Novara Environmental Statement 2007 English MEMC-NO ...

Novara Environmental Statement 2007 English MEMC-NO ...

Novara Environmental Statement 2007 English MEMC-NO ...

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Outside noiseThe environmental impact ofnoise on the surrounding areaswas measured in equivalent noiselevels expressed in decibels,along the facility’s boundaries.The <strong>MEMC</strong> facility is likely to havebeen included in Class VI, “ExclusivelyIndustrial Areas”, for whichthe daytime and night-time noiseoutput limit is set at 65dBA, and thenoise input limit is set at 70dBA.In 2005, many actions has beenput in place, aimed at reducingnoise emissions produced bythe plant in points where previousnoise readings had exceeded65dBA (and were inany case lower than the 70dBAdaytime and night-time limit imposedby previous legislation).The points in question were positionedalong the facility’s southernboundary, where the epitaxy department’sextraction ventilatorsand air conditioning system arelocated, which create noise levelsof close to 70dBA, in close proximityto the boundary.<strong>MEMC</strong> layout whit outside noise levelsValues of outside noise levels are measured in 200660,569,564,061,057,560,0 64,0CaptionNoise samples(during daytime) in dBANoise intput limit 70 dBA65,0Updated results are awaited forthe acoustic impact determinedby the trigeneration plant, currentlybeing defi ned with the plantrunning at full capacity. Consequently,the factory fl oor plan63,067,564,068,059,061,067,5 66,5N57,059,058,058,0shown is marked with the mostup to date noise values available,detected at the boundariesof the grounds and determined by<strong>MEMC</strong> activities.Significance of indirectenvironmental aspectsThe following table summarisesthe activities that, based on asignifi cance valuation of indirectenvironmental aspects, lead to orcan lead to signifi cant indirect environmentalimpacts.ACTIVITIES THAT ARE SUBCONTRACTED ON THE SITEWith regards to companies thatoperate on the site, all personnelbefore starting work receive hazardinformation, as well as whatto do during their working activitiesto assure personal safety andenvironmentalprotection.The dangerous substances usedby contractors and the wastesproduced during their working activitiesare controlled and specifi cinstructions are provided for theuse of proper containment areasto avoid any risk of contamination.The behaviour of employeesof external companies in terms ofenvironmental safety is verifi edby a periodical audit. The resultcontributes to the assignment ofclassifi cation points to the contractor.PROCUREMENT OFPRODUCTS AND SERVICESA considerable change was madeto the factory’s source of supplyin <strong>2007</strong>: a trigeneration plant,owned by the company and managedby a third party, was putinto service. Said plant burns naturalgas instead of fuel oil in thecombustion reaction, producinga far lower quantity of pollutantscompared to the amounts producedby plants using liquid orsolid fuels. This has resulted in adecrease in the indirect environmentalimpact related to emissionsto the atmosphere derivingfrom energy consumption. However,this plant also affects otherindirect environmental aspects,such as: Energy Consumption,Water Consumption, Consumptionof Auxiliary materials, Fluiddrainage, Emissions to the atmosphere,Smells, Outdoor Noise,Ground contamination in emergencysituations, Non-ionizing radiation,Soil consumption, Visualintrusion, Effects on biodiversity.The correct management of saidenvironmental aspects is controlledby means of periodic auditsheld at the plant, by which anyimprovement action to be takento limit associated impacts can beidentifi ed.34

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