicationsMetallicSilicaRefiningPolycrystalline siliconsolar productsTrichlorosilaneDepositionPolycrystallineSiliconMeltingSinglecrystalline siliconsolar productsAddition of Boron,Phosphorus or ArsenicSinglecrystallineSiliconSlicingIC chipSinglecrystallineWaterSolar cellSolar cell module6

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