Novara Environmental Statement 2007 English MEMC-NO ...

Novara Environmental Statement 2007 English MEMC-NO ... Novara Environmental Statement 2007 English MEMC-NO ...


LOCAL ACTIVITIESAn indirect environmental aspectthat has considerable significance is the one generated bycommunication activities towardsexternal interested parties. In factthese are specifi ed in the annualexternal communication plans forthe sensitisation of an increasingaudience for the importance ofthe environment. In the course of2007, the following communicationand awareness enhancingactivities were planned and carriedout, addressed to the externalcommunity, aimed at informingan increasing number of peopleon the importance of this topic:divulgation of the annualupdate of the 2005-2006Environmental Plan throughits Intranet and Internetposting (in Italian and English),and dedicated meetings toinform clients;high school visits to the facility;divulgation of the annual updateof the 2006 EnvironmentalPlan tocthe external communityby email;participation in post-graduationmaster courses on EnvironmentalManagement Systems;assistance in the writing of adissertation on MEMC’sEnvironmental ManagementSystem;collaboration with competentbodies and nearby enterprisesin the drafting of an informationleafl et addressed to the externalcommunity on the proceduresand behaviours to adoptin case of emergency.INDIRECT ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTSOUTSIDE CONTRACTORS ACTIVITIES IN SITEMaintenance and civil construction contractorsCleaning contractors and canteen servicePRODUCTS AND SERVICES PURCHASINGRecovery/disposal of waste (hazardous and not hazardous)Raw material purchasing (silicon bars and dopants)Hazardous chemical purchasingNot hazardous product proceding (chemical and not)Electrical energy and steam purchasingOil purchasingMethan purchasingEXTERNAL TRASPORTATIONHazardous waste and sludge from waste water facility trasportationNot hazardous waste trasportationRaw material trasportation (silicon bars and dopants)Hazardous chemical product trasportationNot hazardous product trasportation (chemical and not)Product trasportation (silicon wafer)People trasportationMEMC SILICON WAFER TRANSFORMATION AND USAGESilicon wafer transformatione made by the customersChips usageChips disposalFotovoltaic cellsSilicon steel for laminationProduct contains silicon chipPackaging used to contain silicon wafersACTIVITIES FOR OUTSIDE COMUNITYComunication/sensibilationEconomic and social contribution✖ very significative ✖ significative ✖ not significative✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖36

09EnvironmentalImprovement Actions:“THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM”The following is a summary of the2007 environmental program withthe results achieved at the end ofthe year. When the result achieveddiffers from the target setthe value of said result is shown,otherwise achievement of the targetis confi rmed by the words targetachieved. Each environmentalaspect is also marked with anicon, the colour of which indicatesthe level of importance of the impactassessed in 2007.SUMMARY OF 2007 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMThe following table illustrates the2008-2011 environmental improvementprogram.ObjectiveArea involvedImprovement actionTargetResultachievedNotesEnergy consumption - standard conditionsReduce energyconsumption in the pointsof usePLANTS: Optimisation of compressedair production plant with newcompressorDIRECT ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS- 1.000.000 kWh/year(- 250 ton/year)TargetachievedPLANTS: Improve energy performancewith the production of electricity, steamand frigories by means of atrigeneration plant.- 5000 ton/year- 4400ton/yearPAS: Make personnel aware of theneed to reduce energy consumptionConduct meetingswith all personnelTargetachievedMeetings were held withpersonnel and posters weredisplayed on the notice boardsshowing ways of savingenergyWater consumption: 2nd aquifer - standard conditionsReduce the consumptionof water from thesecond aquiferPOLISHING: Reduce consumptionof water from the second aquiferthrough reduced consumption of D.I.-10%TargetachievedConsumption of auxiliary production materials - standard conditionsReduce consumptionof auxiliary productionmaterialsMODIFICATION: Reduce consumptionof acetic acid, KOH for conventionalungluing cutting-50%Targetachieved37

09<strong>Environmental</strong>Improvement Actions:“THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM”The following is a summary of the<strong>2007</strong> environmental program withthe results achieved at the end ofthe year. When the result achieveddiffers from the target setthe value of said result is shown,otherwise achievement of the targetis confi rmed by the words targetachieved. Each environmentalaspect is also marked with anicon, the colour of which indicatesthe level of importance of the impactassessed in <strong>2007</strong>.SUMMARY OF <strong>2007</strong> ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMThe following table illustrates the2008-2011 environmental improvementprogram.ObjectiveArea involvedImprovement actionTargetResultachievedNotesEnergy consumption - standard conditionsReduce energyconsumption in the pointsof usePLANTS: Optimisation of compressedair production plant with newcompressorDIRECT ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS- 1.000.000 kWh/year(- 250 ton/year)TargetachievedPLANTS: Improve energy performancewith the production of electricity, steamand frigories by means of atrigeneration plant.- 5000 ton/year- 4400ton/yearPAS: Make personnel aware of theneed to reduce energy consumptionConduct meetingswith all personnelTargetachievedMeetings were held withpersonnel and posters weredisplayed on the notice boardsshowing ways of savingenergyWater consumption: 2nd aquifer - standard conditionsReduce the consumptionof water from thesecond aquiferPOLISHING: Reduce consumptionof water from the second aquiferthrough reduced consumption of D.I.-10%TargetachievedConsumption of auxiliary production materials - standard conditionsReduce consumptionof auxiliary productionmaterialsMODIFICATION: Reduce consumptionof acetic acid, KOH for conventionalungluing cutting-50%Targetachieved37

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